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100% American
I have noticed something about liberals now?
Im now retired and have noticed that during the day answers is always very liberal in peoples view point. At night and weekends most people have a republican point of view. If more people are liberal during the work hours then why are you not working?? Maybe instead of wasting your time on answers try getting a job to pay for your bills. Stop living off welfare and hard working folks. If you can not find a job welcome to[ hope and change.] Hows it working out for you?
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years agoThank you is on order for liberals?
3 AnswersCivic Participation7 years agoWhy can the liberals figure it out when it comes to birth control?
The Hobby Lobby case speaks loud and clear on this issue. Nobody is saying you can not have it just the tax payers of America is not responsible for your sex life! You can have birth control or the morning after pill in order for you to kill the baby just we are not going to pay for it. I do not understand what they are griping about. If you want birth control or to kill your baby go to your doctor get what it is you need or how about a box of rubbers. Other Americans should never be left with your sex life. Take some responcability for once in your life, and stop asking for the government to take care of you. Grow up.
8 AnswersPolitics7 years agoHave you heard about the republicans plan yet?
They got a good idea on how to handel the invasion happening at the border. Since we already pay these countries millions of dollars we will just take some of the aid to pay for their people coming. Since they refuse to respect our nations laws we will just make them pay. What do you think about this?
4 AnswersPolitics7 years agoDid you see the interview today about Benghazi?
The pilot that flew into Benghazi did an interview today. Now we know that there was a request made for a stand by plane a month before the attacks, but hillary and company denied it. WHY? Then he said him and his crew could have made it there in time if they were called because they were close enough, but do to obummer dragging his feet the order was never given. We now know that,and obummer knew it was a terrorist attack as soon as it began. The terrorist was unsung state department cell phones to call their boss while killing our fellow Americans. After picking up the bodies of the 4 brave Americans left to die when they landed everybody was in confusion because nobody understood what all this stuff about a video was all about because EVERYBODY knew it was a pre planned terrorist attack for 9/11. WOW Well all you freaks that supported this administration believing all their lies to cover it up the games is now up. Pisses me off that any American would support a president that leaves 4 Americans to die when there was a plane that could get there in time if he had the nuts to defend our country.
5 AnswersPolitics7 years agoWhy would us Americans put up with this?
Fast and furious dead border control officers, using the IRS to remain in power, 4 dead Americans dead in Benghazi and left behind, Obummer care they can not even guess how much this is going to cost yet, people being let go or put on part time because of obummer care, fewer people working now than in 1978, obummer administration lying to 3 judges trying to get a warrant for a reporters e mail his mom and dads e mails before getting a 4th one to give it to them then finding nothing, spying on our allies, spying on all os us!, letting terrorist get nukes, kicking Israel in the butt siding with terrorist, Eric Holder withholding information from congress on fast and furious being held in contempt of congress, but this is okay because obummer just had him investagate himself, IRS admitting to interferring with the election targeting Republicans then pleading the 5th getting a year paid vacation for her efforts. America was able to enter world war 2, and win it in less time than the current adminstration could build a working web sight. Of hell they still do not have it fixed! Shutting down the coal industry that will only make all our electricity higher, will not build the Keystone pipeline because he would rather fund the terrorist trying to kill us then paying them for oil, leaving an American soldier in Mexico prison, chi# Im tired of writing of all these scandals. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER APPROVE OF THESE CRIMES AGAINST OUR COUNTRY? SCREW A LYING AS# LIBERAL!
5 AnswersGovernment7 years agoWell hillary is now toast?
I have been watching the testamoney from capital hill on the changing of the famous talking points. Now we know there was never any prtoesters at Benghazi. Now we know all information from the ground at the time of, and after the attack that in was a planned terrorist attack. We now know the changes was made at the white house meetings. Hey hillery the truth is now knocking at your doorstep. Us Americans want your butt held responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans, and the cover up to keep obummers as# clean so he could win the election. You can run but you can not hide. America's coming for your sorry AS# , and even slick willy will not be able to protect you from the truth.
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years agoGood news on Benghazi coming this week?
The very man that wrote the made up talking points is being forced to go under oath then explain or try to why security was denied before the attack, and WHO made him say it was a u tube video when the CIA, and milatery commanders told the dictator it was a planned terrorist attack because of it being 911 anniversary? This is going to be fun watching this as#hole squirming in his seat. Look out clinton the truth is going to come out sooner or later. What difference does it make? right lol I hope we are able to hang this bits# for what she allowed to happen.
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years agoHave the liberals heard about all the votes they are going to lose soon?
I seen on TV there is a computer like machine coming out that will be able to harvest all Americas fields. In the next few years it will be a multiple million dollar business. Thats right no more need for mexicans to pick our food. This will save American farmers millions of dollars because no more need to have to pay an illegal mexican to pick it. Just buy this machine, and save a pocketful of money. I see our border problem going away because there will be no need for illegals for harvest bringing down the cost of food. Much love for the developers of this. No more illegal votes for the liberals soon.
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years agoDid you hear about Pelosi's answer about health care yesterday?
First the town dummy said we had to pass it to see whats in it. Now on TV when asked why it is so hard for the liberals to find somebody able to fix their ****#d up web sight all she could say was I DONT KNOW!! WOW people wonder why this adminstration can not get anything done. they have no idea whats going on. blind leading the blind. LOL
4 AnswersGovernment7 years agoAre liberals like meth addicts?
Nothing they say is true, and EVERYTHING they try to do does not work.
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government7 years agoIve noticed something about this site.?
During the day there are more liberals on here, but at night there are more republicans on here. Does this mean the working people are republicans at work during the day? Seems like it. Im retired myself, and an independent voter. Why are the liberals on here mostly during the day?
16 AnswersPolitics7 years agoWhy do liberals have a hard time remembering things?
After obama, and his cronies shoved obama care down out necks they lost the house in the mid terms. Now years later they are at it again. He says he has a pen and a phone to go around our laws to get his way right before the mid terms. Very stupid move liberals. Looking like us freedom loving Americans are going to have keep the house, and take the senate this time. REMEMBER 2010. Well is coming again only this time you lose the senate. Chew on that FACT.
5 AnswersGovernment7 years agoHet liberals I've got a question for you.?
If obama is right, and you think you are always right then explain to me why obamas approval rating at this point is lower than any president other than Nixon? Chew on that for awhile.
14 AnswersPolitics7 years agoWhy does Obama not speak about freedom?
Im an Independent voter, and open minded when it comes to most things,but have noticed that every president I remember going back to before Bush Sr always talked about freedom, and how great our way of life was. Even Clinton talked about freedom ,and the need for more freedom needed around the world. Now I can not say Ive seen or heard it all, but I have never heard him talking about it much if at all. America the land of the free it seems to me as if would be one thing Obama would be saying, but he does not. Why?
2 AnswersGovernment7 years agoWhy people do not realize USA is broke?
All this trash talk about money waste in government makes me sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Obama is the worst at wasting tax dollars yes this can not be denied, but we as the people of this country need to pay attention that we just do not have the money. Is everybody stuck on stupid or what?
5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoDid you watch the press briefing with obama today?
If you did you must have ben asking yourself if this guy can ever tell the truth. He said that the republicans have not come up with a alternative plan for health care, and even said go ahead bring it on. This guy is a true lier. the republicans have come up with a few plans that would not cost near as much. people would have been able to keep their doctor etc. I wonder why obama does not acknowledge these plans? It would be one thing for him to say come up with a plan I might like(we all know this would be impossible), but to straight out lie to the American people and say they have not even come up with one. Does anybody really believe this crap?
Now how can all the liberals just believe this guy when so much of what he says is a straight out lie?
3 AnswersGovernment7 years ago