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  • Whats wrong with me?

    This is something to do with my tonsils. Okay so for a few weeks i was getting these pale yellow things on my tonsils. I googled it and it said they were tonsil stones. So I've been removing them. Sometimes my throat hurt and my tonsils were swollen, other times they looked normal and my throat was fine. For the past week, I haven't seen any stones but my tonsils are really swollen. It doesn't really hurt. But I'm still concerned. If this matters I do have shortness of breath sometimes for no reason. What's wrong with me?

    3 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • What does it feel like to fly in a dream?

    I'm not asking what it means. Not at all because I know by heart what it means since I dream it all the time. What I'm wondering is does flying feel the same for everyone when they dream about it? For me flying in a dream has a lot to do with hands. I feel a kind of pressure under my hands when I fly. There also has to be a good place to take off if I'm running from something, so that way takeoff is faster. If I'm not running from something I use my hands to kind of push the air (without my hands actually moving) and move myself to a float, and then I can fly. And when I'm flying straight up I find it takes more work and more skill than gradually flying up at an angle. What does flying in a dream feel like to other people who dream it?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Am I allergic to my class ring?

    I just got my class ring and I tried it on and now that spot on my finger is a little red and there's a small lump. It was only on my finger for a minute. I got the cheapest metal, so it's not white gold or silver. When you first pay for the ring weeks in advance, they give you a ring to wear until then. I don't know what kind of metal it was, but when I wore that ring my face puffed up and got all bumpy and stayed that way for a few days. Could I be allergic to my ring?

    3 AnswersAllergies4 years ago
  • Why is the skin under my fingernails like this?

    There's extra skin growing under my nails around the tips and it's weird. They didn't used to be there. And it's not on all the fingers. I've never ever used acrylics in my life. Why are they doing that and how do I fix it?

    Skin Conditions4 years ago
  • What kind of mental disorder?

    So I'm writing a story about fruit. I know, sounds dumb. But I could go somewhere with this. The main character is a banana who has no friends because every time he goes near other fruit, he hurts them. The only thing is, he never means to and he never remembers doing it. What kind of mental disorder should I give the banana? And any suggestions on mental disorders for the other fruits too, I want this to be a deep story. But in a funny way. But also depressing. And if there's any other characteristics I should give the banana I don't mind suggestions. Thanks. Also, 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER

    3 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • What's this movie?

    So there's this girl who's really upset about a breakup. And she meets this guy and he kills people for a living, but then he kills whoever hired him to kill someone. I might be getting this mixed up. But the girl and him meet and start talking and they really like each other, and then she finds out that he kills people, and freaks out for a bit. But once she comes to terms with it she still likes him a lot. There's this one scene where they keep throwing and catching knives back and forth. What's this movie called?

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • HELP!! I have to write an analytical essay on Emily Dickinson?? TEN POINTS?

    I have to write something about her poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death. But the main question I have to answer in my essay is

    How is the author s view of the human condition still applicable in our world today?

    I need help answering this because I looked everywhere and all I found was she searched for the universal truths and investigated the circumstances of the human condition (sense of life, immortality, faith, god, place of man in the universe.) and I don t know if I m suppose to use this as my answer or how I m supposed to word it if it is my answer. Please help? Ten points to best answer.

    1 AnswerHomework Help5 years ago
  • Re: Are these hallucinations?

    Okay it's not just out of the corner of my eye that I keep seeing things...just a minute ago I saw something outside my window like a person. Just thought I should share that because I'm either really paranoid or some other thing

    7 AnswersParanormal Phenomena5 years ago
  • Are these hallucinations?

    Okay so lately I've been seeing things out of the corner of my eye. Like a shadow that's moving, or a bug crawling around. But when I look nothing's there. Am I just paranoid or are these hallucinations?

    4 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Should I just date him?

    So there's this kid, let's call him A. He and I have strong feelings for each other. We both want to date, but we have to wait because I just got out of a relationship and my mom said I have to take a break from dating because he could be a rebound. Which he isn't, since he's the reason I broke up with my last boyfriend. I didn't cheat on him, though. I just caught feelings for A. So A and I have been talking for about a month now, we already act like a couple when texting. I really want to date him but I know a lot of people will disapprove. Should I just do it? I don't really want to wait a month and neither does he. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What s up yahoo?

    Why can t anyone access their email? I guess it s not just me.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors5 years ago
  • I have a boyfriend but I have feelings for someone else?

    My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for the past four years, a total of two years. We promised that this time we would make it last. Well, I only really agreed to date him again because I had just gotten out of a relationship and I thought I knew what I was doing even though everyone said I should wait to date again. Well, now I regret it. This guy I was friends with last year was at band registration and he gave me his number and we started talking. While I do care a lot about my boyfriend, I also have feelings for this guy. And he has feelings for me too. My boyfriend said that if we break up again, he probably won't be able to even be friends with me anymore. He's deeply in love with me and says that staying friends would hurt him. But I love having him around, even just as a friend. The other day there was a football game and on the bus ride there I sat next to the other guy. Well we were talking and laughing and then we kinda held hands for like five seconds. It was a complete accident and I don't know how it happened. But we like each other a lot. I'm pretty sure someone is going to get hurt here. But I don't want to lose my boyfriend forever even as just a friend, and I don't want to stay just friends with the other guy. And also, I should mention that my boyfriend decided to get my birth stone on his class ring to remember me. Which is a really bad idea. What do I do??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago

    So earlier today I made this weird face and that probably has nothing to do with it but almost immediately after my chin began to have small bumps and it was warm and it felt weird like almost numb but not? I ignored it. But when I got home I realized my whole face was starting to get small bumps and now my face is starting to slowly get poofy. Also my whole face now has that numb thing goin on. I don't know if this means anything but u recently had a root canal done and I also had a fever and a sore throat yesterday but it's gone now my throat is still sore. Please help. What is going on

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • What do I do about this crush?

    So just this past Thursday, I found out that my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me. I was heartbroken. But see, the thing is, I think I've already moved on to another guy...? See what happened was, I have know this kid named Thaddius for five years now. I've had the teeny tiniest crush on him since sixth grade. It kinda got slightly less teeny tiny towards the last few weeks of my relationship with my previous boyfriend. But I shrugged it aside, because I loved my boyfriend. Well, since Thursdays incident, that teeny tiny crush has blown up to be ten times bigger. I'm just wondering, could this be a rebound crush? I don't think it is, since I already liked him for five years. What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Have you ever had an imaginary friend/s?

    If so, what were they like and what was their name??

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • I've lost all hope in human kind?

    Hear me out. I used to be Christian. Then something happened and it made me realize how terrible people are. Everyone is so judgmental and selfish. Why can't people ever just be accepting? Everyone seems to have an opinion about everything, and I get it. It's human nature. But it's so disgusting how people are. Why can't anyone just go with the flow and mind their own business? If someone is gay, why do people have to criticize them for it? Same for looks, intelligence, race, etc. Does anyone get what I'm saying here? Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this.

    4 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Please help me find another anime to watch?

    I just binge watched K and I really enjoyed it because it reminds me of Durarara. Can you please list any anime that are like Durarara and K? You know, something that has the same feel to it. Like a supposedly normal kid gets mixed up in a ton of drama like Mikado or Yashiro. And it'd be great if the setting was a big bustling city. Thanks

    2 AnswersComics & Animation5 years ago
  • How can I help my best friend with her crush? They've been having phone sex?

    WILL GIVE BEST ANSWER!! Okay, so my eat friend is a freshman in highschool and I'm a sophomore. I really care about her. She has a lot of feelings for this junior named Brian. He knows about how she feels. He isn't sure if he likes her back. I talk to him a lot and he's a good guy. But he's accidentally leading her on. He doesn't mean to. One of the main reasons they aren't dating is because he says he's too old for her and she deserves someone who's her age and a virgin (he lost his virginity freshman year because his gf at the time pressured him into doing it and he really regrets it.) well they talk on the phone every night. They are really good friends. But this past week she told me that she and Brian had phone sex. Like not sexting, actually on the phone doing things to themselves. Brian and my bestie feel really bad about it, but it keeps happening. Brian doesn't want this to happen and neither does she. I'm worried this is going to get worse for her. She's going to do something she'll regret, I know because I've done similar things. I want to talk to Brian about this and tell him to back off, but he doesn't know that I know about it, and I don't want him to think she tells me all his business. I don't want to talk to him about it and have him be mad at her for telling me. She really cares about him as a friend too. I don't want to ruin their friendship but I feel like this is going in a bad direction. What can I do, if anything, to help? Thank you

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago