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  • how stop the right arrow key on my hp laptop from...?

    from making the spanish n w/ ~ over it, in microsoft word?

    In word everytime i press right arrow key i get that weird n with the ~ over it. left button is fine. I use word 07

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Can some one give me some info/evidence on/for dark matter. I havent been following it so i know very lil? Ty.?

    Sources would be awesome to please. Although it doesnt matter that much

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • To those who think Christians are hateful (esp to gay people) question plz?

    Im not asking this as a christian, atheists, buddist, mormon or anything else.

    1) id just like a an idea on what gay people and people that think christians are hateful think the word love means?

    2) Does it mean full acceptance of anyone and everyone? if so were do u draw the line for love?

    3) Is it possible to be loving and not approve of someones something (ie sexual orientation, race, job, friends, actions, etc etc) if so where do u draw the line?

    4) lastly if ur definition is different than the two above what is it, why and where do u draw the line?

    Id prefer anyone's answer except christian answers plz i know their definition well enuff thank you

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • To those who think Christians are hateful (esp to gay people) question plz?

    Im not asking this as a christian, atheists, buddist, mormon or anything else.

    1) id just like a an idea on what gay people and people that think christians are hateful think the word love means?

    2) Does it mean full acceptance of anyone and everyone? if so were do u draw the line for love?

    3) Is it possible to be loving and not approve of someones something (ie sexual orientation, race, job, friends, actions, etc etc) if so where do u draw the line?

    4) lastly if ur definition is different than the two above what is it, why and where do u draw the line?

    Id prefer anyone's answer except christian answers plz i know their definition well enuff thank you

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • To those who think Christians are hateful (esp to gay people) question plz?

    Im not asking this as a christian, atheists, buddist, mormon or anything else.

    1) id just like a an idea on what gay people and people that think christians are hateful think the word love means?

    2) Does it mean full acceptance of anyone and everyone? if so were do u draw the line for love?

    3) Is it possible to be loving and not approve of someones something (ie sexual orientation, race, job, friends, actions, etc etc) if so where do u draw the line?

    4) lastly if ur definition is different than the two above what is it, why and where do u draw the line?

    Id prefer anyone's answer except christian answers plz i know their definition well enuff thank you

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • To those who think Christians are hateful (esp to gay people) question plz?

    Im not asking this as a christian, atheists, buddist, mormon or anything else.

    1) id just like a an idea on what gay people and people that think christians are hateful think the word love means?

    2) Does it mean full acceptance of anyone and everyone? if so were do u draw the line for love?

    3) Is it possible to be loving and not approve of someones something (ie sexual orientation, race, job, friends, actions, etc etc) if so where do u draw the line?

    4) lastly if ur definition is different than the two above what is it, why and where do u draw the line?

    Id prefer anyone's answer except christian answers plz i know their definition well enuff thank you

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • To those who think Christians are hateful (esp to gay people) question plz?

    Im not asking this as a christian, atheists, buddist, mormon or anything else.

    1) id just like a an idea on what gay people and people that think christians are hateful think the word love means?

    2) Does it mean full acceptance of anyone and everyone? if so were do u draw the line for love?

    3) Is it possible to be loving and not approve of someones something (ie sexual orientation, race, job, friends, actions, etc etc) if so where do u draw the line?

    4) lastly if ur definition is different than the two above what is it, why and where do u draw the line?

    Id prefer anyone's answer except christian answers plz i know their definition well enuff thank you

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • To those who think Christians are hateful (esp to gay people) question plz?

    Im not asking this as a christian, atheists, buddist, mormon or anything else.

    1) id just like a an idea on what gay people and people that think christians are hateful think the word love means?

    2) Does it mean full acceptance of anyone and everyone? if so were do u draw the line for love?

    3) Is it possible to be loving and not approve of someones something (ie sexual orientation, race, job, friends, actions, etc etc) if so where do u draw the line?

    4) lastly if ur definition is different than the two above what is it, why and where do u draw the line?

    Id prefer anyone's answer except christian answers plz i know their definition well enuff thank you

  • Why does Kei from please (onegai) teacher have standstills?

    i was looking at the episode summaries and they say that they explain why he has standstills. i cant watch the anime anymore for my own reasons but could anyone explain to me why plz? tyvm.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Atheist question for you. thank you for taking a look?

    1st of all thank you for honoring me by taking a look at my ?.

    2nd Honor to u and God bless you. John 17:23

    Heres my question

    After you watch the following link from start to 3 mins and 45 seconds

    please explain to me what you think of it?

    how logical do you think it is?

    is there anyway to knock this arguement down?

    esp interested in the your thoughts on the Math He offers and the improbability? (dont worry the vid isnt math heavy its just a single statistic)

    to summarize since before when i asked ppl were lazy lol cant watch 3 mins. I didnt type it cuz it has so much move oomph when spoken by Him.

    basically 3 things:

    existence of God

    1) However u section physical reality and slice it down to its minutes form you have a pyshical thing that has no meaning and no reason for y it exist within itself so it means its orgin comes from something outside physical (its orign is Supernatural not natural)

    2) Where u see info you ASSUME there must be a mind. where there is a sequence theres a mind. The human enzyme which is the building block to Gene. the possiblitly of it coming together by chance is 1 in 10 to the power or 40,000 that is more than the ATOMS in the UNIVERSE. (that was given by a professor in applied math at Cartif (cant spell it) in Wales. this makes it time and math wise impossible

    3) moral social issues imply there REALITY of a moral law

    physical cant explain itself. the sequence and creation shows theres a mind. theres a absolute morality.

    take those and add the 4 ? EVERYONE has orgin meaning morality destiny

    and God is the ONLY explaination.

    Thoughts plz (caps was for emphasis not me shouting)

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • what is your heart broken over?

    sometimes its easier to share with strangers than with ppl u know.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago