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  • Thirteen states legalized marriage equality, so Christians, how did you end your marriage?

    Y'know, since it redefined marriage.

    Did you marry gay instead? Did you just divorce and stay single since your marriage is now invalid?

    Those cursed homosexuals ruined your perfect life and that white picket fence image you had! Your barefoot and pregnant wives, living biblically with your breadwinning husbands, obeying him every night- it's all over! They're forcing you to marry the same sex! People are having relations with animals, OH... lol I cant even write this with a straight face, really though, 13 states, come on fundies, bring me your BEST answers!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do Christians feel they have to create an enemy in order to prove that God is real?

    What happened to "love thy neighbor"?

    You've made an enemy out of African-Americans, Jews, gays, anyone that isn't a follower of "Jesus", you've made weak blanket statements towards people and societies you don't even understand, you've allowed the heinous crimes and murders of innocent people fueled by your same God by staying silent and pretending these things aren't happening- you're acting just like the people that crucified Jesus- to the entire world.

    (This doesn't include the 2% that are legitimate and live their lives accordingly in a private and just fashion, kudos to you.)

    But really, all the rest of you that let people like Pat Robertson, and the Westboro Baptists speak in the name of YOUR God, out of how many millions of Christians there are, you haven't wiped them out?

    But no, the only thing you've done is brought Jesus to impoverished countries like Africa so they can drag exhumed, mutilated bodies of "presumed homosexuals" through the streets "In Jesus' Name". You've killed the "witches" which was really a petty reason to kill off your neighbors and steal their land. You've put up laws banning the most insignificant acts done in private, but you let people say in Jesus' name "God sent the shooter", "Thank God for Katrina", "its okay to beat some sense into your wife", "electrocute the gays", and "thank God for dead soldiers"?

    And you wonder why most people in general are very angry at anyone that claims to be "Christian"? You haven't silenced these people yet, not a single one of the rest of you have done a thing to stop them, but you act upon "sin"? What about false prophets? That's a sin too, where are the laws banning them in the states?


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Hearing air when I brake?

    I hit a pothole today and things didn't start acting up until after that. It's harder now for me to brake and I hear air until the brake pedal is all the way down. Could that be my ABS screwed up?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Believing and going to heaven for the luxury?

    Seriously, I've seen some older Christians act like this. They'll act like firm believers, judge and condemn people of other religions, but their greatest joy is "when I go to heaven, I'll get everything I want, because I believe in God, and I am a Christian".

    Why do they think God will allow them to be greedy like that in heaven when they could seriously earn a well-to-do life while they're here on earth and still believe in God, and still hope for all those riches in the afterlife?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who here believes Wicca is an orthopraxic mystery witchcult?

    Because it is. After many debates, and much realization, I have been convinced that it is indeed an orthopraxic mystery witchcult created by Gerald Gardner in the 1950's. Unless you're a Seeker of Wicca and looking for a legitimate lineaged coven (which should link each initiation all the way back to Gerald Gardner), then you should not call yourself Wiccan. There is no Solitary Wicca, there is no Eclectic Wicca, if you're not following core "inner court" material of the Wica, then you're not Wiccan.

    So, anybody agree here?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I'm interested in a logical explanation for the 'incorruptibles'?

    You know, the saints that havent rotted a bit even though they've been buried for over a few hundred years?

    Is that really good embalming fluid, or an actual miracle?

    No scripture is needed here.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Importance of citing and quoting scripture compared to other literature?

    I thought of this completely at random, and I thought it'd be an interesting question to ask.

    Now... do you feel it is just as important to fully (or partially) quote and properly cite the bible (or other religious scripture) as you would any other book (even for a quick refrence)? Or do you feel that one is more important than the other?

    Detailed answers would be nice.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you sometimes think that even God gets ticked off after hearing the same thing a trillion times each day?

    Some people love God out of fear. Fear of an angry God, fear of being thrown in hell by an angry God... anything else that can make you love out of pure fear.

    Then some people preach the bible every day, sometimes at random, to the homeless, to the crack addicts, to children, to babies, to people that give donations, in their sleep, on TV, on the radio, driving the car... so on. You get the point.

    You're sure that God is listening to everything. Absolutely everything. Prayers, begging of forgiveness, greedy children that think God is Santa Claus, believers and nonbelievers alike...

    Then you want more to become Christian, and there's already roughly 2.1 billion Christians, and counting. The rest are "unsaved".

    The average person says a lot per day, minus having a profession requiring them to speak. Numbers eventually add up, there's already too many people in the world, 2.1 billion Christians, numerous amounts of bibles just gathering dust from waiting to be bought, thousands of Churches...

    Okay I think you get it now.

    It all comes down to: After God hears his own "word" about that many times (go ahead and try doing the math LOL), don't you think he'll get just a little pissed off again and throw everybody into a "lake of fire" just so you'd shut the hell up?

    Okay, go ahead and say God is omnipotent. Then, is Jesus omnipotent? Because according to the belief of the myths (even though he's dead now), once upon a time, he was a human who existed. Im sure he got tired of people telling him the same thing over and over (and over) again.

    Have fun. :)

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the bible says to "jump off a cliff after reading this in its entirety to be saved"..?

    Okay. I'm testing your logic. This is no "what if" question, because that's just too complicated for you.

    Lets have "faith" that on the final page of the bible, it would say "Go jump off a cliff after reading the entire book and you shall be saved in the name of Jesus Christ and Lord, your savior", would you do just that?!

    Would you do anything else as foolish as that "because the bible says so"?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Christianity all it takes to be Anti-Homosexual?

    Pretty much all the anti-homosexual arguments are all based on the bible. Of course thare are Christians who are pro-gay, but thats not my question here.

    Is there anyone that is not Christian or Catholic that is anti-gay, and can back up their argument with something valid besides personal experiences?

    Im interested in hearing your responses. :)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If God gave you brains to think with...?

    Then why consider Atheists bad people?

    People who used their brains developed the things we have in science and medicine today, and it took intellectual people to prove what we know as fact.

    And just because they don't believe in God, you feel it makes them false and immoral.

    Use all the scripture walls you like to back yourself up here.

    Additional note: Im not Atheist or Agnostic. Funny, hmm?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If there are roughly 2.1 BILLION Christians (not specifying demonination here)...?

    Why do you think God would need more followers and more people to earn their way into heaven?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How much does it take for one to claim to be a 'believer'?

    Money? A free ride to a church every sunday because you're bored? Peer pressure and bullying? Tragic events where you could have died? "Everybody else is doing it"? Parents forcing you to? The threat of fire and brimstone where you will burn forever but never be consumed? The promise that God will make your life better? The thought that God is watching everything you do all the time?

    How do you find the wolves apart from the rest of the sheep?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Destroying relationship because of the bible?

    I'd like everyone's input, without bible verses because this did indeed stem from Corinthians, so I had a good helping of verses to last a while. And just for an additional side note, I'm Wiccan, and not planning to convert, and you'd want to Google before you spit foolish misconceptions at me.

    Here's the issue: My boyfriend and I have been dating for long over a year, with plans to get married and have kids in the future and such. We had unconditional love for each other until last Monday, he reads a verse to me stating that 'believers shouldnt share the yoke with nonbelievers', and he abruptly ends our relationship "because the bible says so, it's God's word, and I want to be a good Christian, and I don't want to be steered away from God".

    Now if one would have that much faith in the bible, why would he have to be worried about being swayed away from God- especially if that has never even been attempted?

    I've been Wiccan for a very long time now (and even before that I was Agnostic), it's been over a year since I've made my decision and have been studying hard since. He has been "saved" at the beginning of this year, and have been studying the bible since.

    -So, what do you think of him suddenly ending our good relationship over the bible?

    -Is he really being a good Christian?

    -Is he going to start killing witches later? (Yeah I know that word was mistranslated, but I doubt he'll believe that... and that wasn't a serious question, but go ahead and answer for the fun of it.)

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does the Catholic bible say about who one should marry?

    I already know that the common Christian bible says that a believer shouldn't marry a 'nonbeliever' (even though it happens), but what does Catholicism say about who a Catholic should marry?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • God grants you eternal life?

    Ok, you believe in God, and if you're a good little person who follows all the rules, then he'll grant you eternal life in some place called heaven.

    Wouldn't the next closest thing to being granted an eternal life is being bitten by a vampire (as seen in movies of course)?

    Of course it's all a myth and based on faith... but what do you think about that?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Humans can be spiritually lazy too?

    Lets think about this.

    Some of us human beings have everything pretty much laid out for us. We can sit and order whatever we want online and on TV. We can sit in our cars and order fast food or have it delivered to us. We can sit, drink beer and watch the super bowl. We can lay and have the woman do all the work in bed. We can put out a dollar and get served whatever we wish. We can sit in an apartment and have the government pay for the rent and the food.

    It also seems that some of us can sit and ask for a God to do everything for you, just because you believe in him.

    Do you have to work at believing in a God. For some, but for those who do, how much effort does it take to kneel at your bed everynight and ask to be in a better place if you don't wake up the next day? How much effort does it take to put that dollar in a plate and claim 'faith' to God? How much effort does it take to really think you're going to heaven just because you 'believe'?

    Lazy, or what?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where do I put refrigerant in 95 Chevy blazer?

    I have a can of a/c refrigerant that I need to use in my car, but I want to make sure that I put it in the right place. I located a black cap that was connected to a pipe between the engine and the compressor (like the directions say). (It's also a bit hard to get it off.) If anyone has a little picture of where to put it, that would help a ton. Just help me to make sure that I'm on the right track. Thanks!

    3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Can I get sand for a freshwater aquarium?

    I notice that the majority of the bags of sand at my local pet store are only for saltwater aquariums. Does anyone know of a brand of sand for freshwater or a place that sells sand for freshwater aquariums? Its for either my Plecostomus (Bob XD) tank or my goldfish tank. I heard about regular play sand, but I kinda don't trust it, chemicals it could have been around and all, and regular outdoor beach sand from a beach I'm not very sure about either.

    9 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I've got a serious murky tankwater issue?

    Okay. It seems recently that no matter how many times I change the filter or half or the complete tank of water or the gravel, the water still ends up a murky color after a few days. I know about the cloudiness sometimes, which has occured way before and has cleared up, but this doesn't seem to be going away. It's like a yucky looking dark green color. I've worked with three different water clearing aids, and none have done the trick. Can anyone suggest something else for me to do?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago