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  • SPURS... Just that good.?

    Yes they are great. People just seem to mix them up with being dirty because their whole system of play is based on being physical.

    They focus their entire season on how to play in the Finals.

    While other teams like to bask in the spotlight and shows (Lakers, Heat, Dallas), the Spurs keep under the radar working out the bugs in their gameflow. They've been doing this for almost 10 years. They have it nearly perfected. Just because other teams are now getting to that mindset (but can't) they look at the team as bullies. Spurs have done what Chicago (in the MJ era) has accomplished... They establish roles, goals, and identity. No one steps on the other's foot. All egos are checked at the door. They win and lose as a team. Even George Karl said, they play the same way they've played for years. Commentators will tell you, other teams use the Spurs as a gauge. They are simply very good at playing basketball.

    As for SUNS fans... DEFENSE wins championships.

    12 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • For the Christian...?

    Before you go on, remember that Christianity is a 'lifestyle'. It is not relegated to the boundries of Religious practices. It is the founded and structured via the Word of God.

    We are above these vicious attacks of this site. The questions lack no substance, and their only purpose is to stir your emotions with the intent of forcing you to verbalize your strongest opinions without the ingredient of Love. By doing so, it's easy to come off sounding judgmental and double-minded. This counts as a mark to the enemies side of the board.

    I ask that we refrain from speaking on Emotion. I've been on the site for a while (including the off season), and I've realized a couple of things:

    1.Atheist read the Bible (they just don't believe the Word).

    2.The devil always uses God's word as a weapon to test your knowledge. (ref. Adam, Eve, Jesus)

    3.If they can't prove you wrong, they'll pick a fight (ref."playground rules")

    Now, knowing this, don't judge them. Pity them.

    God bless.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Prime Example... (For non-believers and Believers alike)?

    Recently I urged you all to watch out for those 'false Christians'.;_ylt=AhzAH...

    This is an example of why people are so confused about what Christians are. On the outside, the question looks innocent and challenging. But when you research the person, you see that they don't represent Christ whatsoever.

    Athiests, these individuals are you (those who attack believers) are using as examples of Christians.

    My fellow (True) Christians, be careful of who you associate yourself with.

    Warning to all... Look deeper into the actual person if you'd want to see what they REALLY stand for.

    *As for this 'DarthJesus'... Shame on you. You will be judged for this display of disrespect. Those aren't judging words from me, but the bible states that those false believers will be judged. My case against you is over, and I end with a plea for you to repent.

    ~God bless

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Once saved, always saved...?

    Just a clarification for those who inquire about it.

    I am Baptist (religion) but Christian above everything else. I've noticed quite a few questions regarding if it's possible to lose your salvation. The simple answer to that is No.

    Once you are a saved, you are always saved. What confuses people is the fact that they fool themselves into thinking they are truely believers. Just because you go to church, can quote the word, or have your name on a roster doesn't make you saved. Satan knows God's word and demons have entered the santuary before. Christianity is a life style. If you honestly believe and trust, then you will display that love for all everywhere you go (ALL the time).

    If you are really saved, losing it should be the last thing on your mind. If you fear that then you aren't really saved.

    Reason: Jesus knows all. Judas followed him around & Jesus knew he didn't believe. If one falters in their belief, it was known they would.


    UR thoughts?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • All those who attack Christians with the "All Christians.." statement...?

    Don't you realize how wrong you are when you begin statements with "Christians are always..." or "Every Christian.." ?

    Those are falsifying True Christians and can be placed on the same level of racist remarks such as " All Blacks...", or sexist statements. Those are assumptions and don't stand well unless you have been around the world enough times to meet every single Christian.

    Point being, True Christians don't do that. Our purpose is to tell the Gospel to whom we encounter, then leave it up to them to accept or reject. Plain and simple. From there it's up to that person. The next time you feel that you are being judged tell that person that they are making you uncomfortable.

    I'm a Christian. I respect everyone, until they give me a reason not to. I'm not going to shove the Word down your throat, but I will defend it if attacked (which is mostly the case on this site). I will respect you, and you can no longer say Christians are always judging, bcuz I don't.

    Ur Thoughts

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • absolutely amazing...? (Too Deep?)?

    ... how satan has pimped out this world.

    It's unbelievable that people will constantly blame God, like little kids caught playing in the mud trying to justify their own filth. "God did this", "God did that"... or rather "God didn't stop me when I leaped into this dirt so it's his fault" or "God didn't catch me when I jumped so he doesn't exist."

    That's exactly how it sounds. Kids get themselves introuble for their decisions, then blame God. What happened to responsibility? MAN has it all, so he'll do it all thinking "If I get caught, I'll just blame God."

    These are thoughts of the ignorant that will not go unchecked.

    "I didn't know" will not be an acceptable answer.

    Satan will have you looking at everyone except yourself (ref. Adam and Eve's excuses). Blessings for obedience, like punishment for disobedience, should be expected. MAN has the choice to 'not' follow Satan, who is still ticked off cause he lost the fight to God.

    Are you losing your battles in life?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which is worst?

    1. Not being able to stop the sole member on the opposing basketball team that's scoring points...


    2. knowing that if your star teammate doesn't score points you will lose the game?

    17 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Someone asked if GOd requested I do something that I was hesitant in abiding, would I question him....?


    Depends. Job questioned God and himself initially. So did Moses.

    But they went on and did so, and God showed them why he requested they do as he said.

    We are still humans with limit comprehension levels (compared to God), so it's common to question his requests. The point of the matter is will we choose to do so or not.

    CASE and POINT: God is asking you to turn your life over to him. Will you do so?

    UR thoughts?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • The beginning of Sin...?

    Sin was brought in by Satan.

    A lot of people would like to say God "set Adam and Eve up", but that is so far from truth.

    With Adam and Eve, the question you should be asking is why didn't they just obey? They knew God created everything, so his abilities were evident. So why didn't they simply obey was he said. It wasn't about the fruit, nor the tree, nor the garden. He could have said the same about the tree of Life. They disobeyed - plain and simple.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Non-Christians. What's so hard to understand that...?

    Faith is simply allowing God to handle your life? As a newborn baby (infant and also toddler) is dependent on its parent(s) for protection, guidance, and discipline, we are dependent on God.

    Are you looking at it as a form of slavery. If so, then you are wrong because we can choose whatever we'd like to do and if it glorifies God (out of love and respect) it shall be done. If it will harm us done the road, then it won't happen. There is no greater insurance than that.

    Do you think it limits our "freedom of choice"? If so, you are wrong because we can still do anything we like. We are just mature enough to recognize that all that may feel good isn't good for us.

    What is it about faith that you don't understand?

    This is no attack, so those who always feel like "every Christian is judging me", you will know at least 1 who doesn't. I'm curious what it is about Faith that you may not understand.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • There was a question asked of me...?

    "Why do you say the bads things people cause are their own fault but then all the good things that we are responsible for are God's blessings?"

    This is a 2-part issue:

    1>Personally, I don't believe ALL bad things that happen to people are their own fault. A majority is MAN's fault. Things such as illness aren't. I do believe that a majority of the bad things that happen to us are brought on by ourselves or others. For the most part, we can overcome a lot of those issues, by simply making better judgments on how we live our lives. (think of an example yourself)

    2>The other part of this (which is seen through the wording) is that the "good things that we are responsible for" proves my first point. If we make better choices with the things God allowed us to discover then we can make this world a better place and help others.

    Example: MONEY

    Bible says "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil."

    Good Choice> Share the wealth.

    Bad Choice> Horde the wealth.

    Ur thoughts?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For those who don't believe, but like to blame...?

    What benefit (other than avoiding responsibility) do you get by placing blame on God for all the decisions made by man?

    Initially, I thought those of you who did it were just mad, but it seems you seriously try to hold God responsible for Man's decision to use certain drugs to kill babies (ref. the abortion question earlier), the decisions to start a war (which is done to cover up malicious acts done by man), and other things (parents killing kids, loss of loved ones, being homeless, greed, murders, and slothful living).

    No one can justify God doing this. He tells us the same thing he told Cain years back... "If you do good then good things will happen. If you do not do good, sin is waiting to devour you."

    MAN chose not to do good, hince bad things are happening. Plain and simple, Simple and plain.

    ***The crazy thing about it is that the good things God bless us with (medicines, technology, health, clean water, shelter, forgiveness) are being taken for granted.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who do you think will win in a shootout...?

    Jack Baugher ("24" series) or John McClain ("Die Hard" trilogy)?

    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • Who do you think will win in a shootout...?

    Jack Baugher ("24" series) or John McClain ("Die Hard" trilogy)?

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • For those who question the purpose of the LEV. laws and it's purpose...?

    The old laws (referring to those in Lev) cease to be in Acts 10. The purpose of the old laws were to establish GOd's children with an identity - a lifestyle to base their existence on. IF they didn't have it, they would be easily swayed into the lifestyles of those Non-believers that romed the earth also. That's why they had laws for everything from what they ate, to marriage, to how they looked, to specific rituals. The problem was that they isolated themselves from everyone and lived solely on those laws. So much so that when Christ came and show them how they can associate with the world and stay true to who they are, they felt threatened that he would lead them into dropping the laws. -Hopefully you know the story there.

    Anyway, in Acts 10, Peter accepted the fact that whatever God made serves a purpose. with that he went into the Gentile region and taught Cornelius (non-Jew) and many others. Paul carryied on ever further.

    Now there is a purpose for all.

    Ur thoughts?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Okay, Non-believers... a Challenge for you and Satan..?

    If you (to which this applies) are so bent on proving God doesn't exist, try to stop the prophesies (depictions of how the world will come to an end) of famine, war, Anti-Christ, and destructive acts within the family from happening.

    FYI - the Old Testament told of the coming Messiah and how he would die for our sins, but no one could stop it. Try to stop God's Word from fruition, if you dare.

    Think it's possible?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • God is indeed love...?

    The essence of Love is derived from God. This is the true love, known as Agape.

    Even those who don't believe can't help but agree that Love has been taken out of context and misued to the point that one might say that they are a loving slavemaster. Agape love is the true essence of what Love is supposed to be. It is self-sacrificing, humbling, satisfactory, and unlimiting love that God showed us by sending Jesus to die for our sins. That's how love is to be. the love between parent and child, husband and wife, siblings, and neighors.

    God has granted us freewill, but we seem to continue to hurt each other and ourselves. God has granted us air to breathe, but we continue to do everything from pollute the air to worship false idols. God sent his to show us how to encounter Satan's tactics, but we killed him. Worse yet, we disgrace his name and what he stood for. Yet we continue to live with freewill.

    If you've been disrepected like that, could you love?

    UR thoughts?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To believe...?

    I believe that we are here to prove our worth. God has already experienced fellowship with one that turned against him (Lucifer). Now he has created us so that we can fellowship with him. But, before we can, we must show him that we trust him when we can't see him. Also, he allows us to show that we are trustworthy with the things he gives us, as well as showing we place him above those things we desire to have. This proves our faith.

    Most don't believe because they can't get beyond their own limited understanding. They fail to believe that they have purpose. To accept the fact that one will live and die (period) leaves no space for growth and knowledge, as well as purpose. That means the individual has lowered their self to 'below' the level of a leaf. To only believe in what you see allows you to be easily fooled by the illusions of the deceiver.

    Belief in God is more than what you can't see. It's belief that you will become something more... greater.

    Ur thoughts?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Not a question but an explanation, regarding if Christians pick which laws they want to follow...?

    There was a question asked about this recently and examples of the laws (from the book of Leviticus) were given.

    Those laws were given specifically to the Jews so that they may not blend in with the Greeks. It was imparative that they stayed separate so that they would assimilate into the Greeks and their lifestyle. It worked because the Jews because their own people with their own identity.

    If you recall in Acts 10th chapter, God tested Peter on this issue. Peter denied those things that caused him to break those laws, but God told him not to over look the things that God made. This was to prep him for his journey to the home of the Gentile, Cornelius, where he ended up teaching to many. This act erased the notion that "God was only for the Jews." This, though being a good question, is actually pretty easy.

    Ur thoughts?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For non-believers...?

    When you ask these questions (mostly about misunderstood quotes of the bible and assumptions about God), are you really searching for an answer or just trying to prove your lack of biblical knowledge or just trying to get a rise out of us Christians?

    The reason I ask is that I love discussing views about the bible and helping others to understand. I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time with you if you really don't want to know the answer. SO... Are you really looking for an answer? (Yes or No)

    ***For that guy who's using the picture of nick nolte, I'm don't wish to have this space wasted when I could be getting honest responses.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago