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  • Xanax for Recreational Use?

    What happens when you take it?

    how much should i take?

    what kind of feeling does it give you?

    Thanks (:

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Xanax for Recreational Use?

    What happens when you take it?

    how much should i take?

    what kind of feeling does it give you?

    Thanks (:


    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • From Portland to San Diego. Were should i visit?????

    I am going on a road trip for the summer and i am having a hard time deciting what cities i should stop in.

    any were in oregon and all of california.

    i am trying to stay near the costline but its ok if the place is a little far.

    thanks (:

    2 AnswersOther - United States9 years ago
  • IF you know spanish Grammer HELP!!!! please (:?

    1) To tell someone to turn we would use the infinitive verb --- .

    2) If you wish to say that something is to the right of something else, you would use a la ---.

    3) To say that something is to the left of something else, we would use a la ----.

    4) To say that something is opposite something else, we would use --- de.

    5) To say that something is to beside something else, we would use al ---- de.

    IF YOU know any it would help me so much.

    thamks (;

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can i sue this person? ):?

    this kid touches me in class. he calls me a ***** constantly . he also asks me if i would do thing with certan people.

    i dont know what to do

    i told my teacher but he ignored me

    ps im 17

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • whats up with Newt Gingrich ?

    what are his political views?

    what are his views on things like abortion, samesex marrige, medicare ect.

    please help (:

    3 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • Any Regular Show Fans?

    what do you think?

    i thinks its the greatest kid/adult show ever!

    any fans out there?

    and if your creative (or not) please answer my other question (:

    1 AnswerComedy10 years ago
  • Creative people out there (:?

    i am designing the club shirt and i want to put a cool catchy slogan

    any ideas?

    ps the club is FBLA (future buisnes leaders of america)

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities10 years ago
  • wjats the fur on royal crowns?

    it sort of looks lika dalmations fur

    and why is it used?

    i was watching the tudors and they show it alot.

    5 AnswersRoyalty10 years ago
  • Relationship Advise. please help ):?

    my boyfriend happy with each other and i have been together for a long time were happy with each other, but i feel like theris no passion any more.

    like we are friends with benefits rather than boyfriend and girlfriend.

    any help?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Whats "Breaking Barriers"?

    I am in FBLA Future Business Leaders of America and the theme is year is "Breaking Barriers" and i have no idea whats so ever what this means

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What are the results of THe Sexual Revolution?

    What were the consequences and achievements from it?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • What do guys want during Sex.... (:?

    Any comments

    Tips Advise

    is welcome.

    i wanna know what men want.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I Teared my Hymen.............Please help ):?

    IT hurts a lot.

    when will it heal so it wont hurt?

    when can i have sex again?

    Will it tear again when i sex?

    Help PLease ):

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • If you know about Gynecology.... Please Help?

    Did i loose my virginity?

    it hurt a lot and blood came out but it did not go all the way.

    it hurts alot today.

    when am i going to be ok?

    and when can we try it again?

    and is it going to bleed and hurt the next time, because he bearly whent in?

    PLease help

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Sex Question for Guys.....PLease help?

    I was making out with this guy on his bed

    and one thing led to another.

    close came of and a condom came on.

    were going to do it but my cherry poped, and their was alot of blood.

    so we just stoped.

    we laughed about it but it was still a little awkward.

    How bad is this? Is he going to want to see me again?


    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago

    The first time. it hurt a lot , and their was a lot of blood but he did not go in all the way.

    how long should i wait till we try again?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Please Help!!!!!!!!!! I really need help ):?

    I was making out with this guy on his bed

    and one thing led to another.

    close came of and a condom came on.

    were going to do it but my cherry poped, and their was alot of blood.

    so we just stoped.

    we laughed about it but it was still a little awkward.

    How bad is this? Is he going to want to see me again?


    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are the 4 Types of Cniderians?

    For Ex

    Class Hydrozoa:

    • Marine and fresh-water.

    • very small and have a plant-like appearance

    • Can be solitary or colonial

    • Most have a polyp and medusa stage


    Hydra - genus of simple, fresh-water animals with radial symmetry. They can be found in most unpolluted freshwater bodies of water in temperate and tropical regions. Hydra are usually a few millimeters long and a microscope is needed to study them.

    Portuguese Man O' War (Physalia physalis) - also known as the bluebubble, man-of-war is commonly mistaken as a jellyfish but it’s a siphonophore, which is a colony of specialized polyps and medusoids. It has an air bladder which is an internal organ that contributes to the ability of a fish to control its buoyancy.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Haunted House Advertisement ( :?

    I need to write a commecial for people to come to our schools haunted house

    do you have anny ideas?

    Please ( :

    4 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago