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  • 3 cats and a newborn!?

    I'm 8 months pregnant with my first and I have 3 cats already which are my babies I've raised them all since kittens (2 boys 1 girl) well I took his pnp downstairs already and they are sleeping in the side of it not the little bed thing and I do leave our baby's door open to his room also. My cats go in and out and I let them smell and be a part of everything. I don't fear my cats bothering my child and I will not be keeping them out of his room. Now he will be in his bassinet in our room until he outgrows it but I still will not be keeping my cats out or away from my baby. They will see my baby as a good thing not as something that came and stole all the attention and keeps them out of rooms. Am I wrong?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Bi curious :) opinions please!?

    So, I'm obviously female and I've been with my fiancé for 2 and a half years..... Well I love him and all with all my heart and want no one else but I do want to have sex with a girl! I'm very attractive and I'm attracted to really pretty girls like me. I don't want a threesome tho I couldn't have no girl touching my man lol this is strictly my pleasure only! Just wondering how many other girls feel this way too? Id actually have sex with a couple of my friends but I don't know if they're into that ya know? Should I just pull out the tequila? LoL

  • Cat fixed but mounting other cat?

    My male cat is a year old (neutered at 8 months) and I also have a 7 month old male kitten (not neutered yet) and these past couple of weeks my 1 year old his been getting on top of the kitten and biting his neck? The kitten just takes it but I make him stop. They play and sleep together so it's not anger or anything they love each other to death but I don't know why he's doing this? Is it because my kitten is hitting puberty and he can sense it? I just don't know I also have a 10 year old female but they don't bother her. She's also fixed.

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • I'm having extreme anxiety about my cats dying help please!?

    I have a year old cat that i've had since he was a kitten, he was my one year anniversary gift from my husband. Well I didnt have a job at the time so I spent all my time with him (I also have a 10year old and a 6 month old kitten but i'm more attached to him) well he's my baby and I love him with all my heart and lately i've been crying alot thinking about him passing away (i'm 20) I mean cats only live 15-20 years if your lucky and I have like 70 more years! like what would I do without him?? I couldnt even imagine! i'm crying just thinking about it. I'm also 6 months pregnant and fear after the baby comes I wont love him as much ugh it's all so stressful. I just wish he could live forever :'(

    7 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Need to hear fetal HB should I goto ER?

    My first Prenatal appointment was 9 weeks July 8th. Well my next appointment isn't until Aug 26th and ill almost be 17 weeks! It's only the 4th and I'm really antsy to hear my baby's heartbeat I feel like I don't know of he/she is even still alive! I have nausea still but that's all. This is my first and I'm really paranoid of missed miscarriage. Can I just goto the doc or ER? Maybe complain of cramping and them check the baby? I don't think I can make it another 20 days!

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Cat behavior changed dramatically after neutering?

    I had my baby neutered at around 9-10 months old its been about 3 months ago and I had him neutered right after I brought a kitten home for fear he would hurt him. He was a mommas boy but after I got him fixed he's completely changed? He loves the kitten now but he's changed towards me. He doesn't give half as much affection as he used to and he always has these huge eyes! I give him so much love he's my baby, my favorite out of my 3 but I just feel like he doesn't love me anymore.... Is this possible?

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • Ultrasound question!!! Plz help!?

    I went for my first prenatal appointment a couple of days ago and my doctor said the baby's 10w and 4d and I was like really? I thought i was 9 weeks (almost 10) he said you are 9w 6d! So is the baby measuring bigger? He didn't really explain lol

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • When should I start showing?

    I'm only 6 weeks and this is my first pregnancy. I'm 5'8 and I weigh 125. Will I show soon?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Not sure if I'm pregnant? :/?

    About 3 days ago I had some spotting for about an hour ( light pink color) then it stopped I assumed my period because its should be due anytime (lost my iPhone app so I'm not sure the exact date) but after it stopped and inter course didn't make it come like usual I'm thinking it may have been implantation. I've never spotted without a period. I've been having cramping, very sore heavy breasts, tiredness and sleepless that's it. What do you girls think? And yes we had sex during my whole cycle unprotected.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant? All opinions please!!?

    Hi, i'm wondering this because yesterday I spotted just a couple times when I went to the restroom, a very light pink blood. I had some cramping the day before so I assumed I was starting my period (which I had no clue when I am supposed to start because I lost my iphone that tracked my cycles) but it stopped shortly after that. I thought me and my fiance having intercourse would make me bleed like it normally does around that time and still nothing! I've never just spotted without a period! And we have had sex my whole cycle so there is a poss. I could be pregnant. I haven't really had any out of normal symptoms just moody, tired, and sore breasts! What do ya think? Maybe implantation? if so when should I test? and yes I should be starting soon if not now. I just dont know!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Severely bloated after drinking last night! Help please!!?

    I haven't drank in a couple of months so me and my boyfriend decided to drink last night. Today I am severely bloated and I cannot stand it!! I have a job interview tomorrow too so I need to get rid of this quick.... any suggestions?


    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant? Opinions please!?

    Me and my fiance had unprotected sex throughout my whole cycle.

    My period was 1 day late (nothing really to worry about)

    But, we had really rough sex both days before my bleeding started.

    It's not my normal period either, I usually clot ALOT every time I use the restroom and very large amounts (about the size of a hairspray can) Instead i've clotted just a couple of times about the size of a penny. And i'm continuously cramping when I normally stop after the first day. Its also lighter. I'm now on period day 4

    Other symptoms

    -Extremely emotional (bawling my eyes out after sex because I was so happy? Then literally crying because I was so mad at my fiance for complaining I was 10 mins late..)

    -Nausea at all times during day & I have no desire to eat anything in my house

    -I haven't been sleeping at all

    -frequent urination


    -Nipples seem to be darker but more like a dark ring around nipple...

    This has never happened to me and I'd like opinions before I take a test and get my hopes up...

    Thank you all

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • AM I PREGNANT? Please answer!?

    Me and my fiance had unprotected sex throughout whole month.

    My Period was one day late (its always on time) and isn't normal at all. My usual is pretty heavy bleeding and lots of clotting I mean LOTS and cramping only in day one (i'm currently on day 3) Well this period isn't as heavy and i've had maybe two clots the size of a penny and i'm also still alittle crampy but not major.

    other symptoms

    -Very emotional (I bawled my eyes out after we had sex because I was happy? lol

    -I've been very restless and haven't been getting any sleep

    -Nausea morning, day and night. I have no desire to eat anything in my house and the thought of my fave food really grosses me out....

    -Breasts feel fuller, very sensitive nipples, and the bumps around my nipples seem more prominent.

    I'm worried because this isn't normal for me and has never occurred before.

    Could I possibly be pregnant? The nausea is really making me think so...

    We've been ttc and always get negatives. Don't want to get my hopes up.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Am I falling out of love with my boyfriend? Please help!?

    Me and my boyfriend have been dating a year and two months and I am/ was completly in love with him but I dont know whats happening to me for about a week or two I feel like i'm falling out of love with him and I dont want to!!! ): I want to spend the rest of my life with him! he's truly amazing and the sweetest guy i've ever met and he loves me more than anything. Were always together and he does everything I want and I do the same for him but I keep thinking of other guys like wanting to be with them but sexually I guess but I couldnt imagine my life without my boyfriend. Am I falling out of love or is this normal? I just want it to pass.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Pregnant symptoms come and go.. negative results?

    About 5 days ago I was experiencing:

    Increase in hunger

    feeling dizzy when standing/low blood pressure

    alittle constipation

    mild cramping then a couple of days ago a sharp pain on left ovary (felt like) maybe implantation?

    breasts may be getting bigger (says bf lol)

    And tender breasts since ovulation

    few headaches and my smell is seeming to icrease and a sense of being pregnant.

    My breasts started to lighten up and so did the cramping and low blood pressure. My period is expected tomorrow and I took a cheap 1$ pregnancy test this morning and got a straight negative. Could I possibly be pregnant still?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant? small list of symptoms....?

    I'm exactyly 7 days from the suppsed to be start of my period...

    Symptoms (for about a week now)

    Increase in hunger

    feeling dizzy when standing/low blood pressure

    alittle constipation

    mild cramping then a couple of days ago a sharp pain on left ovary (felt like) maybe implantation?

    breasts may be getting bigger (says bf lol)

    And tender breasts since ovulation

    i've also had a few headaches and my smell is seeming to icrease.

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Am I pregnant? Opinions please!!?

    I'm a week away from starting my period.


    Increased hunger

    Sore breasts and nipples (havent eased since ovulation)

    3 or 4 headaches

    cramping and extreme cramping yesterday on left ovary, lasted about 20 mins

    mood swings (crying)

    checked tempature at rested state and was about a degree higher than usual. I'm usually 96 or 97 degrees but it went back down when I checked during busy day.

    *These have lasted for about a week now.


    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Possibly pregnant?? Help!?

    I'm about 3 or 4 days late and I tested this morning and last night and i've gotten a negative both times. (Used a First Response Early Result) I haven't had any feeling like i'm going to start my period. For a few days I was extremly bloated and constipated now i'm getting back to normal but no feeling period coming. I have also had a continuos backache, tender breasts, gassy, tired and my appetite has gone up. Do you think I could possibly be pregant? I think my urine may be too diluted. For about a week or so now ive been drinking alittle over a half a gallon of water a day to flush out some water weight.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I think i'm pregnant... Opinions needed please!!!?

    I just started the pill form of BC the sunday of Feb. 26th. (The day after I stopped my period. I have a usual 28 day cycle and I bleed 6 days straight) I know they say to use another form of protection the first seven days but, me and my fiance had sex and he came in me that day, the 27th, the 29th, the 4th (day before ovulation) and the 7th of this month. And not just once in one day but a couple of times every day we had sex. I have 10 days before i'm supposed to start my period. Could I be pregnant?

    I think I may have symptoms also. My breasts have been EXTREMELY sore and sensitive to the point that it hurts, they also tingle sometimes. My nipples haven't really changed much in color but I feel like they just look swollen? I've also been going to bed so early. Like hours before I normally would. It's like if I lay down I have to go to sleep. I have also been getting up in the night to pee. But, other than that I feel fine. Maybe Little moodiness but nothing out of the ordinary.

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Could I be... Pregnant?

    I just started the pill form of birth control this past Sunday (The day after I stopped my period. I have a usual 28 day cycle and I bleed 6 days straight) on the 26th of Feb. I know they say to use another form of protection the first seven days but, me and my boyfriend had sex and he came in me that day, the 27th and the 29th. And not just once in one day a couple of times every day we had sex. Whats the chance of me becoming pregnant?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago