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  • Is this a bad play title?

    I have to write a play for a class--is this a stupid title: "What Happens after What Happens"

    The story is about an adult revisiting her abusive past and who she is now after those experiences.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Will a psychiatrist prescribe me Xanax if I have previously taken it without a prescription?

    I've been having problems with anxiety and depression for several years. For the past week a friend has been giving Xanax and it has really helped.

    I'd like to continue taking it, but I can't just keep taking my friend's medication. If I were to tell my doctor that this has helped, would they prescribe it for me or would they just think I wanted them for recreational reasons or to sell?

    4 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • How do I make amends with a friend when I don't think I did anything wrong?

    Last week I got into an argument with a friend. It's a fight we've had a few times.

    I have a mental illness and have been in a bad place lately with depression. I'm really upset over how alone I am and I brought how little time she's spent with me in the past couple of years.

    She hasn't spoken to me since.

    I'd still like to know her, I don't want her out of my life, but I wish she would care more about me.

    I don't think I was wrong in this situation, and I don't want to end up apologizing for having a mental illness.

    What do I do?

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • How do I make amends with a friend when I don't think I did anything wrong?

    Last week I got into an argument with a friend. It's a fight we've had a few times.

    I have a mental illness and have been in a bad place lately with depression. I'm really upset over how alone I am and I brought how little time she's spent with me in the past couple of years.

    She hasn't spoken to me since.

    I'd still like to know her, I don't want her out of my life, but I wish she would care more about me.

    I don't think I was wrong in this situation, and I don't want to end up apologizing for having a mental illness.

    What do I do?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Am I too old to stay in touch with a former teacher?

    I'm 24 and since I was senior in high school (18), I have been periodically checking in with a teacher I had my junior year through email (she changed schools after that year).

    She's always nice and responds to my messages, but I wonder if it's weird that I've stayed in tough this long.

    I was a great student in high school, but I had a lot of stuff go wrong when I started college and she's given me a lot of support and advice while I was dealing with these problems.

    I'm still in college, I failed a lot of classes and had to retake them.

    Anyway, is it weird I still reach out to her? It's not too frequent, maybe every two or three months I let her know how I'm doing, ask how she is.

    Should I stop? Move on?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Am I too old to stay in touch with a former teacher?

    I'm 24 and since I was senior in high school (18), I have been periodically checking in with a teacher I had my junior year through email (she changed schools after that year).

    She's always nice and responds to my messages, but I wonder if it's weird that I've stayed in tough this long.

    I was a great student in high school, but I had a lot of stuff go wrong when I started college and she's given me a lot of support and advice while I was dealing with these problems.

    I'm still in college, I failed a lot of classes and had to retake them.

    Anyway, is it weird I still reach out to her? It's not too frequent, maybe every two or three months I let her know how I'm doing, ask how she is.

    Should I stop? Move on?

  • Should I bring this up to my friend?

    For the past year I've been severely depressed and in the last three months I've been suicidal.

    No one around me knows this accept for a friend I've told. We met in college and although we haven't seen each other in person in two years, we keep in touch through email.

    I want to see her in person, but she doesn't seem to want to see me. I've told her throughout the last year how much I'm hurting, in large part because of loneliness and having no one to talk to or spend time with.

    She's never once called me or asked to spend time with me. She says she cares, but it hurts a lot that she knows how much I need to speak to someone and to see someone, but never makes the offer.

    It's hard for me to think that she cares when even the gesture of offering has never been made. Should I give up with this person or tell her how her decision not to interact in these ways hurts me?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How long does it take you to reply to an email?

    I sent someone an email on Thursday afternoon and haven't received a response yet on Tuesday.

    Does this seem out of the ordinary or should I be patient?

    The response I'm waiting for is very important but I don't want to resend it or mention it if this is typical.

    I feel like most people get back to me in a day or two, not 5.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How long do you usually take to respond to an email once you receive it?

    I sent someone an email on Thursday afternoon and haven't received a response yet on Monday night.

    Does this seem out of the ordinary or should I be patient?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How do you take your mind off of something?

    I recently lost my job and am waiting on an important email from someone.

    I sent it out Thursday afternoon, and haven't received anything as of Monday night.

    I need to hear from someone about some opportunities and it's making me so nervous I can't do or concentrate on anything else.

    What should I do?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How do I get over an aversion to a certain type of alcohol?

    A few weeks ago I had too much of a particular drink and became very sick. I had the worst hangover ever. I was throwing up for most of the next day.

    I have tried to have the same drink again, but every time I so much as smell it, I feel like I', going to puke. Is there a way to get over this?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago
  • Would it be alright to reach out to this person?

    For two years I've been working for a nonprofit and learned earlier this week that it is dissolving. I'm upset and will soon be in need of a job somewhere else.

    In February my supervisor left the organization (our finances at the time were shaky and she was worried she would not be paid, which has happened to her previously).

    Aside from a brief farewell email, I haven't had contact with her since. She worked here five years.

    I'm kinda lost right now, all of these changes are sudden and big and I'm not sure where to go from here and think she could offer beneficial advice, having made a similar transition from the organization, as well as losing faith in it and the nonprofit field.

    The only problem is that she and I were never close when we worked together. I don't know if this would be alright or if it would be bothering her.

    Also, would it be weird to ask her to recommend me to another place?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Is it ok to send an email at any time?

    Do you think it's alright to send an email at any hour of the day or do you only send things at times typically considered as "normal waking hours"?

    For me I usually don't send anything after 10pm or before 8am.

    I suppose it doesn't matter because people will get to it when they log onto their computers or choose to check their phone, but I feel bad since most people get their email on their phone and it will have some kind of sound alert, which could disturb them at an inconvenient time or wake them.

    What do you all think?

    9 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • What do you do when you receive a well-meaning, but unwanted gift?

    Recently I have been having issues with depression and feeling very alone. I talked to a friend about it and to make me feel better she sent me gift--a statue of angel that represents friendship. It's part of particular artist's collection where each different statue has some accessories that symbolize a particular value--a heart for love, an apple and ruler for education. I think they sell them at Hallmark. This one had a bunch of flowers and represents friendship, to remind me that I'm not alone/people care about me.

    It seems like a nice gesture, but I don't believe in god or angels, and its something that this friend knows. To me the gift is more hurtful than helpful since it shows she either doesn't listen to me or doesn't care about my beliefs.

    I don't want to pick a fight with her, but thanking her feels like I'm accepting her beliefs when i don't.

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • At home jobs that can actually bring in money/aren t scams?

    Right now I am a college student who live at home. I commute two hours to and from school everyday.

    I m at home so I can take care of my mother who is in poor health. We are having financial problems and I am looking for ways to make money. The commute to school takes up a lot of my free time, so I d like to find something that I could do remotely and at any time of day or night.

    Are there legitimate work from home opportunities for someone like me, or are there other jobs you might suggest I look into?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • My cat has become obsessed with television.?

    I have had a cat for 8 years and in the past month he's started displaying an odd new behavior--he sits as close to the television as possible, facing it, and watches the screen there the entire time it's on.

    He's never done this before. It's not hurting anything, I just find it odd that he's suddenly started doing this.

    Any thoughts on what's going on?

    2 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • How do I cope with extreme frustration?

    Lately my life has gone to hell and I don t know what to do. Everything is a struggle.

    The main issues:

    1. The organization I work for is collapsing and I and the colleagues I care about are losing our jobs.

    2. I m in college and not doing well.

    3. My mother is very sick, and I am responsible for her care/ afraid she is dying.

    4. It s been below zero this past week, and I commute 2 hours to and from work every day by bus. It s really ******* cold and this takes up so much time that I don t have. The bus service in this area is also incredibly unreliable, so I m stuck waiting and freezing for long periods of time.

    5. My pipes froze last Monday morning and I haven t had running water in a week. I ve had 10 visits from the water company and plumbers to fix it, but it s too cold for any of their methods. It won t be above 20 degrees for at least another week.

    I can t deal with all this stress and having to work so hard for nothing. I can t come home and take a shower. It takes a half hour to wash my hair with bottled water. I have to carry gallons of it home in my commute. Nothing is going right and I m ready to blow my brains out.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • What do I say to my boss who quit?

    I've been working for an organization for 2 years and today my boss decided to leave.

    She actually didn't come in and her boss let me know that she's leaving. I don't know why or if it's on good or bad terms.

    I've been working with her for my entire time there. It seems really sudden. She hasn't said a word to anyone. I don't know if I should reach out to her.

    We haven't interacted outside of work and even while working we didn't really have social conversations, but I am going to miss her.

    I regret not getting to know her better while we were here and I'm upset that I might never see her again.

    Should I say something?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • What do I say to my boss who quit?

    I've been working for an organization for 2 years and today my boss decided to leave.

    She actually didn't come in and her boss let me know that she's leaving. I don't know why or if it's on good or bad terms.

    I've been working with her for my entire time there. It seems really sudden. She hasn't said a word to anyone. I don't know if I should reach out to her.

    We haven't interacted outside of work and even while working we didn't really have social conversations, but I am going to miss her.

    I regret not getting to know her better while we were here and I'm upset that I might never see her again.

    Should I say something?

    2 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Is it ok to eat a wrapped burrito that has been left out for two days?

    I left a Chipotle steak burrito on my counter for two days. If I were to heat this in an oven (at 350 degrees) for 10-15 minutes, would it be safe to eat?

    It was wrapped in it's foil and has not been opened.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago