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Hello I'm new. just getting the grips more info of comedy professional stuff on this is more the sci-fi good humour likes eclectic and all that gumpf while I hide behind an avatar that a lot slimmer than I am
who WANTS to be a bookseller?
Having been given my notice for waterstone's (the whole store not just me being smelly I assure you) I was thinking what people think of booksellers. Dinner parties range from people claiming the job is "sexy" (a mate of mine often comes to visit me , but then confessed its something about women with books!) to arragont (numerous tales of being sneered at,alebit often from pompous old men who mistake their education for authority of intellect, and should frankly shift stock once in a while)
Do Booksellers have a strange position in the world still.some countries still treat it with presteige like tailoring, others its another form of simian till-mokey. what do you reckon?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agowhy is being a geek so cool now? wheres the passion gone?
Im a bit upset about this actually. Ever since pc's actually became user frinedly and movies started making real money off of superhero's I hear the churlish "IM a geek!" being shouted out by kids too young to load a computer game from a cassette deck. I want to go back to the old days when I was a teenager who smelled of sillyput and cider and women knew they should not touch my minature hobbits, much less coo over them. You know, back when being a geek meant travelling miles out to get the latest warhammer supplment and you had to apply yourself rather then download online.
Back then it was about passion, but it seems now we lost that to soundbites and too much public exposure.
And I would never wear "geek chic" anyway Im too busy saving money so I can order my vampire the masquerade books that I threw away before knowing they would be out of print! Geek is a circus act anyway I just wish the term didnt get so over exposed by band wagon hoppers.
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agowierdest bookbuying/bookselling experience?
been thinking of my days at Waterstone's book shops which are soon coming to an end as my branch is being shut down.
What do you think of booksellers, ever had weird ones. or weird customers who ask for weird things from you as a seller.
What is it about books that makes th whole industry so peculiar?
10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoJoshua tree is 20 this week? did you have a favourate?
I remember being about 12 and listening to my brothers copy so much it mnelted on the disc player when I lweft it in the sun.
what you think will stand the test of time from U2, or is it all cheap thrills now?
7 AnswersMusic1 decade agoStar Wars turns 30 this year?
I remember seeing Return of the Jedi as one the first lvie action films My dad ever took me too, and yes crying when the ewok got shot. SHUT UP!, its an important moment. How and when did star wars effect you. Not so much the fav moment bit but the thing that got you to, stand up to a bully, or think your way out of some trouble?
40 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agobest site for single dating sci-fi geeks?
Been looking into this for a show, and there seems to be a gerowing trend of
"30something willow seeks Spike to stake her"
"gay time lord seeks Companion for next incarnation"
"wedge seeks wookie"
where the best one and dating one. I went to but they weantd my mother maiden name and postcode which is v.dodgy in my eyes.lord rings dating got me an advice sheet.
dr.who dating ot an invite to a gay monthly meet in central london. U.K residents only reply please
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago2000ad turned 30 this week. what stifcks with you over its 30 years of thrill power?
I remember coming in and out of zenith, picking up the life less ordinary period with the men in black and more highlights then I care top shar. whats you anecdote? not necc best character bfav story, but you reading habits with the weekly work
7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoPhilosophy changed form broadening the mind to bullyboy semantics?
I used to study philosophy at university ans enjoyed it as a mental challenge to take what resonated with my own reason and form my attitude to life. even in its tree falling hear it stage it pondered questions that raised my deductive reasoning. Talking to contemporary philosophy students the emphaisis is on semantics, public speaking and belittling others rather than empowering oneself (i,e, status anxiety, affluenza as texts).Why not study law!
3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoquickest way to level 4?
I been doing this now for about 6 months, and am interested to see what happens. I did it to inform and tnertain but now I just feel its getting comeptitive and I need it!give me point and stars!¬
9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoHow do I leave comments on yahoo answers?
I just amde level three and it says I can do this, buit never seen it so how?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoAnyone read Jonathan Coe's, what a carve up?
Im finding it fiddly with the changing of media's in it although very lighthearted on serious tones? is there a film of this book(not the carry on one I mean based on this work) what do you think of it
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoSeen a comedy show listed that's free for librarians?
Do you reckon it would be a good show of librarianship? what do librarians do when they go out. is it like "when booksellers go wild"? the gig is robin ince's I love books and in islington tonight
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoWindows Vista? what does it actually do?
I put off buying a computer when I heard there was a new operating system, but now Im kind of torn between Pc and Mac.
I need e-mail and wordprocessing as priority. But like to minimise updates, downloads and virus checks. (I never backed up/defragmed my last pc and it went down after 8 years)
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoniche book shops? which do you use and why?
I've been looking over various answers to my book shop question and playing with different niche store ideas.
so Far
1. A western speciliast book shop with support from Romance: Calling it Guns and Roses.
2. a multi-cultural bookshop, all books in english but with an emphasis on translated and 2nd generation texts. maybve a small section for polish books.
3. Opening a Pirate/nautical shop near camden Lock. selling knotted rope and suck like as well as buccaneering work.
what niche do you like. I decided against afro-carabbean bookshop as there seems to be strong specialist stores already, coupled with my lack of product knowledge,
similarly I dont know much about gay bookstores but in researching them they seem to be dwindling as mainstream stores have larger specialist sections and more gay writers recieve mainstream acclaim.
trying to find a niche I find interesting and could make money. sadly comic books and sci-fi seem to have their market won.
7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat makes a good bookshop?
Im looking into opening an independent store. I know most small business go into the ground after 18 months and think the way to go is either (a) location or (b) niche product.
What kind of store do you wish to go too, why?
And please browse this question, dont turn up, have a coffee, thyan put it back onteh shelf and order from amazon. thats just rude.
33 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoMichale ciane quoted as "Superman what we want, Batman what we are"?
I think anyone can be superman though, not in the tall buildings way, just the postivity he exudes, what you reckon?
4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoanyone else having problems with hotmail Live?
I upgraded to the beta version and now all I get i slow pauses even wheh typing. also I tried to sort out my contact and its a complete pain.
If I could export my ocntacts I would just run into yahoo, which I only started recently , any suggestions
10 AnswersInternet1 decade agowhat would you like to see in the "this Life" reunion special?
I would like to see most of them except for egg, and maybe warren, get really big slaps in the face. Do you reckon it's a worthwhile continuation or just searching for another series?
3 AnswersTelevision1 decade agohow did you get into yahoo answers?
i got filters at work so it limited my access during break and lunch so started on it with my job foru months ago.
mainly by asking questions geting chosen as a best answer aqand than beigning to ask stuff
13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agohow many copies of the star wars/Lotr films do you own?
If more than one why? I have mates who seem to have about six editions of these features , which with directors cuts I understand, but why keep the old videos?
13 AnswersMovies1 decade ago