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  • What situation does this quote make you think of?

    I’m going to give you a quote, and you give me the first situation that comes to your mind.

    The quote is, “The risk for truth can be painful.”

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How to be okay with my best friend dating the guy I like?

    We've been best friends for over two years, and we go to the same college in New York. And now she likes the guy I like and they've gone on dates and kissed and had sex. I'm also close friends with him. How do I make myself okay with this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Betrayed by my closest friend?

    So I just found out today that my best friend has had sex with the guy I like more than once. And she's been lying to me about this for over a month. And so has he. And a lot of my other friends.

    We've been best friends for over two years and she's lied to me about things a lot. None of them like this though. She's never really betrayed me before.

    Do you think we can get past this? And more importantly, should I try to salvage the friendship?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to write this letter?

    How do you write a Christmas letter to someone you like romantically telling them how much you appreciate them as a friend without it sounding like a letter to someone you like romantically?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What does this quote mean to you?

    "The risk for truth can be painful."

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Meaning of this quote?

    What do you think this quote means? Just in your opinion.

    "Hopeless and taken"

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What do you think this quote means?

    "Wide-eyed and hopeless"

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • I'm still in love with my first love, even though it's over. Need advice?

    We broke up about 6 months ago. We dated for almost 6 months. She was my first love. She lives in England, and I live in America. We were both really depressed and dealing with a lot when we were together, and that's one of the main reasons it didn't work. The long distance was also a huge part of it. (She wasn't living in England when we were together, but it was still long distance). We've both mentioned that we didn't really have a fair chance the first time. Because of the distance and because of the depression. I still love her. She's moved on, she fell in love with someone else. They're not together now, but she still loves her. They only broke up because she moved to England.

    Now for my questions:

    - Do you think it's possible for me to fall out of love with her, fall in love with someone else, and be her friend?

    - Is it a possibility that I'll never get over her?

    - Is it possible that I could fall out of love with her, fall in love with someone else, be her friend, both move on in life, but somehow, end up back together, to try it again?

    Please answer all of these questions~ I know that nobody can tell me the future, but I want you to tell me what you think from your own life experiences. Don't tell me to just move on. Just answer the questions, please.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What to do when you love someone, but can't be with them?

    Me and ex have started falling for each other again. (We're both girls.) We broke up about 6 months ago. We dated for almost 6 months. She was my first love. She lives in England though, and I live in America. We were both really depressed and dealing with a lot when we were together, and that's one of the main reasons it didn't work. Now, we're realizing that things could be different if we tried again, because we've both gotten over our depression. Things would be so much better this time around. The only problem is neither of us want to be in a long distance relationship again. It's too hard.

    So what do we do? We can't move near each other. We're both too young for that. I don't know how to move on because she'll always be in the back of my mind. She dated someone else for a while after we broke up, and she was even in love with her, but I guess I was always in the back of her mind too.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Need help with this plot? (Centers around a hotel)?

    I'm thinking about a screenplay centering around this hotel called Edicius (Pronounced Odysseus) Inn. The whole point of the title is supposed to be that it spells "suicide" if you flip it around. I'm just not sure what else to do with it. It's a nice plot point, but I'm having trouble coming up with a general plot storyline.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Guys: What do you think of hair extensions?

    I'm talking about hair extensions like this:

    They look pretty real and everything, but you can feel them if you were to run your fingers through the person's hair.

    Would these extensions bother you or turn you off?

    Why or why not?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Chicago, Boston, or Seattle?

    I'm writing a screenplay about a drug addict who reconnects with his ex-girlfriend when she finds out his situation. She tries to get him clean and away from his current girlfriend (who is also a drug addict), and they both start falling for each other.

    Which city should this take place in?

    Some facts:

    - The main character is wealthy from his family's fortune (both of his parents are dead)

    - The ex-girlfriend is a nurse

    - The current girlfriend is an artist

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Question for white guys?

    If you (white guys) met a black girl who wasn't stereotypically "ghetto," would you date her?

    I ask this because it seems like most white guys don't like black girls, but I feel like when that question is posed, most white guys think of those stereotypical ones.

    I'm black and white guys have shown interest in me a lot, but only after getting to know me, or if they just had a thing for black girls. And I guess that's because after getting to know me, they realize that I listen to alternative and rock music for the most part, I'm smart, I use proper grammar, haha, and I just have more in common with them than the stereotypical black girl. Most people would consider me an "oreo" (black on the outside, but acts like a white person).

    So basically, would you date a black girl like me?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Can I get a free rhinoplasty with a deviated septum?

    I'm going to be 18 soon, and I wanted to get a nose job for my birthday. I don't have low self esteem, but I just know I'd look better with a nose job. It would just make me feel better in general.

    i'm pretty sure I have a deviated septum, I've had breathing problems as long as I can remember, and whenever I get congested (which is often), I usually have trouble breathing out of my left nostril.

    I've heard that if you have a deviated septum, your insurance can cover a septoplasty to fix the deviated septum, but also cover a rhinoplasty to be done at the same time. Is that true?

    If not, then I'll just wait until I have enough money to get the rhinoplasty, and get them both done at once.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Do you have to bleach black hair before you dye it?

    My hair is currently dark brown/black and I want to dye it red underneath. Do I have to bleach it blonde first, and then dye it red?


    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Should I dye my hair pitch black or bleach it blonde underneath (pics included)?What would you like to ask?

    This is what my hair looks like now:

    Should I dye it pitch black (I know that it's already dark brown, but it's far from pitch black) or dye it blonde underneath (and maybe dye the blonde darkish red later)?


    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago