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Lv 2275 points

Tyler G

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  • First year computer science java code error help!?

    I'm trying to compile a code without errors (the task is to create a ASCII bunny using special characters.) here is what i have so far:

    public class UvicBunny {

    System.out.println (" (\_//) ");


    it gives me 2 errors:

    1.) System.out.println (" (\_//)");

    ................................^ error (identifier) expected.

    Could someone please explain what an identifier is and what i should type to fix the error.

    2.) Error: illegal escape character

    System.out.println (" (\_//) ")


    Is the _ an invalid character? I didn't think i had to escape the underscore like /_ or anything do i?

    Sorry i'm a total beginner and all help is appreciated thank you! :D

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Pokemon move/team suggestions (black/white), please help ! thanks ~~~?

    My team is far from developed yet, and i was just looking for suggestions on which moves to teach them eventually, and/or if anyone has any other suggestions as to which pokemon i use.

    Here is my team:

    Tyranitar (lvl 59): Dark Pulse, Payback, Crunch, Earthquake (i was thinking i should keep crunch and earthquake ?)

    Dragonite (lvl 62): Aqua tail, Dragon Claw, Dragon dance, Fly (Fly is temporary, i was going to replace it with thunderbolt or something similar to cover my lack of electric moves.)

    Metagross (lvl 65): Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hyper beam. (what should i replace agility with? And im not a big fan of recharge moves like hyper beam, should i keep it ?)

    Alakazam (lvl62): Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Psychic, Charge beam. ( i was thinking of getting rid of charge beam, any other suggestions for this one ? My alakazam's spec. atk is so high i usually end up killing most things in 1 hit with psychic lol, and its nature benefits speed and lowers att.)

    Lapras (lvl 60): Ice beam, hydro pump , im looking for 2 other attacks. any suggestions ?

    Now for my sixth pokemon i was thinking of using Lucario, i have a lvl 29 riolu which i was ev training for att. For my sixth choice i have the following possibilities: Lucario (lvl 29 riolu), Kingler (lvl 42), Nidoking (lvl 49), Poliwrath (lvl 52), Piloswine (which is lvl 62, i would evolve into mamoswine). Or Starmie (lvl 20 staryu. lol) ?

    lol i just realised none of these pokemon are 5th gen, but i dont really like the 5th gen pokemon that much, i AM playing black/white though, so dont get confused, i just transfered these from heartgold.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • im burning 500 calories a day at the gym (cardio mostly) and im HARDLY losing any weight, whats wrong ?!?

    My workout consists of:

    -10 minute walk to the gym (i consider this my warm up.)

    -20 minute treadmill (usually around 7.8 mph) with 1 20 second water break in between

    - 10-15 minutes of decent resistance training/weights

    - another 10 minutes of cardio (treadmill or bike.)

    Just from the treadmill alone i burn 500+ calories (according to the display on the treadmill).

    i have been going everyday almost for most of the summer.

    At the beggining of the summer i was 181 pounds, and i am 6 foot 1. i was mostly trying to get rid of my belly/oblique/butt fat that i carry around with me. and by about mid july (a month and a bit ago) i quickly dropped to 173 pounds. which is where i still am right now....

    I dont understand. i eat a pretty light amount food (compared to what i used to eat.) such as, a 1 medium bowl of honey bunches of oats cereal in the morning. usually a banana and a light lunch. Then usually some sort of meat (chicken/steak) for dinner, and i have stopped drinking 2% milk and i have pretty much only been drinking water, (milk with dinner only.) . So i dont really think it could be my eating habits.

    The thing that is bugging me is that, in the last 6 weeks or so, i have probably burned about 16,000-20,000 calories in the gym. but my body fat isnt showing ANY signs of decreasing. my belly seemed like it was shrinking very slightly, but in the last 4-5 weeks, i have seen no improvement.

    So, i havent seen any weight loss on the scale, and i have hardly seen any physical differences in my fat regions either. Did i just simply hit a bump in the fat losing cycle ? should i just keep continuing this routine and hope for the best ? or should i try something totally new ?

