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Katy Hunter
Bummed Ecstasy?
I took one pill of ecstasy for the first time yesterday with my boyfriend, mine was a light blue with a handicap sign on it, and my boyfriends was a light orange or coral with a different picture on it. I took it around 5:30 ( I chewed it and had a good meal earlier that day) and around 6 or 6:15 I felt like I may have been having some sort of high, but I thought it could've just been mental, my boyfriend and I just say there and talked but other than the small high, which could've been purely mental with the idea and excitement of finally knowing of what it would be like to be on ecstasy, I didn't feel anything. Why is this? Did I not take enough? Next time should I try 2? Or was it the pill?
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine7 years agoWhat are some fancy restaurants in Houston, Texas?
Its my daughters 15th birthday and her and her friends are going to be in dresses in fancy stuff, so what restaurant would suit that?
5 AnswersHouston9 years agoWhat are some youtube channels like the Janoskians?
I really like watching funny videos the Janoskians make, are there any youtube channels like that? (For those of you who dont know who they are, they prank people..and make funny embarassing videos.)
2 AnswersYouTube9 years agoWhat to wear for a 'redneck prom'?
I'm going to a summer camp, and it said to bring attire for a redneck prom. Im a girl and I dont know what to bring! Help?
10 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agorock songs about caring to much?
Anything. My friend just cares too much and wants to protect everyone from everything. Any rock songs would do. I like the bands:
Papa roach
Green Day
Marilyn Manson
Three Days Grace
My chemical Romance
Bullet for My Valentine.
Etc. Any suggestions please(: Thanks guys:D
1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years agoGood songs to cover on guitar? Or at all?
4 AnswersSinging9 years agoGood MEANINGFUL rock songs?
Maybe about self harm...Doesnt have to be rock...but no country or hiphop or anything....Like:
Joel Faviere
Green Day
Not For Humans
7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWhat are some good rockish songs to sing for a talent show?
Has to be meaningfull! Maybe about people changing.,depression , self harm, exc
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoGood rockfish songs to sing at a talent show?
It has to be meaningfull maybe about self harm or somthing along those lines?? I have no clue..some songs and bands I listen to are sixx am. My chemical romance, green day, all American rejects..ect.. Please any suggestions are helpful(:
1 AnswerSinging9 years agoWhat gutair should you buy for learning how to play?
I was kinda thinking acoustic, but im no expert. Also, and tips on learning? (:
4 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoGood MEANINGFUL rock songs?
Anything like lovedrug, linkin park, Bullet For My Valentine, Skillet, Not For Humans, Etc...
4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoRock songs about Suicide, Depression, Self Harm, Or betrayal?
I need some please
7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWhat are some good songs about friends making you mad? ROCK SONGS PLEASE?
Anything rock, or like heavy metal.
Songs about self harm (Cutting) And suicide are good too, thanks.(:
7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoHow to start a converstation with your ex you still like?
Me and boyfriend broke up awhile ago, but he says he still likes me, But when we text hes a total coverstation killer. What do I do to start a converstation and get him to like me alot again?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat are some flirty things to say to your boyfriend? PLEASE ANSWER!?
What are some flirty things to say to your boyfriend? 10 POINTS?
Were texting and somtimes the converstations goes a little bland, what are some simple things that I can say to be a little flirty, but not go overboard?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoWhat are some flirty things to say to your boyfriend? 10 POINTS?
Were texting and somtimes the converstations goes a little bland, what are some simple things that I can say to be a little flirty, but not go overboard?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoHow to start a converstation with you boyfriend?
Me and my boyfriend are texting, but the conversation sometimes gets a little boring, I want to be flirtatious, but I don't want to seem pushy, ANY ADVICE?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoHow to get him to like me?
So this guy likes me, and he told my friend, but he said he wouldnt date me because he didnt really know me, I'm kinda shy, so is he so how do we get to know eachother better? Thanks(:
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoDo One A Day Teen Advantage Vitamins For Her Work?
I Just Bought Some Today...Do They Work If A Take Then Whole? Or Should I Crush Them Up?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago