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Justin Kalkimer

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  • Dutch House Music & Dubstep Question?

    Does any body know where I can find

    Dutch House music in another language other than English and Spanish?

    I understand it originated in Europe but I'm sure they have that music in their language...

    Please and thank you!

    As for dubstep,

    Do you know where I can find any dubstep in another language other than English and Spanish?

    Please and thnk you

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • Is this Illegal to do?............................?

    Q 1) When writing a song, is it Illegal to put the name of your city and zip code?

    ex: I live in South Gate, CA, 90280 in Los Angeles. I wrote a song an mentioned all My city "South Gate" "Los Angeles" and my zip "90280"

    Q 2) If I write a story, is it illegal to put the name of any city or town or street that's on the map in the US?

    ex: I put Los Angeles, or Long Beach or South Gate, CA or Kansas Ave, South Gate, CA???

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what bible is Harold Camping reading?

    Q 1) Does anybody know what version is he reading so I can know why he's claiming that judgment day? I don't believe today is the judgment day. I do believe it will happen someday and no on will know when the day and/or hour is?

    Q 2) I read that some lady who follows him said that "We know the day but not the hour".. This got me thinking.. Some bibles say "We will not know the day or hour". It said "or", it doesn't say "day and hour". Which tells me, you can know either the hour or day. If you know the day, you will not know the hour. If you know the hour, you will not know the day.?????

    NIV, NLT, version: Matt 24:36 "36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (other versions say this too)

    Q 3) but both new king james version and king james version says" We will not know the day "AND" hour".... Why is the popular NIV..etc saying "Or"????

    [please no bashing, I'm just asking a question in which I personally want the answer to if you know it. It's yahoo answers and like everybody else, I'm asking a question (2 questions), I know what the atheist are going to say, so I don't need to hear it all over again. I'm just asking for those who know the answer to all three or either of the questions]

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • New Zealand... + Harold Camping + may 21.... question?

    apparently New Zealand had a earthquake 6.1 ...

    I don't believe that today is Judgment day but I find this a coincidence. :/

    What do you think???

    7 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Computer problem..............?

    Okay so my dad cleaned the dust out of the fans, I had my computer disconnect it for a few months. I'm using my cousins laptop. I disconnected it because it kept going off and on, off and on, off and on by itself. I looked online and lots of people said "Try cleaning the dust off the fans..." So we did that today, and it turned on for a few mintues but none of the keyboards worked, and then the computer started turning off and on, off and on, off and on again. So I had to disconnect it.

    So I know the fans cooled down for a few months and days because I disconnected the computer.

    Q 1) What do I need to do? What's the problem?

    Q 2) If I disconnect the computer for a few months (or days) does the fan still stay hot????

    Q 3) Why did none of my keyboards worked today and the computer stood on for a 5 mins and then it started turning off and on, off and on again???

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Is this illegal????????

    to post a picture of a wanted assaulter on my facebook photo album so people can know who to look for. It's a sketch the news showed. It's a guy who groped a 10yr girl on my street..... He escaped..He also may be connected to 5 other assaults in the city I live in..I already shared a link to the news video but not everybody will notice it... So I wanted to copy the whole page and crop out the picture so I can put it as a default picture. He's still loose.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I have a question about Marriage.....?

    Lets say, you and your future spouse are getting married and the person marrying the both of you,asked the guest (your family and friends), who objects/who doesn't agree with them marrying.

    If the majority of them says no and a few says yes. Does the officiant (pastor, priest,.etc) will not marry you? Or will he/she still continue to marry you regardless if the majority objects.. Because If that happened to me, I still will want to marry her.. ;D

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is this a crime???? 2 questions?

    Q 1) Lying to strangers about your name or where your from? (ex: A Jehovah witness or Mormon comes over and talks to you, and he/she tells you "whats your name?" you tell him/her a different name and probably fake an accent saying your from like Australia..etc)

    Q 2) A news cast comes and films you saying "Did the earthquake scare you" or "How do you feel turning in the assaulter? and they ask you your name and you make up a name?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Name of songs. Help??

    can you give me a list of songs with title names that sound childish but it's not. Like for example:

    112- Peaches & Cream. (sounds like a kids song but when you listen to it, it's a sex song)

    Genuine- Pony (sounds like a kids song but when you listen to it, it's a sex song)

    Katy Perry- Hot & Cold (sounds like a kids song but when you listen to it, it's a Adult themed song)

    En Vogue- Riddle (sounds like a kids song but when you listen to it, it's a Adult themed song)

    TLC- Waterfall (sounds like a kids song but when you listen to it, it's not children oriented song)

    2gether- Say it, don't spray it (it's a sex + love song)

    2gether- U + Me= US (Calculus) (sounds kinda of childish but it's a sex song)

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • So if the gas prices go extremely high?

    Is it possible for it to go above 7 dollars?

    Do you agree with my argument:??

    "If the gas prices [if in our lifetime] go up to 8 to 10 dollars, do you think it would be useless to even own a car [at cheap one at least]? Just saying because I thought about it and I thought about the children in the United States who need transportation to their schools. There are parents with over 3 children who all need rides to school. What if the parents can't afford gas prices that they can't even use their car? What if that happens to thousands of American parents/guardians with children who need rides to their school? Especially people who work far...Do you think in the future if the gas price is so ridiculously high, that bicycles are necessary for transportation?. Lots of old people who can drive can not ride bikes. If back in medieval days had cities like the cities we had now without cars, Horses would be in everybody's back yards.... Just saying...

    Q 1) So is it possible for it to go above 7 dollars?

    Q 2) Do you agree or disagree with my argument?

    6 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Marriage questions.....?

    Since the bible says: Husbands are the head of the relationship/household

    1) is it wrong for a woman to be the head of the relationship/household?

    2) what does the bible say about women hitting men (if the man didn't hit her or if the man didn't do nothing to deserve to be hit?)

    3) What does the bible say about women beating their husband (if the man didn't hit her or if the man didn't do nothing to deserve to be beat?)

    I have a female cousin and a female friend who believe women can dominate men but men can't dominate women. And that women don't need to apologize to men if they hit a man or if they beat him up because the man wanted to be the head of the relationship/household...

    I'm not saying Men have to dominate women. I don't think it's domination if the man is head of the relationship/house. I don't think it's domination if the woman is the head of the relationship/house. My cousin and friend believe women can dominate men but men can't dominate women. They were arguing with me saying she doesn't have to say sorry to no man if she beats him up or hits him. I got accused of being a woman hater if I believe husband abuse is wrong and that I believe men should be the head.. I don't believe in wife abuse and I don't believe in husband abuse. Abuse is wrong no matter who is abused.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Self defense: 7 short questions?

    Please answer

    1) If a woman attacks a man, can he self defend himself?

    2) If a man attacks a man, can he self defend himself?

    3) If a man attacks a man, and he didn't self defend himself, would he be in trouble by law if he didn't self defend himself?

    4) If a woman attacks a man with a knife, can he self defend himself by punching her?

    5) If a woman attacks a 16yr old boy, can he self defend himself or do boys go to jail for self defensive to a grown woman?

    6) If a woman attacks a woman, can she self defend herself?

    7) Do women go to jail for attacking men for no reason? Or do they have the right to hit or attack any man just because he's male?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • IPOD Help.... Confused at the moment.?

    Okay, So since my comp messed up, i'm using my cousins laptop. So I put my ipod on the laptop to add some songs in there. It came up with an error message and then a message appeared saying to 2 things

    1) erase my songs and sync he songs from the itunes or

    2) something purchase and something sync itunes (can't really remember)

    3) Cancel.

    So I told my other cousins who uses this laptop.. She says she just press the red x at the corner so her songs won't get deleted.....

    So I understand the no.1 but I don't know if no.2 erases my ipod songs......

    I pressed cancel and i didn't get deleted but it froze on connecting... I pressed cancel twice and the same thing happens.. it freezes on connecting.......

    So the third time I tried it, I took my cousins advice and pressed the red x... apparently my IPOD said "0 songs".. I got really dissapointed... then when I turned my IPOD off.... I turned it back on to put new songs and my songs showed up on my IPOD... I guess my IPOD played tricks on me. Now i'm scared to press the red x again in fears that my songs might get deleted for good and I don't know if my IPOD is going to play tricks again...... Unless my IPOD had an error when it told me my songs went to 0 songs.....

    So what do I do???? Do I press the red x and my songs will stay on my IPOD and I can add more songs......???

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • So my computer won't turn on, and before that happend, it was going off and on continually?

    Sometimes, it won't turn off and lets me go on my desktop, itunes and the web, and other times it turns off 2 secs later when i turn it on, and then it turns back on and off and on and off. The longest it stood on was 10 mins. At one point during this chaos, I was on the web and on top of my browser, it showed a symbol of a plug connecting and disconnecting from the socket and then my comp turned off....

    I don't know what to do, it doesn' t turn on no more, only the monitor turns on but not the computer tower...... My internet works.. I'm on a laptop right now.

    I don't know if it's a hard drive, virus, or if my plug that connects to the wall socket needs a new plug? Maybe that's why the symbol showed...... I'm so confused???

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Earthquake Theory????

    In theory, when and if California has the big one, which way would you consider running to save your life? In your opinion as in which would you consider as a good solution.

    1. North, East, South, West? Why?

    2. Are houses/apt in California earthquake proof like those in Japan?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Which country has......?

    a big earthquake awaiting them? I know United States/California is. Big as in the big one like a mega quake.

    Q 1) What other country is waiting for the big one other than California?

    Q 2) Is there any states in USA awaiting one other than California?

    (ps: I don't know if Japan, Haiti & Chilie was waiting for "the big one", but apparently they had "the big one")

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Why are the animals dying off?

    I did my research:

    Birds & fishes dying from many states in USA, Ukraine, India, China, Japan, Haitis, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Romania, Brazil, Canada, Turkey, Vietnam..etc.

    millions of Crabs in England (including jellyfishes and lobsters)

    Sharks in Panama City (2010; hundreds of sharks)

    Octopuses in Portugal

    Penguins in Brazil (2010; hundreds of them)

    Ducks and Geese in Canada (2011)

    Bats in Texas and Arizona (2011)

    Billions of Bees have dropped dead in North America.(2009?)

    Hundreds to thousands of bats in (2009?)

    Salamanders in Idaho (2011)

    Crickets all over USA (2011)

    Hundreds of turtles and alligators in Bolivia (2010)

    Starfishes in Ireland (2009? Hundreds of them)

    308 dead whales in the waters around Peninsula Valdes along Argentina's Patagonian Coast in 2010 since 2005

    Seals (they say it was most likely man made slaughter of the seals)

    What's next? Dogs, Cats, Elephants, unknown animals we never saw before washing up ashore or unknown animals showing up dead (which would make it easier to spot since they can't hide from humans while dead).

    What's happening?

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Animal extinction? 2005-2011?

    I did my research:

    Birds & fishes dying from many states in USA, Ukraine, India, China, Japan, Haitis, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Romania, Brazil, Canada, Turkey, Vietnam..etc.

    millions of Crabs in England (including jellyfishes and lobsters)

    Sharks in Panama City (2010; hundreds of sharks)

    Octopuses in Portugal

    Penguins in Brazil (2010; hundreds of them)

    Ducks and Geese in Canada (2011)

    Bats in Texas and Arizona (2011)

    Billions of Bees have dropped dead in North America.(2009?)

    Hundreds to thousands of bats in (2009?)

    Salamanders in Idaho (2011)

    Crickets all over USA (2011)

    Hundreds of turtles and alligators in Bolivia (2010)

    Starfishes in Ireland (2009? Hundreds of them)

    308 dead whales in the waters around Peninsula Valdes along Argentina's Patagonian Coast in 2010 since 2005

    Seals (they say it was most likely man made slaughter of the seals)

    What's next? Dogs, Cats, Elephants, unknown animals we never saw before washing up ashore or unknown animals showing up dead (which would make it easier to spot since they can't hide from humans while dead).

    What's happening?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Dutch House music help?

    I heard this song 3 times.

    2 times on the radio and one time on the radio while the Dj spins/plays Dutch House.

    This is all I remember (I don't know how many songs are like that)

    1. I think it's in Spanish. I think! if not It didn't sound English too me. I say Spanish because of the beat. (it sounded stereotypically like Spanish music (trumpets, drums.etc). It could of been French.

    2. Male Singer.

    3. I don't know if he's mumbling words, singing or scatting.

    4. I think I think there's trumpets or an accordion in the song. {for sure it had that synth that's familiar in dutch house_

    5. I think it sounds similar to the song Scatman by Mark Oh! because I'm not sure if he's singing, mumbling or scatting.

    I heard it this year. Don't know what station! I think KISS FM

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Movie Help: I don't know what movie this is.?

    I remember seeing this as a kid: Freaked me out!

    This is all I remember.

    This students in the class room (I think they are students) are alone without a teacher. I guess the teacher went out. Next thing you know. Someone comes in and kills all the students. I remember seeing some students pinned to the wall I think and the teacher or principal comes in and sees them dead. But! They are not dead.

    Apparently they all went to the beach after that. They were like cyborgs I think.

    I remember one scene where you can see through on of their visions. I believe it was a guy. IT was on the beach.

    I think the killer had a sword.

    On I don't know if it was in the classroom where I think they fix themselves. I think one of them opened the other's head.....

    As the teacher/principle or both walk in, I believe one of them was female or both. I think they walked in with some men. I'm not sure. and I'm not sure if they called the cops or if the cops walked in with the principle/teacher and saw the students like that.

    I don't know if it came out in the 80's or 90's. I know it did not come out in 00+ It was either in the 90's or 80's. I seen it once!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago