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rock star mommy

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the name is sarah. i am a single, 27 year old mother of 2 of the most beautiful baby girls EVER (no lie-my kids are GORGEOUS) oldest is 4 in nov and youngest just turned 2 years in april) i have a great job at a world renound hospital. i own my house. i LOVE tattoos. im a giving person and i don't expect much in return but some respect and honesty. i listen to every kind of music...favoring 80's rock/pop and heavy meta, latin. rock. pop. r&b-im very ecclectic. i think thats about all ya need to know!...

  • mommy halloween costume ideas?

    im thinking i may dress up with my 2 girls. one is alice in wonderland and the other is little red riding hood. i want to be something they would both know. a friend of mine said GAGA, but i HATE gag-me. i thought maybe ke$ha since they both LOVE her....any ideas? im 27, my kids are 4 and 2.5. thanks!

    1 AnswerHalloween1 decade ago
  • flying with toddlers/preschoolers...?

    anything i should know/do? its a 2.5 hour flight taking off very early AM. ive got little games and flash cards to keep them occupied if they don't fall asleep...which im pretty sure they won't since i've been hearing about being up in the sky for the past 2 months....

    anything i should know or make sure i take or do? thank you very much!!

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • disney world with a 2, 3, 4 & 8 year old...what to do/not to do? (etc)?

    so we are going to disney world in approx 3 weeks. everything is set im just trying to figure rides for the munchkins. what should i make sure the kids do, not do, see/not see etc. my 2 & 3 year olds are more like the size of 4 & 5 year olds. we are spending the days according to the early/late magic hours.

    also, ANY OTHER tips would be very much appreciated!! :)

    thank you!!

    7 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • what seat should i put my 2 year old in?

    now here is the tricky part. yes, she IS 2 years old, but she is ALSO 3 foot tall and a little over 40 pounds. the thing is, she is getting to be way too big for her car seat (she has an eddie bauer 3-in1) but she is simply not fitting. the straps are to the limit. what can i put her in? can i upgrade to a booster? thank you!


    3 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • packing list for disney world.?

    so, my 2 daughters & i (ages 2 & 3) are taking a vacation to disney world in august, and im wondering, if you had been there, is there anything in particular i should take? or that you found could have been necessary TO take that you forgot? any staples i would need for walking around the parks? we're going to the 4 major, universal and seaworld. this is their FIRST BIG trip :) and i don't want to forget anything to put a damper on our go abouts :) thank you!!

    4 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • need to get rid of this baby belly!!?

    okay, so, after my first pregnancy my belly was alittle hard to get rid of. (i gained 65lbs-went from 118->183) but now, after my second pregnancy, its proving harder to lose it! im now 127, trying to get the last 10 lbs off and flatten the tummy a bit more, it seems its not muscles-its just skin? anyone else have this issue? and how are you getting rid/have gotten rid of it and what are you doing/have done to get rid of it? (eat, exercises etc) its killing me, i can't stand it anymore, everyone tells me i look great for having 2 kids, but my self esteem is horrible :(

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • want to be able to read myspace status messages?

    okay, so i like to read status messages of my friends with out having to log in;to see what they are up to. and recently, i haven't been able to do that? it just gives me the 'the profile is private...' (yadda yadda yadda) how can i be able to read the status messages again with out having to log in? delete cookies....what?


    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • need help with choosing SLR!?

    so, i would like to get into photography. not only that, i have 2 girls...and anyone that has children KNOW that they are not so good at just sitting there to say cheese 99% of the time (haha!) they are on the go and hard to catch most of the time. anyways, im looking into getting some kind of digital SLR camera. but i have NO idea what i am doing. i favor canon. right now owning a canon SD750; which i LOVE! but its still not fast enough to catch my girls.

    i don't want something all THAT expensive, as i am just starting out. and i really have NO idea about taking pictures-angles, lighting/flash, speeds, noise levels, what the functions are etc. (tho, i will be working on these! promise that)

    my question to you is. what is the best model to start with? what would work the best for me and my needs etc? feel free to ask anything, i will answer if you have questions :)

    TY in advance!

    5 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • tooth falling/growing into open space where tooth was?

    so, i had to have an extraction when i was pregnant (about 2 years ago;bottom left, second to last molar). they told me about a bridge (which i haven't gotten so far cause i don't want the metal around the bottom of my gums) or implant (which i haven't gotten since they are so expensive. so, basically theres just a hole there where my tooth used to be. anyways-my tooth above that has kinda fallen or grown, from the top, into the area where my tooth used to be. is this normal? and now, not to mention, i have a gum line cavity where the tooth 'grew' down. why could this have done this? i have hereditary 'bad teeth' which doesn't help-and during pregnancy i know they become worse with the baby draining calcium...but any help would-id be thankful! :)

    sorry so long. tried to put in as much detail as possible.

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • what was your best quit smoking aide?

    now, im 26. been smoking since i was 11...i know, BAD. [[don't lecture me-i don't need another mother.]] anyways. i need to quit. i want to quit. but because its been so long, its not just 'mind over matter' anymore....its an actual addiction. i have 2 girls, and i have quit for them during pregnancies. but started up again after both. and im ready to do it for GOOD. ive heard good as well as bad things about both the patch and pill (more bad about the pill) and other remedies or partaking in other activities....i want to know--how you quit smoking? what was your aide? what did you do to fill that 'void' when you would have been practicing your habit?

    please help. thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • my grandma (&aunt) keeps CUTTING my daughters hair! HELP! before i go insane!?

    SO, this is the deal. my daughter is 2. shes given her her 'first' hair cut by my grandmas WANTING and my aunts scissor happy hands-because 'you need to get the tailies off in order for the hair to grow which is BS because i know of ALOT of that have never once cut their childs hair and never had a problem with 'tailies'. and since then, shes given her 3 trims and about 10 'bang' cuts. i want my daughters hair long and she just won't listen! i don't know what to do! its like my last option is to hold the kids against her and tell her if she does it again, she'll never see them again. i have a 1 year old with really deep strawberry blonde hair, and over my dead body will she cut her curls off!! i need to put a stop to this now-somehow...but how?

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • my 8 month old alittle behind?

    im not sure what to think...i do know that she is exactly the opposite of EVERYTHING compared to my oldest, who is 2 years old. (she was/is advanced in everything!) but my 8 month old (almost 9mo on 29th) hasn't rolled over..she's absolutely hated tummy time since she was able to be on her tummy. she throws a royal FIT when shes on her belly for more than a minute and it doesn't matter if she has something there to occupy her mind/hands...if im not holding her shes like a maniac! she does stand up with help but absolutely refuses to roll over! shes constantly babbling and started actually calling me mum-mum about 2 weeks ago. so shes on track with that.

    what can i do? do you think somethings wrong? im really weirded out. anyone had this experience?

    thanks in advance for all of your input/ideas. :)

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what do you think of ailea on bad girls club?

    im totally addicted to this show since last season. and this season is just plain rediculous! i think ailea is a fricken brut! every time 'boston' and 'kayla' get into it she's throwin them around like trying to keep peace. (and shes the 'instigator', weird)

    i just simply find it hilarious! i dont' have drama, and its just so much fun watching it happen to everyone else! ha!

    you like it? yay or nay?


    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • k9s coming in before front teeth?

    Ok. So as of yesterday my youngest girl turned 7 months. About a month ago she got her bottom teeth thru and a week or so later started working on the top. Here I'm noticing that it looks like her K9 teeth instead of her top front 2. Every child Ive ever known in 25 years, including my oldest daughter, 2 nephews and millions of cousins, has had their bottom front 2 and then top front 2 come thru but never the k9's before the front. Its obviously not normal cause if it were id know about it. Has any one had or know someone that's had it happen to themselves or their kids? I'm going to ask the dr and see if its something I should have checked out, just asking yer opinions/experiences. :) thank you!!


    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what is myspace 2.0, exactly?

    ok, so i've been seeing alot about this 2.0 crap and im just curious as to what it is and what it entails. im assuming its an 'upgrade' but don't know the details about it and i've heard alot of people HATE it....

    whats the deal?

    thank you in advance! :)


    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • mathematical/time with in a year; question?? ?

    ok, so im HORRIBLE at math...and im trying to figure out how much time is spent on each others half YEARLY...

    so, im going to try to make it as simple as i possible can.

    i have physical custody. so i have my daughter mostly all the time. my ex gets my daughter partially::

    -mondays & wednesdays from 4-10pm.

    -every OTHER friday at 4p until SUN at 7.

    he gets 6 hours for his birthday, as i do with mine reguardless to whos time it is.

    -we spend 4 alternating holidays and then thanksgiving & xmas are split 6 hours (me) and 6 hours (him).

    -we BOTH get 3 weeks vacation; having her alone; from the other.

    can anyone help me out with this? i sincerely appreciate it! :) and if you need any more info, please let me know, ill be glad to give it to you.


    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • obama/mccain. (yes, ANOTHER one....)?

    so, i was watching stuff online just a bit ago, and im in shock that people are ONLY voting for obama because 'he's a black running for president' or because 'he's a decendent of the slaves and he has a chance to run the country after what blacks [in general] have been through' yadda yadda yadda.

    NOW, I AM IN NO WAY RACIST/PREJUDICE! or whatever it is you'd like to call me...i personally agree with obama OVER mccain, but im not voting because i don't believe in either of them 100%.

    i just do not understand why people just can't get over things!? why can people not base a very important decision, on the FACTS of an election and not strictly race issues? why is it that, from what i have watched online, that most blacks didn't vote until now? and they're only picking him because of his ethenticity!?

    please, explain.

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • vacation ideas for 2 single (1 recently divorced) girls?

    ok, so my friend and i decided that with our [upcoming] income tax money, we're taking a vacation. NO kids. NO men. and definately NO RESPONSABILITIES! we're looking for something/place warm. we can be alittle wild, and im sure if the 'what happens here stays here' opportunity hits us--we'll take it. =)

    our first idea was vegas. but anything else anyone would reccomend? we're not looking to spend an ungodly amount of money. maybe something all-inclusive? no cruises-they're too expensive.

    sun...possibly cabana boys...night clubs/ sleep...sites to see...drinks and late nights is kinda what we're looking for.

    thanks in advance!! =)

    8 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • i sing and i can't think of songs...?

    i do the same songs all the time. i sing mostly 80's rock (pat benetar is my fav!!) and modern country, with a few older country songs like blame it on your heart-patty loveless and why haven't i heard from you-reba. i can also do evenescence bring me to life, call me when yer sober and going under.

    i can REALLY NAIL why haven't i heard from you, the fugees-killing me softly, patty loveless-blame it on yer heart and the b-52's-love shack...anything with a very strong female vocal/voice part im good with. i have a VERY strong voice and very belty at that. im not the greatest at ballads-but i can do them. im stuck in the 80's and thats what i favor to sing but im not limited to those.

    gimme some songs i can do please? anything will help me outta my rutt and change things. thx!! =)

    **also, there is a contest and instead of being 2nd i WANT TO be that 1st place!!! so i gotta hit this big!


    5 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • Activities for my extremely busy 20 month old?

    I need some ideas...I have an extremely busy 20 month old who I just cannot seem to keep occupied! If she's noyt content with what she's doing she'll get into everything she can get her hands on. I try to do things with her all the time, and we do things all the time, but it seems like the only time she's really content is when we go to hershey park or something away from home. I also have a 2 month old so taking her there all the time isn't always possible. Anyone have ideas for home or outside play that will keep her occupied? Either content with playing herself and/or with me?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago