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helen p
Hi I'm a dog loving, mum of 2 girls, married and live in the countryside. I love music of all kinds but not big on country and western or thrash metal but anything else goes. I love to walk, cook, read and love a good laugh or joke. I work in education and love my job.
What is considered an average iq? Meaning a person who is of average intelligence. What is sub normal?
I am interested in the point at which a person is considered of sub normal intelligence to the extent they can't live alife where they can make their own decisions and exist and parent without intervention.
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agodog wont stop peeing in the house. what can we do?
He's 7 months old. A king charles cavelier spaniel. Even when doors open he still keeps peeing. At our wits end
10 AnswersDogs8 years agoPlease rec commend a Christmas movie that isn't.....?
It's a wonderful life or any of that schmaltzy stuff but still is a good family movie with some laughs and good feel (also seen Lampoons Xmas vacation).
8 AnswersMovies1 decade agoIs this not the most beautiful lyric you have ever heard?
Come gentle spring, come at winter's end. Gone is the pallor from a promise that's nature's gift. (From April 5ht by Talk Talk). Listen to the song if you don't believe me.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoM Night Shyamalan? What do you think of his movies?
No one word answer please, proper answers. Any favourite? |Why. Personal fave - The Village.
8 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat makes some people feel more physical pain than others? I apparently have a low pain threshold.?
I believe I have more acute pain receptors as I am not putting on my pain, I actually feel it. No amount of anaesthetic can numb my gums at the dentist and after a recent minor gynae operation the pain was so bad I was still in agony after paracetamol, condine and ibuprofen. I was genuinely in agony and crying. If there a physiological explanation. Please only give genuine answers.
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoFungi. Our woods is full of different fungi I have never seen due to recent weather. Where can I post pics?
Want to identify these. Some I have never seen in 10 years of living here. Any good sites to post pics? Want to know which are poisonous and if we can eat any!
2 AnswersBotany1 decade agoWe had extreme weather last night and I loved every minute of it. Am I alone?
Howling wind, lashing rain, thunder and lightning. Laid in bed and loved it. Is this normal?
12 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoAnyone else just love Judge Judy? She rocks and is such a clever, tuned in lady.?
I just wish she practised over here or we had the equivalent person. What do you think?
8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoI don't watch Coronation Street, Eastenders or Emmerdale. Am I alone?
just not interested! Feel like a bit of a leper at work sometimes. Anyone else just not into it?
17 AnswersComedy1 decade agowho else sobbed at Belles funeral in home and away? I was a wreck!?
The guy who plays Aiden deserves an award for his acting. He looked so genuinely heartbroken.
6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoI constantly dream about my teeth crumbling and being lost at a train station I've never heard of.?
Any dream interpreters out there or recommend dream website?
8 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoWhen i Time Traveler's Wife coming out in cinemas in England?
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoI just watched Grissoms last CSi . I cried. I knew I woulod. I actually wasnt expecting him to go back to Sara?
Will csi LV ever be the same? And what did you think of the closing sequence?
6 AnswersDrama1 decade agoWhat's the strangest or most contasting day you have ever had?
Today my husband went to the funeral of a friend/business associates partner who committed suicide 2 weeks ago but tonight is off to a comedy show with the same gang(was arranged months ago). I once challenged a woman who had parked in a mother/baby space in a car park and got punched in the face and ended up in a,police station for 2 hours. That afternoon I took my children to the circus and was pulled up into the arena to perform silly tricks with the clown(black eye and all!) Looking forward to your stories.
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow do I get rid of stains from a 14 year old satin wedding dress?
After we had entrusted my dress to a family member, it 'magically ' got a whole cup of coffee spilled down the front of it. Is it possible to remove this without paying a fortune for a specialist cleaner?
3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoHow do you remove dried on candle wax from a carpet?
A candle suddenly spilled all over the carpet and we have scraped up as much as we can but how do you get rid of the rest?
5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoSome teachers are without a doubt bullies and should not be working with children.?
Any advice on how to deal with these people when they are making your child's life a misery?
9 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoIf a person really wants to die do you think they will find a way no matter what anyone does?
My husbands friends wife committed suicide on Saturday night/Sunday Morning. He had put a part time private nurse in place to try and protect her and the local health authority were well aware of her depression but she did it anyway. (They had been separated for some time so they didn't live together) Was there any more he could have done?
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago