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Favorite Answers12%
  • I use Lansinoh storage bags. What pour spout are they talking about?

    The Lansinoh breast milk storage bags boast about the convenient pour spout for easy transfer into a bottle. All of my bags have a funny shaped opening, but I'm not sure what this "pour spout" is... Am I supposed to hold the bag differently? Or are my bags defective?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • what old castlevania titles are there for game boy?

    I'd like to get my boyfriend a Nintendo DS some time soon and he loves the classic old Castlevania games but I haven't really played them. What are some of the good titles out (when I google this there are about a million different games under the "Castlevania") that are specifically for Game Boy-type platforms?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Where to find good prenatal exercise?

    I take jazz and modern at a local dance studio, but coming up on month 6, these classes are getting a little too difficult and I'd prefer to do exercise specifically tailored to pregnancy. Can anyone recommend a good class to look for, or even a home exercise tape that you loved?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anybody getting a good night's sleep?

    I'm 21 weeks, barely even a bump yet... and sleeping already really sucks! I'm trying to avoid sleeping on my back as much as possible but it's the only way I'm comfortable... I'm having pain in my right hip and butt... hurts if I lay on that side, hurts if I lay on the other side. How are you getting to sleep at night???

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you start to show?

    Just curious, for those women who have been or who are pregnant, how far along were you when you began to notice a baby bump? I've heard some people say they looked pregnant by 8-12 weeks, and some who say it was a lot later. I'm 18 weeks now, and I'm pretty sure I just look a little fat, my close friends can see a small difference but it's not obvious to strangers or anything yet. Just wanted to take a quick survey.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Step-parenting a toddler.?

    I am in a good relationship with a guy that I am really in love with. The problem we have is his three year old son. As far as our family dynamic, it's fine. When we are all together, we have a pretty good time, and his son and I get along very well; he even seems to have a little toddler crush on me (he likes to give me eskimo kisses and thinks it's funny to poke my butt). But we have our differences in how we think children should be raised. When he and his ex split up, it was just him and the son for a while, and now that I am here, he doesn't always understand that I also have a family that we need to spend time with. He's gotten better after lots of discussions, and the three of us had dinner at my parents' house the other night. But his child does not spend any time with other children; at his mom's house he is watched every day by "Grandma". He is used to being the baby, and I think they should look into some pre-school for socialization.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, when is the time right?

    This is not really an "advice" question, more of a survey I guess. I'm 20 years old and very excited to be reaching the period in my life when I can begin to make my family. My boyfriend is older than me (34) but we are very much in love and very happy together. What I am interested in knowing is when other people had their first children and what their situation was, plus how they feel about it now.

    1) How old were you and your partner when you first conceived? Married, dating, one time thing?

    2) What was your financial situation at the time? Were you confident that you could provide adequate support?

    3) Was it planned or unplanned?

    4) In general, how do you feel about it? Do you regret not waiting longer, or was it everything you wanted and more?

    I'm not looking for judgements or advice for myself, I just want to begin to formulate my own plan for raising a family. Thanks to anyone who responds!!!

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • A fair child support payment.?

    My boyfriend has a son from a previous relationship who is going to be three in January. They were never married and never went through court to determine child support payments. His ex-girlfriend has general custody of the child, so my boyfriend pays her a significant amount of money every single week. I think it's a ridiculous amount for a toddler, and I was wondering if there are people on here paying or receiving child support, and what you think a fair amount is for a child of his age. My boyfriend works hard but he is not filthy rich and this amount is equaling more than half of his paychecks at times. Please let me know your opinions and experience on this topic!

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Virgo male with Libra woman?

    Compatibility? As far as a committed relationship, and/or raising a family together.

    10 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • The difference between regular and irregular?

    I have been reading a lot about people who are saying that whether or not you have a regular period or irregular period changes your chances of getting pregnant if you have sex while on it. What exactly is the difference between the two? I don't keep track of mine because I always know when they are about to start. I generally have a long cycle, anywhere from 5-10 weeks between periods depending on my stress level. Is this considered irregular? Any information is much appreciated.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I know a lot of people ask this, but I need your opinion, please please please!?

    I have been on my period for 3 or 4 days and had unprotected sex last night. I was laying on the bed, he was in front of me with my hips on his lap a little and my legs on his shoulders. We didn't really mean to do it but the only condoms we had were extended pleasure and if you don't have a problem with coming too soon those babies just numb you for about 3 hours, so he wasn't wearing one and then we got caught up. I thought that being on your period meant that you couldn't get pregnant, and now I feel like a jackass because I have been looking for info and I am hearing that you can. Afterwards, I layed on the bed for a good half hour while we were talking and snuggling, and I was in the same laying down position.

    Please if you know ANYTHING about the odds of pregnancy or any tidbit that might help me... I'm worried. My boyfriend and I are on a break right now and the guy I was with last night was NOT my boyfriend.

    20 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How do you decide when both are amazing?

    Boyfriend- Loves me to pieces. Best friends since 9th grade, started dating two years ago. I love him, but he plays a lot of video games all the time. I feel like I want to start settling down and I'm not sure he wants that. He broke up with me before but we ended up back together eventually. He can be selfish as far as sexually and I feel like he doesn't always look out for my priorities, but overall we have a good relationship.

    Guy from work comes into picture- Older (30, I am 20, bf is 21), has a son, but every second I spend with him (and his son- 2 and 1/2) is amazing. He treats me like a princess already, doesn't stop touching me whenever he's with me, we connect on every level and we want exactly the same things in our lives (ultimately, family and the time to be home with our kids). I've only been talking to him for a few weeks but everything just... clicks...

    I told my boyfriend about the other guy, asked to go on a break. He hasn't given me a break yet.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with your life if you thought you were happy before?

    I am in a very good relationship with my boyfriend of about two years. I thought everything was going really well... We love each other a lot and we've been very happy together... Then I met a guy at work and I guess we just realized we were attracted to each other. I've talked to him quite a bit, we go on our lunches together sometimes just to run errands like going to the bank... I get along with him really well and we definitely have a chemistry... But if I everything is going well in my relationship, why am I even interested in looking into the possibility of someone else?

    I am 20. My boyfriend is 21. The other guy is 30. (I really hate when people post questions and you don't know if they are 13 or 55)

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • What have you heard about Jaws: Unleashed?

    I. Am. Afraid. Of. Sharks.

    So the freaking poster of the new Jaws game at Game Stop scared the crap out of me... but sharks are fascinating so I still wanted to look into playing it... However, i watched a podcast about the game, and they gave it a pretty bad review. Anyone played it or hear anything about it?

    1 AnswerGames & Gear2 decades ago
  • Dating a co-worker?

    I work at a car dealership helping the sales team. A guy in service is into me and gave me his number, and now we spend all day at work texting each other with messages about what we would do to each other in various spots around work... I am really turned on by him, but I know we aren't supposed to date within the company. What do you think? I'm 20. He's 33. And good-looking.

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Should I be the friend-sister or the mom-sister?

    My baby sister (she's 16) keeps having sex with a guy who I know is pretty much an asshole. He drags her along for as long as he needs something to do, but doesn't want to actually date her... I am torn between being the big sister who you tell your secrets to, and being the protective big sister who doesn't want to see her lifelong best friend getting hurt... Do I let the parents in on any of this, or let her learn her own lessons?

    22 AnswersFamily2 decades ago
  • Wii release date please????

    I am at work and just about every site is blocked except for yahoo answers... can someone tell me the latest news about the Nintendo Revolution release date? I'm guessing some time before x-mas this year but I'm not sure and I can't get onto any site classified under "games"...

    5 AnswersGames & Gear2 decades ago
  • PSP- Is it worth the money?

    My boyfriend wants me to get him a PSP for his birthday... I am a gamer when I find the time, but I've always been content with my Game Boy SP on car trips, my iPod for music, video, and pictures... so what is the benefit of getting the PSP? Is it worth the 250 bucks they want me to spend on it?

    10 AnswersGames & Gear2 decades ago
  • The power of prayer?

    I was raised in church, and throughout my own spiritual journey, I've come to believe that prayer will help because all of the energies of the people praying come together to help the cause, not because if lots of people pray about something, God will listen... Is there a religion that follows this belief? What do you think about it? I'm open to any and all opinions.

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • How young is too young?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now, after being best friends for 4 years before that. We aren't ready to get married right now. We want to be completely financially stable first and totally ready to accept the committment. We do live together so it's not like I really feel the need to take that next step right now, but I was wondering. What age did you get married and how long did it last or has it lasted? What things did you make sure to take care of before getting married, and are there things I need to look out for in married life that you weren't expecting (like how I would no longer be insured through my parents)? I don't want to rush anything, and I want to know what I would be getting myself into... also just looking for conversation while bored to pieces at work...

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago