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In the Navy. Temporarily in pascagoula Mississippi. Stationed in San Diego Ca. Don't plan on making the navy my career. Intend on going to college and majoring in Petroleum Engineering.

  • Help on identifying Spiritual, Religion or philosophical view?

    I need help categorizing what my beliefs are.

    Up until recently I've always identified as an agnostic. Meaning I didn't deny the possibility of a God but didn't accept it either. My beliefs are somewhat the same... I still believe that physically we can't prove said one's existence and never can we spiritually while we are connected to this physical world.

    However I do believe that everyone has a spirit. The purpose of having this spirit is to be good and teach good. I believe in no judgment, meaning I don't believe in a hell however I do believe a spiritual place such as heaven may exist for our spirits to live on.

    Basically, I believe things such as reincarnation, Heaven, and God(s) is questionable and unable to be answered but our own spirits is obvious and the energy of these spirits can flow threw all of us.

    Any insight as to what I can identify as?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Help on religion, spiritual identification, or philosophical view.?

    I need help categorizing what my beliefs are.

    Up until recently I've always identified as an agnostic. Meaning I didn't deny the possibility of a God but didn't accept it either. My beliefs are somewhat the same... I still believe that physically we can't prove said one's existence and never can we spiritually while we are connected to this physical world.

    However I do believe that everyone has a spirit. The purpose of having this spirit is to be good and teach good. I believe in no judgment, meaning I don't believe in a hell however I do believe a spiritual place such as heaven may exist for our spirits to live on.

    Basically, I believe things such as reincarnation, Heaven, and God(s) is questionable and unable to be answered but our own spirits is obvious and the energy of these spirits can flow threw all of us.

    Any insight as to what I can identify as?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is this phobia?

    I have generalized anxiety disorder which I've managed to tame pretty well but theirs is this phobia or fear I have that always triggers panics attacks. I was wanting help on to identify this fear or phobia.

    Basically I get really scared and paranoid when I hear a fast pattern of sound. Like a real fast non changing sound. ei, fast constant music note (just one note) it always make me scared that I'm having a panic attack and makes my heart speed up.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Suicide/Anxiety/Depression/Military?

    I'm in the Navy active duty and have been having severe symptoms these past few months.

    Basically its just my heart rate and BP would be high. I was referred to multiple doctors to try and find the source. After many months of suffering attack I went to an endocrinologist.

    She said their is absolutely nothing left to test for. Then I started talking to her about my depression and anxiety. She believes (but can't diagnose) that I have some type of anxiety disorder along with depression.

    So I was referred to a mental health clinic. After she told me this it all made since now. I was having panic attacks. And they were creating severe symptoms such as heart rates above 250 and BP above 170/100. Which made me have more panic attacks.

    The thing is though. I have an appointment with the mental health clinic coming up. I'm fairly certain they will diagnose me with anxiety and depression. But the problem is that I've been feeling suicidal for a long time now. And I've always held back and never told anyone because I knew I would get discharged. But Im at the point that I don't care anymore. Monday, I'm confessing to my LPO in hope for some help.

    So my question is, will this get me medically or dishonorable discharge. And if medical, will I receive any benefits?

    Been in for a 1 year and a half. March is my two year mark.

    Also I need to mention that most of these suicidal thoughts happen right after a panic attack. Which in return, the thoughts make me have more. Its miserable

    3 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Why is she ignoring me?

    So last night I met this girl by chance when smoking. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen (not exaggerating).

    Anyways out of my surprise she started talking and flirting with me. It got to the point to where she sat next to me and complained of being cold. I told her I knew the hint she was trying to get off. But I was to shy and nervous to do anything about it.

    After I told her that she became so understanding of my nervousness and social anxiety. She initiated everything. We made out for a very long time, she turned my anxiety into comfort. I've never connected with somebody so easily and fast. It was amazing.

    Problem is, she gave me her number but isn't responding.... I don't understand why.


    I don't think she wants me to beg like some girls do. Because she told me her attraction to me was because I didn't hit on her or show her much interest when we met.


    She's 22; I'm 19

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • 19 and never been in a relationship.?

    Hey I was just curious to know whether this is normal or not.

    I've never been in a relationship, or legitimate one at least. Last year I thought I was in one, but she played me and fooled my to think we were more than friends but I was just her friend with benefits.

    Maybe I was to stupid to realize that's what she wanted all along but that's definitely not what I wanted.

    I know I'm young but I know what I want. I want somebody to love and them love me back. But in today's society what I'm looking for seems unconventional.

    All I see are *** holes and douches finding love and trashy girls just looking for fun.

    I'm the type of guy of doesn't think of woman like the average guy. I genuinely just want to be loved and love.

    Today's society makes me loose confidence because it seems all girls want are the guys who lust and be *** holes.

    Am I the only one who feels like this? And are their any girls out there that understand?

    And is this weird?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Are Prohormones legal for military use?

    So while back after reading a forum on body building I saw people talking about prohormomes and their gains from them.

    So needless to say I ordered some to test for myself. I ordered DMZ3.0 Andro2 and E-controll. All of which came from a company called iron mag labs.

    After taking them for about a week I noticed big gain in muscle mass and weight but no increase in strength.

    Seeing the bizzare results I researched the ingredients and found out that these compounds change to small amounts of steroids thru digestion.

    After learning this I freaked out and stopped taking them. Now on having an issue to where I think I'm experiencing kidney failure. DOC wants to know what all I'm taking.

    So my question is, "Are these prohormones legal? And will I get discharged if I had no knowledge of them being banned if they are. And lastly if they run blood test to check for blood abnormalities related to kidney failure would these supplements show up?

    Please help, I'm afraid I've made a terrible mistake and that my career is at stake! I'm an Active duty Navy ABH

    7 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Is anybody still into emo core?

    I'm into the older emo core music like alexisonfire, Funeral For a Friend and Thursday. My question is, if theirs anybody that listens to this or similar artist. I want to discover new artist similar to these.... Thanks

    P.S to the hardcore listeners. Bands such as ADTR, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens and Asking Alexandria are not Emocore

    7 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Does Navy Federal Require full coverage on their financed cars?

    I just bought a 2007 VW eos through navy federal, the day I bought the car the dealer made me get insurance before I drove it off the lot. He told me just to get liability because that's all I could afford. Unfortunately I just totaled the car, and obviously my USAA insurance won't pay for the damage done to my car. So I was woundering if navy fed requires full coverage on their financed cars. And if so, why didn't they check my policy and notify me. Cause now I'm stuck with a car I can't drive, and can't sell (navy federal requries that I keep the car so the title can be used as collateral).

    I don't know what to do, its sitting at a impound an hour away from my base in san Diego. I cancan't afford the tow (which insurance isn't going to pay either) and now I gotta store it which I can't afford either... All in all, I just need to know if navy federal requires full coverage so I can see an attorney and get this messed up situation figured out...

    8 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • Does Navy Federal require full coverage on a financed car?

    I just bought a 2007 VW eos. I had it financed through navy federal, the day I bought the car the dealer made me get insurance before I drove it off the lot. He told me just to get liability because that's all I could afford. Unfortunately I just totaled the car, and obviously my USAA insurance won't pay for the damage done to my car. So I was woundering if navy fed requires full coverage on their financed cars. And if so, why didn't they check my policy and notify me. Cause now I'm stuck with a car I can't drive, and can't sell (navy federal requries that I keep the car so the title can be used as collateral).

    I don't know what to do, its sitting at a impound an hour away from my base in san Diego. I cancan't afford the tow (which insurance isn't going to pay either) and now I gotta store it which I can't afford either... All in all, I just need to know if navy federal requires full coverage so I can see an attorney and get this messed up situation figured out...

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Anybody know any sad songs that use the violin alot?

    I'm looking for sad songs of the hardcore or post-hardcore genre (some call it screamo) but I'd like songs from the rock genre too...

    Idk why, but the violin just makes a sad song even sadder...

    7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Are Marlboro Black cigs stronger, weaker or different at all?

    I've recently started smoking (don't wast time telling me to quite, I'm not addicted it's not a habit... Im obsessed with the taste & smell) anyways I've been smoking 100s red but recently I've been buying black 100s menthol. 

    They seem to taste stronger but I don't know if it's just the menthol...

    If u could answer this too it'd be helpful, "are Marlboro green different from Marlboro black menthol 100s?"

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Bump on back of hand. Should I keep quite?

    I have this bump on the back of my right hand between my ring finger knuckle & pinky finger knuckle.... I don't know how long it's been there, but it has gotten a little bigger within the last few weeks. It doesn't hurt if I squeeze it, it feels like a little hard pea under my skin. I would go to the doctor but I'm enlisting in the military within the next week or so, and going to the doctor would just delay my enlisting process even longer... (I've had a hard time enlisting due to medical records) I really want to enlist asap so dont want to visit the doctor... So, should I keep quite until I enlist & then visit the doctor? Or should I go now...

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Does anybody know what this is? Dream? seizure? Something else?

    I've had this strange thing happen to me 6 times now. It started about last winter. Anyways I'm gonna try to explain what happens... Ok so I'm laying in bed thinking about something, and then something happens to make my thought no longer controlled by me. Let me give an example... The first time this happen I was laying in bed thinking about guitar hero and the notes that slide down on the screen. I don't remember what song I was thinking of, but anyways I was thinking about the notes sliding down, then out of nowhere the music slowed down and sounded distorted. The notes started shaking too, then I opened my eyes and got extremely dizzy, then my vision started fogging up by this white/yellow light, then I had this strange feeling like I was in a simulator  (you know thAt feeling that pushes you down, like really strong gravity) but yeah it felt like I was being pushed down like in a spinning simulator. This lasted about 20 seconds then my visions completely fades away and I open my eyes, I'm still dizzy and my heart is always beating extremely fast after one of these "things" happens to me. I had another one a couple of weeks later it had a weaker feeling. After that it hadn't happened in months, then it happened again. This time when it happen I had just woken from a nightmare of me drowning. When I woke up I started staring at my clock in my bedroom. Then this music started playing in my ear, it was the Jonas brothers "burning up" at first I just brushed it off thinking that I feel asleep with my iPod, but then I realized that not only was my iPod not with me, but I did not have jb on it. Right when I realized that, the music just completely came to a stop and this voice started talking with a really deep voice. It was saying "louder" repeatedly, and every time it said "louder" it was deeper. After that I got dizzy, then my vision fogged up with yellow/white light. This time the "gravity pull" feeling was stronger then ever. I remember thinking that I was going to die. Then I just assumed I was already dead. This lasted about a minute. Which was longer then the rest that happened to me. After it was over I was scared more then ever. A couple of weeks later my girl friend was spending the night over. We slept in the same room (different beds of course) anyways I had woke up in the middle of the night feeling strange. Then I started to get dizzy, I was so scared that it was going to happen. My vision started to become fogy then I just closed my eyes and kept trying to control my thought. Then I opened my eyes and it was all over with. My heart was barely beating faster. I woke my gf up and told her what had happened. While I was teeling her she interrupted me and asked why my eyes looked so weird, said they were dilated & shaky. Anyways since then, this "thing" has happened 3 times. Does anybody know what this is? Has anybody experienced something similar? Please help I really want to know what is causing this, or if this is just a repeated dream or something...

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • FM transmitter for iPod/mp3 player, under 20$?¿?

    I'm looking to buy an FM transmitter to use with my iPod in my car. I need one that's under 20$ and actually works. Does anybody know where I can get one at? And I don't want to have to order one either...

    2 AnswersCar Audio9 years ago
  • FM transmitter for iPod/mp3 player, under 20$?¿?

    I'm looking to buy an FM transmitter to use with my iPod in my car. I need one that's under 20$ and actually works. Does anybody know where I can get one at? And I don't want to have to order one either...

    2 AnswersRadio9 years ago
  • FM transmitter for iPod/mp3 player, under 20$?¿?

    I'm looking to buy an FM transmitter to use with my iPod in my car. I need one that's under 20$ and actually works. Does anybody know where I can get one at? And I don't want to have to order one either....

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • FM transmitter for iPod/mp3 player, under 20$?¿?

    I'm looking to buy an FM transmitter to use with my iPod in my car. I need one that's under 20$ and actually works. Does anybody know where I can get one at? And I don't want to have to order one either....

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Eye help?¿ Please...?

    Ok this has been going on for awhile, my vision gets blurry or foggy when I blink or rub my eyes.

    Does anybody know what is causing this? I would go to an eye doctor but insurance doesn't pay :(

    Anyways I should mention that I think it be because of mucas in eye? While back when my vision was blurry, I ran into the bathroom to check out if soothing was in my eyes. And their was? It was an eye lash costed in a thin layer of mucas.

    However all the other times I've looked at my eye while it was blurry, their was nothing in it. Sometimes though theyd be a build up of mucas? Idk what it is but it's clear & sticky. I don't think I have an eye infection because this has been going on fir almost a half a year so... Yeah don't think it's an infection.

    I should mention though that I wear glasses & contacts...

    I haven't been wearing confabs since December though...

    Please tell me what you think is causing this.. Thanks

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago