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  • sharing a cell phone account?

    My friend dded me to their Verizon wireless cell phone service. What I would like to know is can they access my texts,calls and by requesting it from Verizon or on bill? As I am big on privacy issues. Is there a way I can be on the account keep my line private?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • what is my legal option for my car?

    Hi, I purchased a car from a used car lot and drove it out of state for the holiday while only owning the car for a week .As I was driving the breaks went out and I hit a guard rail. and had to be towed to my destination. I had the car checked the next day and they said the breaks lines were rusted out and leaking as well as roters were all rusted. My insurance adjuster also too photos and they all deemed in unsafe to drive . I called the car dealership and told him about the findings and he told me to go f...k myself. The mechanic said it will cost me over 8,000 to repair and 4,000 to make it inspection worthy. So the car is sitting in the street and told the car place to come get the car because I'm not going to pay another dine to the car. If I send a registered letter to them and they do not come get the car on a certain date what do I do with car? since the inspection sticker will expire then end of the year. I want to sue but do not know what type of claim It would be considered. It's no a lemon car because of the milage and age. which is a 2001 jeep loredo.Does anyone know my options? I'M LOST HERE.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • weight loss help please?

    I have been walking over 54 miles since last Friday. Why aren't I seeing any weight loss and inches loss? I am eating healthy and don't understand what's going on. Can someone help?

    I also forgot to mention I also run as well in conjunction with walking I walk around 4-5 miles a day and more. and I also have done 11 miles one day.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Need help with my jeep lorado stereo?

    I just got a jeep loredo a few days ago and the stereo does not work. it's the factory one I checked all wiring and it's all attached but for some reason I can not get power at all to the radio/cd player. I checked the fuse and it's all new. Anyone have any ideas?

    2 AnswersCar Audio8 years ago
  • When applying to a college and credits?

    When applying to a college and they ask you "Do you have any credit to transfer?" Does this mean any credits? or credits that you earned towards the degree you working towards? Like if I earned credits in criminal justice can I apply the credits towards my IT degree?

  • car issues with water and battery?

    Please list your vehicle problems here only had my 1997 Chrysler Sebring I bought it Saturday It will not start and water in all over the passenger side floor near passenger side center console is a puddle of water. I called where I bought the car and they said there is nothing they can do. I paid 1,000 for this car. and I only had car for 5 days. Can yo help?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Why does my ex keep doing this? And what does it all mean?

    We have been broken up for 2 and half years now. He is the one who left me but after so many months of not hearing from him, I get a comment on a old photo of us on Google saying he misses me on one day and then the other day he says he misses my smile and hugs. But he will not meet up with me or even have a real conversation. Why does he do this every 5-6 months? I do still love him and and want us back but I do not know how to respond without getting hurt again. I feel sometimes it's to keep my heart where it at.. Any thoughts? It was his decision to leave me for his family...

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • College decision help?

    I found to colleges for Medical Assisting. The decision I can't seem to make is because one is near my parents in Pennsylvania which is a 18 month associates program at 25,000 in a area where I just don't want to go back to. And the other is in Northern Virginia where I am living which the program is just a diploma program at 15,000. Would it be a better for my future to move back home for 18 months and get the associates or stay in VA and get a the diploma in 8 months. Would the 10,000 difference be the best bet? Also the school in Pennsylvania is a tint little brick building and the school in Va is such a open well lighted and comfy place. I know I really like the school in Va due to the way things are set. I am very confused what would be the best deal. No in case someone ask I am older adult age 39. so going back home isn't a easy decision. Any help would be great!

  • Dream interpretation help :)?

    I dreamed last night that my ex boyfriend's mom had died and his dad told him to go to the one he loved and he came to me and we got married. Is there anything to interpret in this dream? I do still love him deeply.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Weight loss question?

    Hi guys,

    Can anyone tell me what I need to do to start losing weight in pounds? a week now I started a walking regime where I am walking 5 miles a day and more. I eat healthy. Do you know how long it should take me to start seeing weight loss over all.:)

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • connecting to the internet issue after upgrade?

    I upgraded a friends desktop from xp to 7 and now I can't get back onto the internet. she had a wireless stick usb it will not light up and she has no disk and I have tried even to install a driver onto her from a website from a thumb drive. Her model is dell dimension E520 and her usb is a linksys wusb54gc driver version 3.

    Can someone help ?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Cansomeone give me some advice on ex?

    My ex called off our wedding over 2 years ago because his family didn't want us to marry. He stayed around back and fourth since then saying he was trying to fix things,up to aboout a month ago he emaile dme and then I have not heard from him since then. He totally ignores me. He changed his number ignores my emails now and just wont say anything. i didn't do anything he said and he just walked away. i miss him everyday and he just wont communicate with me at all. Its been so hard for me to walk away when I still love him. He still lives at home with his parents as in "never left home" at 39 years old. I know I hear he's no prize but he's been my friend for 13 years and this has taken a toll on me. Basically his brother is the one who broke us up. How do I stop loving him? and how do I at least get him to talk to me? I am not sure how to get closure. BTW: we are both 39 . and his family liked me invited to everything until he asked me to marry him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Spirit bothering me and why?

    Hi, I have a spirit that bothers me all the time. It calls my name through the day and hangs around but at night when I try to go to bed It begins to blow in my face and calling my name. It just happened 3 weeks ago. And still goes on. I am afraid to be in my room alone mostly at night. Someone mentioned I maybe at a crossroads in my life or a spiritual awakening. I had a similar thing happened to me last year at my mothers house and my mother heard and dealt with it as well.Does anyone have any ideas as what I can do? I have tried burning white sage and it doesn't leave. No I am not nuts either so please no rude remarks. I am looking to hear from spiritual people with valuable information thank you

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Spirit calling my name in my home?

    HI back in july 2012 a spirit in my mom apartment started to call my name and mess with me and my mom. with attacking my pictures on the wall and as well as I had a pic of me and my ex BF on my computer and one day I was cleaning my computer out came across my picture of me and ex and enlarged it on th escreen and there was a face with teeth on my picture as well as a dark figure with a cloak on in the background. and then after 2 months it went away. Well last week I was dreaming that someone was pulling me and yelled my name. It was so loud that it woke me up. And as I sat up in the bed I kept hearing yet again my name constantly. Tjhis went on for 2 days and when I try to sleep it would come to my bedside and blow in my face, breath and call my name again. I wasnt sleeping after all this so I drove to my parents home I lokkedin another state and while there it went there as well. It keeps me up again and calls my name and I can feel the touch and brush of one. My mom claimed ot have heard it herself. Does anyone know if this is a ghost of a family member or evil? As I sat in my mom's chair I felt a errie feeling so I looked to the right and in my mom curio cabinet mirror I saw a person with a real white face and short black hair. the movement was quick and then gone. I just want it to stop can someone help?

    5 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years ago
  • How to get back a ex boyfriend ?

    My ex broke up with me 2 years ago and keeps staying in and out of my life for the past 2 years. He stopped all communication with me and when he does talk it's once every few months. Otherwise he ignores my emails changed his number. He said I did nothing wrong.

    I miss him so much. Howe can I get him back? I have tried emails, written letters, and still nothing.We have been friends for over 13 years and he called off our wedding 2 years ago because his families disapproval. I want a second chance to try with him. Is there anything someone knows out there that may work? We live 8 miles apart and He told me through a email 3 weeks ago he still misses me. But again ignores me. I know he is reading my emails but that is it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What is a heir of a deceased person?

    Can a Heir be any family member of the deceased person or is it someone who foresees over an account and property? My uncle dies 3 years ago and I told his brothers about unclaimed money in that state and it still has not been claimed. Can me as his blood niece claim the unclaimed money from the state?

    4 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Do stink bugs bite generally in the same area every time?

    Do stink bugs bit? And if they do do they bite in the same area? Like I got bitten on my face on forehead and temple started to swell. It's in my bed and I am asleep and don;t notice a thing until I got to the bathroom to wash my face. I see 1 dot 3 weeks ago there then went away and now today I woke up and same spot of face was bitten and swelled. Yesterday there was a stink bug in my bedroom and I could not capture it.

    I tried cold packs it's still swelled. any ideas anyone?

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • what do I do to get ex to go crazy for me again?

    I ran into my ex boyfriend at the grocery store a few days ago, we have not seen one another in 7 months but have been broken up for 2 years due to his families disapproval of us getting married. I am still deeply in love with him. He asked me out on a date tomorrow evening,

    It's been so long since we have gone out any ideas on what to do meaning I want to make his blood boil for passion for me once again. Any ideas anyone?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • fastest way to trim inches?

    Hi, I joined a gym that has all kinds of workout equipment. I am pear shape with saddle bags"fat on otter thighs and jiggly inner thighs.. Does anyone know a fast way to burn inches in these areas and on what machines and how long?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • best way to weight yourself?

    I hear that if you weight yourself on carpet it shows more weigh than it would have had if you just done it on hard floors. My issue is just the opposite. I bought this digital scale and I weigh myself on bedroom carpet and it said 152 and when I took it into the hardwood floor it said 165. I am confused as to which one is correct.

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago