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No, I dont know if your pregnant, No, I dont know if___ likes you. No, I wont help you with your homework. Deep thoughts. America's founding fathers were inspired men of god. The constitution was also A divinely inspired document. Conservatism best reflects the founding fathers vision for america. Americans will someday stand accountable before God for how they discharged their political duties. There is only one true church. Each church is different, yet each church claims god's authority, They are all different, and Either only one is true, or they are all wrong, There is only 1 true church. God Lives. We are his children, we are responsible to him for our actions.These things are true Wether or not we accept he is real or not. Just cause you've never seen him, doesn't mean he's not there. I've never seen your brain, but you would probally ask me to accept that it's there, even if U can offer me no proof wouldn't you? Utah was once the greatest state in America.
Strange medical problems, please help?
All of March, I was really sick with bronchitis. I was coughing like crazy. I recovered from all my symptoms around the beginning of April. Except for 1. I've had trouble breathing ever since. I've been coughing and having trouble breathing.
My doctor has began looking into some possibilities to see if he can get me feeling better. I've had a chest xray, it came back normal, as far as I know, I've had covid19 test near the end of March. That returned negative, I had a covid19 antibody test at the end of July. That came back negative.
I'm physically in good shape, I have hiked 4 miles a day 130 times this year so far. And 10 miles 4 times this year. And I can do it pretty fast, but I've felt dizzy. And my heart has felt weak. My mussels cramp a lot. I'm having trouble breathing. I'm not overweight. I'm right where I should be according to weight charts. I have diabetes. But its somewhat under control. My last a1c was a 6.9.
I told my dr. that I had looked up my symptoms and felt like I had at least 2/3rds of the symptoms of congestive heart failure. But he said that the xray showed that my heart was normal size. And he would expect that it would be enlarged if it was congestive heart failure.
I've wondered about possible blood clots,
I just need help. I'm dizzy. Weak,
My Dr tried an albuterol inhaler, and a round of a week worth of a steroid pill to see if that would help my lungs. It did a little. Asprin and ibprophin seem to help a little bit.
1 AnswerHeart Diseases8 months agoQuestion for a locksmith?
There are billions of locks and keys in the world. Is it possible that there are no duplicates. Or are the odds pretty good that any one of the keys I own would open hundreds of different locks throughout the world.
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture4 years agoPhysics question:?
This question asks us to assume some things that are not possible, are possible. First, let's assume that both earth and Pluto stopped moving, and you could find a construction company that could build a pole that went all the way between earth and Pluto. Than let's assume that you had the ability to move that pole. The question is, if you pushed the pole up on earth, so it would bump into Pluto, would the pole immediately bump into Pluto, or would it take a while for the pole to hit Pluto.
I want to know if an action taken 20 light minutes away, would have an immediate affect, or would it take a while for the other end of the pole to bump into its target.
1 AnswerPhysics5 years agoQuestion about bathroom access at work?
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years agowhy does pbs kids not have its old games and shows?
2 AnswersReality Television6 years agotablet says its online but sometimes websites tell me they can't be brought up cause I'm not online?
This mostly happens at work where the internet is not supposed to be able to be accessed without going to a screen first where you click a button saying connect, the first time I got online at work that screen came up by itself and I got online fine, but every time since than that screen has not come up, and my ability too get online at work has been spotty at best. Everything works fine at home though
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agowhat do you do to comfort yourself after a bad day.?
I had a bad day today, I biked to work and had my bike stolen while at work, had to walk home.
While I was at work, my boss caught me stretching out a cramp in my leg, in front of coustomers, and wrote me up for it.
I haven't felt well all day long and have had tummy trouble for which i've spent a good amount of time making trips to the water closet.
Can someone help to make my day better.
10 AnswersPsychology7 years agowhat happens if the power goes out while i'm having my computer backed up using an online back up service?
I'm currently using an online back up service to back up my hard drive, will that back up have to completly start over if the power were to go out.
2 AnswersDesktops7 years agoI'm having trouble filling out my bracket for the yahoo billion dollar challange, it's just not working for me?
I can get to the page where you fill out your bracket, but it wont let me move teams and fill out my bracket, it really wont let me do anything on that page, do I need something special to be able to fill out my brackets there, Is it only doable with a smart phone or something, If so, I'm in trouble, I'm the only person alive who does not own a smart phone.
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products7 years agolegalities of having a bedroom with a furnace?
is it legal to have a furnace in the same room as a bedroom,
If it is legal, Is it a good Idea,
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoweightlifting question?
for about a month now, i've been lifting weights about 4 to 5 times a week, and i've increased the amount of weight I could lift quite a bit in that time, but recently, I went 5 days without lifting at all, and last night when I went to lift weights again, some of the machines I tried, I found I was lifting anywhere from 20 to 40 pounds less than I was just 5 days ago, Is it normal to loose that much strength in just 5 days of not lifting.
1 AnswerOther - Sports8 years agoShould i go to work when I have the deasease pertussis?
I've been sick for a month, and I've been going to work every day, Have not called in sick, I'm just a hard working man, and I don't like putting others out, Over the weekend I found out why I've been sick for a month, Me, and my whole family have pertussis, otherwise known as whooping cough, (it's weird to since every member of my family has been vaccinated for it.
So, the question is, Is it better for me to call in sick, and not risk spreading it to others, and try to get rest and get better faster, Or, Do I just keep going to work, so as to not put others behind on their jobs. There's problems with either staying home, or going to work, but which is worse.
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years agoDuring a mussel cramp, What would happen if,,,?
During a mussel cramp what would happen if you filled a syringe with Gatorade, and injected it directly into the cramping Mussel.
I often drink Gatorade to help with my mussel cramps, and it helps very much, but what would happen if you put it right into the mussel.
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years agowhy are Ron Paul's supporters so crazy?
It seems like Ron Paul's supporters are crazy and fanatical. And it's not just a few of them, it's tons of them. I've talked to some of them who seem to think it's a religious obligation to follow paul, and i've even talked to some of them who think anyone not following paul is a servant of Satan. What causes this level of fanaticism with these people.
I've even seen some of them send letters to talk shows on the radio threatening the talk show host with death, cause the talk show host had something negitive to say about Paul.
4 AnswersCivic Participation9 years agoWhere do Rick Santorum's delegates go now that he's dropped out of the presidential race.?
Do his delegates just go into limbo until every state has had a chance to hold a caucus, or, do they get reassigned now.
2 AnswersElections9 years agoI have a strong desire to be hugged,?
If I could, I'd hug everyone I see every day, male or female. I like female hugs better, but I'll take them from anyone. Is this a sign of a problem. Sometimes, I get nervous, and when I can get a hug from someone, It makes the nervous feelings go away. Hugs are wonderful, and Not always do I use them to relieve nerves, sometimes it's just a nice thing to do.
Is it ok to want hugs from people
6 AnswersPsychology10 years agoI have a strong desire to be hugged,?
If I could, I'd hug everyone I see every day, male or female. I like female hugs better, but I'll take them from anyone. Is this a sign of a problem. Sometimes, I get nervous, and when I can get a hug from someone, It makes the nervous feelings go away. Hugs are wonderful, and Not always do I use them to relieve nerves, sometimes it's just a nice thing to do.
Is it ok to want hugs from people
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years ago