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Lv 2894 points

Rachael S

Favorite Answers18%
  • Why do I have this bruise on my leg?

    I had a vein or two on the top part of my thigh on the side of my right leg that were very dark and what I would call bulging yesterday. It was itchy for like 30 minutes, but then I forgot about it while shopping. It seemed fine till this morning when I woke up: now there is a very dark and large bruise where the vein(s) were. I am assuming I just tore it while scratching it yesterday, but it scared me a bit since I was not expecting such a major bruise. Is that all it is? And any suggestions on how to make it as light as possible for the bachelorette party I am going to tonight!

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Bee sting that hurts weeks after...?

    I got stung by a bee about a week and a half ago between my big toe and the one next to it. It obviously hurt when I got stung and I pulled the stinger out. I woke up this morning scratching an extremely itchy foot. There was a patch of hives on the top of my foot and the spot where I got stung hurt again and my toe is pretty stiff. Why is this happening?

    1 AnswerFirst Aid10 years ago
  • For classical Confucianism, rituals are:?

    (a) related to the virtue li (propriety in action)

    (b) displays of outer discipline that symbolically represent an inward-discipline

    (c) not valued for their "superstitious" content

    (d) all of the preceding

    (e) none of the preceding

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which is NOT true about the religious naturalism of Taoism and Confucianism?

    (a) Both think knowledge of the true nature of things can be useful for self-development.

    (b) Both think of heaven, earth, and human culture as contained within the universe.

    (c) Both seek harmony in the balance of Yin and Yang.

    (d) Both view the path to perfection as a coming into harmony with culture.

    (e) None of the preceding is true.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • physics homework help?

    A baseball is thrown with an initial velocity of magnitude v at an angle of 23.1degrees with respect to the horizontal (x) direction. At the same time, a second ball is thrown with the same initial speed at a different angle theta with respect to x. If the two balls land at the same spot, find theta.

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • physics homework help?

    A package is dropped from a passing plane(moving in the horizantal direction) and produces a projectile motion as it is falling to the ground. If it takes the package only 25.63 seconds until it hits the ground, how far above the ground was the plane when the package was released? Ignore air resistance.

    5 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • physics homework help?

    A cannon located at the ground level fires a cannon ball at an angle of 30.0° above the horizontal axis. Assume the initial speed of the ball is 106.7 m/s. Ignore air resistance and find the maximum height h that the ball attains. Find the horizontal distance (range) R the cannon ball would travel given the above conditions.

    I have this equation h=(v*sin(theta))^2 / 2g but its not accepting the answer im getting 567.04?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • physics homework help?

    An airplane must reach a speed of 186 mi/h to take off. If the runway is 460 m long, what is the minimum value of the acceleration that will allow the airplane to take off successfully?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • physics homework help?

    A cable attached to a block of mass 10 kg pulls the block along a horizontal floor at a constant velocity. If the tension in the cable is 4.4 N, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the floor?

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • stuck on physics homework! help!?

    A constant force of 393 N acts on a spacecraft of mass 7840 kg that has an initial velocity of 47 m/s. How far has the spacecraft traveled when it reaches a velocity of 4840 m/s?

    The prof has given us exactly 0 equations as reference (besides F=ma, he loves that one...) and the book seems to be even less of a help. Any help?!

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Why is vegetarian/vegan healthier?

    If you stalk my profile you will easily see that I am not vegetarian nor do I think it is a good lifestyle at all. I am curious as to why other people think it is. (This may be a poll, but I'm putting it under a different category cause I want your guy's opinions.) I am studying Food Scienc ein college right now and I am always curious when it comes to food and diets.

    So ultimately, what are the health benefits that you valued to make you try/switch to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Dermatology appointment

    I went to the dermatologist Friday because I have a few markings on my skin that were worrying me. I live on a lake and life-guarded last summer so I am out in the sun way too much (main reason I was worried). I had a small (quarter-sized?) patch of dry, weird skin on my hip that the doctor biopsied. She never gave me a clue as to why she biopsied it and all she really said was "cortizone will probably make it go away but I'm going to biopsy anyways"

    Does anybody have any idea of what it could be? I'm starting to freak myself out and I don't get the results till this coming Friday.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago