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I'm 13years old Gonna be in 8th grade I live in Arizona my favorite colors are blue and black my favorite shows are south park, pretty little liars, good luck Charlie, and once upon a time. I love drawing I love music I'm Chinese I'm adopted My favorite celebrity is selena gomez I love anime (my favorites are OHSHC, fruits baket, and soul eater). You can usually find me in the celebrities, comedy, or adolescents category on here.

  • My friend invited one of her friends over to my house?

    So I made plans with my 2 best friends to come over to my house so we could get ready for prom together (I m a sophomore but my school is so small they let all of high school go). My parents are also driving us to the venue. Well one of my friends invited someone else to tag along because that friends plan got cancelled. I know the girl and we ve talked a little, but I really don t know her that well. I guess I d be fine with her coming over its just really awkward, especially cuz my parents were are driving us. What should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Should I go to a concert with my family?

    I really want to see Fall Out Boy, but none of my friends are really into their music. My mom has offered to take me along with my younger sister. Do you think I should go? Also is FOB weird to see with my mom (I mean there not like rated R I guess, but they aren t like 1D and pg13).

    5 AnswersAdolescent5 years ago
  • How is my mom able to access my instagram?

    My account is private and she herself doesn t have an account, she only has the app because I believe we share iCloud or something like that (basically the same iTunes account). Anyways, I know she can somehow access my account because she read to me one of the comments a friend posted on my picture. Is it because we share the account? Could she have learned my password? Or is it something else?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet5 years ago
  • Friend doesn't want to go to homecoming because she feels ugly?

    She has never been to a school dance before because her parents are very strict, but recently they decided to let her go since she's in high school now. All of our friends are going (my school has a really late homecoming, idk why) and no one really has a date, but she doesn't feel confident enough about herself to go. I know I can't force her to go if she doesn't want to go, but I don't know what to do. Her main reason she feels not confident is because of her acne and even though I told her everyone goes through it she insists it's only her. Even besides the fact of homecoming, I want to help her feel more confident about herself. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Crush is moving away. Should I tell him I like him?

    So I've liked this guy that goes to my school for 4 years now. We currently only have 1 class together (Mandarin) and we only talk occasionally. But, sometimes I feel like he might like me too just from some signs. I don't get to talk to him much in class since the teacher is pretty strict and we aren't really considered friends either. I found out he's moving to another state in a month and I'm really sad. Do you think it'd we worth going up and telling him I like him? or should I just move on? I'm only 15 as well and I'm pretty shy. Any tips?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Parents pressuring me on grades, feeling stressed/depressed?

    I've always done pretty well in school so when I got an offer to take an advanced chemistry class I decided to take it. However, I haven't been doing great in there. Currently I have a 70%! I pay attention in class, I understand the hw, I get extra help from the teacher, but I still get bad quiz and test grades! I really do not know what to do anymore... I've decided that I could use some more help on my lab analysis/conclusion because I usually miss those parts on the quizzes/tests. The problem is my parents, more specifically my mom. She gets so mad at me whenever I get a bad grade and it puts so much pressure on me to get a good grade (she considers an 85% or higher good). I've told her that it's an advanced class so she can't expect me to get perfect grades and the school I go to is a tough school that really focuses on education. I've also considered dropping out but my mom insists that I don't and instead raise my grade. On my last quiz I got a 70% which is 5% higher than what I got on my last and I was pretty happy that at least I raised it a little which is better than it lowering, but my mom was still mad at me! I'm not sure what to do anymore and the pressure has started turning into a small amount of depression. I've literally began to cry over my grades :( What should I do?

    2 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • How does distilled water affect the molarity/concentration in a titration?

    We did a lab in my chem class and I'm really confused on this question. If you rinsed the buret with distilled water before the titration how would that end up affecting the molarity of the solution. I know it's something about it diluting the solution but can you please explain fully? Thx!

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • My crush asked for a tbh. What should I say?

    We've had a few classes together but I'm kinda shy so we haven't really talked much. We have a few things in common and I get the feeling he may like me back but I'm not completely sure. I don't necessarily want to say I like him through IG cuz that just doesn't seem right (I guess I'd rather tell him in person?). What should I say?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I think my crush likes someone else?

    Im sorry if this seems really pointless and stupid but I just need advice/someone to talk to. Basically I saw online on my crush's IG that he and a girl looked like they were flirting and they ended up exchanging numbers in the end. I now the Internet is not a good place to judge relationships/love b/c for all I know they could just be friends (he met her in another state during some summer camp). Anyways I'm just kinda upset. I'm not the most confident person out there and we've barely spoken at school (I'm definitely going to talk to him this year though). Also we had a lot in common so I thought I had a chance. I know I'm still young and he'll probably not end up marrying her or anything but I'm just bummed out. Any advice on how to move on in case they do end up dating? Stories similar to my situation? Thx :/

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Who are some of your favorite artists/bands?

    I'm mostly stuck in pop music but I want to expand my taste in music :) So I'm willing to check out any of the answers you guys leave.

    7 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Help trying to tell my friend to stop texting me constantly?

    My friend is always trying to FaceTime or text me and its starting to bother me. Whenever I'm on instagram she always sees and then asks to text or facetime. plus she only ever wants to talk about her boyfriend and i never really know what to say. I decided I'm going to tell her this:

    U r a really good friend and all but u seem to txt or want to FaceTime a lot. I like to talk to u but I just want u to know that I can't always be texting and face timing you. 1) my parents don't want me on my iPod all day 2) I have other things to do as well 3) im not a texting person and 4) I'm not trying to be mean but I'm kinda tired if hearing about Jose. I know he means a lot to u and that's great that's he's your bf, but I'm just tired of talking about him. Plus, we don't really have that much in common anymore, we don't go to the same school and we live in different areas. I feel like whenever im on IG u always see and then try to txt me which is starting to be sorta annoying. I don't want u to take this the wrong way an think that I hate u or not want to be friends because we've been friends for a long time and I would hate to see that fall apart. I hope u understand 😕😬😶😪

    Does this sound ok? Should I say anything else to make it nicer?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How to tell my friend this nicely?

    My friend is constantly texting me or asking to FaceTime me and its starting to really annoy me. We lost touch for a few years (i had moved away) but I found her on Instagram and we started to talk again. We also had a sleepover a few weeks ago. Anyways I think she's a good friend and all but I feel almost like she's stalking me on IG. Every time I like a pic on there and she sees it she texts me or asks to FaceTime. It's starting to get annoying because I don't want to constantly be texting back and forth. We also don't have that much in common anymore (we don't go to the same school) and whenever we do talk she seems to only want to talk about her new boyfriend. How can I tell her nicely that I want to still be friends but not be so clingy?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • First time tampon use?

    I'm kind of worried about my situation. My friend is having a swimming party tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it, but I just got my period yesterday. I've only used pads and have tried to use tampons but have been unsuccessful. I know my period won't be over by tomorrow, so can anyone give me tips on using tampons? I can never get it up all the way because I feel the tube and then I chicken out. I also got it in one time, but I must've not put it up all the way because it hurt a lot. Any help would be appreciated! Thx!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Is she mad at me? What does this mean?

    I recently got back in touch with one of my old friends (we grew apart). Well she keeps texting me every weekend and asking me if I want to FaceTime, which is fine but it is starting to become a bit irritating. I don't hat her or anything, but since we grew apart and go to different schools it's hard to talk about stuff and common interests because we are so different now. The last time we FaceTimed, we both didn't really know what to talk about and it was awkward. Anyways, I have these exams at school coming up next week and they are super important (they are each worth 50% of my overall grad in each subject) so there is a lot of pressure on me! I am planning on studying all weekend to prepare more for the exams. Well, today my friend texted me asking if I wanted to FaceTime, but I hold her I couldn't because I was studying. She replied back with "mhm...-_-". Does she not believe e or something? Is she mad at me? How should I respond?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Concerned for my friend?

    My friend is currently trying to lose weight and she started yesterday. I think that's great and all, but I'm kinda concerned. She says she never eats breakfast, but I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day? And today for lunch she brought only an apple and water and I never saw her eat the apple (she might have ate it later thought). The thing is she is only 12 and I'm just concerned she might be going a bit overboard. Maybe I'm just overreacting?

    Also, not to call her fat or anything, but I think it would do her good to lose weight. I'm just telling you this so you know she's not just doing this because she "thinks" she needs to, I believe she "knows" she needs to lose some weight.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Concerned for my friend?

    My friend is currently trying to lose weight and she started yesterday. I think that's great and all, but I'm kinda concerned. She says she never eats breakfast, but I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day? And today for lunch she brought only an apple and water and I never saw her eat the apple (she might have ate it later thought). The thing is she is only 12 and I'm just concerned she might be going a bit overboard. Maybe I'm just overreacting?

    Also, not to call her fat or anything, but I think it would do her good to lose weight. I'm just telling you this so you know she's not just doing this because she "thinks" she needs to, I believe she "knows" she needs to lose some weight.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Finding a meaning in my art?

    For our final grade in art class, I have to come up with a project that is supposed to have a meaning to it (it can be any form of art also). Anyways, I just thought o this idea of drawing 30 of my favorite disney characters (like from the classic movies) and writing meaningful quotes surrounding them. It would be on a huge poster board or something so it would look like a collage. For my meaning I was gonna say 1) I absolutely love disney stuff 2) inspirational 3) brings back childhood memories 4) motivation and positivity (quotes). Do my meanings make sense? Does it sound like a good idea? I'm worried my teacher may think I'm crazy, but I really want to do this!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • Help with ex?

    I'm not sure what to do. We broke up about 2 months ago and we lasted or 3 months. It basically ended with him trying to dump me over text (long story). I have no interest getting back with him and I already like someone else and I'm pretty sure he likes someone else as well. Do u think it would be safe to let him follow me? Also should I follow back?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Having 2 crushes?

    I don't know which one to choose? What if one asks me out, should I say yes or no? Pleases help me choose!

    Guy A: I've known him the longest. He's in practically all of my classes this year and he's smart. I'm pretty sure he likes me as well. I've also liked him the longest. He's funny, seems nice, and good looking. However, I haven't really talked to him as much as Guy B and another girl likes him.

    Guy B: I just got to know him this year and one of my friends thinks we would look good together. He's funny, smart (but not as smart as Guy A), and nice. I've sorta talked to him, but not entire full out conversation. He's also in practically all of my classes this year. I also think he may like me. However, I don't like him quite as much as Guy A.

    They're both friends also so...I don't know. Thx for answering and reading!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My ex wants to follow me on instagram?

    I'm not sure what to do. We broke up about 2 months ago and we lasted or 3 months. It basically ended with him trying to dump me over text (long story). I have no interest getting back with him and I already like someone else and I'm pretty sure he likes someone else as well. Do u think it would be safe to let him follow me? Also should I follow back?

    3 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago