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Michelle (L)

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FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @MichelleKostka Subscribe to me on Youtube: Feel free to add me as a contact ! :) :) (¯`v´¯) .`·.¸.·´ ¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ ♥

  • Would taking legal action be beneficial?

    I was hired on contract to make a website from a template for a small company. They agreed to give me a certain amount of money for completing the website, making $15/hour. Based on that, I was being paid for 100 hours of work. I worked on it for many more hours than that, and have met up with them multiple times (for 3-7 hours at a time) to discuss the progress of the website, show them what I had done, etc. I was going above and beyond what they had asked me to do, by altering dozens of images, writing their policies, etc. A month ago, I had asked them to pay me half of what we agreed upon, because I needed the money at the time, and they paid me gladly. At that point they seemed to be happy with the website and were saying that it was looking great. Today they tell me that they're not going to pay me the other half of what we agreed upon, because they're not happy with the end result. The website is very close to completion, there were just a few extra things that needed to be added.

    I'm wondering if there is really anything I can do about this. Would taking legal action benefit me?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • 14 year old poodle acting strangely?

    We have a 14 year old poodle and just recently she started going through these episodes that last about 10 minutes where she starts biting her paws and if we're close by, she'll bite us too. While she's doing that, she's whining and walking with a limp. After this goes on for a few minutes, she's back to normal. What could be causing this?

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Belly button piercings HOT or NOT?

    What do you think of them?

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Would this certificate be beneficial?

    At the university I'm going to this fall, there's a certificate that students can get called the Global Experience Certificate. These are the following requirements to get it: 3 courses (related to international business, global studies, etc.), 2 language courses, one international experience (studying abroad or doing an internship/coop term abroad), and a volunteer position outside of Canada or the US. Would future employers be interested in a certificate like this one and would help me stand out of the crowd? Or do you think it's more for personal development? Thanks!

  • Navy blue prom dress?

    So my prom dress is a navy blue (very dark) and my boyfriend and I want to match. Would it look ok if he wore a white shirt, navy tie and black pants and blazer? I know that navy blue and black don't go together but I'm having a hard time figuring out how we're supposed to match LOL. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • How would you describe this taste in music?

    These are the bands/artists that I love:

    Pink Floyd


    Jimi Hendrix

    The Police

    King Crimson


    The Rolling Stones

    The Red Hot Chili Peppers

    A lot of people just say that I like 'Classic Rock' but is there anything that's more specific? Because there is a big difference between Pink Floyd and RHCP for example, but do all of these bands/artists kind of fall under one big genre of music? Or is my taste in music just varied and hard to pin point? Thank you!

    5 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Question about buying stock on TMX?

    I'm a bit confused with the process of how purchasing a stock works. I see that on the TMX website, there is the value of the stock: example, RIM is at $11.850. There is the bid: 11.780, the bid size: 19. The ask is 11.850, and the ask size is 322. So my first question, is how do I know what the minimum number of stocks that I can buy is? Would I have to buy at least 10, or can I just buy 1 - does it matter? Let's say I want to buy 10 RIM stocks, what is the price that I would need to pay for each? Is that the ask, 11.850? I have a bit of background in terms of learning about how to research companies and see if their stock will increase or decrease, but I don't know too much about the terminology and the information that I see on the TMX website. If anybody could help me out a bit that would be great!

    2 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • Wondering where to get this tattoo?

    I'll be turning 18 soon, and I have been interested in getting a tattoo for a while now. I would like to get the phrase "life is beautiful", but in Polish so it would look like, "życie jest piękne". I was thinking of getting it on my right foot, on the right side (on the side, not on top) in a really nice, fancy font. I also love tattoos on the shoulder blade. Does this sound trashy? The phrase means a lot to me (not going to go in details), but I'm just not sure what part of the body it would look better on. Any advice would be great, thank you!

    5 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Thoughts/advice on my singing?

    Sorry, I know I already asked this, but I'd just like to get a few more opinons. Would you say that my singing is bad, average/ok, or good? I've never sang in front of anyone before, so this is a big step for me :) Any advice/comments are greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersSinging9 years ago
  • Could you give me feedback on my singing?

    I just put a video up on youtube of me singing the first part of Angel by Sarah McLachlan. I'd like to see what others think :) Its only 45 seconds long, so if you could listen to it and give me advice or comment that would be amazing, thank you so much!

    4 AnswersSinging9 years ago
  • Masters/PhD in Psychology?

    I am going into gr. 12 next year, and I already know that I want to do a psychology undergrad. I am not sure whether I would like to be a psychologist or teach the subject at a college/university. I am currently doing a lot of research about the different jobs that are available in the psychology field and what education is required for them, but I would like to clarify some some things. To be a psychologist (any kind, clinical, child, forensic, etc.) is it mandatory to get a 1-2 year masters degree and then get a doctorate (4-6 years)? Also, is it likely that I will be able to actually teach psychology at a college with just a masters degree? Are there any related jobs that one can get with just an undergrad in psychology? I know this may be difficult to answer, especially for those living outside of Canada, but which university would be better to go to? Wilfred Laurier or the University of Windsor?

    Thank you so much for answering any of these questions.

  • Translate english phrases to french?

    I have never told you

    You have taught me to be a better person

    I wish I could give you a good home

    I know that you appreciate what you have

    I know you will always be there for me

    I have already translated them, but I just want to see if I got them right. Thank you!

    4 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Help with French grammar?

    J’ai enseignée toi comment faire de la gymnastique,

    Et comment nager sur le dos,

    Mais tu m’as appris à être une meilleure personne.

    Tu mérites plus que ce que tu as en ce moment,

    Je souhaiter que je pouvais tu donner une bonne maison,

    Et une vie meilleure,

    Mais je sais que tu apprécies ce que tu as,

    Contrairement à moi.

    Je ne t’ai jamais dit,

    Mais tu as changée ma vie,

    Je ne suis toujours pas aussi une bonne personne comme tu,

    Mais tu m’as énormément aide.

    Je sais que tu seras toujours me soutenir,

    Et je vais faire la même chose.

    This poem is about a girl, are there any grammatical mistakes? Thank you :)

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Help with French grammar?

    Tu leur as prouvé incorrect

    Tu as appris à marcher, sauter et danser

    Parfois, je ne peux pas rester avec-tu

    Tu pouvais parler comme tout le monde

    Ta léger zézaiement et bégaient ne me déranger pas

    Je sais que les gens ont ri de tous

    Mais tu ne pleures pas ou rêve d’être diffèrent

    Tu étais forte

    Tu as pardonnée les gens qui se moquaient à toi

    Et qui pensent que tu ne réussirais jamais

    This is part of my french poem and I have been working on it for a while now, but I was just wondering if there were any major grammatical mistakes. It is about a girl (not plural or masculin). Thank you very much! :)

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • French Poem - Does it sound good?


    Tu es née très malade

    Les médecines ont dit que tu ne marcherais jamais

    Ils ont dit que tu ne parlerais jamais

    Ne serait jamais normale

    Tu leur as prouvé incorrect

    Tu as appris à marcher, sauter et danser

    Parfois, je ne peux pas rester avec-tu

    Tu pouvais parler comme tout le monde

    Votre léger zézaiement et bégaient ne me déranger pas

    Je sais que les gens ont ri de tous

    Mais tu ne pleures pas ou rêve d’être diffèrent

    Tu étais forte

    Tu as pardonnée les gens qui se moquaient à toi

    Et qui pensent que tu ne réussirais jamais

    Votre bonheur et optimisme est stupéfiant

    Je veux être plus comme toi

    Je veux voir le monde comme tu faites

    Comme toi, je veux être authentique

    Et expérience les plaisirs simples de la vie

    Apprends-moi à aimer mes ennemis

    Et aidez-moi à voir le couleur gris

    Au lieu noir et blanc

    Apprends-moi à être comme toi

    -Thank you for reading! I have checked this poem over, but I was wondering if there are still any major mistakes left. This is not the whole poem, but does it sound good overall?

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • How many notes on a picture is considered a lot? (tumblr)?

    One of my pictures has over 1000, and I was wondering how many notes would be considered to be a lot. One of my friends said that my picture is "tumblr famous" but I dont think so! So how many is a lot? 1000, 5000, 10 000...?

    thanks :)

    4 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Which job do you think is more respected?

    A cashier or a receptionist? I am 17 and I have been a cashier for 9 months, and applying to be a receptionist, so this is why I am asking.

    Thank you

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is this normal while dreaming?

    I think this is referred to as the alpha state of mind, but anyways.. sometimes when I am almost completely asleep, I hear myself narrating some sort of story. After that, sometimes the narrator's voice changed and it becomes a different person and the voice becomes very warped and eerie sounding. I know this sounds really weird, but has anyone ever experienced this? Is it normal for this to happen, and if so, does it mean anything?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • Does anyone know this spanish song?

    It is all sung in spanish by a man (or group?), and it is slower. The chorus goes like this: "Ah, ya ya ya" and then there is some singing afterwards. It was sung a lot in Cuba by bands, and is pretty much as popular as Guantanamera. I know the description is really vague, but any help would be appreciated! (:

    3 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • Does it ever rain/thunderstorm for 2 weeks straight in Cuba?

    I am looking at the 14 day weather forcast for Holguin, Cuba and for 2 weeks straight it is supposed to thunderstorm :( Do you think this is accurate? Every time I go to Cuba, it either never rains, or rains for like half an hour on one day. I know it is hurricane season, but we've gone at this time before and the weather was perfect.

    1 AnswerCuba10 years ago