    P.S. i have muscle, i can feel it, it IS there, i just cant see it.... its under about 1 and a half inches of belly flab...

    41 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Honestly, should i become a pharmacist ? is it worth it ?

    Im one of those 9 billion teens out there that cannot decide what to do later on in my life.

    I am currently going into grade 12, and i am taking the following courses: biology 12 (skipped bio11), chemistry 12, math principals 12 (the hardest math.) english 12, and physics 11 (theres no way i can do 12 without having done 11.), and hockey (takes up classes.)

    I plan on buckling down this year, for once in my life, and finally doing good in school, i plan on getting straight A's and B's this year. I finally got an idea that maybe being a pharmacist (and operating MY OWN pharmacy.) would be a good idea.

    what i am wondering is, is it worth it ? Do you guys think it would be worth it to spend 2 years taking university level bio/chem/math/english/physics. and then going to UBC for 4 years and taking all those pharmacutical courses ? (as well as grinding through grade 12 and really striving for A's and B's.)

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • i need help losing body fat fast, as much as possible in 1 month.?

    I know that losing fat is highly connected with your metabolism. I'm 17 years old, and i float around 170-180 pounds, im 6 feet tall exactly. i personally dont believe i appear fat when im wearing clothes, but as soon as i go to the beach or anything, my fat shows... its embarrasing and i want to fix this before school starts. I have plenty of muscle (honestly, its their.. its just concealed away under the flab.). i need to tone down my body fat percentage fast, within the next couple of months preferably.

    i'm not sure if im on the right path right now, i live about a 10 minute walk away from the gym, i've been going everyday. i've been trying real hard to consume less calories everyday. (substitued drinking milk with water, and i've cut back on the amount of food i eat by about 4/10.) i usually have breakfast in the morning, have a light lunch, then i usually eat whatever my family has for dinner.

    I need guidance, how do i keep my metabolism burning from the start of the day to the end, and also, what kind of work outs should i be focusing on at the gym, so that i can lose body fat ? i've mostly been doing 20 minute bike, 10 minute weight, then 10 minute bike again.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can i upgrade the CPU in my OEM computer ?

    Hi there, i was just wondering if i could upgrade my cpu in my OEM computer that i bought from futureshop.

    I would like to upgrade from my Pentium dual core E2220 too something faster.

    I know that the cpu slot on my motherboard is the lga775 slot, but other than the new CPU having too fit that slot, does anything else have to match up?

    Also is it just plug and play or is any other tweaking required after the new CPU is installed ?

    Thanks Cheers ~

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Does she like me ? also lookin' for some tips =)?

    I'll start off by describing my self a bit, im 16, i think of myself as a pretty funny guy, im 6 feet tall, and im definitaly not fat nor too muscly. however as soon as im around a girl that im attracted to, i start acting weird (or at least i think so.), and i think i over-think things too much.

    Well, im really attracted to this girl i met in chemistry class this semester. we just recently started to talk and text eachother. Our texting conversations have been going pretty good, we've been talking about what we both want to do after were finished school and stuff. And i've started to figuere out a few things she likes.

    However In school, its a bit of a different story, i CANNOT tell if she likes me or if im just being annoying.. you see, i have a a couple other good friends in that class and when we are all together, (with the girl i like) we all laugh and crack jokes about eachother and what not. but something just doesnt seem right and its really bugging me. during lunch break when i try to talk to her, i always find her talking to other people (sometimes other guys, but nothing serious) and when i try to talk to her she doesnt really seem that interested in me, i mean most of the time, all the people she is talking to are my friends as well.

    i know this sounds like im just desperate 16 year old who has a crush on a girl, but seriously, i am. haha, i have so many questions, like, how can i tell if the girl is in too me at all, and i was also wondering how i should approch the situation and become a little more "interesting". when girls are texting guys, what gets the girls goin', like what should i be talking about... gah so many questions, but those are the main ones i would love answered

    All answers are greatly appreciated, thanks !!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Lamp replacement for my Sony Wega, need help please read?

    Just recently my sony wega (the KF-50WE620) models lamp burnt out, in the manual, it says to replace it with either the xl-2100 lamp, or the xl-2100u lamp, my question is, which lamp is better/newer, i dont want to buy the inferior lamp especially when they are priced the same. If someone can answer my question kind of fast (i want to order the new lamp tommorow morning) i will pick you as best answer right away. thanks

    4 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Operating system question?

    Hey guys, i wanted to get a new motherboard and a new case, my plan is to run 2x gtx 260's in SLI mode. however cost seems to be an issue. I was wondering, do i need to buy a new operating system for my new motherboard, or can i just use the harddrive im using now on this computer (the one im typing this message on has vista 32 bit) . For instance, can i just pop in my harddrive that im using right now onto the new motherboard and it will load this operating system fine? or will i actually need to spend another $200 on an OS ? Thanks.

    Oh P.S. the operating system i am using right now is vista 32 bit OEM, and it was pre loaded on the harddrive. i dont have any discs or anything

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How many watts is my computer using?

    I'm not sure how to calculate this. but i'll include as much info as i can and hopefuly someone can tell me if my 550 watt power supply is enough, and how roughly how many watts my computer is using.

    Ok so this is what my computer is running:

    GTX 260 55nm video card. Its overclocked moderatly.

    Intel Pentium Dual core overclocked to 2.9Ghz 65nm processor.

    4GB (2x2GB) OCZ Blade RAM.

    4 usb plugins.

    Sound card.

    and about 4 case fans, (2 have blue LEDs.)

    And obviously mouse/keyboard.

    And thats basically the bulk of my computer. so if someone could give me a semi accurate number on how many watts my computer is using it would be apprecaited. Thanks ~

    7 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Help with my psp, i cant charge it !?

    If you look in your AC input (where your charger goes into) there should be a little silver metal stick, which recieves the electricity from the charger. However mine has FALLEN OUT. yes it fell out, i dont know how, but it did, so i cant charge my psp through the regular way anymore.

    Is there any other way of charging my psp now ? It's a psp 1000, so it cant do the USB charge thing.

    i DO have custom firmware, is there a third party program that might enable USB charge ? or something... i dont even have a clue as to how im going to fix this.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Computer question, modem?

    Hi there i was wondering if changing my modem from a old model to a newer model would increase my download rates/internet speed. If anyone knows anything about modems, please let me know.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • I want to play my ps3 in HD by getting component cables however...?

    Ok, i wanna buy HD component cables (blue green and orange i believe), however, im not sure where i connect them too, I see the slots available in the back of my TV, but i want to connect them to my reciever instead so i get surround sound. Am i going to have to buy 2 sets of cables and connect 1 to my reciever, then another going to my tv? im just not sure at all what i need to do, i just want my surround sound and some HD for gaming on the ps3 =]

    3 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Who is the attractive women on that hyundai Elantra commercial?

    The smokin' hot red headed bombshell on the hyundai elantra commercial, she introduces herself as "gwen" when she bumps into this guys car on purpose.

    1 AnswerHyundai1 decade ago
  • What can my psp do in 1.50 firmware?

    Hi there, i have a brand new white phatty psp 1000, it is firmware 1.50, with firmware 1.50, can i start running emulators like SNES on my psp right away or do i need to upgrade to CFW

    - What can my psp do in firmware 1.50

    -Should i upgrade to cfw? What is the benefits

    - Do emulators run on psp firmware 1.50, or do i NEED cfw ?

    ~ Thanks

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How do i put cfw on my psp that has factory firmware 1.50 (its a 1000 jpn white model)?

    I have a white model 1000 psp, and it is running firmware 1.50 (its a brand new phatty =] ) can anyone tell me how to put cfw on my psp, i've seen guides on how to go from 3.xx - to the latest cfw 5.xx, but i dont even know how to start. If anyone is willing to send me a link to a great guide or even tell me on here, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

    So like i said before, my psp is still in its factory firmware 1.50 form, i dont know where to start. I want to be able to play emulators =]

    4 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago