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  • How bad does a ribcage tattoo hurt, on a scale of 1-10?

    I m getting a tattoo on my ribcage soon and my sister said it hurt like a b***h, but she has a low pain tolerance and I have a high pain tolerance (I always find random bruises and such and don t know how they happened), I don t even remember when the last time I cried over physical pain was, but long story short, I have a high pain tolerance.

    1 AnswerTattoos4 years ago
  • My teacher lost my assignment?

    So a couple weeks ago there was a substitute teacher for one of my classes so the sub gave su work I remeber doing the work and turning it in. The teacher has been saying I didn t turn it even though I DID, and to top it off the teacher hates me. So in a nutshell I m S.O.L.

    3 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • How bad is it for a runner to smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day?

    I know it's not good to smoke, but how badly would it effect a runner who smokes that much?

    8 AnswersRunning6 years ago
  • How do I reduce anxiety for a driving test?

    So tomorrow I m taking my driving test, I m a great driver, I ve had quite a few lessons, the only thing that I suck at is parallel parking (though who is good at parallel parking, if you are that is awesome), and I have anxiety and I had to take my permit test three times, first time I failed, second time first try I failed, I got anxious didn t bother trying again, third time I passed, but I had the questions read to me to make it easier. I know I ll be able to pass my drivers test, if there s anything that would make me fail, it d be because of my anxiety, and I m not on anxiety meds either.

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • My best friend hung out with my ex?

    So I dated this guy, we'll call him Colin. And I have a best friend we'll call her Violet. (Well I don't know if I'm best friends with her anymore cause of what she did) and her friend, we'll call her Rose, were hanging out. And I get a text from my friend and it was a picture of Violet and Rose hanging out with Colin. And Violet and Rose looked happy, not just happy, but like a 16 year old girl who just passed her driver's test happy. And Colin treated me horribly so I don't know why she was hanging out with Colin. And she agreed that Colin treated me horribly. And so I texted Violet "Wtf, Violet!" and told her how I felt, (I also have a no bs policy, so that played a part of it). And she got all mad and told Colin. And I recieved this lovely message from Colin "Stop being a f*****g b***h to Violet even though you are one and stop saying she is going behind your back we are not dating and never will be I don't like anything about u and stop talking to my sister I want nothing to do with u and and I want my friends and family to have nothing to do with u f**k off Don't be a ***** to Violet or I will f**k up your life at school" I'm more well liked than he is so I told him "We'll see about that" And I don't even talk to his stupid sister. And I told him "I don't even talk to your sister" He replies " I will make that a promise" To messing up my life. So do I have a right to be upset with Violet?

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Could my cat of ran away to die?

    So I have 19 year old cat, he ran way from home, like I said he is 19 years old. He is very thin, but has been his entire life, but other than that he's in picture perfect health for his age. Could he have ran way to die? Our beloved dog Dave tried to do that, so could it be possible with the cat too?

    8 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Is this legal?

    So this morning my dorm parent (I go to a boarding school) kinda put me in a bad mood and said I had an "attitude" for saying I finished my chore my chore in a happy voice, and I was glad I got in done and then she tells me at breakfast I get an extra chore because the sinks were filthy and they weren't when I cleaned them and so I was kinda agitated the past two weeks have been very stressful, not gonna go into detail about that so I was texting my mom saying "the old bat is making me do an extra chore" I was in the middle of texting her and the power button doesn't work and she READ the message I was in the middle of typing

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • My best friend is dating my crush?

    So I REALLY like this guy a lot (we'll call him Derek) and she knows (we'll call her Phoebe) that and she's known that since day one. And my friends know too, he also knows I have a HUGE crush on him. So yesterday I get a text from Derek saying "Hey it's Derek Phoebe and I are dating and phoebe loves you I don't want you guys to fight" well I was pretty up set so I answered back telling Phoebe how I'm really hurt by that because she knew how much I like Derek. So according to Derek he doesn't want Phoebe and I's friendship to be ruined because of this and Phoebe talks about me a lot. And something else to add is their age he is 16 she's 19 and well I'm 17. And Phoebe's ex is going to a different school and she is still hooked on him and still loves him. They are at school summer camp and they've bonded in the two weeks of knowing each other. I told Phoebe how I felt about her dating Derek and I'm hurt and upset.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How bad does a belly button piercing hurt?

    On a scale of 1-10 how bad? Some people are saying it hurts less than braces and I've had braces and I really am considering getting my belly button pierced

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • What song is currently stuck in your head?

    I've had If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher stuck in my head, it's soooo catchy

    10 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • Smoke came out of iPhone 4S and will not turn on?

    It's really hot and I don't know what to do and I do not have the time or money to get a new phone.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Should I tell my counselor I still cut? :/?

    I promised her I wouldn't cut again but once I got back from thanksgiving break (I go to boarding school) I started cutting again?

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What is your favorite Italian girl name? What is your favorite Italian boy name?

    My favorite Italian girl name is Rosalia <3

    My favorite Italian boy name is Emilio

    7 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • How to get a snow day?

    So we are getting a HUGE winter storm and we are supposed to get sleet, freezing rain and snow tomorrow and I REALLY want a snow day I already know these ones

    -PJs inside out and backwards

    -Fork in freezer

    -sing frosty the snow man while doing a head stand

    -run up and down the stairs 3 times

    2 AnswersWeather8 years ago
  • Which do you like better Harry Potter or twilight?

    Harry Potter all the way it is the best

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do you keep your mom from taking your phone?

    My mom said she will take my phone away for forgetting to do my math homework, should I just say I left in my locker?

    9 AnswersFriends8 years ago