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2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoEstranged from my mom?
My relationship w/ my mom has always been hard. I am 22 now, the 2nd oldest of 8 kids. The only sibling older than my is my brother, and being the 2 oldest we had lots of responsibilities, and took lots of the s*it from my mom and dad, who never got along and abused all of us. My mom claims we 2 are the most f*cked up and the worst of anyone she knows. She kicked my oldest brother out 4 years ago, and threatened to kick me out, saying I was a problem and I undermined her authority. I think she was just mad I did not let her crap and cruelty bother me. I did well in school, had lots of friends and also had boyfriends, a job and a car, all that I achieved on my own, after her telling me I was worthless, stupid, not to mention fat and ugly. I met my current fiance when I was 21, about 2 years ago. She had hated men since divorcing my dad when I was 17 and did not want me dating and she did not date either. She was nice to me and my fiance until we got serious. Then one night, when no one
1 AnswerFamily1 decade agoFiance leaving because i don't get along with his mother.?
Has anyone out there had any experiences with their husband/boyfriend/fiance leaving them because their mom does not like the girl or the girl does not like his mother. My fiances mother is very controlling, nosy, loves to gossip and she and fiance both admit he is a mamas boy and that she is his best friend and all that crap, and lately i cannot stand it--she knows all our business and does not stop---my fiance thinks that this is ok, never takes my side against her, never stands up to her for himself or me, and i cannot stand this. I think that if i do not start being able to deal with it, he will leave me. How do i cope if he leaves me for his mother? I often feel like he is dating her and that her opinion counts more than mine! I know this is dysfunctional but how do i make him see this? I don't know what to do and my engagement will be ending if this is not solved? Do i really make him choose, because i heard you are not supposed to, and i get the feeling that i will lose!
20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agomama's boy?
I am still living with my fiance's parents---we just got engaged and i want to move out so bad, and i just think that we are doomed to break up or divorce if we dont get some space and privacy and SOON! I am going crazy being told off and cussed at by his mom, as well as bossed around, belittled, and all this other crap that she pulls. She is all about the drama and my fiance is at her beck and call and i cant stand it. His mom does/says s&it to me when he is not around and i tell him, but i dont know why since he never listens or does anything about it, and even when she yells at me in front of him he says and does nothing. I told him i wanted to get my own apartment and he said that if i did it would stress me out and it would break us up. I said he can come with me and he said no, and i was like then if you think its gonna break us up, that is on you, i am not dumping you, i am saving my sanity and hes like i just don't think we could survive. I think he needs a wake up call.
20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHey Guys! Honest answers please-Ladies can answer as well!?
This is about my new fiance--i have already posted about him being a mama's boy, but when it comes down to it, he tells his mother everything--i mean everything--this pisses me off to no end and i don't know what to do-i am fed up---he thinks that since he was the only child they could have he has to be some angel and tell them what they want to hear-he does not stand up for himself and i am sick of it--we just got engaged but i do not want to live with his parents anymore---he thinks its ok 2 live at home till ur 25 or married or whatever and more and more i feel like an outsider--i always get out voted on things, and he says he loves me, but i feel like he truly does not care-its only what his parents want and what makes his mom happy--he seems more and more like a whimp and i have stopped confiding in him--tell me, would you risk a long term relationship/relationships in general with girls just to make your mom happy? i don't feel i stand a chance! Help!
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAre guys really inclined to sow their wild oats, and if so, how to they stay with one woman?
I am just wondering if guys really do want to sow their wild oats and if this is true, how do they stay with one woman, how do they go against their supposed nature to want to have sex with every woman they see? I mean i know all men arent like this, but i guess my question is, would men cheat if they could not get caught-my fiance says he would never cheat even if he never got caught, and i belive him, at least i want to, but when he openly talks about wanting to be with all these women, or have sex with that person, looks at lots of porn, uses playboy magazines in front of me, and says other women are so hot right when i am there, not to mention flirting with my best friend and his best friends girlfriend, how do i make myself trust him--i mean i apparently trust him, we are engaged, but sometimes i worry, because ladies love him and he kisses butt and turns on the charm and when ladies come onto him in front of me, he acts like he does not know why? Any answers are appreciated!
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoBirth Control pills---?
I am a broke pre-med student who is also engaged--my fiance and i are both clean and enjoy a good sex life---yet all of my money goes to my rent and my car and insurance---my insurance does not cover my birth control pills and i was wondering the price of planned parenthoods birth control pills---i have a perscription from my doctor-would planned parenthood fill it for me? It has come down to me having $30 in my checking account, and the pills are $50---i am not freaking overdrafting my checking account for some damn pills again---and i think i should ask my fiance to help me out with the cost since there are 2 of us in this relationship-any ideas on planned parenthoods prices would be welcome------they are closed today so i have not talked to them yet-i am thinking that this is my only option, or to stop having sex, but i really don't want to keep going on and off the pill-my body is sensitive to change like that-also, any insurance in ohio that might cover birth control! Thanks!
5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoFiance's controlling mother-I cannot freaking stand her! HELP!!?
My fiance and I live together-he works 3rd shift-I work 2nd-He got paid the nite before and I was going to the bank when I got up in the morning-he said there might be problems cashing the check because my last name is different-hes like let my mom do it-she has the same last name-people might think we're married-this makes me feel like such a failure every time he does this-he does not let me do things for him that i think fiance's should do-like balance the checkbook, go 2 the bank, do the laundry, do the taxes, make appointments or cook the meals-his mom does all this-i now know why he doesn't stand up for me-because he can't stand up for himself-this just pisses me off to no end-that she just comes over and does the banking herself, mind you, driving to the bank in his truck and not even asking him if she can use it-the lack of personal privacy and space in his family kills me-it also makes me uncomfortable-I hate his mom so much! Please give me some advice! Thank you!!!1
23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoNot being the most important woman in my fiance's life! Help!?
I was just wondering if it is normal/healthy for my 23 year old fiance, who still lives at home, to tell me that I will always be the number 2 woman in his life. Of course, his mother is number 1. This makes me so mad and whenever I tell him about it, he tells me that I am freaking out and that I need to stop letting stuff get to me. Yet he shares stuff with her that is totally inappropriate. He also has no problems showering while she is in the bathroom naked as well. His mother totally has him doing things that are unreasonable-he drops everything do do whatever she wants-even interrupting our dinner and he has to run home-then before we leave dinner he orders take out for her-she calls him all the time and does things for him that I think 23 year old men should do for themselves-it pisses me off that he tells people I am his fiancee and future wife and all that crap-I don't think I stant a chance-I will not make him choose-i will leave-any ideas on how to let him know I am serious?
20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy future husband and his mother! Help!?
I have another question concerning my fiance and his mother! The three of us had just gotten out of the pool and he went to go shower. He was in the bathroom naked and his mother went in there with him and shut the door. I opened the door and looked in because that kind of stuff weirds me out! He was naked getting in the shower and she was undressing using the toilet! I just slammed the door and walked out! It was majorly disgusting to see the man I am having sex with naked in the bathroom with his own mom! And I had just offered him to take a shower with me and just seeing that kind of killed the mood. I haven't been able to get this out of my head it is so weird. I keep thinking that its not healthy to be THAT close to your own mom, especially when you are 23 and a man! I actually think that they like it and they say "thats just what we do", and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Am I being crazy or what. I feel so paranoid lately. Left out when it comes to the 2 of them doing things.
23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy future mother in-law?
My boyfriend and I are planning to get married. The thing is he is very much a mama's boy and she does everything for him. I think that she resents me a little because I am the other woman in his life. She also treats him like he is a little child and it drives me insane. I am not sure about all of this and I do not want to make my bf hate his mother, even though she is very annoying and controlling. I dont think 23 year old men should have to call their mother to check in! And plus the way that she talks about us to everyone and lets them know how much we make and how much we owe on stuff and that when we get married we cannot have a big house makes me really mad! I do not think that it is any of her business and she just has to know whats going on and tell everyone about it also hurts my feelings. It also makes me angry that my soon to be fiance will not stand up to her to tell her to stop. I dont think its my place. HELP! Am i just being jealous or controlling! Im freaking out!
25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago