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Lv 32,465 points

Kitten S

Favorite Answers14%
  • Army lawyers only. Can an officer and and enlisted person legally marry? See AR 600-20 4-14 c (2) (a) first!?

    I have an on-going bet with a friend. According to AR 600-20, the fraternization policy does not apply to marriage, but to dating. See paragraph 4-14 c (2) (a).

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • All right guys, confess! Who shopped their butt off on Black Friday? What did you get??

    Did you shop just to boost the economy or are you like me who just wanted to spend money?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you buy your children Advent calendars?

    You should! It's a great way to count down to Christmas for the little ones. Most of them also give the kids a little gift every day which builds the excitement until Christmas comes, and if you are a Christian, many tell the story of Jesus's birth. They are really cool!

    10 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • How much of a threat do you think Al-Qaeda is?

    I've got to know. I've been told by many that my frustration with people who don't believe that Al-Qaeda is a real threat comes from my "insider status" and knowing things about Al-Qaeda that the average citizen does not. I'd be able to stomach that, but I think that the attitude of the American public is directly related to our failure to think critically, conduct reasonable research, and our obsession with partisan politics.

    Folks, make no mistake, these folks are trying to kill us and kill our way of life. They seek to build an Islamist Caliphate whose captial would be Baghdad, and from there oppress us all. I'm unloading no secrets. Look it up for yourself. They seek our annihilation. Our goal is to stop this from happening, however the adversary has launched an information campaign that keeps Americans arguing over partisan issues and who should have done what and when. We need to stand together as a country under one flag and fight together for the survival of our way of life.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What are our kids learning about civics and government?

    I have seen some appalling questions and answers concerning civics and government that indicate a lack of basic knowledge of the systems that govern our country. One person stated that if he were the head of the National Security Council, he'd arrest the President. Isn't it common knowledge that the President chairs the NSC? Others say that the President should be impeached for violating the Geneva Conventions. Anyone who makes this statement obviously knows little about impeachment or the Geneva Conventions. Does anyone else think that we need to educate or re-educate ourselves on how our government runs? Perhaps then we'd be able to have meaningful discussions and debates using facts as the basis of our arguement rather than emotion. This is not to get into the meaningless conservative vs liberal debates, it is a challenge for us to learn more so that we can be better informed citizens.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Calling all liberals...What do you really think should be done about our situation in Iraq?

    Should we leave Iraq?

    If we do, what do you think the second and third order effects will be?

    Do you believe that withdrawl from Iraq will end terrorism?

    Do you know what a Caliphate is?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is being in love all that hard?

    It seems to me that being in love shouldn't be that difficult. All you need is two people who are willing to make room in their hearts for each other. Why is something like that so difficult and elusive? Isn't that what we all want? How do we make it so complicated?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why are people willing to risk their health to lose weight?

    I've notices this pretty scary trend on this site. As a Master Fitness Trainer, I am concerned with fitness moreso than weight. I understand that people want to lose weight quickly, but at what risk? Is it really worth it? Wouldn't you rather lose weight slowly and improve your health than go on a crash diet that ruins your health, ultimately slows down your metabolism, and causes you to gain more weight?

    What can be done to stop this trend? I know that many Americans are overweight, but I think in the long run, this obsession with quick weight loss is going to cause a health crisis greater than that caused by simply being overweight.

    39 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me how to find a short summary of WWI?

    All I really need is the basics. THANKS

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Do you think I was mean?

    While I was at the airport with a group of friends waiting to pick someone up, I saw a white couple with two black babies. The babies' hair was everywhere, and their skin was "ashy" (for those who don't know, ashy is the way we describe skin that is extremely dry and in need of lotion). I walked up to the couple and asked if the were adopting the babies, well really toddlers. They smiled and said yes, and I gave them a small bottle of lotion and told them that they'd need it for their children to keep their skin healthy. I also wrote down the names of a couple of haircare products that they could use to help with the hair situation. My friends (both black and white) were so shocked and could not believe that I'd done that. Is there something wrong with that? I thought I was doing the right thing. How would they learn these things if a black person didn't tell them?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Who's high five'in for Chicago?

    Woo hoo! Chicago beat Green Bay!!! Ha ha you cheeseheads!

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Should I run or not?

    I've been training for the Marine Corps Marathon Oct 28th, but this past weekend, people died at the Army Ten Miler and the Chicago LaSalle Marathon! I think they died from heat stroke. I haven't checked for myself, but that's what I've been told. I was also told that there were several heat casualties in both races. I am anemic, and I'm a little nervous about running now. Do you think I should run? I mean I've run it before, and I normally run the ten miler each year, but with the high temperatures and high humidities, I'm not sure if it's safe.

    2 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Is this guy psychologically unbalanced or what?

    I asked the group if I should leave my fiance because he doesn't get along with my son. Never did I even suggest that we were living together or sleeping together. In fact, we don't even live in the same state. What do you think? Is this guy unbalanced or what?

    Does should I leave , mean ,you are living with this man. Great example to your 14 year old son. Wait and watch the kind of life he leads. Problem is you don't even know you should be ashamed of yourself for living like a fornicating , moral less person. Your son shouldn't fall to far from your example. Don't expect much from him. Why care now if he gets along with anyone. In the future when he doesn't get along he can just go from one woman to the next playing house and making babies. Wake up and start living a life that can be respected now and in the future by both you and your son.

    -Calvin R

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Should I leave?

    I love my fiance more than life, but he doesn't get along with my 14 year old son, and I think we may be headed for a train wreck because even though my son is no angel, he is my son, and I am the only parent he has ever had. I feel like I'm choosing between my fiance and my son. I guess I know the answer, but I want to get your thoughts.

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me a good restaurant recommendations in Kansas City?

    I like everything! Any input would be appreciated!

    6 AnswersKansas City1 decade ago
  • Have you been a mentor for Big Brothers/Big Sisters or do you have a child who is a "Little"?

    I'm taking the advice of one of you great moms and seeking a mentor for my 14 year old. I met with a case manager from Big Brothers/Big Sisters today, and the program sounds like it will definitely be helpful. Do any of you have any experience working with or working in the organization, or have you been a Big or a Little? If so, how was your experience? Was it helpful? Did you like it?

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • Is there a risk associated with men using laptop computers on their laps?

    Okay, I know this may sound crazy, but my son uses a laptop computer, and he often puts it right on his lap. Earlier this week, a friend told me that he could sterilize himself by doing that. Now I think that sounds absolutely crazy, but it's not out of the real of possibility. Has anyone else heard this? What is your source?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Help! I am being stalked by and ugly fat man with a bad attitude!?

    What shall I do? I met him a few years ago. Back then, he was just ugly with a bad attitude. I didn't see him for about five years. Now he's also fat. The worst thing is that he keeps following me like I've got Alpo in my pocket, and making lewd comments, like his ugly butt should have the right to reproduce! We're both military, and he outranks me, so I haven't told him where to go yet because I don't want to get in trouble for insubordination. Should I report his behavior and get his fat, ugly, stalking butt in trouble or should I just tell him where to go? I don't suppose much will happen to me even if I'm downright nasty to him, I mean he's not going to report my behavior knowing that he's been hitting on me, I don't think he's that stupid...what do you think?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is she crazy?

    Today while I was at work, one of my co-workers told me that she's having weird dreams where her cats are talking to her. She also told me that she had a dream where she was a "cat herder" riding horses and rounding up cats. Now don't get me wrong, I've had weird dreams, but no talking cats, and no cat herding. Isn't that a little nuts?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago