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22 year old mother of Emma, born February 14th 2005, and Ava, born May 28th 2008. Married to my husband Randy since August 18th 2007. Met in February 2003. I love my life!!!

  • My husband had thyroid cancer 4 years ago, and decided to start taking anabolic steroids (oral)?

    He now has no thyroid (had a complete thyroidectomy) about 4 years ago. He has started dieting and weight loss pilss over the last year and has been introduced to oral anabolic steroids. He has now quit taking them (thank god) but we were curious what the effect could have been on him with continued use? Would it have made a difference?

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • parts from montana into venture?

    we have a 2002 chevy venture that needs a new wiper transmission (the wipers stopped working, but the motor is fine) We went to an auto wreckers today and they have the wiper transmission on a 99 Chevy Montana, Anybody know if it will be compatable.

    1 AnswerGMC1 decade ago
  • wiper motor or transmission?

    Our wiper on our 02 chevy venture started acting funny 2 days ago and they seemed to be catching on eachother so we went on got new ones (one eventually bent) and we got a guy at the shop to put them on for us. They started catching with the new ones and he took a look and 3 minutes later they had completely stopped working. He said it was the wiper TRANSMISSION. I called an auto parts store here and they said the wiper transmission is the same thing as the wiper motor, but the mechanic said it was NOT the motor and the transmission. Are they the same part? or should I call somewhere else and ask for the wiper transmission?


    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • trying to get information on my grandfather?

    He was in world war II, We have his medals and his release form (fated about 1944) we have his military ID number. He cannot be found in any database? Also. The reason we are trying to find his info is because he never recieved his pension for serving in the military and as sad as the reason is, he had a letter sent to him (which was destoyed conveniently) saying he was just an indian boy so thus he never recieved his money. We don't know if there is more to this story but if anyone has any websites I can search databases I would love it! Seems like quite the cover up... He has now passed away as of the 1970's and is buried in a military graveyard. But yet, according to current records he never did serve...

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • disney on ice seating?

    I am going to bring my girls to disney on ice. and I have looked on ticket master and the website and I can't find the answer so I was hoping someone out there has experienced the same question as me. DO I need to purchase a seat for my 16 month old girl? Or can she sit on my lap???

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • Home Theatre questions?

    I have my home theatre package all hooked up to my amp receiver. I have my DVD player (NOT recorder) OUTput into the dvd INput on the receiver. So I can now watch movies with my surround. I can't get my cable TV to go through the system though. I don't knwo the technique of hooking it up. I have a digital cable box (not a HD or recorder just plain shaw digital cable box) and my TV. Please tell me how to connect them. I know I need to use RCA cords and I ihave lots! Just don't know how I need to stream them through...

    2 AnswersHome Theatre1 decade ago
  • HP laptop wont charge?

    it all of a sudden stopped working. When I plug the charger into it a blue light used to come on where the plug connects and now it doesn't even light up. Is it my charger or the computer? I found a new charger for 50 bucks but I don't want to buy it if its not the problem...

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • my cat is panting and running around?

    3 year old female. She is normally super active friendly healthy. She came in from outside running around back and forth pacing and panting? She seemed a little tender on one side so I called the emergenct vet and I put her into a cat carrier to try to keep her calm. Its not overly hot outside, and her water bowls are filled. I left her about 10 minutes and checked on her and she seems fine now. She isn't panting anymore, I was hadling her and movin gher limbs and rubbing her back stomache ribs etc and she seems fine. She is still really hyper (more than usual) and seems to want to stay in her crate. Any suggestions?? She seems pretty normal. What could cause a cat to pant? My frist reaction was she was choking so I checked her throat and did a finger sweep and it wasn't that. I even got a purr out of her about 5 minutes ago.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Private Practice question.?

    On the shows Private Practice and Greys Anatomy, are Derek and Archer both neurosurgeons? Or is one less than the other?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Problems with BARBIE toy?

    I bought my daughter a butterfly barbie (one of the ones off of Mariposa) the second I pulled it out of the box, its head fell of and snapped the plastic inside. I brought it back and exchanged it for a different butterfly barbie, I got another one and it happened again! SO I tried ONE more and its head snapped off after about a month! Anyone had problems with these? The store wont take it back this time, I am in Canada, is there a website I can go to to see if they will return/ exchange my barbie??

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • ear infections wont go away...?

    My little girl is 8 months old on Wednesday. About 3 weeks ago I brought her to the clinic because she was feverish and sick. They said she had a bad ear infection and put her onto pennicilin for 10 days. I finished the meds and she was still not well so I brought her back in 2 days after her last dose and they looked in her ears again, she still had a bad infection in her left and now her right was getting red and swollen inside. So they started her on a different antibiotic at a higher dose for 7 days. Today is her last dose and she STILL is getting feverish. I am going to bring her in to see her doctor tomorrow morning. What are the next steps? Has this ever happened to anyones baby before? Why are the antibiotics not working?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 8 month old barfing...?

    started Saturday night, I had started her on a new formula (had a huge case given to me so I though I would try it out...) She drank her first bottle great! No problems... I went out that evening and my mom watched her for a few hours and had given her one more of her new bottles. When I got home I went to nurse her and she wouldn't latch on and about 10 seconds into trying to get her to eat, she threw up A LOT! So I got her showered and cleaned up and put her in her crib and I heard her gagging so I went to see her and she threw up A LOT again all through her crib. The formula was the only thing new I had given her so obviously I stopped it and stuck to breast feeding for the rest of the night and she seemed to be fine... I gave her regular formula and breast milk all day. I had given her rice pablum this morning because its easy on her tummy, she spit some of it up. I gave her her regular jar baby food this evening and spit some of it up... I put her to bed after nursing her and gave her a bottle at about midnight (regular formula) and at 3am she threw up all over the place again... she doesn't have diarrhea, she actually hasn't pooped at all yesterday (Sunday). She doesn't seem to be peeing lots (she isn't keeping anything down) I don't know what I should do? She doesn't "feel" sick and is happy! She just got over an ear infection that was treated with antibiotics last week, I don't know if there could be a link there? Any ideas?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • looking for a movie link!?

    I want to watch Marley and Me online. Can someone please send me a link or a website! thanks

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I don't know what my next step should be?!?

    one of my husbands co-workers came by after work and asked me if his 4 year old daughter could stay at my house tonight. My daughter is only 3 and I feel thats too young, so I said I wasn't comfortable with it (also having a sick 7 month old baby it seemed too much for me) But I told him she could stay for a couple hours and we agreed he would pick her up at 9ish. I know him and the girls mom both have "skeletons" she is a current crack user, and he is a recovering user. He was acting really weird before he left saying how his daighter really needed someone in her life like me and that he was having a hard time dealing with being mom and dad and how I was such an amazing mom etc and then he hugged me, hugged his daughter and left... Its now almost midnight, he never came back and is not answering his phone... I am sick to my stomach and I don't know what to do... Any advice???

    I'm a young mom, I'm only 21, but I KNOW this is wrong! I couldn't imagine what would be going through this mans head! I am scared to go to sleep because I don't know how this kid is, if she will wake up or wonder my house. She has only come to play a couple of times before...

    WHAT DO I DO!!!!

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • coughing small amount of blood!!!?

    I am 21, HEALTHY, have 2 kids (7 months and 3 years) I have had no injuries, have not been sick. I went to a Christmas party tonight, I had 3 drinks (rum and eggnog) and ate some pasta salad, and meatballs. I got home about an hour ago and I got a strong sensation that I needed to cough like something was in my lungs, and when I did, there was bright red blood almost like a tiny clot. I coughed some more and more blood came up. I am still able to cough up more! I am scared!!!!!!!! Should I go to emergency??? I feel fine. just taste blood! I don't know if its an immediate emergency or if I can see my doc on Monday????

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • feeding babies meat?!?!?

    has anyone heard that you are now supposed to start babies (at 6 months) on meat instead of pablum? I started both my kids on pablum (one is 3 yo, and other is 7 mo.) but my best friend took her baby down to the health clinic (nurse clinic) to discuss her 5 month olds first foods, and they told her to give him meat!!! ground up watered down meat! I thought that was terrible advice! I started my olderest daughter on meat at 9 months, and she got bunged up on it then! Anyone heard of this or can explain why they are changeing this???

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how would you interprit my dreams?

    My grandmother died almost 2 years ago (in Junuary) When she first passed on, I was devistated! We were extremely close, talked every day, was pretty much like a mother to me. I was becoming depressed, sad, felt like i couldn't go on. About a month after she passed, I had a dream about her.

    We were at a mall, and she was acting as if she were a child again, we were sliding down ramps, and genuinly being happy. I never thought anything of my dream at this point, but then it all changed! All of a sudden we were walking down a long hallway, and my nanny was in a hospital like gown, and we were walking side by side, and I knew in my dream she was supposed to be dead. and I knew I was dreaming, I remember asking her if she was still sick and I remember being amazed she was walking down this hallway. And she told she felt perfect now! Then I asked her if she ever saw Dylan (my brother that passed away at about 2 months of age) and she said she sees him all the time. Then it ended. I felt good when I woke up... I have been feeling good ever since! I miss her, but not like I did...

    Last night, I had another dream, I was on a mountain and there was snow everywhere, and the only way I could get down, was a gondula. I was SO scared of heights and so scared to get on. She appeared at the back of the gondula holding a little girls hand who looked identicle to my older daughter, but I knew it wasn't. She was just standing there smiling at me, But when I got onto the gondula, and went to go to her, she disapeared, but her hat (which is actually one of my daughters dress up hats) was the only thing left when she disapeared. I knew I was dreaming at this point, and I grabbed the hat and held and hugged it as if it were her... It was so real! I can remember the look on her face still...

    Usually with dreams, you forget so quickly, but with these 2 dreams, I can still remember them... as if they realy happened.

    Any body have anything to comment? Anyone had similar experiences? What should I think of them?

    11 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • daughter has rash under right ear?

    woke up this morning and my daughter has a rash under her right ear, a couple blisters on her lips, and her cheeks look a bit red and swollen. We are taking to the clinic in an hour. Just wondering if anyone know what it could be? Should I be worried? She is almost 4, could she be getting teeth? she is complaining her ear is sore too.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • can a bad battery cause truck to stall?

    I have a 94 chevy blazer, recently got a new fuel pump and new water pump (fuel filter, thermostat were both changed too) and the spark plugs and wires are changed. About 3 weeks ago, the truck died. We pulled off the road and restarted it, and it died about 10 seconds later. It was starting ok but we couldn't drive more than a block. It started after charging this morning to get it to the mechanics and now its there, the mechanic can't get the battery to charge AT ALL. So he is assuming its the battery thats the problem. My Question, can a battery cause the truck to stall like this??

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My truck keeps dieing...?

    94 chevy blazer. Got fuel pump, water pump, thermostat, power stearing hose all changed last month. We took it out for a drive 2 weeks ago, and it died on the highway. We pulled off the road, and started it again and drove about 10 feet and it died again. It has been starting fine the last week but we can't drive more than out of our driveway. We have put more gas in it to make sure it wasn't out. We moved it out of our garage onto the street yesterday morning and started fine and drove out fine. We had a mechanic come over yesterday afternoon and now it wont start at all because the battery is dead. (never had problems with the battery) Any ideas??? No check engine light that I have noticed....

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago