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  • How to get headphones working for LG TV?

    I'm trying to get my headphones working on my mother's LG M237WDP television.They're plugged in and seem to fit but the sound is still on and no sound is coming through the headphones. Can ANYONE help??

    Need answers ASAP please! Cheers.

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Help from A Dubliner, please!?

    My daughter and my niece are off to paint the Temple Bar area red tomorrow. Can someone please tell me roughly how far it is from Dublin so we can try and work out how much it will cost them to get to their hotel, and also advise of any areas in Temple Bar to avoid? They're both 21. Thank you.

    6 AnswersDublin1 decade ago
  • 10 and 11 year old would-be rapists! The REAL question!?

    When I was that age, we didn't even know what sex was - and the worst thing most of us ever did was the "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" scenario. Something is going seriously wrong.

    Surely the real question now is that of where these boys have learned about rape and sexual assault! Where have they heard of/seen this type of stuff? Has there been sexual abuse in their own lives, or have they witnessed it? Surely we need to try and learn more about this disturbing trend by exploring these boys' lives and figuring out where this behaviour stems from?

    Is this now going to happen, I wonder? Views please.

    16 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I was thinking of voting Lib Dem, but I'm not impressed by my local candidate...?

    ....who produced a cheap, unprofessional flyer (complete with flash reflection, grammar and spelling mistakes, cheap home perm and smoker's teeth).

    My question is, do I vote for the party or the local candidate. It's a very important question, so all imput is much appreciated!

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Advice, please. Which party is most likely?

    to put better controls on immigration? I don't profess to be great with Politics and this is currently my major concern. I'm not talking about genuine asylum seekers, but those who are here illegally, or the influx of European workers whom we cannot possibly accommodate without affecting the taxes and work opportunities of British Nationals.

    Advice much appreciated, please!

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Should the Price-Andre kids be protected from....?

    ....this constant pimping out by their attention-hungry parents? Last week it was Katie parading her family across the pages of OK Magazine. This week it's Pete.

    As someone who has had to frequently do these types of shoots for newspapers and magazines over the last five years, I know how time-consuming and demanding the work is. It isn't fun. It's chaotic with all the photographic equipment, hair, make-up and wardrobe, and decent shots take several hours of hard work. I hate it, but I'm an adult. I get paid when I do these shoots and I'm conscious of having to make sure the magazine concerned gets the pictures of me that it requires.

    The Price-Andre kids have to do this several times a year with each parent. It's unfair, stressful and demanding. And it's wrong to keep them permanently in the spotlight now they're reaching school age.

    My question is: should we be concerned about these children being pimped out to enhance the payments their parents make for doing the interviews - because they do get paid more if the kids are part of the shoot?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • With so much sadness around, isn't this a beautiful moment.....?

    between man and nature? Notice how the squirrel is making eye contact with the man as it takes the hazelnut off him. So adorable.

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What have you done today to make you feel proud?

    (it's never too late to try!).

    Just wondered.

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • According to Prof Hawking, Aliens are out there....? what would you say/do if confronted by them? Would you be terrified, or book a photo session with OK Magazine?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Whatever you do, DON'T try and contact Aliens...?

    ...since Prof Hawking says they are out there and might just come if we try and say hi. He reckons they are jealous of our resources. Should someone tell Jodrell Bank and the like?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If my same-sex partner and I want to get married, would the Pope....?

    officiate when he and his equally false posse visit the UK, or do we need to be paedophiles first??

    Just wondered. Think I know the answer, though.....

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I feel for Denise Welch, but is it really headline news...?

    I know she's battled terrible depression, although I hadn't previously heard about the drugs stuff. I feel for her, I really do. But is this the best the Daily Mirror can come up with for a full front page? Are we really so ignorant as a nation that Denise Welch's depression on the front page sells papers?

    I worry that this type of "news" represents how our society is dumbing down. What do you guys think?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Your flight is leaving today but the volcano is kicking off again. Do you....? out anyway and hope to God it's just a false alarm, or choose to let the flight leave without you, just in case? This is a genuine dilemma for my friend on Thursday and I have no idea what to tell her!

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can someone please give me the winning lottery numbers....?

    ....either for Wednesday or Saturday - or both? I'm sick of those duds I keep buying at Morrisons and want the real deal. Thanks. Promise to give you a share!

    10 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • I know the volcano saga's a pain, but isn't it also amazing...?

    The sunsets have been beautiful and the skies pollution free. But most of all has been the chance to actually see and touch particles that have lived within a live volcano for thousands of years. Some of the ash had landed on our car and I was amazed at what I was looking at and touching.

    We may never get the chance again to experience something so amazing here in the UK. I know there have been major problems, of course I do, but it's also been incredible in it's own little volcanic way.

    Or is that just me??

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Following on from Skidoo's question....?

    ...... how does the "act of God" clause affect Muslims? Would they have the right to change it to "act of Allah", or would their religious beliefs affect the validity of the clause? Just curious.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Endocrine System - Can someone clarify this for my Science essay, please?

    I need, in simple terms, details of how the glands know what changes have occurred in the body, how much of a chemical to release, and what chemical to release.

    I need to grasp this point in order to complete my next project on the nervous system.

    Many thanks

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • Price of a 100g Lindt Choccie Bunny at Morrisons?

    I think I've just been scammed by Morrisons. Can anyone please confirm what they paid this Easter for a 100g Lindt Bunny at Morrisons? They reckon they were charging £2.99 and are selling them at half price now, but I think the size bigger was £2.99.

    It's a matter of principle because I've noticed them being deceitful about similar offers.


    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago

    .......or will you brave the elements and get out and about? What are everyones plans?

    20 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago

    .....would you still do so if you suddenly needed them in an emergency and they came to your aid - or that of someone you love? Do you ever think about the positives of the things police do to keep you as safe as possible, the risks they take etc, or do you just choose to use hateful terms to describe them all, when really it's just the odd few bad apples who behave badly?

    It seems very unfair to tar them all with the same brush. They deserve praise too, you know!

    BTW, I have no connection with the police at all. I just think it's unfair.

    21 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago