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    1) Yo me levanto a las seis de la mañana. Cuando me levanto, generalmente el ceilo es ***** y las estrellas estan en el cielo. Me despertador es muy ruidoso.

    I get up at six in the morning. When I get up, usually, the sky is black and the stars are in the sky. My alarm clock is very loud.

    2) Despues, me lavo los dientes y me ducho. Me seco el pelo y yo como desayuno. Por desayuno, yo como una manzana roja y el pan tostado.

    After, I brush my teeth and I shower. I dry my hair and I eat breakfast. For breakfast, I eat a red apple and toast.

    3) A las seis y cincuenta, yo voy a las escuella en el autobús. Yo voy a las mis classes. Mi clase favorita es mi clase de historia porque la maestra es muy graciosa.

    At six fifty, I go to school on the bus. I go to my classes. My favorite class is my history class because my teacher is very nice.

    4) Despues escuella, yo voy a mi club y camino a mi casa por una hora. Cuando llego, yo estudio y completo mi tarea. Yo como la cena a las ocho de la noche. Yo quiero leer un libro antes de duermo. Despues leo, me ducho y me cepillo el pelo. Yo duermo a las dies.

    After school, I go to my club and I walk to my house for an hour. When I arrive I study and complete my homework. I eat dinner at eight at night. I like to read before I sleep. After I read, I shower and I brush my hair. I go to bed at ten.

    Thank you for answering, please let me know what I did wrong and how to correct it. 10 points!

    3 AnswersLanguages5 years ago

    Which is correct:

    "I went to the Headmistress' office."

    "I went to the Headmistresses office."

    "I went to the Headmistress's office."

    (As in: "I went to the office of the Headmistress" but which of the above are correct?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Do lawyers ever talk with the detectives?

    So say the detectives or FBI or whatever arrest someone who becomes the client of a lawyer. Would the lawyer and FBI agents ever talk?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Proper use of the word "ignorant".?

    Scenario 1: The word ignorant is used to DESCRIBE a person in general, not to be used toward a certain situation.

    Ex: "Chloe is an ignorant person, she doesn't know much about the world."

    Scenario 2: The word ignorant is used to describe a specific situation and not a person.

    Ex: "Jessica is ignorant at baking." RATHER THAN "Jessica is uninformed about baking".

    Which is correct?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • writing advice?

    So a book has a main plot but I'm having trouble with the little side conflicts and stories that make it not boring. How do you incorporate other conflicts and missions so that you aren't just ranting about the main point and what are some ideas for some?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Poll: If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

    Which animal can identify the most with. Why? (no humans!)

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Is there a medical condition where a persons eyes are completely black?

    I don't mean bruising around the eye, I mean where the eye has literally no whites, like in horror movies. Is there a condition for this?

    1 AnswerOptical5 years ago
  • Is there a condition where people s eyes become completely black?

    Is there a medical condition where people get black eyes? Not as in bruising around the eye, but where there are no whites to their eyes? Like an animal? What is this condition called?

    1 AnswerOptical5 years ago
  • Ketamine question?

    What happens after one injection of ketamine. One sniff of the powder form? Short term as well as long term if there s any.


    3 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Do you have to dissect animals in medical school?

    Is it necessary, can you get excused from that part?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • Vegetarian dog breed name?

    I saw the last two vegetarian dogs in Mexico recently and I was wondering what their breed name was. They where hairless and they were like two wrinkly boulders. There are only TWO LEFT ON EARTH, so please keep that in mind when answering. These dogs are NATURALLY vegetarian. The tour guide said that they are actually not descended from wolves even though they look exactly like any other hairless dog.

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Staying healthy as a vegan?

    Okay, so I thought I was a vegetarian but I'm actually vegan... so I've just started thinking about what I'm eating. I only do fast food once or twice a month. I don't know if I'm getting all the nutrients I need though, I mean, I eat beans (but I can't eat to much or you know what happens). I also drink lots of soy milk and some nuts a few times a week. What can I do to eat more healthy? I don't eat too much junk unless it's someone birthday or anniversary or something and I usually eat veggie-based meals but I went to the doctor and I'm a few pounds underweight...I exercise for a total of four hours weekly. How can I be more healthy?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • I just realized I accidentally purchased leather shoes?!?

    Even if I can't afford to go fully vegan at the moment, I dont buy any animal clothing or anything. I feel awful because I don't support these companies usually and it is non refundable? What should I do with these shoes, I don't want to wear then and show that I support leather because I dont. What would you guys do if you were me? Please don't be hate in your comments....

    21 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Why are people usually against PETA? Isn't it just some online gathering of vegetarians and vegans?

    I don't understand, doesn't their name mean PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS? Why are people against that?Is it just the usual people being against vegetarians and vegans altogether? Please explain.

    12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Does the book belong to the thinker or the writer?

    Does the book belong to the person who told the writer what to write about or the writer him/herself? This is a fantasy story.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Who's book is it?

    The person who told the writer what to write about or person who wrote the book?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Face leaking?

    Sometimes my eyes start letting out random tears (no sobbing or sadness). People ask me why I am crying and I just say I have no idea. Could someone tell me what is wrong with my eyes? It's weird when they start crying when I'm in public.

    1 AnswerOptical6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What is your explanation for this?

    America’s Apollo 11 lunar module photographed a human skeleton on the moon when it landed there in 1969. How?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • Meat Eaters: What is your reason for eating meat?

    I'm just curious about your motives and goals and such. If you answer, please keep it respectful to the opposite belief. Let's not let this animal right conversation go to the dogs.

    92 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago