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Lv 2401 points


Favorite Answers7%
  • Joining a Sixth Form at 17!? Help me.?

    I've gotten my results today (as levels) and they were pretty bad; to the point where I couldn't continue at my current Sixth form. I'm determined to re-do my as levels; and want to apply at another Sixth form. My GCSE's are good but I was wondering that if I was to apply to another Sixth Form could I strictly use my GCSE's and not have to give my as level results.

    1 AnswerTeaching7 years ago
  • In the UK police...?


    Seeing as I wish to become a part of a police force in the future I was wondering what CID involved in terms of the roles and everything that happens. Some people said it was just menial paper-work, but I thought it would be more engaging/challenging then that? Could anyone shine some insight onto this.

    Furthermore, I was also informed that some detectives in the MET police are authorised to carry firearms (Flying Squad I believe) Could someone confirm this?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • UK/England POLICE! C.I.D.?

    ((Sorry for repeat - I need to collect more information))


    Seeing as I wish to become a part of a police force in the future I was wondering what CID involved in terms of the roles and everything that happens. Some people said it was just menial paper-work, but I thought it would be more engaging/challenging then that? Could anyone shine some insight onto this.

    Furthermore, I was also informed that some detectives in the MET police are authorised to carry firearms (Flying Squad I believe) Could someone confirm this?

    3 AnswersOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • UK POLICE! C.I.D Question?

    ((Sorry for repeat - I need to collect more information))


    Seeing as I wish to become a part of a police force in the future I was wondering what CID involved in terms of the roles and everything that happens. Some people said it was just menial paper-work, but I thought it would be more engaging/challenging then that? Could anyone shine some insight onto this.

    Furthermore, I was also informed that some detectives in the MET police are authorised to carry firearms (Flying Squad I believe) Could someone confirm this?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • British Police (Criminal Investigation Department)?

    Seeing as I wish to become a part of a police force in the future I was wondering what CID involved in terms of the roles and everything that happens. Some people said it was just menial paper-work, but I thought it would be more engaging/challenging then that? Could anyone shine some insight onto this.

    Furthermore, I was also informed that some detectives in the MET police are authorised to carry firearms (Flying Squad I believe) Could someone confirm this?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • UK Police (CID Specialisation) Question?

    Seeing as I wish to become a part of a police force in the future I was wondering what CID involved in terms of the roles and everything that happens. Some people said it was just menial paper-work, but I thought it would be more engaging/challenging then that? Could anyone shine some insight onto this.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Wind sound in my ear when I move?

    So my ear was popping when I would swallow so I decided to touch my inner ear and after that my left ear had pain (wasn't too much) and I would hear this wind/muffling sound in my ear

    2 AnswersFirst Aid7 years ago
  • UK Police - Armed Response & Firearms Unit?

    Hello, I was wondering what would best aid someone seeking to enroll in the firearms unit of their police department. I'm situated in England, West Midlands and plan on applying to join the force there once I am eligible of age. (Currently sixteen) - I understand the fundamentals behind applying to join one of the units after completing the two year probationary period; but I've heard that due to the armed response/firearms unit being so /demanding/ it would be best to have military experience. So my question is, would it be an essential asset to have? I was thinking maybe if it was really needed I could seek out the Royal Military Police - But only if it's necessary.

    Any advise or tips would help!


    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • UK Armed Response & Firearms Unit?

    Hello, I was wondering what would best aid someone seeking to enroll in the firearms unit of their police department. I'm situated in England, West Midlands and plan on applying to join the force there once I am eligible of age. (Currently sixteen) - I understand the fundamentals behind applying to join one of the units after completing the two year probationary period; but I've heard that due to the armed response/firearms unit being so /demanding/ it would be best to have military experience. So my question is, would it be an essential asset to have? I was thinking maybe if it was really needed I could seek out the Royal Military Police - But only if it's necessary.

    Any advise or tips would help!


    3 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • British Police - Armed Response / Firearms Unit?

    Hello, I was wondering what would best aid someone seeking to enroll in the firearms unit of their police department. I'm situated in England, West Midlands and plan on applying to join the force there once I am eligible of age. (Currently sixteen) - I understand the fundamentals behind applying to join one of the units after completing the two year probationary period; but I've heard that due to the armed response/firearms unit being so /demanding/ it would be best to have military experience. So my question is, would it be an essential asset to have? I was thinking maybe if it was really needed I could seek out the Royal Military Police - But only if it's necessary.

    Any advise or tips would help!


    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Minecraft 1.6.1 out yet?

    Has the full minecraft 1.6.1 been released?

    My friend got it cracked cos he's broke and it's completely fine but it says they're working on the last things

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • if you had only one wish.. (Poll) (10 Points To Best Answer)?

    one wish, what would it be? (And you can't ask for extra wishes)

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • (Intelligent) Atheists, here's a question...?


    1) Is it bringing us together or driving us apart? (+why)

    2) Should English be made the official language of the world? (+why)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, please answer my question...?

    Should human cloning be permitted and why?



    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, could you please answer this?

    Answer These 3 Q's please, it's for my assignment. And don't ask why I chose the Atheist premise.

    Have we taken the concept of sexual harassment too far?

    Should a rape victim's name be publicized without her consent?

    Are women still discriminated against?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, do you think that...?

    Torture should never be used in war. (e.g. Gaining information from prisoners)

    Yes/No & Why?

    Do not ask me why I chose to only target Atheists.



    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, do you think Euthanasia should be legal?

    Yes or No & Why?

    Do not ask me why I chose to ask only Atheists, simply answer the question.



    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists, should people be proud...?

    of where they were born/come from. If we all originate from Africa, than surely there's nothing to be proud of right? Except for the inheritance of some genes which makes our appearance different...Right?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • which would you choose... (Big Poll)?

    Two Options:

    1) Be able to speak any language fluently.


    2) e able to speak to animals.

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Atheists, would you rather...?

    Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago