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  • A lump appeared on my forehead?

    I was talking to a customer at work yesterday and it felt like someone touched my forehead, like pushed their finger into daughter walks up and asked" what happened to your head?!" looked in the mirror and there's a 3/4 inch by quarter inch red welt looking bump, I woke up this morning and another smaller right next to it! It's above my eyebrow and just on my eyebrow I have another lump that reminds me of a large hard pimple. I never break out I never have either, so this is weird. I'm concerned and I'm vain, don't want to go in public either. It's bizarre cause when it appeared i actually felt it...

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • How much would my gas bill increase (in dollars) if the hot water ran for 3 days straight?

    We went out of town on dec 24th morning and came back into town on the evening of the 26th. We went into our main bathroom and the hot water was running steady, the stream wasn't full force, it was about a half inch wide. Just got my gas bill and it's $30.00 more than usual. I tried calling the gas company but they cannot answer my call, too busy. My oldest son had to stay behind to work, he came to the house to pick up his Christmas presents and I think he left the water running after washing his hands.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • how do you get dread locks naturally?

    i have brown hair

    4 inches about

    i am 13 years old and i need a little bit more info on what to do

    Thank you a bunch who ever replys

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • My son allowed a 'friend' to use his truck to go to the store?

    and the idiot (friend) pulled right out in front of somebody and it t-boned my sons truck. His insurance is just liability and uninsured motorist, someone in the other vehicle was rushed to ER because he went thru the windshield, and also the friend lied and said he had a license, turns out it's suspended, the police spoke to him BUT DID NOT ARREST HIM! We are in California, does anyone know what the options are? Will my son be sued or will they go after the friend? Shouldn't the friend be in jail?

    Furthermore, if anyone says "your son shouldn't let anyone drive his car" he knows, he's 20 years old, lesson for him.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My son's 1992 toyota truck is making a metallic rattle on start-up and shut-down?

    at first I thought it may be the water pump, but it actually sounds like it's coming from the front end/top of the motor. It has oil...not over heating, any preliminary diagnosis with actually hearing?

    1 AnswerToyota1 decade ago
  • What is going on with my Capital One card! I JUST got a notice in the mail 5 minutes ago?

    that they are raising my APR to 29%! It was 13%. I just paid this off 5 days ago and have NEVER BEEN LATE! Anyone have any clue why this is happening? I though they raised your APR if you were always late...

    9 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I paid off all 3 of my credit cards to a $0.00 balance,?

    They were all 70% to 90% used, a high balance, how long should I wait before checking my credit again to see how this has impacted my credit positively, I know it will- because I have just 2 potentially negatives- a hospital bill for $145.00 from 2003 and a bill, same thing for $155.00, which I actually have no clue what they are since I have always had insurance.

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I have a 6 foot tall bamboo plant that I need to cut-?

    because it's not doing too well, if I just cut it with a sharp knife and stick it in water, will it grow again?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What does 'Camaro Clone' mean?

    Is it like a kit car or a copy of a special make of Camaro? My son is looking to buy one and he asked me, I really do not know.

    8 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • My creatine levels have been 20 to 32?

    the past two months. Should I be concerned, I am 5 foot 5 and weight 110, drink only about 32 oz of water a day, 2 cups of coffee in the morning and milk at night. I eat healthy too. Some have told me to see a doctor, my father was insulin dependant diabetic also.

    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • We bring home $4800.00 a month and we cannot?

    afford to purchase health insurance for ourselves, our kids have healthy families, but for the adults it's just not possible...anyone else having this problem?I don't work, I considered getting a job to buy insurance, however, daycare would be outrageous and I do not want a stranger raising my daughter!

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I think we are being confused by the Presidential?

    canadates, isn't it so difficult to try to tell who is telling the truth, how, really are we suppose to decide, I try to go with what I feel about the person...I know that is dumb, I want change, I think Obama can help.

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think the RE Market will keep on dropping,?

    is it safe to wait a year or so before buying? I am in Northern Ca.,

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I'm frightened that if Barack Obama is elected?

    someone may harm him, because of his race, and Hillary because she is female... has anyone else thought of this? I know it's Morbid, but people can be predijuced against women and other races other than thier own.

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I am a computer tech and I really do not know how much I should make.?

    My last job was $14.00 and hour. But it was for a ski resort, they just don't pay well because of the perks. However, I repair, upgrade, build, hardware and software, some networking and end user stuff (help desk). I have an AA and 10 plus yrs expierience in this field-but really do not know what a fair hourly wage is.

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I was violated and my question was deleted.?

    I asked what the weather was like where 'you' are. Now I remember why I went to the other website for questions and answers.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Re: page, I have ads on my page and there?

    are suppose to be 19 of them. I get paid to do this, anyway, I submit my ad and it's all good, however I have submitted 2 ads for a cell phone company online, called 'wirefly" they show up when I am signed into 360, no one else can see them and a few others ads seem to be invisible also. I have made sure this is set to public view also. I just do not understand, does anyone have any clue what is happening here. This is the link, if you look, could you tell me if there is an ad for "Wirefly"? Thanks!

    If it doesn't work just type in search "kimmy balo"

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • OK, I just got a Razr Pink V3 and I am not happy with it. I like many of?

    the features it has, however I want a cell phone that will do everything the razr will do and then some. I NEED am MP3 player on it. I know this is possible because my friend had one last September and we plugged it in USB to my computer and it was recognized and then we dropped and dragged songs onto his phone, like a small Hard-drive. Does anyone have any Cell Phone suggestions as to what brand would carry this? Technology is moving fast in the cellular sector, however, as I understand it, my company, Cingular does not yet offer any phones with that capability.

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago