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jeremy h
everything i say is a joke. im not to be taken seriously, so no, dont kill yourself.
what is the best excercise for chest and belly?
I am a 31 year old male, and have grown a rather large belly and chest. I need a decent set of chest and stomach workouts. Anyone out there who can point me in the right direction? I need to get rid of the man boobs and belly lol.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoI want to know about my family History. Where can I go to find accurate information?
My name is Hoover and I want to find out who my family was from hundreds of years back. is there a website I can go to in order to find this out?
3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoSt. John of Patmos wrote the book Revelation, was he on drugs? Seriously?
The Patmos islands are well know for their hallucinogenic mushrooms. Is this the reason for this awesome story of 10 headed dragons and giant locusts with human faces spewing fire? I mean these are great stories, the guy had to be on something, right?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI need help with prayer. And some legos!?
Legos have gotten so expensive, and Wal-Mart is overpriced. One Spongebob Squarepants lego set cost 20 smackeroos. I need help praying for legos. Maybe you can pray that they go down in price, or better yet, pray that they magically appear on my doorstep. That is how it works right?
1 AnswerToys1 decade agoApple Cider Recipies?
Anyone got a recipe for apple cider? I like to cook, but havent ever really made any drinks. I wanna have it for my wife and kids before they get home from church. Prefferably something warm....It's cold here.
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoClint Eastwoods, every which way but loose urangatan?
Did the orangutan go mad and attack someone? I heard that he did and the had to put him down. Is this true?
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoI need a new job. One that helps people but still pays 4k per month.?
I supervise 18 guys in the selling and trading of oil and chemicals. This is a dog-eat-dog business. I stress every day and have decided that i just want to help people. I just need to make 4k per month to survive. and don't know where to look in order to find a more humanitarian job. I honestly think the people in this industry forgot what their mothers taught them. Their priorities are wrong. Everyone needs to make a paycheck, but life shouldn't revolve around the paycheck.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agowife is being selfish HELP!?
My wife says that red meat makes her sick. I think she is being really selfish and it is not fair to me since I get her to cook steak and hamburgers all the time. Now she wants to start eating chicken and fish. I think it is all part of her mind, she doesn't like it so she "claims" that it makes her sick. This is BS!!! I don't know how to tell her that we are not going to eat that crap! Seriously, who gets sick from red meat? It is the greatest thing God ever invented! She needs to understand that I pay for the food, and she cooks it! But I don't want to tell her like that. What do i say to a selfish woman like this?
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoJob in 2009? Would you sacrifice?
A lot of people know the story of Job. He was asked to prove his faith to the Lord and he did. In every way he was asked. In the end he was willing to sacrifice his own son, until an angel came to him and told him, ok you can chill bro, you have proved yourself. My question is, would you do as Job did? Could you do whatever the Lord asked of you? Could you bare the blistering puss filled boils on every part of your body, including the bottoms of your feet? Could you sacrifice your own child just to prove yourself to God? It is 2009, Let's see how many still believe!
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat do you need to make a bar b que pit using as little metal as possible?
I have an idea and have come up with some designs, but need to know what type of material to use. I am going to make a gun (six shooter), and the chamber will be where you smoke your meat. I would like to make it out of stone mostly so i can shape it as it is drying. Any ideas? I know People have made brick pits since the beginning of time, and that is kinda the angle i want to go.
1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoI am fighting bugs, what is the best bug to put up against my freinds?
Something i can find around the house or yard. I live in texas (houston).
2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoFilipino Cane fighting? What is the name?
What is the filipino sport where they beat each other with canes? Pretty brutal stuff. I believe one man has to quit in order for the other to be declared the winner.
3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agotree that bears alcoholic fruit?
I saw a video on live about a tree that bears fruit with alcohol. When there is a shortage of water, the animals go to the tree and get completely wasted!!! Is this a real tree, and what is the name of it? The video is pretty funny!
1 AnswerBotany1 decade agoIs it wrong to lie in order to spare someones feelings?
Is there a place in the bible that says to spare someones feelings? My wife believes that if a "special person" asks if she thinks they are dumb, then she would say yes. I think it is wrong. But she thinks it is being real, and that people appreciate that more. But i think its hurtful. She is religious, and id like to know where i can find scripture on this subject.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMy wife wants to get a gun, for the house. What kind should she get?
She is a small woman, so i don't want a lot of recoil, but on the same token, if someone breaks into the house, i don't want them to leave. I want to get her a Big gun, but not to big. I have never owned a gun before, and i am a texan, so i figure i should start acting like one. Any suggestions?
6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoMy son has allergies, but i want to get a dog. Any suggestions?
I heard that some dogs don't shed such as shi tzus. This might be a good dog to get. Are there any more out there that might fit in with my family? Im looking for a house dog.
15 AnswersDogs1 decade agoGot any ideas for apetizers for a house warming party?
I work with a lot of plant workers, so were a bunch of crude guys, but i still want people to enjoy themselves, food wise! I am going to make stuffed peppers wrapped in bacon and nachos, but I would like to have some new ideas. HELP!
9 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoWhats your favorite song?
Im looking to fill my playlist. Its gotta be a tear jerker. You know, the kinda song you catch yourself singing in the shower or in front of the miirior before work! Example: Georgia on my mind, Unchained Melody.
17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago