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Lv 2639 points

Eric Hinton

Favorite Answers12%
  • If I owe a collection agency money from an unpaid bill, can they legally break that bill up into 4 bills?

    They've take a $800 medical bill and turned it into 4 smaller bills, So now instead of having one account in collections, I have four.

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Can a Collection Agency Do this?

    I get a call from a Medical Bill Collection Agency, they tell me I have a medical bill totaling over $2500. I let them know I was at work and I'd have to take the call at a later time. The next day I go to the Gov site and check my credit history to find that they (the collection agency) had SEVEN (7) open accounts all totaling what my initial bill was. I immediately called the provided customer service number (which I suspect was outsourced to India) and asked why this was, I was told that it was for my records. I said that that didn't make any sense what so ever and that it having that many open accounts was unnecessary and killing my credit score, I asked if they could close all the small accounts and put them in to one account, I was told that that wasn't possible. I then asked would it be possible to settle the account and was told that I could for $2000. I then asked could that be split into payments which I was told that I couldn't. I would have to pay the lump sum or I could pay the whole $2500+ in installments. I then ask "well, since I can't pay in installments on the settlement and you have all these other accounts open, could I just pay those off one by one?" I was told that wouldn't be possible and that I'd have to either pay a lump sum of $2000 or installments of the total $2500+.

    this whole thing is just upsetting and I'm sure that they should be able to do something about all those open accounts or there might be something I can do. Any advice?

    6 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Why are the returning troops bad for our economy?

    I've been seeing people saying this more and more lately. IMHO it would probably do wonders. Correct me if I'm wrong, the best way to help the economy is for the consumers to buy? From my experience living and working in a military town, Clarksville,TN, that's exactly what happens when they troops come home, most blow through their combat pay rather quickly.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • how can i see what is being done on other computers on my network?

    I remember in high school our computer teacher had a way of seeing and sometimes controlling our desktop. any ideas one how this was done?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What do you think is next?

    Rush flees America and Sarah Palin stirs up angry, misinformed, gun carrying protesters and then "Tweets" "Don't retreat, Reload".

    Sounds like some next level **** is about to happen.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When people talk about "illegal aliens" do they mean just the Mexicans?

    That what i get from their logic (wanting to build a giant wall on the border). That just seems racist to me. True most come from Mexico, but what about all the others. Would you suggest that we build a wall all the way around America? Cause who would build it? All the Mexicans are gone.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Palin will shut up about family guy?

    Now that the actress who voiced "Ellen", Chris's date Down Syndrome, who also has downs in real life has stated that Palin is just trying to get sympathy.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the family guy down syndrome thing really that bad?

    No. Family Guy didn't portray the girl with downs in a negative light, well no different than any other person. She was not made fun of for it. I think the writers showed the "special" people are just like everyone else and can be assholes sometimes too. as for Palin taking offense, so the **** what, she wasn't directly mentioned, i'm pretty sure she wasn't the 1st former governor of Alaska. she needs to sit her *** down somewhere. Also, i'm pretty sure all the people fussing haven't even seen the episode in question.

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is my political position?

    would i be right, left or mod.

    I think gay marriage is wrong

    -But to deny people their rights is worse, as we are not a Theocracy.

    -Nor do I dislike gays cause the Bible teaches compassion

    I believe divorce should be banned before gay marriage.

    I think abortion is wrong (except for rape cases)

    -But it isn't my place to tell someone what they can and can't do.

    I believe "illegal" immigrants should have rights

    -this IS a country founded by immigrants after all.

    I don't fully back Obama's insurance plan

    - But I can see clearly that something is seriously wrong with our health care system.

    I can see two unporportionate classes in America

    - The Ultra wealthy and everyone else

    My party is Independent

    That's just a few of my beliefs

    someone analyze it.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where would we be without health insurance?

    I mean if it never existed. I am uninsured and about a month ago I had to go to the E.R. for treatment for my asthma. All I received was a standard breathing treatment and a doctor who came in just to ask about past doctors. I later received a bill for $1335.69 from the hospital, and a separate bill for $532 from the E.R. doctor. I believe we would not have such high costs for medical treatment if there were no insurance companies.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think there is a link between how much funding...?

    medical research gets and the time it takes to produce a cure? not a vaccine, but an actual cure. What was the last thing the we cured and how much money went into it. I think we should cut funding until we see results.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost phone providers to connect an international call?

    For me to call Japan it costs around $3.67/min. I was wondering how much does it cost AT&T (my carrier) to make the connection.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I have 3lbs of salmon in my freezer, whats the quickest and easiest way to cook it?

    The easier the better. Also, i'm a bachelor so i don't have things like like white wine and stuff.

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Help, Name this movie!!?

    I can't remember much about this movie. I remember watching it when i was 2 or 3 so its maybe 20 years old. what i remember is 2 guys break into a woman's house or something and she is a witch and sure turns one guy into a tree. eventually she takes a chainsaw to him. I wanna say it was something like creepshow in the sense that it was a short story type of thing. if anyone could name this i'd be very grateful

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Did health insurance stocks really rise last night?

    If that is true, seeing as how they Insurance industry is closely tied to Republicans, shouldn't the alarms that were ringing when Pres. Bush, the owner of an oil company, lied in order to invade an oil rich country be ringing now?

    I can hear them.

    People need to stop playing party politics and open their eyes.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago