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I am a 28 year old woman living in Gilroy, CA with my handsome husband, David. I currently work for the local hospital and attend Sharks Hockey games in San Jose. Go SHARKS!

  • Gastric Bypass surgery ?

    I am a 27 year old (28 in one month) female who is over 300lbs.

    I really need to get the surgery. I try to exercise but my muscles BURN and I get out of breath really easily.

    The surgery would be very VERY beneficial to my health but my insurance will only pay for 80% of it and I have to pay the rest. I don't have the $$$ to pay even 10% of the bill. I really want and need to get the surgery but don't know what to do.

    Any ideas or has anyone gotten the surgery and it was paid in full?

    P.S. I live in CA.


    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Gastric bypass surgery paid in full... possible?

    I am a 27 year old (28 in one month) female who is over 300lbs.

    I really need to get the surgery. I try to exercise but my muscles BURN and I get out of breath really easily.

    The surgery would be very VERY beneficial to my health but my insurance will only pay for 80% of it and I have to pay the rest. I don't have the $$$ to pay even 10% of the bill. I really want and need to get the surgery but don't know what to do.

    Any ideas or has anyone gotten the surgery and it was paid in full?

    P.S. I live in CA.


    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • UTI or Muscle Spasms?

    On Monday I was seen in the ER for what I thought was kidney stones. They did a CT scan (with contrast) and said that there were no stones. They thought that I had passed them already and I was just feeling the after effects of them. They sent me home after doing a pregnancy test and other blood work.

    On Wednesday, I seen my PCP (primary care physician) who ran a urine culture and said that I had a urinary tract infection.

    I've been taking my anti-biotic since wednesday as well as vicodin for the pain and it's not helping. I still feel like I have to pee all the time and it still hurts. Even my vagina hurts. It's like a shooting pain that continues on the right side of my vagina. I don't have any sores and it doesn't "burn" when I urinate but... what can it be?

    Once a doctor told me that muscle spasms can cause this. I have been drinking tons of water and cranberry juice and still the pain doesn't subside.

    Any ideas what it can be?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • 2008 Toyota Yaris?

    My 2008 Toyota Yaris is not reading the seat belt when I buckle it. It is reading that I don't have it on when I do have on and buckled. Does anyone know what is going on? I just bought the car in September of 07.

    5 AnswersToyota1 decade ago
  • Two Newlyweds and an ex-girlfriend?

    Ok... My husband and I got married this August and love each other so much. Just recently an old girlfriend of his is back in town (she is now divorced) and now wants to "hang out" with us. She called earlier this week and wanted to know if we (my husband and I) wanted to go to the movies with her (just the 3 of us.) I told her no for that we were busy (which was the truth) but... I don't feel comfortable with only me and my husband hanging out with an old girlfriend of his. I can see if we were with a whole group of friends and she was there but... not just me and her and my husband and that is it. We have some old friends of ours that ended up having affairs and are seperated and getting divorced. I believe that the affair happened for... the husband and wife were always hanging out with the wife's best friend. It was always just the 3 of them. Then... the best friend and husband would hang out by themselves.

    What do you think? Do I have cause for concern?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Trolling?!?!?

    I keep hearing this thing about trolling on Yahoo! Answers. What is that?

    20 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Friends with a liar?

    I have a guy friend that I have been friends with since the 4th grade. As we have gotten older and in our 20's, I have come to find out that he lies to me and doesn't tell me the truth on things. It really hurts me. I am always 100% truthful with him. But... when it comes to him... I ask him something and he lies to my face and later I come to know the truth. I have caught him not once, not twice but three times. Maybe more.

    We have been friends for so long. He was even in my wedding. Yeah... I am really frustrated. Any advise?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What's in a name?

    A good friend of mine/co-worker just had her baby yesterday. She named her newborn Sophia Emily.

    When I found out... I got really bummed for... I wanted to name my first born (when I have a baby) Sophie. Now... I feel like... since she named her baby Sophia, I can't name my future daughter Sophie cause it's practically the same name.

    What can I do?

    P.S. I am not pregnant but... want to start trying soon.

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Strong intuition or... Psychic?

    Sometimes I feel like I have been given a very strong intuition or "supernatural" ability like being "psychic". However... I am a Christian and have been taught (and Believe) that people should stay away from stuff like that. It's really weird. I don't know what to do. Sometimes it feels stronger then other times. It comes and goes and I sometimes wish that I knew what was going on. Is this really a "gift". I don't believe in astrology or tarot cards and crap like that. What do you think?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • I am a Christian and.... psychic?

    Sometimes I feel like I have been given a very strong intuition or "supernatural" ability like being "psychic". However... I am a Christian and have been taught (and Believe) that people should stay away from stuff like that. It's really weird. I don't know what to do. Sometimes it feels stronger then other times. It comes and goes and I sometimes wish that I knew what was going on. Is this really a "gift". I don't believe in astrology or tarot cards and crap like that. What do you think?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Possible pregnancy??

    My husband and I just recently got married (Not even a month ago). We have had some newlywed moments (sex w/out protection). My nipples feel really sensitive and I am tired alot and my ankles and feet are swollen. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests and they all have said that I am not pregnant. However... I have heard of some women being pregnant and the home test said they weren't. Any ideas on what could be wrong or what I should do??

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Under the Tuscan Sun?

    I LOVE the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. There is a part in the movie where Diane Lane's character goes to Positano, Italy. There she walks down this tiled stair way and stands on a platform that goes out into the ocean with the water spraying up all around her. I so want to find out what the name of the place is that she is standing at and maybe find a picture. I am pretty sure that this shot was taken in Positano.

    Please help!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why do guys in the millitary?

    How come guys in the millitary cheat on their wives and girlfriends? I dated a guy in the Navy and he cheated on me, married this girl and then cheated on her with me telling me that he didn't get married. I noticed that a lot of guys in the millitary do this. I am not saying... ALL guys in the military do it but... a lot do.

    27 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Fiance wants kids right away.?

    I am getting married in August of this year. I am 26 and my Fiance is 29 (going on 30). He wants to try and get me pregnant on our honeymoon. I am a little worried about this for... being that we are going to be newlyweds, I would like a little time with my hubby before kids pop into the picture. I love kids and so want a family. However... I want to be smart about this. He says that... he will buy condoms for the honeymoon but... after that... he wants to try. I love my finace and so want to spend the rest of my life with him and bear his children. However... I am scared of being a mom. He says that I will make a great mom but... I am still scared. What to do?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Doggy Diareah?

    My Mini Schanuzer has diareah BAD. He can't stop. Also... it looks like... he maybe constipated too. It looks like he has to go to the bathroom but can't. I am really worried. He's like my baby and I feel so bad. All he does is sit there and shake looking at me. He is an indoor dog and I can't let him in the house cause he will go poop. He also scratches his butt on the ground. What is wrong? Can you help?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Friend or not a friend? That is the question.?

    My friend *Hillary's* best friend had a boyfriend that she broke up with.

    About a month later *Hillary's* fiance broke up with her.

    The ex-fiance and best friend moved in together and started dating. The are now married and living together.

    Does my friend *Hillary* have the right to be angry??

    *name change*

    Also... I took Hillary's side and think what they did was wrong. Do they have the right to be angry with me?

    Just curious.

    12 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Response Cards... to send back or not send back?

    My fiance and I sent out our wedding invitations the 1st of this month. We gave people till June 1st to send back their response cards so that we know how many people will be attending our wedding reception. So far... we have only received 5 responses back out of... 38. We haven't heard a word back from a lot of people if they are coming or not. Is this ok?? Or is this rude? I don't know what to do. I really don't.

    21 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is having a small wedding possible without having to elope??

    My fiance and I want a small, tiny, intimate wedding. However... my family members (aunts, uncles, cousins) are very upset that they are not invited and refuse to come to a reception that we are having for family members a week after the wedding (After our honeymoon). We only want our moms, dad, sisters, and wedding party there at the actual ceremony. We are having an outdoor wedding along the beach and there is not a lot of parking for a lot of people to come.

    Do family members have the right to be upset when my fiance and I are paying for our own wedding and are planning on doing things the way we want to do them?

    16 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago