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Well, guys. It's been real. I am officially QUITTING Y!A today because one of my questions was unfairly deleted and the GOONS at Y!A can't even give me a reason as to why. so I'm boycotting Yahoo and all it stands for. I met a lot of cool people here and you shall be missed by me. But I won't allow Yahoo to get away with this. See you on the other side..............

  • Can you guys stand yet another "Order of the Pheonix" question?

    Well, I have two actually.

    One: I saw the movie last night *loved most of it..I know you can't add the whole book, but I wished they would have kept Ron and the Quiddish matches in*. But anyway, I went with friends who wanted to leave as soon as it was over, so I didn't see the end credits. Does anyone know who played the young Professor Snape in the flashback?

    Two: Back to Professor Snape again. Let's say he had you sitting down in front of him right now as he tried to see YOUR thoughts. What images might he see?

    As for me, he'd be seeing some wicked little thoughts I've had about Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman *the two best things in the movie ^_~* Lol.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What show *s* can you not wait for to return next season?

    I for one am already sick to death of re-runs *thank the gods for books, movies, cable and my computer:)*.

    What show or shows are you really excited about to return in the fall?

    I am practically counting the days until "House" "24" and "Lost" come back!

    21 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What's your take on "Blade Runner" being re-released this fall?

    I just heard on the radio this afternoon that to celebrate it's 25th anniversary this year, Blade Runner is being re-released into theatres and the movie includes expanded scenes or never before seen scenes because the movie went over the budget.

    I'm just curious to hear from other fans and get your imput. How long do you think Rachel had to live? Was Deckart a Replicant also? Any secrets or tidbits are also appreciated: like did you know one of the buildings you see at the very beginning of the movie was actually one of the models of the Millienium Falcon on it's side?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Are there any Star Wars costumers in the house?


    I need a Jawa costume by Saturday night. I have it almost completed except for the glow in the dark amber eyes. Can anyone PLEASE tell me a simple way *if there is one* to rig light up eyes. I used to have a Jawa costume that lit up but the wiring melted and I dont have the time or skills to redo it. 10 points to the first serious answer


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What rolls downstairs, alone or in pairs?

    The points go to the 1st one who gives me the whole jingle *without copy/paste from Wikipedia*

    7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Can anyone finish this Bob and Tom Show quote??

    It came from Kevein Pollack actually during a Christopher Walken impression. I'm just curious to know who the Bob and Tom fans are

    The Quote: Frankenstein never scared me!

    Marsupials do.....


    1 AnswerRadio1 decade ago
  • Has your "best friend" ever royally screwed you over and how did you cope with it?

    My "best friend" and I were supposed to go to this mega sneak preview movie premier tomorrow night because her ex knows the sponsers hosting it *she supposedly called him and asked if we could go also and he told her not a problem* Tonight, she called me back and says that somehow only HER name got on the invite and I could go if I wanted *but no guarantee there'd be any additional free passes*. So I called her ex..he told me she only asked about getting HERSELF in, not me! Why the *@$_ should I go and look stupid if there aren't any more passes? I am so furious with her right now I can't see straight!! Am I over reacting? Has anyone else ever been screrwed over like this and what did you do>

    Thanks for letting me gys are the best :)

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • If I may ask a question of the female anime fans?

    Hi, Stariko-Tasuki No Miko here. Anime fan and devoted Fushigi Yuugi fiend! I'd like to ask you a question kinda based on Fushigi Yuugi. If you could have your own seven Celestial Warriors, who would you want as your devoted warriors? You can pick from any anime, cartoon or video game.

    My Celestial Seven

    1. Tasuki *Fushigi Yuugi*

    2. Vincent Valentine *Final Fantasy 7*

    3. Sephiroth *Final Fantasy 7*

    4. Inuyasha *Inuyasha*

    5. Miroku *Inuyasha*

    6. Dias Flac *Star Ocean 2*

    7. Ashton Anchors *Star Ocean 2*

    15 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • How do you figure out your Jedi name?

    I can't remember the trick on how to get your Jedi name. I know for your porno name, it's the name of your pet and the street you grew up on. I'm just curious. Oh, if you know any others *like Klingon name or any others*, please share. Thanks to all!! Have a good one all :)

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else remember the animated movie "Rock N Rule"?

    It had this great soundtrack with Debbie Harry, Cheap Trick, Iggy Pop and Lou Reed *among others*

    I was just curious if any else remembers it. If so, please tell me what you thought of it. It's still one of my fave animated films to this day.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else want to get "Lost"?

    Hi all. I just feel like giving points away today. :)

    Let's say you are one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Before the Others come to haul you away, you get rescued or end up being eaten by a polar bear or the smoke monster, which of the Losties would you:

    most likely become best friends with?

    want to become romantically involved with?

    want to kill or turn over to the Others?

    top points go to the best or most creative answer. For the record, I'd prob become best buds w/ Hurley. I'd want to date Jin *and if Sun says so, I'll take* and I'd want to kill Ben *aka He Who Shall Be Called Henry Gale*, but since he already is an Other, I'd kill Kate.

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember "Maniac Mansion"?

    I do and loved playing it. But I'm curious. Be honest, how many of you went ahead and drowned one of your characters in the pool or nuked the hamster in the microwave? It's cool, PETA isn't reading this..I think.

    What else did you like about the game?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • MST3K Trivia Time?

    I'm a huge "MiSTie" and am curious to see who else is also. The points go to whoever gets the following 3 questions right first. Good Luck and Happy Early New Year!

    1. Which of the following is NOT the title to a MST3K film: Robot Holocaust, Teenagers From Outer Space, Best Brains, Kitten With a Whip or I Accuse My Parents.

    2. What was the name of the company Joel Robinson worked for and what did he do there?

    3. Who was Dr Forrester's first assistant? He was only there for Season One

    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • Anyone up for some NES Trivia?

    A while ago I gave the 10 points to the first person who correctly identified the three SNES video games I was describing. Now I'm doing the same for NES games. Think of it as a cheap, belated Christmas present :) Good Luck!

    1. A castle kept prisoner inside a glass bottle, an evil wizard turned into a black cat and Dink Dink *Bonus admiration from me if you give the entire game title for this one"

    2. Oak stakes, red, white and blue crystals, "The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night"

    3. You can blame George Lucas for helping create this game that features good and evil tentacles, a hamster NOT suitable for cooking in the microwave, and the nosiest group of teenagers since the Scooby Doo team hit the scene.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Pink Floyd Question. Can anyone help us?

    A few friends and I were talking about music videos by different bands. We got on the subject of Pink Floyd. I remember *or at least I think I remember* a video by them called "The Day the Tigers Broke Free" or something about tigers. All I remember about the video was a pilot during what looked like WWII and a plane crash. Can anyone confirm Pink Floyd has a song and video like this? Or if not, the correct information please. This is driving us crazy now. Thanks and Happy Holidays all!!!

    6 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Anyone up for some SNES trivia?

    I'm in a giving mood today :) 10 points go to whoever first correctly identifies the 3 SNES games I'm describing below. Good luck and happy weekend.

    1. Funky hotel lobby music, Master Belch, trout flavored ice cream and Mr Saturn

    2. A silent Hero, time travel, renegade princess, The Day of Lavos

    3. A GIANT baby, chainsaw maniacs, HUGE ants, blow up clown dolls, hapless people who need rescuing

    Yes, these are pretty simple. I'm just curious about how many people played and love these games as much as I

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Are there any "Rennies" out there?

    By "Rennie", I mean anyone who either participates in or attends Renaissance Faires. I have been a "playtron" or performer for 9 years. I'm just curious to see if anyone else enjoys Faire. If so, please share details about whatever you like: fave musical performers, costumes, whatever. 10 points to whoever gives the most descriptive..err description :D

    Faire Thee Well

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Are there any Rocky Horror Picture Show fans here?

    If so, I have a question for you...

    Was it great when it all began?

    10 points to the 1st person who knows what to do here ^__^

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Can you name your favorite movie flubs?

    I mean when you're watching a movie in the theatre on television and you see a blatant screw up *like when a character's costume changes during the same scene or in one scene a guy has a beard, no beard in the next scene and then it appears again*

    10 points to whoever comes up with one that makes you wonder if the editor still had a job when the film was over.

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • If there were only three animes you could watch *can be either a series or a movie*, what would they be?

    Mine would be Fushigi Yuugi, InuYasha and *toughie* Neon Genesis Evangelion

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago