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A couple of questions about Chantix?
How long can you smoke while on Chantix? I know the first week or so you can make while you're waiting for your quit date but how dangerous is it to smoke while you've been on Chantix say like two months?
How dangerous is it to take it for two or three days and then just to up and stop takin' it and go back to smoking again?
Any TRUE information about this would be helpful, I need to know if it's fatally dangerous, or if it's seriously dangerous. Any information on it would help me, thank you.
1 AnswerCancer7 years agoNew Mothers: Is this normal?
My son has just turned eight months old. Lately I've been feeling depressed and scared. First I started fearing that something was going to happen to him. (I fed him VERY carefully so that he wouldn't choke, etc..) And then I started fearing that something was going to happen to me to take me from him. Is this normal? I'm a new mother and it's like I feel as tho' my son is a precious gift and if I am not extremely careful, that gift can be taken away. Or something could happen to me and he is so young, he won't remember me.
By all means, feel free to tell me if this all sounds stupid. But does this sound like post-partum depression? Has anyone else experienced this? And will it go away?
7 AnswersParenting10 years agoComments On Baby's Weight?
My son is going to be six months old tomorrow. At his last doctor's appointment, (4 months) he weighed 17 pounds. I tried my best to breast feed him and was able to for the first month before my doctor told me I wasn't makin' enough milk and I went from having to supliment to having to feed him straight forumla. We buy him Emfamil like anyone else would. He drinks 6 ounces every two and a half-three hours.
My nephew's fiancee had a baby a few months before I had my son in Oct. and so he's a little older and just now at my son's weight. Good for him. They feed him that "Gentle Ease" formula, which I don't know if that has anything to do with it but anyway..
Every single time my sister and my niece come around, they are constantly tellin' me "Wow, he (my nephew's son) is twice your son's age and they are the same weight!!" It got to the point where I was actually worrying over his weight so I asked the doctor. He showed me a chart, Tommy's right in his weight/age bracket.
How do I stop the comments? I've tried all that I know or can think of. I've smiled politely, ignored it. I've out and out told them "I am so sick of hearin' about this." And that I don't care. But it doesn't ever seem to stop. Any ideas?
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoLetting someone else name your child?
Would you ever let someone else name your expectant child? For instance, my son's name is Thomas Alexander - after my fiance's dad. (His name is Thomas.) I already have a nephew named after my dad and my brother is named after him too.. So I told my dad when I have another child and if it's a boy, I'll let him name him. (I already have a lil girl's name picked out) Has anyone else done that? Or somethin' like it?
14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoIs It Time To Call CPS?
I apologize if this is written/submitted into the wrong section.
A woman I know. She has two kids. C.P.S has came in and taken the kids away before. She didn't have custody, was fighting to get them back when I met her. They are said to have all kinds of medical problems. She has Diabetes. As does the oldest child. The kids don't have insurance so to spare medical costs, she gives him some of her insuline (ADULT INSULINE!!) after injecting herself - same needle. The Diabetic child is refused water, food, etc.. for hours. Despite the fact that anybody can tell you that a diabetic patient needs to eat. The other child has heart problems and is said to be underweight, the nurse at the school weighs him frequently, worried over his weight.. I'm guessing she's afraid he isn't bein' fed properly. The "mother" (using the term loosely..ugh..) is soon to be part of our family. Makes things harder but I think these boys deserve better. Is it time? Or is callin' CPS too extreme?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow To Become Less Cynical?
I'm a twenty-nine year old woman and I've recently realized that I'm rather cynical. I have a hard time believing people are genuine and that isn't just certain people I come in contact with - that is a majority. I doubt a lot of things - things that a lot of people think I'm "bitter" or mean for doubting. How does a person become less cynical?
2 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoQuestion About Grammar?
When I was in school, I remember them tellin' us that any name that ended in "s" simply gets an ' at the end of the s, no other s needs to be added.. Well, either the rules have changed or somethin' because I've read in some books where it's different so that's where my confusion lies..
Say, for instance, you have the name Charles. And you're writing somethin' and referring to the man's son. Is it "Charles' " son.. Or "Charles's" son? When do you add the extra 's' and when not to? Thanks in advance for any help given.. =)
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoDo You Think Vampire Stories Would Be Harder To Publish Because.......?
Twilight hit the theatres and book stores and people young and older had a fit over it. They love the characters and the series has brought on a new love for Vampires, prompting a lot of people to "follow in the footsteps" of the Twilight author and write their own stories/books/poetry with Vampires in it.
What I'm wondering is, do you think stories/books/poetry like that would be harder to publish now that it's been so widely done already? Generally speaking publishing houses are lookin' for fresh, new ideas and while these stories/books/poetry aren't carbon copies of Twilight and other Vampire literature, they all have the same basic idea.
6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoNew Century Publishing?
Hello Everyone,
I was on Craigslist earlier. Craigslist is a site that I don't visit regularly. Tonight was probably only the second or third time I'd been on it. I went into "writing" and found the publishing house "New Century" which is located in Indianapolis. They gave a number to contact them to talk about interests in submitting a manuscript to them - I am debating whether I should call them. I've checked them out on the Better Business Breau site and didn't find any complaints about them - I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of them and if so, what positive/negative things have you heard? And if so or if not - is there any other sites I can go to so that I may find more about them? Other than their website?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhere Could My Character Be From?
I'm looking to start a new book. One of my main characters is the Lord in a country. I have all the information written down about the book as far as what's going to happen, how it starts, etc.. But what I'm having a problem with is which country could I have the Lord be from? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoSuggestions on a problem I'm facing?
There's a website that I'm wantin' to put my new book on. The problem is, I don't have a title for the book yet. That usually comes to me after I've written a few chapters to the book. So what should I write when it asks for the title of the manuscript?
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoCellphones. Roaming question?
Is it possible to roam when you're in your own home town, using your cell phone?
For example, if I were sittin' at home talkin' on the phone and called someone else here in Indiana, would I be roaming? Or does it all depend on where the other person is? I've heard a lot about roaming when it comes to cellphones but never understood it. I'd appreciate any help given to me.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWriter's Block? How To Escape It?
I have been writing for a good part of my life. However, it seems as though, for the last few years - I've developed a writer's block.. And I was wondering - after tryin' on my own to escape the problem, have any other writers found ways to get out of the rut that claims your writing?
5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoLaundromats... Who runs them?
What is the person called who runs a laundromat? A store has a cashier... A bank has a teller.. What is the person called who runs a laundromat? Beside being the "owner"?
2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago