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  • What to do to stop liking someone.?

    I have started liking this guy since school started. He is really cool and the other day I talked to him but he didn't really show interest and my friend(whos a guy) said he was massive jerk and from a distance ive sorta seen him like that, but i still really like him, and I feel a bit obsessed. I need advice on how to get over him.(: thanks(:

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the book "A Child Called It?"?

    I personally liked it, thought it was horrific what Dave Pelzer had to go through. It was so upsetting and really opened my eyes to what abused children had to go through, gave me a different look at life. What did you think of it?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to become friends with all of them?

    SO I started middle school a week ago. There is a group of girls i have talked to and have in a few of my classes, but i wouldnt call us friends. How can I become friends with them? And what if they are mean/rude?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Im scared to talk to him?

    Okay so there is this guy that im well, attracted too in my 6th period class. WE never talk and we ddoesn'treally show interest in girls so i am really scared to try and talk to him. My friend told me hes totally into girls but idk. Im sorta of scared he'll think im weird. How do i talk to him? How do a handle a rude comment?


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My friend "disapproves" of where i like to shop?

    I like to shop at Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropostale places like that because i like their clothes and i think they are cute. Well my friend likes to shop at Hot Topic and Zumiez and when ever we go shopping together those are the only places we go because where i shop is "stupid and preppy" and she keeps calling me stuck up and girlie and i like being girlie but she judges me based on where i shop. How can I stop her?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Whats your First Kiss Story!?(:?

    I have never been kissed, and it made me curious about what other peoples were like. So whats your first kiss story?(:


    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do teenagers scare you?

    I'm still pretty young and teenagers always make me nervous/scared. Like whenever they are in a group and staring me down and they are all really pretty it like scares me. Do I just feel insecure? Are you scared of them? Thanks(;

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Thrift store shopping leads to fights?

    I bought a coat that was American Eagle brand at GoodWill and it is just super cute and fits me perfectly! Well I told me bestfriend about it and she said "You bought it at American Eagle right?" and I said "Well, no i bought it at The Goodwill." And now shes like freaking out telling me I cant be friends with her because she doesn't hang out with people who shop at second hand stores and she has never bought anything from a second hand store. I have shopped at them before and it didn't bother her until i told her about the coat and she wont talk to me and calls me a poor baby b itch. I don't know what went wrong. No fights lately. Advice on how to work this out?

    19 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Getting a little over stressed about clothing sizes?

    I am going through puberty so my weight is fluctuating. But my other friends haven't really "hit" puberty yet so they are still like 00 and 0 1,2, in pant sizes. I am like a 10 right now and its making my stressed. My sister said I dont look big. Is this normal? Will I get smaller?How can I control my stress?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you like to clothes shop?

    I like to shop. It relieves my stress(: Do you like to clothes shop?

    17 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • whats a good phone from AT&T?

    So before school starts I am getting a phone. My network is AT&T. I want a full keyboard for texting and a camera are the main things i want. I also don't want it to be bulky and I would enjoy it if it could fit in my pocket. Thank Youuuu(:

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Getting over jealousy is hard for me?

    I am jealous of my bestfriend. I was jealoous of her 2 years ago and then I got over it and idk why i did but I did. But know I am jealous of her again. I have my reasons but all I wanna know is how can I get over being jealous of her?

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • my friend sorta treats our "friendship" like a competition?

    My friend treats our friendship like its a compitition. She always tells me stories about how guys always text her saying they love her and shes hott, and she is constantly comparing my weight to hers(shes much smaller than me) my hair to hers,my friends to hers, my room, the number of guys that like me and like her, my clothes, allowence i get per week and hers is always better than mine. And what really bugs me is that she says how this one guy and her always hang out(she knows i like him)and ghow he gave her a piggyback ride and all the girls were like "He likes you he likes you!" sorta like shes trying to make me believe shes better than me? What do you think I should do?

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • My parents don't want to be around me?

    My parents don't like to be around me anymore. Whenever I come downstairs the FIRST they they tell me to do is "shut my mouth and don't speak" and my mom keeps telling me to go away whenever my sister comes around. If I am watching tv and my sister comes home they say "Go upstairs and stay there" my mom even yells at me when i try to give her a hug. She says get off of me and go away!" they baby my sister while i basically stay in my room all day. They wont even let me eat dinner with them anymore. I feel like they dont want me and i don't know what to do.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My sister is such a brat. what to do?

    My sister is 16 years old and a HUGE and I mean HUGE brat who gets her way not matter what! She takes my makeup, clothes, jewelry, bags, and shoes and acts like I cant do anything about it. Then when I tell her to take it off she calls me a selfish ***** and doesn't take it off. Then when I tell a parent they dont do anything and my sister she says "She always takes my clothes! And she takes them because they're cute not because she doesn't have any!" I do borrow but I usually ask and its because she takes MINE adn leaves them at friends houses or "looses" them. If we have a family event she throws a BIG temper tantrum and doesn't have to go adn can hang out with her friends. I talk to my parent about it and they say well what can we do about it? I mean they can do alot. What the heck should I do about my sister taking my stuff and getting away with it. I am left with like NOTHING!

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite Spongebob episode?

    I love Spongebob hes so funny.

    My favorite is when Him and Patrick try to teach Man Ray to be polite. Haha "Is this your wallet?" "No." Haha. And when Spongebob thinks he is ugly lol. What's yours?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My bestfriend and the guy I like?

    Well I went to my bestfriend's party and the guy I liked was there. Well everyone at the party went around in a circle and said who we liked I said I like so and so and he said he liked me. Then later on he asked me out and i said sure. He held my hand and even kissed me that night. Well after everyone was asking "So are you guys going out?" and he kept saying yeah I guess. Then on Monday at school my friend who hosted the party asked him "Are you guys going out?" and he said no. Well my friend said she didnt like him and had been over him for 3 years.(They never dated but she liked him) Well I just recently found out that my bestfriend and the guy I liked who said we werent going out are dating. I have been friends with this girl for 7 years and i dont really want to let this get between our friendship but it makes me mad she did this. What should I do? Thanks!

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I able to use 2 different face washes?

    I was wondering If i was able to use two different face washes. I have been using one but we have about 3 other face washes. I usually use Netrugena Deep Clean scub day and night. So would I be able to use the deep clean scrub in the morning and at night could i use clean and clear daily cleanse?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Bestfriend flirting with boyfriend!!!!!!!!??????

    I just got a boyfriend and my friend keeps flirting with him. I've talked to her about it and she says she'll stop but i see it happening. And the other day I was talking to him and she glared at me and completly barges into our conversation and starts flirting with him, another thing she did was we were wallking next to eachother and she cut in between us and once again starting flirting wth him. I keep telling her to stop and she says shell stop but she keeps ruining everything and she ditches me to go hangout with him!

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • There's this guy and I want him to notice me!?

    Well there's this guy I have had a crush on since last year. He's more popular....but my friends made fun of me for liking him so I said I was over him but my crush just gets bigger and bigger each day!!!!! I talk to his friends all the time but he never joins in....he just runs off. I try being myself but it still doesnt seem like he notices me. Whenever I walk by him I just flash a sweet harmless smile. He smiles back or smirks. But it seems whatever I do he just doesn't notice. I dress comfortable and I would say cute. My hairstyles have begining to change. And my prufume!!!!!!!! Why isn't anything working!!!?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago