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Lv 2781 points


Favorite Answers13%
  • How to delete a previous question?

    So, I want to delete a question I asked around a year ago. It is embarrassing because it is about some girl I was friends with who I cared way too much about. In order to avoid further shame, I would like to rid myself of it. Is that possible?

    Also, please feel free to read it and judge me very critically. I was really immature...

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Abortion - right or wrong?

    Just wanted to spark a debate for some entertainment. Call me a troll, whatever.

    Anyways, abortion. Is it right or wrong why?

    Btw, I think it is very wrong. Completely wrong. Unlawful.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Does anybody else hate ios 7?

    I seriously hate it. There are so many problems. Am i alone? Do you think they will make it better?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Good Bible for annotation?

    I need a good Bible for studying that I can mark up and stuff. It needs a decent amount of space.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why are you actually here?

    I just have an honest question: Why do Atheists spend so much time on this?

    We all know that you think that you are the only people on earth that think logically. We know that you think any type of God is completely ridiculous. You have swarmed enough legitimate religious questions. Please stop.

    So why are you actually here? And don't say it's because you are trying to convince us. Are we not all entitled to our own views? Leave Christian questions alone. Atheism isn't a religion, so why spend so much time in the religion section.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, why is your proof any better?

    For all of you idiots saying that there is no proof of a God, there is proof. Go search it. Obviously you will be whole-heartedly against it, but it is still proof.

    Really, most of you "hardcore" atheists who spend your time accusing Chrisitians with legitimate questions "trolls" don't even know what you are talking about. The only argument you have is saying crap about it being unrealistic to have a God who created us. I agree. It does sound very strange. But why is that any better than a random explosion that created the universe? Please actually sit back and think about why your explanation is better. Implausible creature or implausible explosion?

    There is proof for both of us. I understand that you choose to believe atheistic views and that you are completely close-minded to Christian ideas. Why? You accuse Christians of being close-minded, stubborn sects while you are the same way!

    To the atheists reading this who don't infest the religious section of Answers, constantly trying to spew your weak arguments and opinions on to Christian questions: Thank you! I love you!

    To the atheists who actually use proof that they spent more than 5 minutes thinking up on their own: I also thank you! I don't agree with you or particularly like you answering, but at least you are inteligent.

    I know I have more to say, but I honestly forgot. There is too much. Thank you for your time.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Headphones better than Beats?

    I need some good headphones. A lot of bass. Better than beats. I told my cousin not to get beats, but he demands an example. Save him from wasting money.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • My Apple Earpods always die...?

    My left ear always dies and goes down to about a third of the volume as the right.

    I know this isn't a lot of detail, but does anybody else have this problem?

    Solutions (other than stop buying them, already got that)?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Good, inexpensive earbud headphones?

    I need some quality earbud headphones that are cheap. Good bass and overall sounds quality. And durability. It would be great if they lasted longer than a couple months. Inexpensive.

    And yes, I have looked at some, I have done research, I just want some other opinions.

    5 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Dear Christians- Please Read......?

    First of all, I am a christian, so don't think I am just giving you crap.

    As you all debate atheists, please stop using Bible verses as a defense for God's existence. That is like if one of them was to start quoting a book by a leading atheist (forgive my lack of knowledge on modern atheists) - You wouldn't believe it! You would dismiss it as biased opinion based on false information! This is the same thing they do when you list Bible verses.

    Also, this applies to both Christians, Atheists, and anyone else reading this. Stop debating! If you really think yelling your beliefs at somebody who has opposite beliefs is really going to change their minds, you are just as stupid as you claim your opponent is!

    This is all I have to say. Thank you and good day.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists- can you prove God DOESN'T exsist?

    Prove christians wrong. Please cover all necessary bases.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do only atheists and agnostics browse the religion section?

    I asked a question and had literally no actually religious people answer.

    Haha, wow.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How to discover spiritual gifts?

    Im a christian and was wondering how i find out.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Girls- what do you like in guys?

    Just wondering

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Um, not sure what to do?

    So, today is pretty much the two week anniversary of the end of my friendship with my best friend. It all ended badly. She was ignoring me, she said that our friendship just had to end. She said there were more reasons than just me, so she agreed to talk to me the next day and explain it. I saw her with her friends when we were gonna talk, but i was too nervous to go over and talk to her. (Btw, she wasnt avoiding me, she i guess just wanted to see if i would man up and go over.)

    So then i lied about seeing her. That made her mad. Later that afternoon we texted some more, mostly her hating me and me feeling like trash. So then it was over.

    I know i was extremely stupid about everything. But i am still really sad its over. But my question is: How can i fix this? Or do i need to let it go? I would rather have it fixed than over, if possible. But still, i apparently wasnt the main reason our friendship ended. So im confused. Blah. What should i do?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Best friend crisis. PLEASE HELP!!!?

    Ok, about 5ish months ago I met this girl and we became best friends almost instantly. I seriously have never had a better friend than her. She is super nice, caring, incredible, etc. Pretty much the best friend you could ever want. We were super close, which was crazy since we really have only known each other for a short amount of time. We have had our share of bad times, mostly consisting of me being stupid and making her feel miserable, but we always got through it, even when our friendship nearly completely ended a couple times. So yeah, we are super great friends.

    Until recently. I think it started about last week. She has just been ignoring/avoiding me a ton. We barely saw each other during the day how it was, but now she just avoids me. So I asked what was wrong. I was texting her a bunch (somewhat repeatedly and annoyingly, just cause I wanted to know what was wrong) and asking what was wrong and what I did. I assumed I had done something, why else would she ignore me? I don't know, but anyways, so I would text her, asking what's wrong and what I did. She has responded a couple times and we have had small conversations, consisting of me: What's wrong? her: Leave me alone. me: What did i do?" her: I don't want to talk to you." etc... So then she said that I didn't actually do anything, but she still refuses to talk to me.

    I am pretty much a mess right now. I'm fairly depressed and this has been a horrible week for me. I seriously can't lose her. She means too much to me. What should I do???

    P.S. Yes, I already have asked this, I just wanted more answers from different people. The answers I already got were seriously super helpful, I just need all the help I can get.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago