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  • Size of the universe?

    Could someone please educate me?

    The universe, according to is approximately 92 billion light years across.

    The Big Bang happened approx. 13.8 billion years ago. From a single point the universe started expanding very rapidly. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, why isn't the universe only 27.6 billion miles across?

    For the universe to have expanded from a single point to 92 billion miles in diameter in just 13.8 billion years doesn't something have to be travelling faster than the speed of light?

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • Does anyone know of any good books or references for analyzing bank stocks?

    I've read a number of books regarding value investing and financial analysis, but I am looking for something specific to bank stocks. A book, web-site, anything specific to banks.

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Is there an index that measures the market as a whole?

    Also what is the historical average P/E for the stock market as a whole?

    4 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What will happen to Michael Phelps?

    Will smoking pot cause him to fail a drug test?

    Is it a banned substance? I'm assuming it is.

    If he fails, will that get him banned from international competition?

    6 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • Why is Anheuser-Busch no longer on the NYSE under symbol BUD?

    I went to yahoo.fiance to look at the share price of BUD but it says no data available. So I went to CNBC and it had Anheuser-Busch as a pink sheet stock.

    When did that change?

    5 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What 1 exercise for Deltoids would you suggest?

    With work commitments I have to cut back the time I spend training, so I want to maximize the results I get from each exercise.

    For most muscle groups I can reduce my workout to 1 exercise per group. But the deltoids are a complex muscle group.

    I've been considering DB Presses or Arnold Presses.

    What are your suggestions?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway to find out the exact stimulus payment for a particular taxpayer?

    I'm a tax professional and I'm anticipating a bunch of clients coming in and not knowing the amount of the Stimulus payment they received. Is there anywhere I can easily look for that info? I tried, but the only link I found said that it wasn't active anymore.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What digital camera would you suggest for me?

    I am looking for a good quality COMPACT digital camera. I would love to get a complete SLR package, Nikon or Canon but I also want something that is VERY compact/lightweight.

    So my question is what compact digital camera would you recommend that has the best performance compared to a top quality digital SLR?

    I know the performance wont be equal, but what would come closest (relatively speaking)? I've been told to stick to brands from the film era eg. Nikon, Canon, Olympus, etc.. What are your opinions on that advice?

    I want the camera to be handle a wide range of subjects including landscapes, people, even action.

    PS - I know I'm asking alot.

    9 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Why does my water softener overflow keep flooding the basement?

    I have a quad level home with a full bath upstairs, 1/2 down stairs and laundry in the basement.

    Over the past 12 months I've started getting minor flooding coming from the water softener overflow tube in the basement. I don't know why it is happening, may be a blockage.

    The upstairs tub/shower drains into the septic via one outlet through the basement wall and the 1/2 bath, kitchen sink, washing machine and the water softener overflow exit via another pipe. The problem seems to happen when I have the washing machine running in the basement, and the faucet running in the kitchen sink. I'm not sure, but it might also happen when I run the shower upstairs with the washing machine.

    I thought it was a partially blocked pipe, so I put a bunch of Drano down both the kitchen sink and the tub/shower upstairs. But it is still happening.

    Anyone have any ideas on what the cause might be, and the best way to fix it. I had the septic pumped out last year so I don't think that is the problem.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How would you fix Social Security?

    I heard an interesting opinion on how to fix social security. Just take out the annual dollar limit (currently around $100,000) and make all earned income subject to SS Tax.

    What do people think?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What is the deductability of donations to 501 (c) (3) organizations?

    Yes, I know they are generally deductible.

    But if the organization is a booster club and my child is a member of the team which the booster club supports. Can I still deduct my contributions to the booster club, or are they non-deductible on the basis my child will receive a benefit from the donation?

    I asked a similar question a few weeks back and really didn't get any great answers. It isn't a straight forward answer as court cases have been decided both ways.

    It appears that if any funds are used for the benefit of the organization in general, then any donation I made would be deductible. But if there were individual "accounts" for each athlete, then it might be non-deductible.

    I've tried IRS Pub 526, but it really doesn't address the issue directly. Any direction on where to find the information would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Tax deductions for donations to booster clubs?

    If I make a donation to a booster club associated with a sports team in which my child is a member, is my tax deduction limited based on the fact that my child will receive some benefit from the donation?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What are the 2008 contribution limits for solo 401 (k) s?

    What is the employee deferral limit?

    What is the employer contribution limit?

    Do you combine the two maximums?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Microsoft Excel - Can Excel find a group of numbers within a number set that equal a specific number you need?

    I am plowing through thousands of financial transactions looking for several amounts that combined equals a particular deposit amount. Is there anyway I can get Excel to look at the values in a particular number set, and pick out those that equal the number I'm looking for?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Excel is showing general number format when cell is formated to date. What's wrong?

    I'm working in Excel 2000. I hit some key, or combination of keys and now all my cells that are formated to date on one particular sheet are showing the number in general format. I can't get the cells to show in number format again.

    What did I do and how can I fix it?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What is the best weight training for young female gymnasts?

    My daughter is 11 y.o. and a level 6 gymnast. I've asked her coaches about the best weight routine for her to follow, and they suggested staying away from heavier weights and concentrate on using more reps. The coaches told me my daughter could get too bulking lifting heavy weights.

    These coaches obviously know what they are talking about (they've coached numerous National champions). But I was wondering if anyone could give me a clear explanation.

    My thinking was: Since Gymnastics is a sport that requires explosive power to perform many of the top level skills, why not weight train to build explosive power into the gymnasts muscles? ie. by lifting heavy weights. Especially since most women (or girls) do not get bulky from weight training.

    4 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • What do you know about recovering from Osgood Schlatter Disease?

    My 10 y.o. daughter has been diagnosed with OSD. She is a competitive gymnast and trains about 14 hours/week. Her pediatrician told her to take a week off and then see how things go.

    Does anyone have any ideas about recovery from OSD or training with it? The pediatrician has basically told her to rest the injury and apply ice packs as often as possible including before and after practice. Any other suggestions to go along with that?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How do I get Win2000 to talk to Vista?

    We have 3 computers in the office. Two have Vista and the third has 2000. I'm not sure how they are linked, but I know from a Vista computer I can access files on the 2000. However, going the other way I can see a particular folder on the Vista machine, but I can access the files in the folder.

    Specifically Quickbooks company files stored on the Vista machine that need to be accessed by the 2000 machine.

    Anyone have any thoughts on how I can get this to work?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Mileage from 2nd job to home - deductible? Need more answers?

    I've been studying figure 26-B in IRS Publication 17 - "When are Transportation Expenses Deductible?"

    My question is regarding travel from a second regular place of work to home.

    The mileage from my home to my first job is non-deductible. The mileage from my first job to my second job is deductible. But according to Figure 26-B mileage from the second job to home is non-deductible on days when I don't go to the first job.

    Therefore, does that mean on days when I go from home to job 1 to job 2 to home the mileage from job 2 to home is deductible?

    Where did you get your answer from?

    I'd like to get a source.

    Is there a court case or a specific part of the code that prohibits the job 2 to home mileage?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Mileage from second job to home - Deductible Yes or No?

    I've been studying figure 26-B in IRS Publication 17 - "When are Transportation Expenses Deductible?"

    My question is regarding travel from a second regular place of work to home.

    The mileage from my home to my first job is non-deductible. The mileage from my first job to my second job is deductible. But according to Figure 26-B mileage from the second job to home is non-deductible on days when I don't go to the first job.

    Therefore, does that mean on days when I go from home to job 1 to job 2 to home the mileage from job 2 to home is deductible?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago