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Visit my Web Site then join the yahoogroup on the bottom. If you are FED UP with ILLEGAL Immigration and Obama's CONSTANT attempt to FORCE AMNESTY for 12-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants that would devistate the US Job Market and our tax base, JOIN US FREE to FIGHT BACK !

  • Why support Amnesty for illegal immigrants?

    Why would ANYONE support Amnesty for these 12-20 MILLION, mainly Mexican illegal immigrants when:

    (1) They knowingly entered illegally and IGNORED AMERICAN LAWS.

    (2) They STEAL JOBS ( especially African American Jobs and Poor Working class Americans Jobs )

    (3) They STEAL TAX paid benefits by the BILLIONS ( as a group ) EVERY YEAR.

    (4) Google: How many Americans are killed a day by illegal immigrants

    (5) They force YOU to press #1 for Spanish ( unlike ALL OTHER Legal Immigrants that enter every year ).

    (6) Their own Country doesn't permit illegal immigration , yet they DEMAND illegal immigration benefits.

    (7) Amnesty would COST 6.4 TRILLION to the National Debit.

    (8) 90% of our drugs come from the SAME location as MOST of the Illegal Immigrants.

    (9) Drags down our economy as we are forced to divert American benefits away from REAL Americans to illegal Immigrants.

    (10) They are mostly in a group called "La Raza" which translates to THE RACE

    (11) Google: Mexican Reconquista

    (12) Google: Mexican Aztlan

    (13) They REFUSE to assimilate or speak OUR LANGUAGE.

    (14) They have NO loyalty to the United States ( Usually flying Mexican Flags in their riots in the USA )

    (15) They FILL the ranks of GANGS across the USA by the millions.

    (16) They DON'T respect American laws and feel that YOU should be FORCED to support them.

    (17) They get to stay in the USA before GOOD & HONEST immigrants, a REWARD to their illegal behavior.

    (18) They use up American resources ( Water, Dumps, Trash, Electric, Parks, Police, Fire Departments, Energy, Sewage, Congestion, INCREASED crimes, Food Stamps, Welfare, Housing ( Like Obama illegal immigrant Aunt ), streets, bridges, medical care, etc etc etc and more that illegals use every day and don't pay for.

    (19) MILLIONS of Anchor babies that Americans get forced to pay to support for the next 18 YEARS ( even if deported ) to be used to bring in ALL their relatives when the baby is 18 years old. The Illegal Immigrant WINNING Lottery game they play.

    (20) HIGH level of crime ( that's why Democrats placed a WAIVER that Illegals can be convicted of CRIMES and STILL get Amnesty ).

    (21) We have seen their protest parades spitting on the US flag, holding our flag up side down, burning our Flag to demand Amnesty.

    (22) They DEMAND Benefits and freebies that HONEST Immigrants have never asked for.

    And more. See

    So, why should the United States REWARD CRIMINAL ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR to once again bring in 12-20 Million illegal immigrants who in turn will bring in 30-45 MILLION of their relatives. Remember the 1986 Amnesty and promises of no more Amnesties ?? Remember the 2007 Dunkin Hunter Border fence ( Promised to Americans , Passed but NEVER BUILD because the Dems de-funded it ).

    So, why should the United States be BLACKED to pass yet ANOTHER AMNESTY BILL in exchanged for ANOTHER and ANOTHER and ANOTHER Amnesty that WONT STIOP illegal immigration !!!

    4 AnswersElections8 years ago

    Americans need to work together like those who defended the United States from the Mexican invasion / Mexican Reconquista at the Alamo. Google " Mexican Reconquista " Its not racist. Its a fact that can be checked. I have some GREAT WAYS to STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION:

    (1) JOIN ( Great information that the LIB Media and La Raza doesn't want you to know )

    (2) Check out

    (3) Check out ( join yahoo group on bottom for FREE )

    (4) Call your Politicians EVERY DAY at 1 888 995-6512 and ask to speak to YOUR States Elected Politicians. ( Mexican illegals that try this will be arrested )

    My question is this. What OTHER ways do YOU KNOW to STOP the 12-20 Million ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from getting Amnesty to prevent them from bringing in 30-45 MILLION of their relatives.This doesn't even include the tens of MILLIONS of Anchor babies, used by illegals to steal millions and millions of US tax dollars and bring in their family members later. And then setting up for the NEXT AMNESTY AGAIN !! The CBO Admits wages will drop and many many Americans WILL lose jobs. The Heritage Society proves it will add 6.4 TRILLION to the National Debit !

    Google: How many Americans are killed a day by illegal immigrants. This is not racist and no race has been mentioned. But we have all seen in the nightly news where the problem is entering from. And what language we are forced on our phones now.

    So, again, what ideas do YOU have to REMOVE these 12-20 Million law breaking illegals from OUR Country to protect OUR Children's future, prevent the National Language from being split between English and Spanish, protect our American Culture and Heritage. And STOP FUTURE Amnesties.

    Remember the 1986 Amnesty we were told the SAME LIES. Remember in 2007 the Dunkin-Hunter 700 mile Border fence PROMISED to America but Defunded by the Democrats and never built. A plan by the Democrats to keep our border UNSAFE ! Now we are supposed to be BLACK MAILED AGAIN for ANOTHER Amnesty ??

    So, again, what is YOUR ideas to STOP Illegal Immigration and prevent Amnesty AGAIN !!

    2 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • What is Mexican Reconquista?

    I asked this before but a La Raza ( The Race ) pro-illegal immigration group hit my question to post their pro-criminal illegal immigration agenda.


    Do you know what Mexican Reconquista is and why only one group refuses to assimilate as ALL OTHER people have done in the United States. Below is one of the founders of the Mexican Reconquista riots. Read their signs, listen to their racist rants about Americans and how they plan to take over the United States through pure illegal immigration and over population by "Their People" in the United States. Its why ONE group demands you press #2 on OUR Phones for English. Why EVERYTHING is written in Spanish.

    Question is. With 20 MILLION REAL American Citizens looking for jobs and already 17 TRILLION in debt. Why would Obama want to force Amnesty for 12-20 Million ( mainly Mexicans who believe in RECONQUISTA ) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who can later bring in another 30-45 MILLION of their relatives creating a never ending chain of their family members into the United States.

    Want to stop this ? Call your Politicians RIGHT NOW ! Join NumbersUSA Right now. Dont let others fight your battle. EVERY Americans must understand that this is OUR Alamo.

    6 days ago

    Additional Details

    If you think this is not true then Google MEXICAN RECONQUISTA or look at the WEB SITE posted above to see it with your own eyes. Many that upport Mexican Reconquista will lie about it and pretend its not real. Also check out or or GrassFire.

    Other links so the pro-La Raza forces cant lie to you:

    “Reconquista” is a term used for the belief, held by most Mexicans or people of Mexican origin (and/or attributed to them), that the southwestern United States should legitimately belong to Mexico, and the movement of Mexicans across the southern U.S. border is a step toward the reconquest of this area. Here is the Wikipedia entry on the subject. By over population of their people, their culture, their language that we see more and more. Unlike ALL others who have come to the United States before to be Americans.

    Mexican Reconquista ( google or Bing it )

    5 AnswersImmigration8 years ago

    Do you know what Mexican Reconquista is and why only one group refuses to assimilate as ALL OTHER people have done in the United States. Below is one of the founders of the Mexican Reconquista riots. Read their signs, listen to their racist rants about Americans and how they plan to take over the United States through pure illegal immigration and over population by "Their People" in the United States. Its why ONE group demands you press #2 on OUR Phones for English. Why EVERYTHING is written in Spanish.

    Question is. With 20 MILLION REAL American Citizens looking for jobs and already 17 TRILLION in debt. Why would Obama want to force Amnesty for 12-20 Million ( mainly Mexicans who believe in RECONQUISTA ) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who can later bring in another 30-45 MILLION of their relatives creating a never ending chain of their family members into the United States.

    Want to stop this ? Call your Politicians RIGHT NOW ! Join NumbersUSA Right now. Dont let others fight your battle. EVERY Americans must understand that this is OUR Alamo.

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Why do we need ANOTHER Mexican Amnesty?

    In 1986 we had an Amnesty for about 3 million mainly Mexican illegal immigrants.

    We were PROMISED by our Politicians NO MORE Amnesties would be offered and they would STOP Illegal Immigration.

    Since then Democrats and Illegal Immigrants have simply laughed and ignored all our immigration laws and have entered illegally and cost the United States a fortune in a time when we are 17 trillion dollars in debit and 20 million & 20+ Million REAL Americans are trying to find jobs..

    How many times do we offer Amnesty mainly to Mexican illegals who simply ignore our laws anyway ? Why not actually enforce our current laws and stop the illegals from telling Americans what they demand ! How many more Amnesties do we force on the backs of Americans when we understand it only brings on MORE illegal immigration !

    We have 12-20 Million mainly Mexican illegal immigrants who with Amnesty could bring in 30-45 Million of their family members ! This is pathetic to let Mexican Nationals dictate what laws they will or will not obey ! Then to REWARD those who ignore our laws in the first place !

    6 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Why did Yahoo remove comments from it's news stories ?

    Why did yahoo remove the "Peoples Voice" from the end of yahoo stories ? Many said its because of yahoo's leftist liberal media directors who would search for stories, even crazy ones to defend and promote their extreme leftist, progressive propaganda. Others said they were tired of attempts to prop up Obama in spite of his many failures, ( and would counter post these bogus pro-Obama stories ) who plunged America into the deepest national debit in American History. Still others have said it was because every time yahoo media leftist attempted to lie about "Polls" and propaganda to support illegal immigration amnesty. The "People" often were able to express the truth, documented with links to show that these were less news stories, often out right lies, and more propaganda to support these issues... What do you think ? Was it to suppress the people who were able to disprove many of these articles quit well ??

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Do you understand that Amnesty for illegal Immigrants means more Illegal immigration ?

    Maybe you have forgotten the 1986 Amnesty for about 3 million Mexican illegal immigrants at which time BOTH parties promised no more Amnesties would be given and more security to prevent illegal immigration........ Now we have between 12-20 Million mainly Mexican illegal immigrants demanding American jobs, Demanding HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars in tax paid benefits and Amnesty YET AGAIN !!

    What Obama is NOT TELLING YOU is that with each Amnesty comes in 4-7 x as many of their relatives and countless "Buddies" and fake relatives to hide and set up for the NEXT Amnesty.

    The fact is these 12-20 Million Mexican ( Mainly Mexican ) illegal immigrants will in fact be able to LEGALLY bring in 30-45 MILLION of their RELATIVES into the United STates and Create an ENDLESS STREAM of third World Spanish Reconquista believers who have no loyalty to the United States, Our Flag or Heritage. They come for American GREEN ONLY. They Remain loyal to Mexico. Ive spoken to HUNDREDS and its always the same. They are loyal Mexicans here for American jobs and benefits !!

    Don't believe ? Google Mexican Reconquista. Google Mexican Aztlan. Go to or or

    Dont wait till its too late. Our Alamo is right now ! We defend the United States or you learn Spanish. Its up to you ! But don't wait for the "Other Guy" to fight for you.... If you are a REAL American you ned to stand up for the RED, WHITE, BLUE and by joining for FREE you can fight for FREE !!

    7 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Why do most illegal immigrants believe in Mexican Reconquista / Mexican Aztlan?

    Google Mexican Reconquista and Mexican Aztlan for which MOST Mexican illegal immigrants are in deed taught in Mexico ( 85% of the illegal immigrants are Mexicans, that's just a fact ). Why are Americans FORCED by ONE group of people to press #2 for English ? Why Documents ( Welfare and Food Stamps for example ) are forced by ONE group to be in Spanish . Why has Obama ONLY gone to Mexico to make food stamps available to Mexicans in the United STates ? Google Mexican Reconquista and Mexican Aztlan and understand what is going on before its too late.

    If you think Illegal immigrants will be loyal to you as an American, think again..... They are only looking to get what they can from Americans.

    Join www.numbersUSA right away to help defend the United States. Its your turn to defend the Alamo !

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • How many Illegal Immigrant relatives does Obama have ?

    Other then "Uncle Omar" ( Onyango Obama ) & "Aunt Zeutuni" Zeutuni Onyango. How many other Illegal Immigrants in the USA are related to president Barack Hussain Obama. And is this why he supports illegal Immigration ? Or is it for the votes of the 12-20 Million that are here illegally ? Thanks

    1 year ago

    Additional Details

    We ALL know that Obama has 4 times tried to give FULL Amnesty to 12-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants who could bring in ALL their 30-45 MILLION family members. Which would be the LARGEST Amnesty in the WORLD for ANY nation... All these Illegal Immigrants would then have FULL access to ALL American Jobs and TAX paid benefits.... Obama has also told DHS/ICE to release the Illegals that have been caught unless they have felony charges ( approx 300,000 set free ). And Obama gave a speech to La Raza ( The Race ) telling them that he will pass Amnesty himself even if it did not pass in Congress. So, that's when he ORDERED DHS to use as much of the Dream Act Amnesty deal as they can get away with. Obama also told Senator Kyle that he will NOT increase border security till Congress passes Amnesty. Thus black mailing the American people and trying to FORCE Amnesty.

    2 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • WHy do Mexicans not ASSIMILATE in the United States ?

    Google Mexican RECONQUISTA. Then Google Mexican AZTLAN. They do NOT come to be Americans like most other people. These Mexicans come to TAKE from the United States. They talk badly about the United States and always call themselves "Mexicans" because they have no respect for OUR FLAG, OUR CULTURE or OUR Heritage. They are taught in Mexico that great sections of the Southern Region belongs to Mexico and to take it by OVER population by "Their People " ( Mexican Reconquista and Mexican Aztlan core belief ). We have seen then demanding freebies and benefits NEVER given to good and honest immigrants.

    The Obama administration see's them as uneducated pawns that can be easily bought for votes reguardles if it hurts our country over all. Obama simply doesnt care that Americans are killed EVERYDAY by illegal Immigrants ( google How Many Americans are killed a day by Illegal immigrants as proof ). And the cost to support these Millions of mainly Mexican illegal immigrants is crushing our tax base. Minorities in the United Staes will be CRUSHED by Obamas Amnesty but Obama tells them to support it anyway.

    Remember Amnesty for these 12-20 Million ( mainly Mexican Reconquista believers ) means they can bring in 30-45 MILLION of their relatives who will have NO REQUIREMENTS to assimilate as Americans. They will be the Wolves and Americans will be the Sheep supporting them and their family members with an endless WAVE of "New Mexican" family members pouring into the United States EVERY YEAR.

    I would say if you have more questions look at,,


    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why is Obama FORCING Amnesty onto the American People ?

    With 20 Million REAL Americans looking for jobs and a nearly 17 TRILLION National Debt, why has Obama continued to try to force Amnesty for 12-20 Million ( mainly Mexican ) Illegal immigrants into our Country who have knowingly broken OUR LAWS.

    Google Mexican Reconquista & Mexican Aztlan. Is giving Amnesty for people who don't come to be Americans really a benefit to the United States or mainly a benefit to Mexico ?

    How will flooding the United States with 12-20 Million ILLEGAL Immigrants who can bring in 30-45 Million of their relatives help the United States ? What will this do to our REAL Minorities ? The jobs of the working poor who these illegal immigrants will target ? The Neighborhoods of the poor who will be over run ? Our jails will be even more filled. And imagine the INCREASED taxes to support 12-20 Million Illegal immigrants, all their Anchor babies and their 30-45 Million Spanish speaking family members who will have NO requirements to assimilate ! Press #1 for Spanish ? No other culture has EVER demanded this on Americans !

    Look at WWW.NumbersUSA or or to help to undertand of the tru harm of illegal immigration on the American people.

    5 AnswersImmigration8 years ago

    Has Yahoo ended their" comments section " at the end of their news articles simply to promote their liberal bias ? Every time a news stories ( high % ) that tries to sway or pass on false propaganda to cover and support the liberal agenda. Or to attempt to prop up Obamas many failures and lies, often well informed readers make valuable comments and even provide valid links and proof that most of these articles have nothing to do with real news and more a way to pass on propaganda to less educated people in order to drum up support for the liberal or Socialist agenda. Is ending the "Comment Section" an attempt to hide the truth from the vast majority of Americans to EXPRESS the truth and their true feelings. We have seen many bogus "polls" for example followed by THOUSANDS of comments saying the EXACT opposite of what the liberal or Socialist writer whats you to think. Was this a demand by the Obama administration or Democrat think tanks to squash the true feelings and opinions of the American people. I guess so much of freedom of speech. Now it will be a Yahoo Liberal free for all to promote the liberal - progressive - Obama agenda ? And squash the true feelings of the American people. So yahoo liberal media chiefs can tell Americans how to think with out being outed as true propagandist now ?

    10 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • How does 12-20 Million Illegals help the 14 Million Americans out of work ?

    With 14 Million good Americans and legal immigrants out of work, despirate for work, losing their homes. Why do the democrats keep making loop holes and "Amnesty" deals for 12-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants who could then bring in 30-45 MILLION of their relatives and children. ALL of which would have FULL access to ALL American jbs and tax paid benefits. Why do only the Democrats think this is a good idea ? At this point it seems clear in the news that republicans are the only ones making laws to stop this and the democrats are the only ones making loop holes for them. We see this almost every night in the news. So, why would any American vote for democrats at this point ?

    3 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • How many ILLEGAL Immigrant family members does Obama have in the USA ?

    Other then "Uncle Omar" ( Onyango Obama ) & "Aunt Zeutuni" Zeutuni Onyango. How many other Illegal Immigrants in the USA are related to president Barack Hussain Obama. And is this why he supports illegal Immigration ? Or is it for the votes of the 12-20 Million that are here illegally ? Thanks

    6 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Best Source On ILLEGAL Immigration information?

    Knowing that we have 12-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants taking 300+ billion in tax paid benefits and reward a year. Americans need to have good sources to see how this hurts all of us.

    Does anyone know a better source of Illegal Immigration ( NOT sources that support ILLEGAL Immigration through false propaganda, that hurts Americans and Legal Immigrants ) other then the following sources:

    2 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Want to STOP ILLEGAL Immigration ?

    Would you like to STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that is costing American LIVES EVERY day and loss of BILLIONS and BILLIONS in US TAX dollars ?

    Join us !

    Steve Hampton

    1 AnswerImmigration10 years ago
  • Why does Obama support ILLEGAL Immigration?

    With 14+ MILLION American OUT of work and looking for jobs and our economy about to crash. Why would Obama support and try to force ILLEGAL Immigration Amnesty of 12-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants and their 30-45 MILLION family members into the USA. All of which would have instant FULL ACCESS to ALL tax paid benefits and be able to steal MILLIONS of jobs away from our working poor and away from 14 Million Americans struggling to find jobs.

    Clearly this would use up American resources, American tax dollars, destroy open grounds for wildlife to keep making more and more housing, increased trash, increased use of our tax paid Social Services, HUGE increase in Obama care to enroll 12-20 Million of them plus their 30-45 million family members, loss of jobs, increased tax paid infrastructure usage, congestion, loss of English as our common language, American culture destroyed, .... and much more losses. Does this make any sense ?

    Is it really worth ruining the economy, increasing crime and making it even harder for Americans to get jobs for a few votes ?

    So, why would Obama do this to our Country when it would obviously cause so much hardship on millions of Americans AND give benefits not offered to good honest immigrants.

    9 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Look at these videos. Can America survive illegal Immigration for democrat votes?

    This is a Government economist who knows and specialist in illegal immigration:

    This person has an EXCELLENT factual out line of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and what will happen it it continues at its continue rate.

    Now there will people using fake "American Sounding Names" that support illegal immigration that might attack this question simply to prevent you from seeing it.

    The question is, should the United Sates be FORCED to take on support and keep on pandering and encouraging illegal immigrants ( in exchange for democrat votes ) to enter the United States. And when will the Democrats join the Republicans in protecting our Nation from the terrible problems related to illegal immigration.

    Now we have all seen the multiple Bills amd laws designed by republicans to stop illegal immigration and deport illegal immigrants. When will the democrats start doing the same to protect America. WE are ALL Americans. Lets ALL work together to protect America, right ? Illegal Immigration costs America 113 Billion dollars and thousands of American lives a year. Lets ALL work together to stop it.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Should American Citizens be FORCED to pay Billions of taxes extra to support ILLEGAL Immigrants?

    Since it has been proven and well documented by Government Accounting Office and nearly all Media Outlets (b Public and Private ) not controlled by the Democrats that illegal immigration hurts America. One needs only to google anything next to illegal immigration ( like Crime, Murders, Tax loss , tax evasion, ID theft, Tax paid benefits etc... ) to find out the truth.

    Should American Citizens be FORCED to support and pay for ( 113 billion in tax LOSS per year ) 15-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants that cause so many problems, take so many jobs and hurt so many of our good citizens ? Any type of Democrat supported Amnesty would double the numbers of those entering the USA. So, should we really be FORCED to pay for them, when its not in our National or Economic interest to do this ? Or are Democrat votes really worth the severe cost to ALL of our Citizens ( Both Democrat and Republicans together )? Or is it better for BOTH Parties to come together and END all funding to illegal immigrants that encourage them to enter in the first place...

    You decide below and answer with supporting links as proof. And no supporting links from groups that support criminal illegal entry into the USA. ( Have proof of 113 Billion in tax loss ) ( type in YOUR state to see what YOU are paying ) (facts on illegal immigration costs ) ( Facts on illegal immigration costs and nice web live group )

    AP News // CNN // Fox News // The Examiner //



    Note to yahoo screeners. This is not a rant and insult to any named person. This is talking about criminals which the US Government calls illegal immigrants. Which is the correct term.Please Ignore the pro-criminal illegal immigrant bloggers who may falsely complain about this question simply to have it hidden. It is a fair and valid question. Ive provided media and professional links as supporting documentation.

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why are Democrats against outsourcing US Jobs but SUPPORT Illegal Immigration IN the USA ?

    Why are Democrats against outsourcing US Jobs but SUPPORT Illegal Immigration IN the USA ? Why would Democrats clearly support the 12-20 MILLION Illegal Immigrants for Amnesty ( who would bring in 30-45 MILLION mainly Spanish Speaking Family members ) who will ALL apply for Billions in tax paid benefits, steal MILLIONS of US jobs by working under the table and low ball wages. Forcing MILLIONS of REAL Americans OUT of their Jobs and Homes. Yes, I understand its about votes. But how in the heck to they get stupid poor Democrats to go along with this, when it hurts them the most ? Do these poor Democrats not understand how big a number 12-20 Million plus 30-45 Million is ? And how many of the poor Americans WILL lose jobs in the USA to these MILLIONS and MILLIONS ? That doesn't include the 300,000 Anchor babies a year which would increase 10 fold with Amnesty. Do poor Americans even understand how their lives will Forever be ruined ? Do they not see the "Spanish" signs EVERYWHERE, the massive increase in latin American gangs, Neighborhoods being taken over by MASSIVE numbers of illegal Immigrants. And yet, these poor people still vote as their Libtard Democrat MASTERS tell them how to vote. AT WHAT POINT WILL THEY UNDERSTAND THAT WE ALL NEED TO COME TOGETHER AS AMERICANS AND STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AND PREVENT ANY FORM OF AMNESTY. NO MATTER WHAT "CODE NAME" THEY CALL IT NEXT.

    Do you think in 2012 enough people with normal functioning brain cells can vote these LIBTARDS / Democrats out of office and help take America back for Americans and American workers ??

    If you are poor and you vote democrat then you probably deserve to have your jobs taken away by this massive wave of illegal immigrants. Because if you keep blindly voting for Democrats your commmunities, your jobs, your safety will all fade away and soon you will be begging for money from the illegals who will be laughing in your face. As they already laugh at our laws and laugh at how easy they can make puppets of Libtard / Democrats.

    Look at the facts. and thousands of other resources.

    Steve Hampton

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago