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why is cat food generally expensive when they dont even like it? there any aternative that they would prefer of equal value?
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhy does my cockatiel hate water?
When we go for a shower or when i spray him he just sits there and looks miserable. All the other cockatiels ive seen spread their wings out and really enjoy it!
7 AnswersBirds1 decade agoIs something stuck in my cockatiel's throat?
He is in perfect health but keeps stretching his neck every so often and moving his head about loads, also opens his mouth. He has been drinking a lot of water and has become quiet.
3 AnswersBirds1 decade agoCanarys poo is coming out red is this normal?
Its a redy purple colour and its never been that clour before they are fed on seeds. I brought some new food yesterday that has small pink bits in it but im not sure its thats as he has pooped about 6 redy purple ones so far.
3 AnswersBirds1 decade agoCanarys/finch nesting behaviour.?
Ok so i got two canarys about half a year ago, one looks more like a finch and the other is yellow but with patches of the other ones colour. I have been told this is a mule and cannot breed?
Anyway the smaller one that looks more like a finch has started collecting feathers, small strips of paper and the like and has started arranging them in one of their bowls.
I dont know their sexes but i assumed the finch that collected the nesting items was always male. Now im not sure.
Any advice would be appreciated as the 'mule' canary just seems more baffled then anything.
1 AnswerBirds1 decade agohead aches when i stand too quick/too over active or look at light.?
its fine 80% of the time but its been on going for 3 days. Am otherwise healthy.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoBearded dragon laying eggs, seems happy enough but is laying her eggs in random places on their own.?
She has laid 5 so far in the past few hours, first four are very healthy looking and the last one is slightly tinted yellow and slightly longer. It is her first cluthc so maybe inexperienced? She doesn't seem weak or anything im just a little worried about this sporadic laying.
2 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoMy new cockatiel's behaviour?
Ok so i brought a new cockatiel 4 - 5 days ago, the first couple of day he was terrified of us and did absolutely nothing. Now when i come downstairs in the morning and say hello he starts moving back and forth across his perch then climbs all round the cage rubbing his beak against the bars and occasional noises. Though as soon as I approach the cage he goes to the back and watches me, he is not as terrfied of me any more but it seems he wants to be out of the cage?? It just looks very distressing but i dont want to le him out as he as he has no trust for anyone yet. Any help?
2 AnswersBirds1 decade agoMale ferrets get along?
Okay so basically we brought 2 polecats off some guy in derby, one hob and one gil, then a couple of weeks later we got a couple more. Two silver/albino babies which are both hobs.
The polecats are roughly 3months and the baby hobs are 7weeks and 8 weeks.
Now the female polecat gets on well with the 8 week old hob but her brother seems to get on at first and then he jumps on and tries to drag the 8 week old away by its scruff to another room or something. I stop him doing this because the little one squeals but as soon as they are apart the little one follows him around.
So is the male polecat being agressive? They make loads of silly noises that seem friendly but when he gets it by the scruff it doesnt. If i shout he gets worse unless i pick him up.
2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agorc nitro car accelerates with out touching
Its weird I can steer but it takes off and i have to reverse just to stop the thing. It needs bresking in but this is gunna wreck it if i cant get it to slow down.
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoFish finger sandwhiches Yay or Nay??
14 AnswersFast Food1 decade agoIs my cat okay???
Okay, my cat is a year and a half years old and had 4 kittens 8 weeks ago.
Due to the kittens being fully weaned we arranged an appointment with the vet for her to be spayed and checked over (for she was very skinny, though this was probably due to the kittens)
Anyways the night before the vet she threw up and had the runs.
She got spayed and the vet said she seemed in fine health and was prob skinny due to the kittens which i had already assumed.
Though she has thrown up a couple of times since the vets last week and her poo is still not... normal. (she insists on using the kittens litter which is how we know...god forbid)
Im worried about her and she seems a little lethargic, though she has always been a lazy cat.
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoMy cat is too thin?
She eats a normal amount and drinks, she has also been treated for worms every 4 months or so as she as suffered them in the past.
I can feel her ribs and hips and does not seem to be gaining any weight. despite this she still seems happy.
Any ideas to what is wrong and how I can help her or if it requires a trip to the vet?
3 AnswersCats1 decade ago