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  • html / css problem - 3 divs in a container div?

    I'm Trying to put 3 divs inside of one container div, but only the first goes in, and the other 2 get wrapped to the next vertical level, which is outside of the container. I've been trying everything I can think of, plus Googling everything I can find, but still no relief on this issue. I've been on it for 3 days now. Here's a brief synopses of my code...

    <style type="text/css">

    #container {

    position: relative;

    top: -30px; /* necessary for layout */

    background-color: #0000ff;

    border-bottom-color: #00ff00;

    height: 800px;

    width: 100%


    #box1 {

    position: relative;

    top: 5px;

    left: 0%;

    background-color: #00006f;

    height: 99%;

    width: 12%;


    #box2 {

    position: relative;

    top: 5px;

    float: left;

    /*left: 12%; */

    background-color: #0055FF;

    height: 99%;

    width: 58%;


    #box3 {

    position: relative;

    top: 5px;

    float: left;

    /* left: 77%; */

    background-color: #3f003f;

    height: 99%;

    width: 12%;





    <div id="container">

    <div id="box1">


    <div id="box2">


    <div id="box3">


    </div> <!-- Ends (container) -->


    Any help greatly appreciated !!!

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Windows Vista - virus has hidden photo folders?

    I have a computer in my shop with Windows Vista on it that has been virused. Odd thing, after removing the viruses, all PUPs, the computer runs again, but the photo files will only show up in Media Player. When a search was done to locate the folders, the search concluded that the photos were still in "Users/owner/photos" but when I went there, several files were missing, so I went back to the search page and copied all the files and created a new folder to put them in in "My Docs". When I pasted the files into the new folder, there was nothing showing, but when I went to paste them in again, I was told that the photos were already there.

    I ran another search for another missing photo folder and the search results were the same. It gave the same location as before, and when I went there, the folder was not there. So I went back once again and copied the individual files from the "search" results, and went to paste them into the new "My Docs" folder.

    Again, the pasting did not produce visible results, but when I went to repaste them into the folder again, I was promped that the folder already contained these filese. "Right clicking then selecting "Properties" resulted in being told once again that the folder was empty, yet it now contains 2 folders of photos. I am completely stumped!!!!!!!!!1

    Anyone got any ideas here?

    I would like to just "Killdisk" the drive, but the owner does now want to lose all these photos. He guesses that there are several gygs of photos that will only show in "Media Player", which I cannot verify since I cannot not even prove the existance of these photos anywhere except in Media Player.

    I need some way to extract these photos, even though they "don't exist!"

    (I also fear that these photos are carrying some virus that has not yet been detected.) The computer does not run right, and undoubtably the hard drive needs to be reformatted to reinstall windows entirely, but the owner wants to save these photos first.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Is it possible to get IP Addresses of computers logging into my facebook account?

    I got a notice recently ( Saturday) that my Facebook account had been opened by a computer that was not mine. I have not been on FB for months, so it couldn't have been me. I have a sneaking suspicion I know who did it, but I need the IP Address from the offending computer to know for sure. Any help in this situation will be greatly appreciated. I will give additional info if needed, though I don't have much yet...

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • How do I make an "Undo" button in Visual Basic 2008 for a user controlled graphics screen?

    I'm using a PictureBox, with a DataGridView to put the x & y coordinances in. I'm using the TryParse method to record them, so they can be saved. I have not found any good examples of an "Undo" button anywhere on the 'net' for the undo button. The screen will save a line, or graphic made once applied, even if you remove it from the datagridview. In the event of a 'missed' line', where the line does not connect where it's supposed to, I need to be able to remove it. Here's a section of the code I'm using...

    Public Class Form1

    Dim canvas As Bitmap

    Dim gfx As Graphics

    Sub New()


    Me.DoubleBuffered = True

    Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    canvas = New Bitmap(Me.ClientSize.Width, Me.ClientSize.Height)

    gfx = Graphics.FromImage(canvas)

    Dim p As String = Application.StartupPath & "Test.txt"

    Dim line As String = Nothing

    If IO.File.Exists(p) Then

    Using fn As New IO.StreamReader(p)


    line = fn.ReadLine()

    If Not line = Nothing Then

    Dim s() As String = Split(line, "~")


    End If

    Loop Until line Is Nothing

    End Using

    Me.DataGridView1.Rows(0).Selected = True

    End If

    Me.DataGridView1.Rows(0).Selected = True

    PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Set1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Set1.Click

    For Each i As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.Rows

    With i

    Dim x1 As Integer = .Cells("X1").Value

    Dim y1 As Integer = .Cells("Y1").Value

    Dim x2 As Integer = .Cells("X2").Value

    Dim y2 As Integer = .Cells("Y2").Value

    Dim x11 As Integer = .Cells("X11").Value

    Dim y11 As Integer = .Cells("Y11").Value

    Dim x21 As Integer = .Cells("X21").Value

    Dim y21 As Integer = .Cells("Y21").Value

    Dim x12 As Integer = .Cells("X12").Value

    Dim y12 As Integer = .Cells("Y12").Value

    Dim x22 As Integer = .Cells("X22").Value

    Dim y22 As Integer = .Cells("Y22").Value

    Dim x13 As Integer = .Cells("X13").Value

    Dim y13 As Integer = .Cells("Y13").Value

    Dim x23 As Integer = .Cells("X23").Value

    Dim y23 As Integer = .Cells("Y23").Value

    Dim ParseResult As Boolean = True

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X1").Value, x1)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y1").Value, y1)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X2").Value, x2)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y2").Value, y2)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X11").Value, x11)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y11").Value, y11)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X21").Value, x21)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y21").Value, y21)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X12").Value, x12)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y12").Value, y12)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X22").Value, x22)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y22").Value, y22)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X13").Value, x13)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y13").Value, y13)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("X23").Value, x23)

    ParseResult = ParseResult And Integer.TryParse(.Cells("Y23").Value, y23)

    Dim MyGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)

    MyGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, x1, y1, x2, y2)

    MyGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, x11, y11, x21, y21)

    MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, x12, y12, x22, y22)


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • ASUS motherboard won't go online?

    ASUS board P5N-E SLI

    Says there is no connection to the internet, yet the ethernet cable is in & working. Device manager lists several yellow question marks under "Other devices".

    1.) ? Audio Device on High Definition bus

    2.) ? Other PCI brigde Device

    3.) ? PCI Device

    4.) ? SM Bus Controller

    5.) ? Unknown Device

    6.) ? Video Controller ( VGA Compatible)

    I've downloaded every driver update from ASUS available, but they all came out in some code, & will not install. Have not a clue how to install these , or even if they will solve issue, since they won't install. I burned a cd on my laptop of every update, put it in tower & opened the RAR files, but they were just wierd alpha/numeric codes, & did not install. They cannot be directly installed to the tower, because it does not recognize the ethernet connection. It's hooked to the internet, but it does not know it!

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • ASUS motherboard won't go online?

    ASUS board P5N-E SLI

    Says there is no connection to the internet, yet the ethernet cable is in & working. Device manager lists several yellow question marks under "Other devices".

    1.) ? Audio Device on High Definition bus

    2.) ? Other PCI brigde Device

    3.) ? PCI Device

    4.) ? SM Bus Controller

    5.) ? Unknown Device

    6.) ? Video Controller ( VGA Compatible)

    I've downloaded every driver update from ASUA available, but they all came out in some code, & will not install. Have not a clue how to install these , or even if they will solve issue, since they won't install.

    I really need some help here! PLZ!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • How to make password box that operates?

    I've been trying to make a password box for a website I'm building for a band. I need to know what to code it with so it works. I've looked all over the internet, & can't find a clue on how to do it. I can make the blank form with the password box in it, but have no idea what to do in coding to make it operate. The password box is for "VIP" members only pages. I have never done anything like this before. Any help, even links to help pages would be greatly appreciated! I would like to keep it in html if possible...

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Using arrow keys in Visual Basic code?

    I have a group of textboxes for a tab editor. 6 vertcle, 25 horizonal. ( numeric guitar sheet music) I want to be able to navigate them with the arrow keys. If I number them in chronological order from the bottm left, the up arrow key would be "+1", down arrow key "-1", the left key "-6", & the right arrow key "+6". That way I can navigate any possible way on the array. My question is, "How do I do this in code?". ( I have never had a school coarse of any kind in programming-learning. I'm learning Visual Basic Express at home. It ties in with a chord finder & a scale finder, which display on a fretboard. All that is working.)

    (I'm building this at home for guitar teaching friends.)

    Thanx in advance to all who can help.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Unkillable virus: Returns after reformat, without internet connection?

    I have spent the last 4 nights trying to figure out a way to eliminate this virus from several computers that have come into my shop. ( Yes, I repair computers, I'm no beginner) I have on my bench as I write, 4 computers that have a virus that will not go away! With no internet connection, this virus pops up on the first boot after a total destructive format! It starts by putting pop up windows on the screen that cannot be closed. Eventually ( I have seen this before ) it will "Kill" the hard drive so that it can be erased, but nothing else can be formatted on it. 4 computers this week have come into my shop with virus, so it's circulation must be growing exponentially! Anyone with any idea? PS, this virus does NOT show up in a virus scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first symptom is typically a red dot with a white "X" in it. I now call that the "Death Kiss"

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago