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  • salt and pepper in little shallow bowls?

    Where did this originate where u put yr fingers into these commumal dishes to sprinkle the salt and pepper on yoir meal?

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine7 years ago
  • Is there a transcript of Eliot Rodgers rant from his car?

    That I can print out? I want to analyse it. I have heard other males say similar things. I think relationship skills should be taught in schools.

    5 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Which actors resemble Grace and Ranier and shd have?

    Been in the new Grace film? I think Charlize Theron and Reese Witherspoon. But I cant think of any actor who looks like Ranier. I havent see the film yet, but in my opinion, if the leads dont look anything like Grace and Ranier, how cd it be a successs?

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • When I arrive at a party, the host will introduce me to?

    Their mentally challenged sister/brother/nephew or an elderly relative, and then they will rush off to greet other guests. How do I extricate myself from this person so I can mingle? They usually follow me around like I am now their date/babysitter/carer. I dont like to be unkind. I can get away from drunks who are rambling, by rushing off and leaving them stumbling after me, but I am too quick for them. I can get away from sober folk who corner me to rant about politics, their unhappiness with their jobs or marriage, because I figure they are used to people just walking away. But these fragile others have me stumped.

    4 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Medical.....luckily I have never been on painkillers, but a few of my friends are?

    and I was wondering if they made u cranky. A few of my gal pals have had car/bike accidents or successful operations for cancer and take pain killers when necessary. They seem to be ok one day and then foul tempered the next.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Dogs! when I visit friends who have dogs, they hold the dogs back at the front door, with threats, yelling,?

    And pushing them back with their hands, blocking their escape with their outstretched leg...all the time yelling COME IN, COME IN!! Expecting me to quickly slip by gnashing teeth, claws, dripping saliva, dog hair flying everywhere, while I am carrying gifts, alcohol and my handbag. Sometimes one of the dogs escape down the road and has to be chased for 30 minutes. I wonder why when guests are arriving, that the dogs arent put in another room. I havent said this to any hosts for fear of starting off the visit on the wrong foot. But yesterday the host said LET ME TAKE YOUR BAG! And grabbed my handbag which had food in it, and without taking a step away from the door, plonked ny handbag on the floor and next thing three dogs' snouts were in my bag. I protested and picked it up and he said DONT WORRY, THATS NOT THE SORT OF FOOD THEY LIKE!! There was all saliva and hair in the bag then. I have said stuff to other dog owners and they imply that I am ignorant of dog behaviour.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Yahoo is moving to Dublin, so their?

    Email to me of today 4 Feb 2014 said, and there were going to be some changes. Does anyone know if their policy of unlimited storage is still going to be the way? I read some of their new terms and conditions, but it wasnt clear. Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • I had a beautiful dessert at a wedding, it was a shot glass with I think?

    pomegranate in it, that had had the seeds taken out, and chopped mint was stirred in. I couldn't taste anything besides these two ingredients, but there may have been. How do you remove the seeds for this kind of dish? The dessert was brought out on a wide narrow white serving dish and at one end in its own dish was a small crème caramel, in the middle was the shot glass and at the other end was a miniature chocolate mud cake decorated with a creamy choc mousse swirl on top. This was sitting straight on the serving dish. I would like the recipe for the pomegranate dish please and to know how to get the seeds out. Thank you.

    1 AnswerEntertaining8 years ago
  • What percentage of 900,000 is 490,000?

    And what is the formula for working this out with or without a calculator? Thank you.

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • I saw a girl who had cut herself?

    In a pattern on her arms. Each cut was just deep enough to make a fine scar and they were about one inch long and about an inch below each one. Each vertical row was from just below her inner elbow to about six inches from her hand and there were three rows. One row slanted one way and the next slanted another and the next was the same as the first. On both arms. She had short sleeves.

    The cutting was so neat and patterned that I thought it was a decoration and that I hadn't been up with the trends. So I askef her about them and she said SOMETHING THAT I DID WHEN I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID. And then she changed the subject. I realised this was the cutting that I had read about. I had thought that cutting would have been random and criss cross. I have since seen an attractive girl in the street with a similar pattern of cutting on her legs. How did this all start? What does it achieve? Has this been going on since razors were invented or just since I first started reading about it about eight years ago? Did someone famous do it and then teenagers copy? I was upset for these two lovely looking girls and cant get it off my mind.

    8 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What kind of tides are there?

    I cant read the writing. It looks like Auljoins or Autjoins tide. It is not Alison, which I found while trying to find the answer.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • Why does harold finch limp?

    In the tv show PERSON OF INTEREST. I just put this question in and it went to the transgendeted category. Why, I don't know!

    Celebrities8 years ago
  • Scrambled eggs..when I make them?

    They turn out with water leaking slowly out of them all over the plate. They are pale and spread out on the plate, taking up too much room, and fall apart and start mixing with other things on the plate, like bacon and toast. The other morning I went to a roadhouse for breakfast. The scrambled eggs were bright yellow and held together in one smooth looking piece which could be sliced with a knife into bite size pieces and still kept in shape. They were probably egg powder bought in bulk for restaurants, which I have heard of. They were delicious and not soggy. How can I get that effect at home but not necessarily the bright yellow colour, which of course I could do with yellow food colouring. Thank you!

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Problems with friends....?

    I have some wonderful friends who invite me to their parties, give me excellent business leads, buy me beautiful thoughtful gifts for birthday/Christmas. I do the same for them. Except I dont have a holiday home. I have known these people for varying lengths of time, ranging from the day I started school at age 5, to an ex neighbour I have known 5 years. I have noticed that about 15 of them have gradually developed mental problems, though they all hold responsible jobs. They have sudden outbursts for hardly any reason...for example if the speaker sounds crackley at the fast food drive thru, they'll start screaming, pounding on the steering wheel and will drive into the parking area, ignoring the stop signs, and speed round and round, randomly throwing on the brakes. Other times, say we are walking along the street and someone I know is walking towards us, I will introduce them all and then the friend will say something so nasty about me to these people, it will take my breath away. When I try to talk about it with them they deny it happened. When I joined a gym with a friend, she told terrible lies to the gym staff about me, in front of me, on the first day. Another sent abusive texts/emails/voice messages for 10 days & when I didnt answer any if them, she photocopied them all and spent $25 posting them to me. Then she apologised and said it was a joke that was so funny that she would like me to describe the whole incident when I speak at her funeral. I am going to move soon to a gated community with a pool, bar, games area and these friends have said they cant wait to try out these facilities when they come to visit. I have decided to dump them all before I shift...should I do it by email or face to face over coffee? Phone drops out and is muffled a lot of the time. These people are like family to me except when they do these horrid things and I don't speak to them for 6 months till they ring as though nothing has happened.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I have a george foreman grill which has the nonstick coating flaking off. Can i sandwich steaks and fish?

    Between sheets of alfoil to use on this grill? I have seen fish stuffed with herbs and rolled in rosemary etc and then wrapped in alfoil to keep all the stuff together on a BBQ plate but that is once in a while. What if you used it 3 or 4 times a week? I heard aluminium causes Alzheimer's, so is alfoil linked with this? If so, why is it used in cooking? Do I have to throw this nice griller away? Thanks!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • DO african lions ever sit up like domestic housecats do...with bottom on the ground and front legs straight?

    And parallel, with paws resting on the ground? Can't find any pics on the net where they are doing this. Thank you.

    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • I tried downloading google earth to my laptop but with it came something called

    With its own toolbar. The top two screen width cells where you can type in websites you want to visit, is filled with letters and numbers that I can't get rid of. Plus there are offers all over the screen from anonymous some bodies, asking me to click on them to download computer repairs and suchlike. How can I get rid of this? My Google link icon has disappeared. Have I got a virus? Sometimes it is called Feed I am not typing this on my laptop. Thank yo!

    2 AnswersGoogle8 years ago