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  • Removing electrical wiring?

    I've removed my dishwasher to make some extra shelves.

    The plumbing stuff I've already taken care of.

    All that's left is the electric. There is a wall switch by my sink that turns the dishwasher on/off. I know that switch runs to the breaker box, but the cable from the dishwasher just goes to the switch and stops right? The switch doesn't control anything else; just the dishwasher.

    So I should be able to just take these wires off the switch and then pull the whole cable out of the wall right? Or just push it into the wall and forget about it if I can't get it out, right?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Can my garbage disposal handle a live snake?

    I said to my self, "Bongripper, you are a slob. You need to clean your house. Start with some dishes."

    The snake in my sink did not like it when I turned the water on. I heard him move. He liked it even less when I picked up the pan he was hiding under. I broke some dishes.

    I don't know how he got there, but I'd bet it has something to do with my cat who shall henceforth be known as A**hole.

    Anyway, while I was screaming and liquifying the dirty crockery in my sink Mr. Snake ever so deftly scurried his way under the microwave. That is a tale for another time, but suffice it to say there was a fierce and legendary battle between myself a.k.a. Bongripper and Mr. Snake that laid waste to the entire realm of Kitchen and was apparently quite amusing to A**hole.

    The result of this Armageddon was Mr. Snake escaping and retreating to the assumed sanctuary of my garbage disposal.

    Luckily I had already removed any broken crockery in what was obviously an extra-sensory perception of events to come.

    So we come to the moment of truth: Can I do this?

    You know what I mean.

    Will this destroy my precious garbage disposal?

    Will this send a shower of gore spraying from the orifice of my wash basin?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Name of a kids movie?

    Probably an 80's flick or maybe the late 70's.

    It was something about a monster that lived in this pond or lake, but it was really just a crane or some old piece of construction equipment. The main character was a young boy who I think was on vacation or had just moved to this town.


    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Name that horror film?

    Do you know what horror movie this picture is from?

    The url says Evil Dead, but I'm 99% sure it's not from that. It definitely looks like it's from the 80's. Maybe something like Creepshow or House or maybe even The Golden Child or something.

    5 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Movie about a baby dinosaur?

    I'm trying to remember a movie. Late 80's maybe early 90's.

    It was about a baby dinosaur. I don't remember if it was just found on an island or if it was hatched from an egg or something. There was a female scientist or maybe a group of people trying to protect it from other people trying to exploit it. I don't think there were any other dinosaurs, but there might have been.

    I know it's not one of the Jurassic Park movies.

    I think it was a kids movie; certainly nothing over PG-13.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Want to listen to my bands demo?

    This is my metal band.

    We're pretty new, so not many people have heard us. Probably about 12 or 13 maybe.

    Anyway, I'd love some feedback, critiques, rude comments, hell yeahs, f offs whatever.


    1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years ago
  • What do you think of my band's demo?

    This is my metal band.

    We're pretty new, so not many people have heard us. Probably about 12 or 13 maybe.

    Anyway, I'd love some feedback, critiques, rude comments, hell yeahs, f offs whatever.


    5 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Did Isaac Asimov ever write a story about first contact with aliens?

    Something along the lines of 2001 or Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke.

    If not, what is your favorite Asimov book? Or what would you recommend starting with?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Looking for name of Greek story?

    I think it was Greek at least; kind of a parable maybe.

    It was about a dirty homeless bum who would yell and harass the merchants and wealthy people telling them they were slaves to there money and lifestyle. He said only he was entirely free. Free from guilt and shame and responsibility etc.

    I am just sure that I came across this story in a freshman English text book, but I still have the book and I can't find the story anywhere.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can I plug my tuner into my effects loop?

    My amp has an effects loop send and return and a switch for bypass or loop.

    I have a little black Korg chromatic tuner with no output jack.

    Can I plug this tuner in here? Would I just plug it in to the send jack and set the switch to bypass?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Can't think of a movie's name?

    I thought it was The Descent or the sequel, but I was wrong.

    I just remember someone finds a conquistador's helmet underground and it is alluded too that the "creatures" are Ponce de Leon and his men who actually found the fountain of youth, but were trapped underground. So I guess they lived forever, but evolved or devolved into these monsters. Maybe it was CHUD?

    Any help would be great.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Thrash metal/hardcore/crossover?

    Recommend me some underground bands. I know all the big names. I'm looking for bands from the 80's that I never heard of or current bands that I could go see when they come to town.

    Stuff like this...

    Lately I've been really into...


    Demolition Hammer

    Nuclear Assault

    Lich King

    Municipal Waste is pretty cool

    I love early Testament and Exodus. SOD made one of the best albums ever. I like it dirty and angry. I like a lot of mid paced stuff in the mix.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Thrash/hardcore/crossover?

    Recommend me some underground bands. I know all the big names. I'm looking for bands from the 80's that I never heard of or current bands that I could go see when they come to town.

    Stuff like this...

    Lately I've been really into...


    Demolition Hammer

    Lich King

    Municipal Waste is pretty cool

    I love early Testament and Exodus. SOD made one of the best albums ever. I like it dirty and angry. I like a lot of mid paced stuff in the mix.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What movie did John Candy eat all the Rocky Mountain Oysters?

    I thought it was The Great Outdoors, but no. That was a steak. Maybe it's not even John Candy. I just remember this scene where a guy eats all these things and then the waitress tells him they're goat testicles or whatever and hijinks ensue. It felt like a John Candy movie.

    Movies1 decade ago
  • Can you honestly say you've ever been scared by a movie?

    I'm the biggest horror movie nerd I know. I'm sure there are people who have seen more than me, but I bet I could hold my own in a trivia game against them.

    I don't remember what the first horror movie I saw was, but now in my 30's I honestly will watch and most likely enjoy just about any horror movie out there.

    But I don't think I've ever been scared by a movie. Sure, there are loud noises and things jumping out that will make me jump, but that's not really what people mean when they ask for a "scary movie" right?

    And I'm not some un-scarable tough guy either. When I was a little kid I was scared of my own reflection in the bottom of my milk glass. I'm scared every time I ride a carnival ride because of the stoned dirt nap making $2 an hour operating the ride.

    I just don't get scared by make believe stuff I guess. Even a movie "based on a true story" or one that "could really happen" just doesn't bother me.

    So, have you ever been scared by a movie? What was it? Were you really scared or just disgusted with the idea or visuals?

    11 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is the opposite of a documentary?

    Titanic, Barber Shop, El Topo, The Devil Rides Out, Critters 2, Silverado, Secondhand Lions etc etc

    I mean I know they have genre classifications, but what do you call a movie that is made simply as entertainment.

    I guess you could throw the whole "Art Film" thing in there and some movies (El Topo) certainly cross boundaries, but I guess I tend to think of that as more Kenneth Anger type stuff. Non-narrative like Baraka or something.


    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Finishing a wooden table?

    So I have this table I'm finishing for my dad.

    It needs to go outside where it will stay. It will be under cover, but will be in the elements year round.

    Will the regular min-wax poly-urethane protect the wood from the weather or do I need to use something else?

    How about the holes where I attach the legs? Can I just spread some min-wax over those after the legs are attached? Or do I need to do something different?


    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Satanic rituals/magic ceremonies?

    I'd like to start a list of all the scenes of satanic rituals and evil magic ceremonies from the movies. I've seen quite a few. One of my favorites is the black mass scene in the forest in The Devil Rides Out. The Goat of Mendes! The scene at the end with the magic circle and the giant spider and winged death on a horse etc was also very cool.


    Devil Rides Out

    The Devils

    Vampyros Lesbos


    The Gate

    Blood on Satan's Claw

    House of the Devil

    The Serpent and the Rainbow



    Satanic Rites of Dracula

    Rosemary's Baby

    Satan's Blood

    Evil Dead (sorta)

    Children of the Corn

    The Church

    Santa Sangre

    Some I'm not to sure of:

    The Omen -

    Drag Me to Hell


    So what movies am I missing?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • For the fans of Twilight?

    This is how it's done...

    The spirit of comradeship rapidly degenerated into a squabble that sounded like two competing college cheering sections.

    “Booze first!”

    “No! Sex first!”






    Somebody yelled, “Less filling!” and got slapped around a great deal.

    Then Bambi rose to the occasion. “I’ve got a van outside,” he piped gleefully. “We can fill it full of both!”

    “Yea!” shouted the crowd as Bambi took his bow, high-stepped carefully over to the door, opened it, and…

    And the vampire was on him and ripping his deep into his ribs and spreading them apart…

    Bambi died, screeching horror and spraying organs and blood…and then the vampire was on them…too damn fast to be believed, and the first guy, some member of the pike team, had just enough time to raise his forearm before the fiend snapped it through and ripped him open from throat to shoulder…Jesus God, how he screamed!

    The bolts! Where’s the ******* crossbow? was all Crow could think and he spun around looking for it, taking his eyes off the fiend for a second because this was a vampire and that was the only way to stop it…and this was night!...this couldn’t be happening, could it?...we were just having a party and everything was just…


    Light: David Deyo in mid-black belt leap driving the side of his right foot picture perfectly up under the vampire’s chin where the throat was soft and making the sound that would have popped the skull off any normal man…


    Light: The fiend using David’s…oh, God! Using his spine like a handle as he slammed him back and forth…David long dead already, all his bones crushed, flopping gruesomely and Anthony! Sweet Anthony with his huge shoulders slamming forward into the fiend, tackling him for Christ’s sake like this was Astroturf and …

    Darkness…a crash in the blackness just beside him…

    Light: …Cat grabbing him, shoving him toward the window…


    And it was light again for the last time and Cat was outside beside him…back there through the window was the priest, Father Hernandez, not nutless at all, stabbing the edge of his huge silver cross right into the fiend’s forehead before dying, decapitated from a single, almost casual, blow…

    That is from a novel by John Steakley called, "Vampires." This selection is less than a page of text spanning no more than a few seconds of time in the story.

    What does Stephenie Meyer have that comes even close to this?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who else is looking forward to...?

    ...the new Electric Wizard album?

    Black Masses

    The early albums will always be my favorite, but this can do no wrong in my eyes. I love the sound. I love the imagery. I love energy. Next to the Misfits/Samhain this is the perfect Halloween band for me.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago