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  • In Britain and the USA can the poor/underclass vote?

    also, who does not have the right to vote in usa and britain?

    2 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • What is a good rumor to spread about someone? (for my story)?

    So in my story there is this girl (let's call her A) and she has two bullies, (E and N) E and N have spread many rumors about her, ever since A was in grade 5 (she is in grade 10 now) so far I got

    -A has a crush on the boy everyone hates

    -A stuffs her bra

    yup, what's good, all the way from 5th grade to 10th grade. something creative?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • I am constantly changing my feelings towards writing?

    I have been writing stories since I was 6 years old (I am 17) now. Most days when I am at school I am pumped to go home and write but after an hour or so of writing I just hate it and want to quit and have no motivation anymore. I spend rest of the evening reading or doing hmwk thinking about how I will never finish my books and how I dont like writing.... is this writers block or something weird like a mental disorder. also do I write weird depressing stories? I am writing a book where the world is ending and all the parents go evil and try to kill their kids, then within the first four chapters 2 teens kill themselves. The fact that I am writing crazy stuff like this, could it be an indication that subconciously I am depressed or something? I sleep a lot (thats a symptom) but i do not feel depressed (mind you i am taking anti anxiety meds for my anxiety) and when i do go off my meds for a couple of days i feel like doing suicide and stuff but when i am on them i am happy. i am just really concerned about my mental health i guess.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • How does Daisy perceive Gatsby?

    All I got is that Daisy sees Gatsby as a way to get even with her husband, because Tom cheats.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • What did you eat today?

    Lets see.....

    for breakfast I ate some oatmeal and an apple

    At about 10:30 I ate some pasta and some chocolate milk

    then for lunch I had some spinach, quonia, and greek yogurt

    then for snack I ate gummy bears, dark chocolate and french fries.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I haven't gotten my period for a while and I feel extremely depressed?

    I am 17, I am a virgin (so not pregnant) and I was supposed to get my period 9 days ago. About an hour ago I started to feel extremely depressed and suicidal. I don't know what to do, I was perfectly fine before, in a good mood and everything. A month ago, (I can't remember if i was on my period at the time or not) I again, felt really sucidial and the mood lasted for an hour or two and the next day I was back to my regular mood. I am on anti-depressant medication for anxiety, so shouldn't that be helping this problem? What should I do?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What kind of movies do you absolutely hate?

    I hate cliche romance, action movies, cliche horror movies about someone being possessed or a house being possessed, and superhero movies.

    38 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What TLC shows do you like?

    I really like extreme cheapskates, it's crazy how these people live, and how desperate they are to save money, when they already have a good amount of money (at least most of them)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How do you know if a college program is the right one for you?

    I am not 100% sure which program I want to go into, if I want chemical engineering or chemical engineering technologist or chemical and enviromental technology. All I know is that I enjoy chemistry and that's it and there are so MANY programs that envolve chemistry, and I know that if you just get a chemistry degree you usually go nowhere. So how do you know if which one is right? Seems like you won't know unless you spend thousands of dollars to go to college and try them all to see which one you like. I have already done a million career apitude tests online and have talked to a career counselor. I just need some other opinions, because I am having a hard time choosing, I just don't want to spend thousands of dollars to find out I am not where i want to be.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Have you jailbroken your ios device before?

    If so, was it a good experience or a bad one? Why?

    I would like to jailbreak my ipad to watch movies/tv shows that aren't on netflix, only I'm afraid of it getting messed up. When I jailbroke my old iPhone a couple of months ago, I tried to download winterboard and something weird happened, and my phone got stuck on the apple sign and it took me 2 hours to fix.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Will white manitobah mukluks get dirty?

    I am going to buy a pair online, and I really think the white ones are pretty, but I am afraid they might get dirty. Has anyone bought a pair of white mukluks? Also I am stumped at what size to get, they say to get a size smaller than your usual size. I am usually 7, but when I tried the 6 on at the store, they were uncomfortable in my toes, will that part stretch?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Do you keep track of how many books you read?

    For some reason I have to keep a list of books I've read..... But I read a lot. Does anybody else do this?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What is Hamlet's Tragic Flaw?

    Everyone says it is his inability to act, but after thinking about it, I disagree. Could it be him overthinking or underthinking? He either thinks too much and gets nothing done, or thinks zero and acts impulsively, like when he kills Polonius. What do you think?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • I am having such a hard time being healthy?

    I used to be so in shape, until I quit swimming. I used to swim about 10-12 hours a week. I ate healthy, was fit, and was feeling great. Now since I've stopped swimming, I've put on about 4 pounds and I find myself constantly craving sweets, like chocolate and pizza, and FAST FOOD, god, FAST FOOD. I used to abhor Fast food! And a couple of days ago I ate KFC! I haven't ate that for maybe 4 years, and I've always hated KFC!! I wish I could excercise more but the only time I feel like excercising is after eating junk food (it's really weird) And I feel fat.... even though I'm still at a healthy weight even after gaining 4 pounds.... I see some kids at school and I'm like, ahhh I wish I could be as thin as them. When in reality, they probably weigh as much as I do. Gahhh why do I feel so fat? Every day I try eating healthy, by 1 o'clock I am craving sweets, and I never know what to eat for some reason...... I feel like I am ranting now, but I could really use some motivation or some advice. My step mom, step dad, my dad, my aunt, my grandma, and my cousin are all overweight! The only people that aren't are my siblings and my mom! And I really don't want to end up on my 500 pound life, really..... Ever since I was 10 years old I've always had this terrible fear of getting fat................. please help.....

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago