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Lv 2713 points


Favorite Answers21%
  • Should I??? What Would you do?? 10pts?

    Okay so please read and answer honestly and nicely.

    Alright so I'm 14 turning 15 soon

    And I'm going to highschool In a few months. Most assignments are done on a computer and printed out and turned In.

    Well I told my mom I needed a laptop for school but she said wait until college..

    But I know I'm going to need it for highschool.

    So I was thinking of selling all my things to get the money.

    I want a apple laptop ( yes I know) $$

    So I was thinking I could save up. And buy a used one off craigslist. I know my mom would let me if it was my money.

    Anway I have a james avery bracelet with 4 charms that (I got myself) and someone wants to give me $150.00 for it.

    Should I do it to add to my savings?

    I already have 50.00.

    Thanks so much please answer need advise!!

    I think it's a good thing to spend money on. Instead of something dumb

    They go for 600$ in good condition on Craigslist

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • B r a c e s Or No ? 10pts!?

    Well Im going to The Dentist To See If Medicaid Will Cover My Braces I Have Crooked & Crowded Teeth Ive tried hard to get them 3 Or 4 months but they Said medicaid wouldnt cover& Wouldnt even try To send pictures / They Said Medicaid wasnt Accepting NO-ONE .... And it wasnt worth wasting there money . To send it ..

    So now after 4Month Im Going To a Different Place They Said Medicaid Will cover the visit and They Will Send pictures . To See if They Accept and you have to be 13+ I am And I Have Croocked Teeth people laugh at me) So i Guess they Changed it ,? i Any Help Or Ideas?

    do You Think They Will cover them? /:

    10 PTS (:

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • What Do You Think?(:?

    Well Im going to The Dentist To See If Medicaid Will Cover My Braces I Have Crooked & Crowded Teeth Ive tried hard to get them 3 Or 4 months but they Said medicaid wouldnt cover& Wouldnt even try To send pictures / They Said Medicaid wasnt Accepting NO-ONE .... And it wasnt worth wasting there money . To send it ..

    So now after 4Month Im Going To a Different Place They Said Medicaid Will cover the visit and They Will Send pictures . To See if They Accept and you have to be 13+ I am And I Have Croocked Teeth people laugh at me) So i Guess they Changed it ,? i Any Help Or Ideas?

    do You Think They Will cover them? /:

    10 PTS (:

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Braces? (: 10 Pts Easy Question !?

    Well Im going to The Dentist To See If Medicaid Will Cover My Braces I Have Crooked & Crowded Teeth Ive tried hard to get them 3 Or 4 months but they Said medicaid wouldnt cover& Wouldnt even try To send pictures / They Said Medicaid wasnt Accepting NO-ONE .... And it wasnt worth wasting there money . To send it ..

    So now after 4Month Im Going To a Different Place They Said Medicaid Will cover the visit and They Will Send pictures . To See if They Accept and you have to be 13+ I am And I Have Croocked Teeth people laugh at me) So i Guess they Changed it ,? i Any Help Or Ideas?

    do You Think They Will cover them? /:

    10 PTS (:~

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • My teeth are depressing me /;?

    My teeth are really croocked (Spell check) i Cant Smile Freely Because I know my Smile Is Ugly .. Today at Lunch This Guys Called me Ugly and Was Makeing Fun Of My Teeth.. Like I Think Its So messed Up/': My mom Cant Afford Braces Right now .. She Has 4kids and NO Child Support ... And medicade dont cover them no more ... I Mean Everywhere i Go Someones Laughing at me :/ Or Stareing ... Gosh ... :{ Even My Freinds... I Know This Isnt A Question But .. Idont know what to do :/

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Is My mom Lieing Too Me /': Please Help?

    Okay Well im 13 And I Need Braces and The Cost is 5000 & My mom Has 4Kids And Is Single And She Said She only Gets 100.00 On Tax Returns .. Could It Be Possible? And i Was Wondering Because Taxes Are Comming Around . And i was Thinking she Could get me my Braces All My Freinds mom Say they Get 5,000+ &&' i Think 100 Is Way To Low &&' i Have A Feeling My moms Lieing ... Please No Rood Comments***

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Is my Mom Lieing Tax Return Question? please Help .. Serious !!?

    Okay Well im 13 And I Need Braces and The Cost is 5000 & My mom Has 4Kids And Is Single And She Said She only Gets 100.00 On Tax Returns .. Could It Be Possible? And i Was Wondering Because Taxes Are Comming Around . And i was Thinking she Could get me my Braces All My Freinds mom Say they Get 5,000+ &&' i Think 100 Is Way To Low &&' i Have A Feeling My moms Lieing ... Please No Rood Comments

    2 AnswersAustralia8 years ago
  • I Throw up Every Time Im Done Eating HELP?

    Okay So its Been Going On For 3 Years Atleast.. Im 13 Years old Feamale 122 Lbs

    And Anytime i Eat Anything ..

    Fruits, Dinner, Lunch Fast Foods, etc.

    i Throw Up.. not a lot Just A Little .. but Its Gross . Why Do i Do This ? Is It Just Me Please Help. ..

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How Many Calories Should i Have For Dinner?

    Well im Sorta on My "Diet" :b

    Well i Had "Cereal For Breakfeast" 180c

    And Spaggeti for Lunch With Bread

    (Lean Cousine) 300- Calories..

    And couple Snacks During The day Maybe 200 calories i Ate For Snacks ..

    So How many Calories Should i Eat?


    Is Eating Thoss FROZEN meals Good?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Just not hungry ? Or Starving my Self in The Inside? O.o?

    Well I went on a DIET 3 Days Ago . And I only Ate Salad apples water, for The 3 days . Compared too Eating all The chips and Junk i Eat . And I was Always Hungry now im Just not Hungry anymore why? Im 14 127 Lbs' and Female. is it Bad? Like I lost my apitite forever.. Nothing looks That Good Too Be eaten .. I dont Think im Deperessed i Have Real bad Family Problems .. And Seen/Whitnesed Things i Shouldve never saw but im Okay you know fine i also Play Basket ball . please Anser...!!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Im Never hungry anymore PLZ HELP10pts ?

    Well I went on a DIET 3 Days Ago . And I only Ate Salad apples water, for The 3 days . Compared too Eating all The chips and Junk i Eat . And I was Always Hungry now im Just not Hungry anymore why? Im 14 127 Lbs' and Female. is it Bad? Like I lost my apitite forever.. Nothing looks That Good Too Be eaten .. I dont Think im Deperessed i Have Real bad Family Problems .. And Seen/Whitnesed Things i Shouldve never saw but im Okay you know fine i also Play Basket ball . please Anser...!!

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Im Never Hungry anymore?

    Well I went on a DIET 3 Days Ago . And I only Ate Salad apples water, for The 3 days . Compared too Eating all The chips and Junk i Eat . And I was Always Hungry now im Just not Hungry anymore why? Im 14 127 Lbs' and Female. is it Bad? Like I lost my apitite forever.. Nothing looks That Good Too Be eaten .. I dont Think im Deperessed i Have Real bad Family Problems .. And Seen/Whitnesed Things i Shouldve never saw but im Okay you know fine i also Play Basket ball . please Anser...!!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • 7th Grade Math Question Help <3 All Ansers 10pts !!!!?

    A 2-meter stick had a shadow of 1/2m at The Same Time That a Nearby Tree has A Shadow Of 3 m. How Tall is The Tree?

    Thanks Everyone <3

    8 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • 7th Grade Math Quesion help ..? 10pts?

    The Question is ..

    If the corresponding angles of 2 Polygons are congruent and The Lenghts of the corresponding sides are Porportional, the polygons are-

    A) Regular

    B) congruent


    D) Similar


    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • How come im The Only one Who Doesnt Have a Boy Freind?

    Okay Well im 14 Yes I Know Im Young But Everybody i Seem Too know Has A Boyfreind Etc. And ive Been Single Forever ..! why? everyone Tells Me im Pretty and Everything . Like i know im Not ugly But im Chuby is That why? help.. NO ROOD <- Comments Pleasee..

  • How Long Will It Take For Me To Get a Flat Stomache? ALL ANSERS NEEDED! 10pts !!?

    Im 5'2 and weight 128 <- ._. Im not FAT but im Chubby Like I Feel Embarissed Wearing Tank tops and Stuff and Summers Coming and I Really wanna Wear A 2Piece With Out looking Chuby >.< So Im Planning on Eating Right (: only Healthy Foods and Exsercing how long Will it Take? Any Suggestions or Ideas? >.^ Everything Helps..! I was thinking Eating Right and Jogging 1 mile everyday ? And Walking the Other mile?? PLEASEHELP

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How Long Will It Be Before I Get A Flat Stomache? ALL ANSERS NEEDED..! 10pts;)?

    Im 5'2 and weight 128 <- ._. Im not FAT but im Chubby Like I Feel Embarissed Wearing Tank tops and Stuff and Summers Coming and I Really wanna Wear A 2Piece With Out looking Chuby >.< So Im Planning on Eating Right (: only Healthy Foods and Exsercing how long Will it Take? Any Suggestions or Ideas? >.^ Everything Helps..!

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Anser this easy question? Pleaase <3?

    Well im really over weight im talking 27 lbs over weight .. Im really chubby and i dont like it .. Ive been Reasearching Diet plans and i came upon the "Egg only Diet" Where You only eat eggs and water .. Will it make me loose weight ? and fast or no? i know its gunna take time but i want a flat stomache by sumer ..Any Suggestions? Thanks So much and im 14 Btw and All theese people call me fat' because i dont have a flat stomache ;(

    Please anser ^^^^^^^^^^ all my questions

    10 Points..!

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago

    Well im really over weight im talking 27 lbs over weight .. Im really chubby and i dont like it .. Ive been Reasearching Diet plans and i came upon the "Egg only Diet" Where You only eat eggs and water .. Will it make me loose weight ? and fast or no? i know its gunna take time but i want a flat stomache by sumer ..Any Suggestions? Thanks So much and im 14 Btw and All theese people call me fat' because i dont have a flat stomache ;(

    Please anser ^^^^^^^^^^ all my questions

    10 Points..! ( i promise))

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • The Egg Only Diet? Help Please.. "advice Needed"?

    Well im really over weight im talking 27 lbs over weight .. Im really chubby and i dont like it .. Ive been Reasearching Diet plans and i came upon the "Egg only Diet" Where You only eat eggs and water .. Will it make me loose weight ? and fast or no? i know its gunna take time but i want a flat stomache by sumer ..Any Suggestions? Thanks So much and im 14 Btw and All theese people call me fat' because i dont have a flat stomache ;(

    Please anser ^^^^^^^^^^ all my questions

    10 Points..!

    21 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago