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Just Me , nothing else to see,..
Do you believe that Jesus could have been an Alien, ?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy does not one Liberal who is up for Election run on Health Care, did they not spent a whole year on that?
And not even one Democrat is running on that, I thought that was their big accomplishment in 2010?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow do I go back to a Restore point to an earlier date on XP Fire Fox?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoWhy do schools in Boston not allow kids to say the pledge of Allegiance in class room, they have to ?
Say it in the Lobby, if they want, but not mandatory, but they will be by themselves , Teachers are not going to participate!!
In the Lobby is a basket with Condoms, they are free to help themselves!
What is wrong with our country?
10 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoAnyone who knows the Bible well, did it say anywhere that in the 'Last days, your oceans will turn red?"?
The Gulf has taken on the color of a Rusty Red, like old blood, for miles and miles, and it used to be blue, and it is spreading!
That is what my mechanic says, he says all the predictions in the Bible about the last days are coming true!
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy does George Sores, who is a multy Million Billionaire want Socialism for the US, Sores shares nothing?
of his Wealth, lives like a recluse, and gives nothing to Charity, yet he wants the Wealth in America to be distributed, who is this guy anyway, is he an American? They say he is behind Obama, and a total left wing Liberal, so why is he not sharing his Socialistic Wealth?
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWas there not any kind of Inspection on the oilriggs in the last year, should they not be constantly overseen?
By a safety team?
And how come all three safety measures failed simantanuously?
And why did BP and the Government not have a worst case Scenario, just in case of the worst, and the worst just happened!
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhat is the difference between Blagovitch selling his, and somebody from Obama Adm. selling Sestak?
high Posistion in the Navy, would he not run for election against Spector!
After all both were not selling for money, but high posistion, and since Blago is facing Fereral prison, for his deal, are they not both illegal?
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhat would happen if under oath, Sestak says that Obama offered him a Sec. of the Navy job, exchange for ?
dropping out against Arlen Specter, today at the Conference Obama stuttered and changed the subject immediately when asked about that, and Obama said there was nothing transgressional about the offer, I can assure you, he said!
Yet even on Larry King, Jim Carville a Dem, said it needs to be investigated because it had criminal consequences!
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWho in the Obama ADM. would have the authority to offer Joe Sestak a job in the White House if he skipped?
a primary challenge to Sen. Arlen Specter., ?
And why did Sestak spill the beans on that White House job offer, would he have not told to be quiet about that?
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy do the Liberal woman in the White House all look like they had a bowl haircut, are they so short ?
on time while spending our hard earned money that they just stick a bowl on their head, and snip with scissors along the edges?
Or is it a statement they are making with those haircuts?
6 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoDo you support the 58 Billion Greek Bail Out plan, what about us, don't most Citizens need bail out ourselves?
Who do we bail out next? Spain, Ireland,? They are in dire straights, and who will bail out the USA when we becomes bankrupt?
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs Sarah Palins Revenge against the Libs that she is turning the Tea Party into a Formidable Force to ?
be reckoned with, like a Regimented Army who has only one Vision in mind, get rid Obama and his lefty whacky Congress?
And she is doing it, she is firing up America, like no woman has ever done before?
8 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoEric Holder said that if Osama Bin Laden was caught today, he should have his Miranda rights, and be tried?
In a Civilian court, as all terrorists have rights before being convicted, so even if they confess, they still have rights?
Do you blame the 9/11 victims who have lost friends and family for being so furious? And in all polls most Americans think Terrorists who want to kill us have no right!
Just saw that on "Your world today"!
19 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoObama promised this morning 98,000 jobs per month, starting now, so that is a million+ every year?
For the next 2 years
On what actual facts can he make such assumptions,?
16 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoRecord breaking snowstorm in Wash. Dc. another one on the way, to dump another 3 feet of snow, freezing ?
winds up to 60 miles an hour,
Since this has been the coldest winter ever in the History of the USA, will Al Gore now call for a Global freezing?
4 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoObama holds a different speech,every day in a different State, has any other President had that much to say?
And get that little done, ?
Were Bush and Clinton on TV 24/7..?
14 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDo you think Obama is going to take responsibility for failures in his first year of presidency tonight?
Or is he going to be cocky and blame that on what he inherited, namely the last 8 years of Bush?
I heard on CNN that should Obama mention Bush again would be a very bad mistake,
Imagine CNN saying that,.
14 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat do you think of Robert Gibbs saying that 53 minutes was enough to get info out of the Christmas day?
Bomber, when we could have interrogated that guy for days on end, how can under one hour be enough, specially since that guy was drugged up for his burns?
When do you think Terrorist interrogation is enough, is it ever enough
7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago