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  • Can a teacher read something they have confiscated?

    My maths teacher and a history teacher were in the room. I had finished all of the classwork for the day and I had a journal/scrap paper book type note pad that I was writing in. I think the history teacher was assessing the class or something, anyway I closed the book and I put it in a pile with other books. The history teacher came over and she picked up the book from the pile and said, "You should be writing not reading that." and I said, "No miss I wasn't" She looked through the other books and was like "You were writing in it just then." And I say, "I've finished all my work for today."

    My maths teacher has no problem with me writing in it, he actually has never said anything about it. I expected her to just tell me to put it away. But she said that she had to confiscate it. My maths teacher didn't say anything, but if its his lesson I thought it was his responsibility to confiscate lessons. I think maybe because he was new he didn't want to get in trouble which is fair enough.

    My friends had written notes in the back which were quite personal. One commenting on my sexuality which very few people know , the other an inside joke about me spelling cheese wrong. Nothing was bad enough to get me in serious trouble, it was just personal. During the lesson, the history teacher was sitting at the back reading through it. I also had the start of a story for English class at the front, and some random drawings.

    After class I asked when I could have it back, she said that she had to give it to the head of maths and a few other teachers. I do not see the reason in this. I understand that I shouldn't have had the book out, but there was nothing in it that would need to be shown to heads of the school. Usually if items are confiscated, they are given back at the end of that period or at the end of the school day.

    My math teacher heard all this, but didn't say anything. I don't blame him, shes not a nice person. I get that she has the authority to confiscate items. But as the class teacher didn't have a problem with it, can she keep the book for a week and show it to other members of staff. A notebook isn't against the school rules. I'm not sure if even having it out in class was?

    Me and the history teacher have had issues in the past, despite her not being nice to anyone, I still feel like this could be a personal target. I don't mind about her taking it, but reading it and sharing it with others may be a little out of order. What do you think?

    I plan on going into class tomorrow and apologizing to my math teacher about the book, then just finding out who has it and ask when I can get it back. I just want to know how to approach getting it back, or is the information and book gone for good? I suppose it is my fault for having it on the table.

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Friends hate me, how to be myself?

    I cant find a better place for this to go, but it needs to be out here.

    My best friend just staged an intervention for me. She said that she didn't like me anymore. That I get in on everyone else's business, I am too clingy and I don't do my own things. She said that I am not me anymore, I'm a carbon copy of her. And she hates me. I disagree with this, because half the things she likes are to do with me. That band that she bases her hair on is the cd I got her for christmas because I thought she'd like them. And now I'm copying her. I don't think I am, but I do agree that I am lost. I am lost in who I am in certain aspects of my life. I'm 15 years old and its a hard time anyway. But to be told that your not a nice person anymore, and that you need to change. I love her I really do. My biggest fear is that I'll be alone. I know everyone leaves, I need to get my head around it. It's just without them I have nothing. Its stupid to tie your happiness to people, but I am just so comfortable. I can feel myself drifting away from them. I even know that I have done things deliberately to stop me from being replaced. I just don't want to be friendless. I don't want her to leave me, and the part of me that's being clingy is acting doing to opposite. I've screwed up so bad and I don't know if I can fix it.

    She kept telling me that I need to change, and that shes only telling me because she loves me. But it was hard. One minute she'd say 'I miss the old you.' then the next minute it would be 'You just need to be yourself instead of a mold of another person.' I agree that I am probably unbearable, but I don't agree with everything. The whole time I was sitting there crying. I don't want to end up friendless. I know its not the end of the world, and this stuff happens. But at my age, this is my world.

    She keeps saying I need to be myself. But I don't want to be myself, because myself is a whiny passive aggressive ***** who clings onto her friends and pushes them away. And copy's them, and is basically hated until she changes. Myself is messed up right now. So who should I be. I want to be me. But what is me. It's so frustrating, I just don't want to loose my friends. I want to

    take my friends advice and be the best person I can be. Whilst simultaneously not annoying the friends I have. If you have the time to deliver your opinion it would be great. If not, I'm glad its out here at least. Sorry for the trouble.

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How to come out as Bisexual?

    I have finally admitted to myself that I am bisexual. I told my best friend who is like my sister, and she was really supportive and said that she could tell. This was last week, and it made me feel so much better. I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, but I'm only a 15 year old girl and I haven't even started dating anyone yet. Do I need to come out? I'm thinking that people may have had their suspicions all along, and it doesn't really matter. But, I don't want to feel like I'm hiding my sexuality and I'm worried that if someone comes along who I want to have a relationship with, then I won't be being completely honest with them. I'm so happy that I've had the confidence to come out to myself, but I'm unsure what to do for the future. I don't feel as though I'm hiding it, I just want it to be out in the open, but then I'm unsure if I come out whether it will make things better or worse. Should I come out to my parents and friends? And if so how should I do that? Thank you x

  • How to be more noticeable?

    I'm not looking to impress a girl or guy, I just sometimes feel like I'm on the outside. I love my friends and they are very supportive, but I feel like I can't really get to know anyone outside my group of friends. Whenever there is a new person I just don't stand out. I want to make a radical change to my life, I want people to notice when I walk into a room. But not because I'm horrible, I just really want people to know that I'm there. I'm being pathetic because I have it so good and being noticed is the least of peoples worrys. Just some tips on how to be noticed, and appreciated. How to stand out in a crowd. my tumblr has a few pictures of me if that helps. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • How to come out as Bisexual?

    I have finally admitted to myself that I am bisexual. I told my best friend who is like my sister, and she was really supportive and said that she could tell. This was last week, and it made me feel so much better. I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, but I'm only a 15 year old girl and I haven't even started dating anyone yet. Do I need to come out? I'm thinking that people may have had their suspicions all along, and it doesn't really matter. But, I don't want to feel like I'm hiding my sexuality and I'm worried that if someone comes along who I want to have a relationship with, then I won't be being completely honest with them. I'm so happy that I've had the confidence to come out to myself, but I'm unsure what to do for the future. Should I come out to my parents and friends? And if so how should I do that? Thank you x

  • What can I do with short hair?

    I have hair abit like Frankie from the saturdays. It's cut short on one side, and have a fringe that sweeps over onto a longer side. What can I do with it? It's not quite long enough to tie up, but I'm getting bored

    of wearing it out all of the time. What do you do with your short hair? Just little hairstyles that I can do to make it less boring, thank you!

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • What sexuality do you think I am?

    I'm going to do what every teenager does with there angst, and post all about it on the internet.I have been in a really weird place, I was so happy and comfortable and then over the summer my best friend was friendlier with another girl and started doing more things without me. Then when I got back to school I realised that it doesn't matter. I am the jealous type, and I always will be so when my best friend gets closer to people I am going to be jealous. I have realised that it doesn't even matter, its not going to affect my future, they are independent people and they can do what they like, I just need to focus on me being happy, stay friends, give them some space and **** everything that makes me sad. So in the friends,family,school way I am honestly fine.

    So now you have some background, I am going to ask the internet what sexuality I am. I am a very sexual person, I am as frigid as a nun, I'm a 15 year old girl who has never been kissed or been on a date. But I know what I'm like, I kinda just find the sexual things normal, some people get weirded out by things but it doesn't really bother me. I am attracted to men, but then again I always think girls are attractive too. I never really defined my sexuality, I thought I was somewhere between heterosexual and bi sexual, but I never really saw the line in between, so I just identified as straight. Now I'm not too sure, I heard about the term pansexual, and then I started to self identify a bit more bisexual. I think the thought pattern of, "Love the person for them, not their gender" really suited me.

    I just don't know, what sexuality I am. I think now would be the time to come out, if I needed to. I get attached to people so easily, and I swear I have been in love with some of my female friends. I just don't know how I can know, if you understand what I mean. I've never been out with a guy, or a girl. Never been kissed or anything. How do I know without a comparison? I hate these labels, but I think right now that I need something to identify into. I'm just looking for some guidance. Even your opinion on the subject will help, thanks for reading x

  • What are some guitar songs for beginners?

    I decided to take up guitar again, right now I'm feeling like a failure because I can't even play any of the songs I could play when I was 8. Are there any specific songs that are good for beginners. I can do the basic chords and most strumming patterns and I am quite good at tab. Also, I like indie/rock music, so it would be good if I could learn a song I like. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of songs for me to try?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Will my ear become infected?

    I recently got my cartilage pierced. Just a tiny stud on the top.

    I thought my school would be fine with it, but I have short hair

    and a teacher saw it. Despite 7 other girls having the piercing,

    without being shouted at, I got told that I had to have it out by

    the next day, otherwise I would be suspended. No matter how

    unfair this is, the school is not backing down. My mum has

    rung up, and they have left us with no other option but to take

    it out.

    I have to take my earring out every morning, and I put it in each

    day when I come home from school. I have managed to do this

    except, I need to re pierce it each time. I use the ear cleaning

    liquid from the store, 3 times a day. I haven't had any reactions

    so far. But I have to keep taking it in and out for months.

    I am worried because I was told never to take it out, until the

    9 week healing time was over. However, I was forced to take

    the cartilage piercing out just 3 days after having it done!

    If I carry on cleaning it, will my ear become infected?

    Or should I just get rid of the piercing now? Thank

    you, any other tips on hiding it or cleaning it would

    be useful too. (Note: I am allergic to anything in my

    ears but gold)

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • What can I wear with yellow jeans?

    I recently bought a pair of yellow jeans. I love them, but do

    you think it would be okay to wear these

    with them? My style is out there, I have a pixie cut that is long on one side,

    and I don't mind others comments and things. Just wondering if it would clash

    too much, do you think I could get away with it??

    Thank you x

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What do you find attractive?

    We are doing this in a physiology lesson as a project.

    We have to get as many opinions as we can, and see

    if anything is universal, or whether it just about personal

    opinion. So, if you get a minute, please take part in this

    survey. Any sexuality welcome, what do you find attractive

    in another person. This can be anything, from appearance

    to personality, I just need your gender and age so I can

    sub category them.All details will remain anonymous,

    just a tally chart and a report. Thank you very much.

    12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • What do find attractive?

    We are doing this in a physiology lesson as a project.

    We have to get as many opinions as we can, and see

    if anything is universal, or whether it just about personal

    opinion. So, if you get a minute, please take part in this

    survey. Any sexuality welcome, what do you find attractive

    in another person. This can be anything, from appearance

    to personality, I just need your gender and age so I can

    sub category them.All details will remain anonymous,

    just a tally chart and a report. Thank you very much.

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • What can I wear to a jubilee party?

    We have a jubilee party in our school this Friday, we have been told that we can only wear things

    that are suitable for school, so no shorts or revealing t-shirts. We also have to wear something

    red, white and blue. So what can I wear, I'm open to any suggestions, but it has to be appropriate

    and follow the rules above. My style is punk/indie and I'm 14 with short hair. I want to make an

    impression with what I'm wearing. I just literally have no clue!

    Thank you, tell me everything including how to do my hair and make up and accessories if you want? Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Help me pick a username?

    I am starting my own youtube account with weekly videos.

    Just something to do in my spare time. Now, I am just in

    the process or creating an identity for myself. The videos

    are going to be mostly rants and opinions, but mostly

    random funny stuff.

    Here are the options:

    Orchid Daughter

    Meow Therapeutic

    Possible Waterfly

    Ashamed Umberella

    Mashpee Estrapade

    Placid Obstinacy

    My goal was to just get the randomest name as possible, and create an

    identity and a name and an outro from this. Just tell me which one you

    like best, and anything else that you think! Thank you xx

    3 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • My teacher is being horrible. What should I do?

    Okay. Here are the two previous questions. If you want a complete overview.

    Basically, I have a crush on the new teacher in my school. Just a crush, I would never do anything to

    hurt him or his career. Frankly, I'm not an idiot that would go out with the teacher or anything, I just think he is really attractive and has a nice personality. My other teacher found out that I have a crush on him. If you read my other questions, you'll know that I didn't mean to be obvious, and it just happened. First of all he was saying it as a joke, and in another question I was saying about him treating me unfairly.

    Well, it has got worse. The teacher in question is making my life hell, we used to be on good terms, and he always liked my group of friends. Now, whenever he sees any of my friends without me, he is nice to them. But the minute he see's me, he makes up an excuse about how we shouldn't be there. Any excuse to shout at me. Also in lessons, he has been blatantly ignoring me when I put my hand up, and even separating my from my friends for doing nothing wrong. People have said he might have been being funny with me because he is scared that I fancy him. But I think it is something else, ever since he found out I have a crush on the new teacher, right from that day he has treated me terrible. My whole class has picked up on it. It's not like they are friends either. In fact, the new teacher I have a crush on said to me last week. ' I think it's sweet that you have a crush on me, and I know that your not like that. I hope Mr. ****** isn't giving you grief about it. Your really mature about it, and I hope it's not my fault,"

    So, what do you think I should do? Getting shouted at for wearing make-up,getting split up from my friends, getting shouted at for no reason in particular, not to mention evil glares whenever he sees me. I just don't want something as petty as a crush to ruin my school life. I just wish I didn't like the new teacher. What's your opinion on this, and what do you think I should do next?

    Thank you for reading through all of these questions, and having the patience to answer me! I am just so confused right now.

  • I think that my teacher is being funny with me. What should I do?

    Okay. Here are the two previous questions. If you want a complete overview.;_ylt=Al...;_ylt=Am...

    Basically, I have a crush on the new teacher in my school. Just a crush, I would never do anything to

    hurt him or his career. Frankly, I'm not an idiot that would go out with the teacher or anything, I just think he is really attractive and has a nice personality. My other teacher found out that I have a crush on him. If you read my other questions, you'll know that I didn't mean to be obvious, and it just happened. First of all he was saying it as a joke, and in another question I was saying about him treating me unfairly.

    Well, it has got worse. The teacher in question is making my life hell, we used to be on good terms, and he always liked my group of friends. Now, whenever he sees any of my friends without me, he is nice to them. But the minute he see's me, he makes up an excuse about how we shouldn't be there. Any excuse to shout at me. Also in lessons, he has been blatantly ignoring me when I put my hand up, and even separating my from my friends for doing nothing wrong. People have said he might have been being funny with me because he is scared that I fancy him. But I think it is something else, ever since he found out I have a crush on the new teacher, right from that day he has treated me terrible. My whole class has picked up on it. It's not like they are friends either. In fact, the new teacher I have a crush on said to me last week. ' I think it's sweet that you have a crush on me, and I know that your not like that. I hope Mr. ****** isn't giving you grief about it. Your really mature about it, and I hope it's not my fault,"

    So, what do you think I should do? Getting shouted at for wearing make-up,getting split up from my friends, getting shouted at for no reason in particular, not to mention evil glares whenever he sees me. I just don't want something as petty as a crush to ruin my school life. I just wish I didn't like the new teacher. What's your opinion on this, and what do you think I should do next?

    Thank you for reading through all of these questions, and having the patience to answer me! I am just so confused right now.

    4 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • Low self-esteem what should I do?

    Basically, I need some advice. Recently, I just feel really low about myself.

    The haircut that I got and felt great about, now I feel like it's to short, or flat.

    I have a unique sense of fashion, but I just don't seem to look good in anything.

    My hair and skin are never up to my standards, I get so annoyed when I get

    a spot, or my hair doesn't stay nice. I'm even annoying other family members

    now. My life is going great, I'm generally happy about it. I have amazing friends

    and family, and school is going fine. I just really hate what I see in the mirror.

    I don't even know what it is that I don't like, it's just little nit-picky things.

    I don't want calm re-assuring words. I just want a solution. How do I get

    out of this stage in my life. I don't want to be one of those pathetic girls

    who sit there and mope about their looks, because looks shouldn't matter

    but I am becoming like that. I can't stand it. What can I do to actually feel

    better about myself. I change things, and even then I don't like them.

    I just want to start feeling confident and beautiful and even though I'm not

    any of them things, I want to trick myself into thinking I am. I'm pretty sure

    I am fine. I just need to feel better. Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Do you have any hair color ideas?

    My mum recently told me I'm aloud to dye my hair again!

    The only problem is I have no idea what color to dye it.

    My hair is currently an auburn/brown from a previous hair

    dye, but I'm not aloud to bleach it. I want an individual hair

    color, my style is punk/indie, I'm 14. My hair is in a pixie cut,

    and I have fair skin, also it needs to be a color that my school

    wouldn't mind. Sorry about all the restrictions, but if anyone

    has any color or hair dye brand suggestions, I would

    really appreciate it! Thank you so much x

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • My Teacher is acting really strange, What should I do?

    I'm really sorry, but I need some advice. I fancy a teacher in my school, It's nothing more than a crush and I would never do anything to harm his career, I just think of him as a celebrity that I like or something. I'd never say anything to his face. Anyway, recently another teacher found out that I like him. First of all he was making a joke out of it, saying that he'd never picture me to have a crush. But now he is acting really strange. For example, our school has a make up policy. I was wearing my normal amount of make up, that I wear everyday, just a bit of concealer and mascara. He has never said anything about my make up before, but today he kept me behind after lesson and told me that he could tell I had make up on. I said sorry, and asked if I could go and take it off, but he told me not to. Then he said that he knows why I'm wearing makeup, and that its not to disrespect the school rules. I hope it's not just me, but I find it really strange, that if a teacher tells you you have too much make up on it's usually to take it off. Also, it feels like that teacher has been generally cold to me since he found out that I have a crush on another teacher.

    I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but I can't help but feel like ever since this teacher found out I have a crush on one of his colleges, he has been acting really strange towards me. Others have picked on it to, and I really don't want to carry on the next year feeling like this. Thank you so much for reading this far, I'd appreciate an honest answer. Why do you think my teacher is acting like this towards me? And what can I do to stop this from carrying on?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • My Teacher is acting really strange, What should I do?

    I'm really sorry, but I need some advice. I fancy a teacher in my school, It's nothing more than a crush and I would never do anything to harm his career, I just think of him as a celebrity that I like or something. I'd never say anything to his face. Anyway, recently another teacher found out that I like him. First of all he was making a joke out of it, saying that he'd never picture me to have a crush. But now he is acting really strange. For example, our school has a make up policy. I was wearing my normal amount of make up, that I wear everyday, just a bit of concealer and mascara. He has never said anything about my make up before, but today he kept me behind after lesson and told me that he could tell I had make up on. I said sorry, and asked if I could go and take it off, but he told me not to. Then he said that he knows why I'm wearing makeup, and that its not to disrespect the school rules. I hope it's not just me, but I find it really strange, that if a teacher tells you you have too much make up on it's usually to take it off. Also, it feels like that teacher has been generally cold to me since he found out that I have a crush on another teacher.

    I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but I can't help but feel like ever since this teacher found out I have a crush on one of his colleges, he has been acting really strange towards me. Others have picked on it to, and I really don't want to carry on the next year feeling like this. Thank you so much for reading this far, I'd appreciate an honest answer. Why do you think my teacher is acting like this towards me? And what can I do to stop this from carrying on?

    9 AnswersTeaching9 years ago