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  • Wii wont play gamecube games!?

    Okay so today I tried to put in Mario Kart Double Dash and the wii just like ate my game and it wouldn't come out after i pressed the eject button, instead it made the noise so I stuck in a blank cd and ejected it and Mario Kart came out with it, so I tried Kirby Air Ride and had the same result. The wii also isn't loading the games it just says disc read error.

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii8 years ago
  • What can I do to make it so it doesn't burn?

    I went swimming today and I guess my swimsuit rubbed part of the head of my penis red. Now it burns everytime something touches it. What can I put on it or whatever?

    2 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Nobody is help! Urgent! Will I get my package?

    Last Saturday (6/30/12) I ordered a phone from Verzion Wireless website. I got overnight shipping so I expected it to get her Tuesday. It's now Thursday evening, I went to track it and it says, "Processing order, please check back tomorrow." Can someone please help, I have never ordered a phone online before.

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses9 years ago

    I ordered a phone from Verizon on 6/30/12 and i got overnight shipping and when I go to check my order status it says Processing Order, please check back tomorrow. HELP!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Local Businesses9 years ago
  • When will my package get here?

    I ordered a phone from Verizon Saturday and I opted for overnight shipping so it should get here today but when I go to the website and track it, it says that my order is being processed and check back tomorrow. They sent an email confirming my purchase and all so will it get here today?

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses9 years ago
  • Will my phone get here today or tomorrow?

    Saturday I ordered a HTC Rezound from Verizon's website at 4:25 pm and got overnight shipping. So now its early Monday morning and I'm wondering if it will get here today or tomorrow.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Google play question?

    I had a LG Optimus V and found out it is a piece of sh!t, but I had a lot of music on it. I ordered a HTC Rezound today and i am wondering if it will transfer?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • How many clothes should a 13 year old have?

    I live in Florida so it doesn't get cold until around mid November. I'm going into 8th grade. I usually wear Hollister and stuff like that.


    Button down shirts-

    Long sleeves-



    Flip flops-


    Other (TOMS, Sperrys)-

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Art page name ideas for facebook?

    I decided I want to make a page on Facebook for my artwork and have trouble coming up with names, can someone tell me some cool ideas?

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration9 years ago
  • How is this for asking a girl out?

    I'm 13 and I have liked this girl for 2 years, I have finally built up courage to ask her out but schools out so I was just gonna ask her on Facebook (: Ok I was gonna send her a message saying-

    Do you like me?

    [] Yes <3

    [] No (:

    [] Kinda (;


    Will you go out with me?

    [] Yes <3

    [] No(:

    [] I'll Think About it (;

    What do you think about these?

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can you please help? Im hurting badly.?

    Okay, I'm 13 and my mom and dad lately have been total b*tches to me! Sorry for my language but I'm just so angry!!!!!!! Anyway, i have lived with my great grandmother since I was 2. But my parents always try to control me. If you ask me, they aren't real parents because they don't take me to the doctor, they don't buy me clothes, they don't buy me medicine, they don't put food in front of me, they don't do anything a parent should do. My grandmother does all of this. The only time they do something is to go yell at my teachers for gettting a B or C!!!! Me and my grandmother have been talking about taking legal action for a while but she doesn't wanna "hurt" my so-called dad. He always blames me, makes fun of me, pushes me, oh and did i mention he blames me?!?!? For everything!!!!! I have been really depressed the last couple of years, and I don't think a 11-13 year old should be depressed, i cry myself to sleep most nights because of them. When I tell my grandmother we need to take them to court she says, i don't wanna hurt your dad! She is able to take care of me because her and my uncle own a buisness that gets about maybe $300,000 a year. They split it. So there are no financial problems. But how can i convince her that she needs to take legal action against them?

    Family9 years ago
  • How can I convince my grandmother to take my parents to court?

    Okay, I'm 13 and my mom and dad lately have been total b*tches to me! Sorry for my language but I'm just so angry!!!!!!! Anyway, i have lived with my great grandmother since I was 2. But my parents always try to control me. If you ask me, they aren't real parents because they don't take me to the doctor, they don't buy me clothes, they don't buy me medicine, they don't put food in front of me, they don't do anything a parent should do. My grandmother does all of this. The only time they do something is to go yell at my teachers for gettting a B or C!!!! Me and my grandmother have been talking about taking legal action for a while but she doesn't wanna "hurt" my so-called dad. He always blames me, makes fun of me, pushes me, oh and did i mention he blames me?!?!? For everything!!!!! I have been really depressed the last couple of years, and I don't think a 11-13 year old should be depressed, i cry myself to sleep most nights because of them. When I tell my grandmother we need to take them to court she says, i don't wanna hurt your dad! She is able to take care of me because her and my uncle own a buisness that gets about maybe $300,000 a year. They split it. So there are no financial problems. But how can i convince her that she needs to take legal action against them?

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • When will my shirt most likely get here?

    I just ordered a nicki minaj shirt and it said it will be here in 7-10 buisness days? How long is a buisness day?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How can I tan without going to tanning beds?

    I'm kinda pale and I burn REALLY easy! I am NOT going to a tanning bed. And I get freckles and it makes it even harder. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • I lost my best friend over the stupidest thing!?

    I lost one of my bestfriends Friday at school for no reason! I wouldn't let her play with my Kindle Fire -.- Because she ALWAYS plays with it and she hogs it and everyday she says, "Where's MY Kindle Fire?" When I told no, she went to the back of the classroom and cried! Also I was kinda rude to her because she was being rude to me. She is always rude to others but when they are rude to her she gets in a pissy mood about >.<

    So when I got home I posted on Facebook- You wanna be rude to others, but when people are mean to you, you cry?

    It's not a double standard, that's not how the world works!

    Then she posted- I Started School With Two Bestfriends And Ended With One.

    -Oh To The Fcking Well Thats Their Lost \(..)/

    What should I do? I don't really wanna be her best friend again!

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I wanna dye my hair but I don't know what color to do! Suggestions?

    My hair now-

    It's a tad bit lighter than that becasue the picture was edited.

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • When do you think Born To Be Wild by Sean Kingston ft. Nicki Minaj will be released as a single?

    It leaked a few months ago and I was wondering when I can get it on iTunes

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul9 years ago
  • Its 3am and I'm hungry?

    I have some ramen noodles I will make but I dont know what to do with them to make the more interesting you know?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • There's a crazy girl stalking me!?

    Ok, Ummmm in January, I went to this dance at school and I was hanging out with my friend Mia when she interduced me to her friend Siera. Well guess what? Siera like me but I did NOT like her back, she acted creepy. So I kinda tried to stay away from her and i kept losing her and stuff. Well almost 2 months later, I be walking in school and l look behind me all the time and see her following me. She has even waited outside of the bathroom for me. Creepy *****. And then she started blowing up my phone and then yelling STOP CALLING ME! She still follows me. I hug my cheerleader friends when shes around just to let her know I dont like her. What do i do to make her leave me alone?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago