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  • Is my daughter teething?

    She has a bug that's going round at the moment but she's also showing signs of teething. She's been chewing her hand more often, she's dribbling frothy spit and she has rosy cheeks. She's also been more sleepy, grouchy and fussy but that could be the bug. She's only 2 months old, hence my questioning it and she won't let me look in her mouth, she keeps shaking her head when I try so I can't get a good look or feel, my first is nearly 4 so it's been a while since he was teething so it's hard to remember. Thanks in advance for any answers.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Cat ear infection help?

    I know I can use olive oil to treat an ear infection in cats but can I use sunflower oil instead? I don't have any olive but I do have sunflower. I have found this site >> which gives home remedies for treating an ear infection in cats and says if an infection hasn't cleared within 2 weeks to take the cat to the vets. I noticed a smell in his ear yesterday and an increase in itching the day before, I don't want him to suffer it too long and there's usually a few days/weeks wait in our local vets (depending on time of the year and such) so does anyone know if I can use sunflower oil to treat it instead of olive oil?

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Do you think labour could be on it's way soon?

    I've got 15 days until my due date and I don't remember being like this with my first. I've been having a lot of pressure 'down there' the last couple of weeks from her moving down but now it's got to the point that I can't even sit down properly, I have to sit on one bum cheek so I'm leaning to the side or slouch right back and it's gotten way more painful to walk about. I've been extra gassy the last 2-3 days and have had increased bowel movements, I've usually only been needing to go every 2-3 days but I've already had 3 since yesterday afternoon (sorry, I know that last sentence is TMI)

    I THINK I've been getting BH but I didn't have them first time round so not quite sure, they have been slightly painful but I think she's rolling around when they come so I think that's why I'm getting pain, it's like period pains but a bit higher up, not how I remember actual contractions to be.

    When I was having my first I had the same pressure for almost a week before I lost my mucus plug but it wasn't until I lost my plug that everything started (contractions, backache, etc) so I'm just wondering how/when did you go into labour? What were your signs? And if it wasn't your first, was it anything like the first time? Whether it was your first, second or even tenth baby. It's been 3 and a half years since I did it so my memory of those 2 days is very fuzzy. Thanks in advance :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • How would you feel if your midwife?

    How would you feel if your midwife was moderately-heavily tattooed? Would the fact that she's inked make you uncomfortable or wouldn't you mind as long as she was good at her job and had a good bedside manner? I'm asking this genuinly as next September (2013) I will be going back to college to start my studies to become a midwife, it's my dream job, the only thing is I have quite a few tattoos already and want to get an idea of how that would make people feel. Don't hold back either, I want 'cold, hard truth type answers'

    Thanks in advance :)

    11 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Question about nappies?

    I'm due end of October with #2, it's been 3 years since I had my son so I have no idea anymore of how many nappies I'm going to need, I have 7 packs of size 1 (all packs of 27) but I can't remember how many a newborn goes through in a day. I've googled it but there's so many different answers it's hard to get a good average, for example one person said they go through around pack a week and someone else said about 10 nappies a day. Could you tell me how many nappies your newborn/young baby goes through in a day so I can estimate? I want to have at least a month's worth ready and waiting before she gets here so we don't have to rush out to the shops in the first couple of weeks because I do remember how tiring it was in the first few weeks. Thanks in advance :)

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Need ideas for a meal?

    I'm almost 25 weeks pregnant and sick of having meals that only fill me for an hour and then I'm starving again. Also the cupboards are getting bare and I have another 3 days until I get paid and can do some more shopping so at the moment all we really have in the cupboards are 'quick' meals. Can anyone suggest an interesting, filling meal I can make using any of these ingredients:

    Eggs, beans, bread (but no butter), soup (tomato, pea & ham, cream of chicken, lentil, chicken & sweetcorn) tin of chopped tomatoes, sweetcorn, tin of petits pois & baby carrots, couple packets of golden rice, ravioli, rice, a jar of curry sauce and a tin of kidney beans?

    As for sauces and flavourings, etc. I have salad cream, mayonnaise, garlic salt, black pepper, curry powder, vegetable oxo cubes, chicken oxo cubes, mint sauce, gravy granules, about a quarter tube of tomato puree and ordinary salt and vinegar.

    Please, any ideas or tips to make any of these filling would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Trading from older Pokemon games HELP!?

    I have some high level Pokemon on my Yellow version and really want to trade them to my Platinum version, is there any way I can do this. I can put my Pokemon on to Pokemon Stadium on Nintendo 64 with a gamer pack if that helps? I really want my old Pokemon on my DS games, it feels a shame to have great Pokemon from when I was about 10 just sitting there doing nothing when I could put them to good use and I want to start a new save game but I don't want to delete them because they've been there for 12 years! Please help.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Nub theory, haven't a clue?

    We had our first scan at 11 weeks and 1 day and I've seen so many people on here talk about the nub theory test for 'predicting' the baby's gender and until today have had no idea what they were on about but I've just looked at ours and I haven't a clue. We find out what we're having on friday morning at our 20 week scan (I'll be 20 weeks and 4 days) and I was just searching on google about how to tell the gender in the 20 week scan (I wanted to see if I could make anything out myself on friday before the sonographer tells us) when I came across a page telling how to do the nub theory so I read that and looked at the pictures and then had a look at mine but I haven't a clue because all the pictures have a baby lying flat and mine is in a curved position so I can't tell if the nub is sticking up because it's a boy or because it's curved.

    Here's our scan photo:

    For those of you like me who don't know what it is this is the page explaining the nub theory:

    I think it looks more like a boy, all the old wives tales and the chinese gender chart have said girl so I still can't guess lol

    We're not really fussed what gender it is, this is just a bit of fun really. The only reason we want to know the gender is so we can be prepared (decorate nursery accordingly, buy gender specific clothes, start using the boy/girl name we've picked so we can get used to it, etc)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Book: The Bloke's Guide to Pregnancy. Is it any good?

    I was browsing the Argos website earlier and came across this book. It didn't have any reviews so couldn't tell if it's any good or not. Have any of the guys (or women for that matter) on here read it? Is it any good? I was thinking of getting it for my partner because he's said a few times "it's all aimed at the women" so thought it might be nice for him to have something just aimed at the men.

    This is the book if anybody's interested

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Middle name to go with Erin?

    Finally we found another girl's name that we both like after we went off our chosen names.

    We did have Penny Rose and Poppy Elerie (El-air-ee) picked out (we wanted more than one name-middle name option so we had one to fall back on)

    We still love our boys name, Finnley James so we don't need any boys name suggestions.

    We've finally decided on Erin for a girl but now we can't find a single name we like as a middle name so we'd love some suggestions please :)

    We find out the sex in three and a half weeks and want to be prepared :)

    Thanks in advance

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Baby girl name, help?

    I need help choosing a new baby girl name. I'm only 16 weeks and 2 days but I only have 4 weeks and 2 days left until I find out what I'm having and I've really gone off both the girl names I had picked out.

    My original choices were Penny Rose and Poppy Elerie (El-air-ee).

    I'm not out for 'unique' of 'uncommon' names as both me and my partner MUCH prefer traditional names and really dislike most of the 'unique' names we have seen.

    I kinda want to use Enid as a middle name after my Nain but it's not a must. Please any suggestions would be a great help as we want to get used to it ourselves before we have the scan as we are choosing and sticking to the name we pick when the sonographer tells us the sex as this 'method' really helped me get used to my first son's name. Thanks in advance.

    10 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Kitten help asap please, 5 months old?

    I really need help stopping my 5 month old kitten from climbing my net curtains and voils. No matter how many times I take him down he still won't stop. It's annoying because I can't afford to keep replacing them when he ruins them. Getting rid of him isn't an option either, he's annoying as hell but we love him and wouldn't be able to give him away. Is there any way I can stop him from doing this? (A nice way) I know he's only a kitten and this is the kind of things kittens do but he's already too heavy for them to support him and it's only a matter of time before he snaps the rails (they already bend when he climbs)

    Any help will be much appreciated, thanks

    10 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Food in pregnancy worries?

    Ok I kinda have a lot of info in here so long question but would really appreciate anyone taking the time to read it and give me any advice/suggestions, thanks.

    I want to know if I'm getting enough protein in my daily diet. Usually I LOVE meat (except fish) but since I became pregnant I can't stand any of it, it's just makes me heave and gag all over the place and 9 times out of 10 I end up throwing it up (the other 1 time the gagging and heaving just won't let me swallow it).

    I have a lot of dairy, fruit and veg, it's what I'm 'craving' at the moment. I've bought loads of fruit and fresh veg I can eat raw so I don't have to spend ages cooking (my boyfriend usually only does ready made meals or easy to make meals like pizza or baked beans with chips and sausage for example and he's useless at cooking from scratch, I have to talk him through everything and usually end up having to do it myself anyway).

    At the moment I've got a bunch of red and yellow peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, ice burg lettuce and a couple of tins of sweetcorn (I like to snack on all of these and they are great to chuck together to make a small salad) I do also like eating carrots, peas, onions, broccoli, celery (in a coleslaw), leeks (in a soup), beetroot and potatoes which are easy to boil to make something quick.

    And fruit I like is apples, oranges, peaches, bananas, cherries, grapes, melon (most types), nectarines, pears, plums, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries.

    I'm not eating all the things on the lists at the same time because I don't want to get sick of them and have no options left if I continue to dislike meat throughout my pregnancy (that being the case, fingers crossed I'll at least get my appetite for it back after baby is born)

    I know I'm getting lots of healthy nutrients from the fruit and veg but the don't contain everything I (or baby) need.

    I read earlier that dairy (cheese, yogurt and milk), eggs, beans, nuts and seed are high in protein and I heard that whole grain food is a good source too like whole grain bread or pasta.

    So right now I'm having

    For breakfast: Rice krispies multi grain shapes with milk (will have two bowls if I'm really hungry).

    For lunch: Either a sandwich (on white bread as I only like brown bread as toast) with cheese and/or veg as a filling or something small and quick like a plate of pasta and homemade sauce (usually made with tomato and garlic).

    For dinner: Usually something small and quick again like pasta (I won't have two pasta dishes in one day though) or beans with mash and a small bowl of diced veg on the side. The other day I just filled my mixing bowl with lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cheese, sweetcorn, plain pasta (no sauce) and cucumbers and ate that for my tea, was SO nice and surprisingly filling.

    Snacks with and in between meals: A bowl of diced cheese/veg/fruit or a couple of slices of toast with chocolate spread (can't stand butter/margarine at the moment either) and I'll treat myself to a small swiss roll or kit kat chunky (my sweet cravings) a couple of times a week.

    To drink: I carry a sports bottle around everywhere and I always have it topped up with juice (cordial because I don't like the taste of plain tap water), I drink about 2-3 'fills' of this a day plus around 5 mugs of milkshake (can't stand milk by it's self either) and sometimes I will get a couple of 1 litre cartons of pure juice (orange/apple/grapefruit etc). I don't drink anything else. I don't drink fizzy drinks or tea/coffee or any of that. Will occasionally have a hot chocolate (especially as I have a few free 12oz hot drinks stickers from the McDonald's monopoly that friends didn't want) but not often.

    Oh and when I have cheese I will usually eat around 100g-150g at a time.

    Do you think I am getting enough of what me and baby need out of my food, snack and drinks? I have my next midwife appointment may 7 so I will obviously ask professional advice there, I just want to put my mind at ease for the time being.

    Thanks in advance for any answers and sorry about the MASSIVE essay but thanks for taking the time to read :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • On the bounty website what is this?

    I just signed up to the bounty website and there's something on there called 'Bump Buddies' and I was just wondering what it is because I've never heard of it before now. If you make a bump buddy do you just chat online with them or do you make friends with a bump buddy near/in your area to meet up and stuff? I did ask on the Bump Buddies forum but have had no replies and want to know before making a buddy on there.

    Thanks in advance for your answers :)

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS help?

    I really want to remodel my town on Animal Crossing: Wild World but I don't want to lose all of my progress if I do. If I was to remodel my town would I lose what I've done to my house? Will Tom Nook's shop go back to the first shop, Nooks Cranny, like when you first start the game? Will I lose all my savings in the post office? And finally, will I lose all the donations I've made to the museum? Please help me!!

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Wedding Favours - Edible candles?

    I'm in the middle of wedding planning and I've hit a bit of 'creative cooking block'. As my partner and I are on quite a tight budget I've decided to make the guests favours. I've decided on edible candles. I'll be making the candle holders by melting down fruit flavoured hard boiled sweets and brushing it into moulds, the candles will be made by melting white chocolate and marshmallows and pouring it into shot glasses and put in the fridge to set. Now my problem is what will I use for the candle wick? I can't think of ANYTHING that will look like a realistic wick that you can eat. I've had a few suggestions like the fondant middle of the fruity pencil sweets, strawberry laces and other sweets but nothing is quite selling it to me yet. Has anybody got ANY ideas? Even if you think it's a silly idea it COULD work :D

    Thanks in advance x

    2 AnswersEngagements & Weddings9 years ago
  • Trying to find a certain horror film?

    I'm looking for a certain horror film that I watched about 7 or 8 years ago on s4c (the Welsh Channel 4) and I can't find it anywhere now. I'm about 99% sure it was called Valentine's Day but when I Google/Youtube it the results don't help. There's a few valentine's horrors out there but none of them seem to be the one I watched. Basically it was a bunch of Americans at a school valentine's day dance and there was someone going round the school picking people off one by one, it was pretty gruesome from what I can remember and I'd love to find it and add it to my collection of horror/thriller DVDs. I know it's not My Bloody Valentine, The Valentine's Day Massacre or the 2001 film Valentine. I don't know when it was made but I would say 90's - early 2000's (I watched it in about 2004ish so it was definitely no later than that)

    If anyone has any idea what it's called or where to find it that would be great, thanks :)

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Dog walking as a job option?

    I've been looking for a job for ages now. I'm 21 and been on the dole for too long, if it were up to me I'd have had a job straight away and not have even had to think about the dole. I'm sick of sitting at home with nothing to do but clean, cook and do the weekly food shop. I've sent out hundreds of application forms/CVs and I've literally only had one reply which was a rejection letter, the rest didn't even bother to send me one of those. Lately I've been thinking about providing a dog walking service. I've looked into it on the internet and I've found that most places say you can get about £10-£15 per dog per hour. so if I had say 3 dogs at one time and I did 4 walks per day, I'd make nearly £500 per month which would be perfect for me as it would be enough to pay my rent, gas, electric, water, food, etc and still have a nice little sum to spare at the end of the month. I would really appreciate any thoughts on the matter and also if any of you have ideas for names for the services.

    I thought out a little 'business plan' already and I know I might not get 3 at a time, 4 times a day, 7 days a week, that's just to give a sort of idea of how good it can be on the good days/weeks/months. My boyfriend has a well paid job and he is more than able and willing to support me whenever I need it but I'm just the kind of person that likes to stand on their own two feet and try to support myself in anyway I possibly can.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Preparation in ttc, any tips?

    Ok so it's a little far off for now but my partner and I have decided to start ttc near the end of next year. When I had my little boy it was an unplanned pregnancy so I didn't do the whole planning ahead bit but when I found out I stopped smoking immediately, didn't drink a drop of alcohol barring one half glass of wine on christmas day (5 months by then), I ate healthily, kept active, took my folic acid, took the iron tablets that my midwife prescribed me and stuck to all the food/drink guidelines in my pregnancy book.

    So my question is, because I'm the kind of person that prefers to be prepared and know things in advance, what should I do in the time between now and when we ttc next year to help concieve and ensure the resulting pregnancy runs as smoothly as I can make it? Any tips, advice, personal experiences, anything really. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Help with christmas songs please?

    I have just asked this in the music category but I thought if I post it here too I might get a few more answers :)

    My mum has a christmas CD that she's had since either the late 80's or early 90's that we play every year from December 1st (when we put up our tree and christmas decorations) until pretty much new year, it's a little tradition of ours, but I live in my own house now and my mum won't borrow me the CD to copy on to my PC (which I obviously can't lug round to hers) and I'm putting my decorations up in a few hours and it just won't feel right or christmasy if I'm not listening to christmas songs while I do it.

    I've downloaded some songs but I can't help but feel I'm missing a few (I've added a few more recent songs than the ones from the CD too)

    So far I have:

    Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas

    Bing Crosby - White Christmas

    Bo Selecta - Proper Crimbo

    Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock

    Brenda Lee - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

    Chris Rea - Driving Home For Christmas

    Cliff Richard - Mistletoe And Wine

    Dean Martin - Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

    East 17 - Stay Another Day

    Elton John - Step Into Christmas

    Greg Lake - I Believe In Father Christmas

    John Lennon - Happy Christmas (The War Is Over)

    Jona Lewie - Stop The Cavalry

    Mud - Lonely This Christmas

    Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime

    Shakin Stevens - Snow Is Falling

    Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody

    The Darkness - Don't Let The Bells End

    The Pogues & Kirsty McColl - Fairytale Of New York

    Wham! - Last Christmas

    Wizard - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday

    So can anyone think of any I haven't got? I don't like Mariah Carey so please don't say her, thanks everyone x

    5 AnswersChristmas10 years ago