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LEVEL 5 YESSSSSSSSSS AT LAST!!!!! Update: TOP CONTRIBUTOR HELL YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Update 2: Alright, who thought it was funny here to hack my account and delete my buff guy avatar?


    LOL I was really happy to log on today and see a "Top Contributor" badge on my name on Y!A. So now what do I do?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why won't Yahoo let me check my email today?

    So I come on today and sign into Yahoo Mail, but it keeps on sending me back to the login page with only my Yahoo ID filled out. No matter how many times I've tried retyping in my password, it won't let me log on! And I'm POSITIVE that I've been typing in the right password all this time. I've clicked the "Can't access my account" link multiple times already and have changed my password many times as well, but even after that, I still can't get into my email! I can get onto my Yahoo page, Yahoo Answers, and everything else, but NOT my mail. So can anyone tell me what is going on and how I can fix this problem? Thanks.

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors9 years ago
  • Do you consider Filipinos to be Asian?

    So I recently got into an argument with one of my friends as to what continental nationality Filipinos fall over. I said that Filipinos are considered Asian, but my friend said that they're Pacific Islanders because they're apparently "isolated" from the rest of Asia. One of my Filipino friends also believes he's a Pacific Islander. And around where I live, Filipinos are considered the "most Asian" Asians in terms of stereotypes.

    So what do you think?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why do some people on Y!A ask the same question twice?

    For example, this is the 2nd time I've asked this question. Original question is here:;_ylt=Ag_tH...

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why do some people on Y!A ask the same question twice?

    For example, this is the first time I'm asking this question. Now, doing what some people do, I'll ask this same question again in a few minutes.

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Russians: When you are asked about your national background, do you say "European" or "Asian"?

    National background is different from ethnic background. Ethnic background is your race or ethnicity. National background is where you're from (like what continent or country you're from).

    Just curious to see if Russians have different point of views on their nationality.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Was Charles Dickens racist?

    I know Dickens's birthday recently passed, and everyone in Britian (and others around the world) were celebrating his 200th anniversary, but I later found out that Dickens's was POSSIBLY racist. He had once said, in response to the mutiny in India in 1857, "I wish I were Commander in Chief in India...I should do my utmost to exterminate the Race upon whom the stain of the late cruelties rested..." I'm not sure if I've been mistaken, but he possibly let out his negative thoughts here by saying he wanted to exterminate the Indian race. Now, I may be wrong, but that's possibly what he said. So what do you think? Was Dickens, the great author of many novels, a racist? Or have I been simply mistaken?

    13 AnswersRoyalty9 years ago
  • Is Buddhism an atheistic religion?

    If any of you people ever studied Buddhism, you'll realize that there's an absence of god in that religion. So since Buddhists don't believe in a certain god, does that mean that Buddhism is atheistic?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Who do you think will fight in WW3?


    Allies: USA, Canada, All of Europe, Mexico, India, and Israel

    Opposing powers: China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Has Apple ever thought of suing Google?

    When you look at all of Google's technological products, they're all rip-offs of what was originally Apple products! And people buy them instead because they're more "compatible" and Apple loses business. And if you think it's not copying, then how do you explain Google coming up with a device on Android called "Cluzee" which is just like Siri??

    So anyways, has Apple ever thought about taking Google to court and suing them for copying their ideas?

    5 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • Why do people think that India is located in the Middle East?

    I'm very obsessed with culture and geography, and really don't seem to have a problem with correcting others on where certain countries are located. But what ticks me off the most is when people think that India is in the Middle East. Now, I'm not Indian, but this bugs me, because this just shows complete ignorance. How are the Middle East and India similar in any way, maybe besides the people?

    Everyone I've met either thought that India was the only Hindu country in the Middle East, and cuz of that, it kept on getting bombed, OR people thought that India was a Muslim country and that Indians are terrorists.

    Now, when I tell them that India is located south of China, everyone's all like "REALLY? BUT THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK CHINESE!!" What is with this stupidity and ignorance thinking that just because someone doesn't look like an oriental person, it means they're not part of Asia? The Middle East is actually part of Asia too, but people don't believe it because Asian basically means "oriental" to them.

    So what do you think? Why are people this ignorant to believe in such a false statement?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Poll: If you could create a country, what would its characteristics be?

    Here are some things to include in your answer:


    Climate Range


    Types of landmarks

    Natural Resources


    Race(s) of people


    Type of government

    Name of leader


    Here's an example of how your answer should look like:

    Name: Awesometopia

    Climate Range: -100 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit

    Biomes: Tropical Rainforest, Desert

    Types of Landmarks: Flying tower of spaghetti, The biggest volcano in the world

    Natural Resources: Bones, Gold, Pizza

    Population: Over 9000

    Races of people: Black, white, orange, green, and blue

    Independence: One trillion BC

    Type of government: Democratic Dictatorship

    Name of Leader: Sir Awesome Smith

    Size: One million square miles

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: If you could create a planet, what would its characteristics be?

    Here are some things you might want to consider for you planet:


    Climate range


    Types of Landmarks

    Natural Resources

    Types of Species


    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What were some of the most ridiculous things you heard from someone trying to prove that hip hop is not music?

    Many people today assume that the mainstream rap that is often played on the radio is what hip hop always was: money, hoes, drugs, and sex. Little do they know that hip hop started out very political, and it actually used to have a lot of real meaning to it before it was ruined.

    So for any hip hop fans reading this, what was the most ridiculous thing you heard from someone who hated hip hop who was trying to prove that hip hop was not music? An example is "rappers aren't required to play instruments, which make them untalented." I often hear this a lot, and I'm pretty sure there are many more things out there that people have said.

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago